Sanji stood in the middle of the jungle on Little Garden as the brown dinosaur that he'd kicked in the neck got back up and charged him.
"You're a rude son of a bitch," Sanji growled as the dinosaur lunged at him. SKISH! Sanji leapt up into the air and dodged the dinosaur's massive snout then came down and drove his foot into the top of the dinosaur's head for a vicious ax-kick, THWHAM!
WHAM! The dinosaur's head was smashed into the ground with such force that it was lodged there. Sanji now had something for his hunting challenge with Zoro.
"We both use three-sword-style," Zoro commented as he eyed the gray triceratops' three massive horns. Each of them were about as big as he was. The triceratops pulled back and got ready to fight while Zoro drew his three swords.
Zoro charged the dinosaur and slashed all three of his swords, SLISH! SLISH! SLOSH! Zoro landed behind the triceratops and put Kitetsu III and Yubashiri away, then slowly slid Wado Ichimonji into its white sheath, Klik! THUD! The triceratops keeled over and fell on its side. It was dead.
Now both Sanji and Zoro had food for their hunting challenge. But the two huge dinosaurs appeared to be about the same size.
The Going Merry was still docked in the waterway of Little Garden, Usopp and Nami, who had been left alone on the ship, could only stare in horror as a giant figure that towered above the already enormous tree-line thundered towards the ship. THOOM! THOOM! THOOM! The figure toppled over the big trees that barely came up to it's waist and created a path as it cut through the island towards the waterway the Going Merry was anchored in.
"AAAAAHHHH!" Usopp and Nami screamed and cried at the same time, but that only seemed to amuse the giant figure.
"GEBABABABABA!" the figure laughed in a deep booming voice.
Nami and Usopp stared in horror as the giant leaned down so he could see them properly. He was fat and his head was small in comparison to his massive body, he had dark skin and a pig-like nose with nostrils as big as his eyes. He had a relatively short dark yellow beard that came out from his entire chin and looked like a half-circle. He wore a large Viking-style battle helmet on his head, a furry red and white tunic, a pair of yellow and black striped pants, big yellow shoes, two thick leather belts which were attacked to a weapon holder, one which went around his waist and the other that went diagonally across his chest, and finally he wore a long blue cape that went down to the back of his knees. He had a large round shield strapped to his left arm and had a massive battle ax in a holster at his waist behind his cape. One of the horns on the giant's helmet was about twice the size of Usopp or Nami. HE WAS GIGANTIC!
"WELL WHAT IS THE ANSWER?" the giant boomed down at them.
"Could you repeat that?" Nami whimpered. "I didn't catch it... Please... sir?"
"I asked if you had any alcohol," the giant repeated. "I drank mine."
"We have a little," Nami answered.
"Oh you do? That's perfect!" the giant replied.
"A-and your welcome to it all!" Nami timidly added.
"GRAAAHHHH!" the giant suddenly roared.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Nami and Usopp screamed.
The giant looked behind him and saw that his ass had just been bitten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex about a third his size.
"Ugghhhooouuuhhh..." Usopp made a weird moaning sounded while Nami stammered in shock, "A d-dinosaur!"
The giant drew his battle axe and spun around to confront the dinosaur that had bitten him, SHLUK! With one powerful swing of his battle axe he decapitated the dinosaur.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Nami and Usopp hugged each other and cried as they watched the dinosaur's headless body hit the ground. THUD!
"I AM BROGGY!" the giant shouted as he held up the dinosaur's head. "ELBAPH'S MIGHTIEST WARRIOR! I AM INVINCIBLE! GEBABABABABABA!"
Broggy showed the dinosaur head to Nami and Usopp, "I've got meat!" he exclaimed. "The two of you are invited to my home as my guests!"
Fwump! Usopp and Nami fell to the deck and stopped moving, leaving Broggy staring down at them in confusion. He reached down and poked Usopp with one of his massive fingers which was about as big as the marksman. "You okay?" Broggy asked.
"Just... pretend you're dead..." Usopp whispered to Nami as he laid on his back and stared up at the sky. "No matter what happens... don't move a muscle..."
"But playing dead only fools bears," Nami said quietly while keeping her eyes closed. "It won't work."
"Huh?" questioned Broggy as he stared down at the two 'dead' pirates.
"WHOA! WHAT AN AMAZING VIEW!" Luffy exclaimed from high up above the trees as he surveyed the island. There were numerous active volcanoes, trees covering the entire surface of the island, and prehistoric birds flying around. "This is a perfect spot for our lunch!"
"WE AREN'T HERE TO HAVE A PICNIC LUFFY!" Vivi yelled up at him from down on Carue. "WE NEED TO KEEP MOVING!"
GWAAA! Luffy was distracted by the cry of a familiar green and purple prehistoric bird. The bird was coming right towards him. WOOOSH! The bird flew passed Luffy and did a barrel-roll before it ascended up into the air and did a big loop-de-loop and came back down to hover next to Luffy. Even more familiar than the bird was the red-haired pirate riding on its back.
"What's up, Captain?" Y/N greeted him with wave.
"Me!" Luffy replied. Y/N took a moment to stare at the grayish-green brachiosaurus that Luffy was standing on the head of. It was a lot bigger than Y/N's bird and was currently occupied eating some leaves off of a tree. "What're you doing on that flying lizard?"
"Same as you," Y/N answered. "Me and Bob here were having a look around."
"ARE YOU TWO INSANE?" Vivi shouted up at them. "LUFFY, YOU'RE ON A DINOSAUR!"
"The one Luffy's on seems to only eat plants," Y/N pointed out as the brachiosaurus extended its long neck and took a bite out of the leaves of a nearby tree. CHOMP! "Bob's more of a threat than that. He tried to eat me earlier, but I taught him some manners... right Bob?"
Gwwaa! Bob the bird squawked in agreement. The lump on his head and finally disappeared. Vivi and Carue just stared up at the Captain and his First Mate in shock.
"Anyway," Y/N continued as he turned back to the Captain. "This island's incredible! It's got active volcanoes all over it. I counted seven."
"WHOOAAA!" Luffy gasped as he stared off in a distance at the smoking volcanoes.
"But the most interesting things I've seen here are these two huge mountains," Y/N told him. "There's two of them on opposite sides of the island. They have these huge caves all over them."
"I SEE THEM!" Luffy exclaimed, the two mountains were hard to miss. "LOOK AT THOSE CAVES!"
"If you go to investigate, be on your best behavior," Y/N instructed him.
"Why?" asked Luffy.
"Cause something interesting lives in each of them," Y/N answered with a sly grin.
Luffy's eyes went wide, "VIVI! WE'VE GOTTA GO SEE THOSE MOUNTAINS!"
Y/N smiled, "I'll leave you to it. Don't let anything eat the Princess, alright?" Luffy nodded enthusiastically in reply. Y/N addressed his bird, "Bob, let's fly!"
GWA! WOOOSH! Bob swooped downwards and brushed the tree-line, then ascended up into the sky so he was high above the island and flew off in a distance.
Luffy watched Y/N fly off on his bird, then remembered the mountains that Y/N had recommended. Shwooop! Luffy stretched down off of the top of the brachiosaurus' head and dangled upside-down so he could stare it in the eye. Incidentally, Luffy was about a third the size of the massive dinosaur's eye.
"Hey!" Luffy called out to the dinosaur. "I wanna go see that mountain, so if it's not too much trouble, would you mind taking me there?" CHOMP! MUNCH! The dinosaur wasn't paying attention and just kept eating. "You haven't listened to a word I've said, have ya? Gimme a ride, would you?" Luffy stretched backwards so he was sitting on the edge of the dinosaur's head and pointed at the cave-filled mountain he wanted to investigate. "It's over there! That way!" SHWOOP! Luffy stretched his arms out and grabbed the brachiosaurus around the neck under the chin and forcibly turned the dinosaur's head.
RAAAAAHHHH! The brachiosaurus let out a cry of pain as it suddenly found itself pried away from its lunch and short of breath. BWWAAA! BWWAAA! BWWAAA! The brachiosaurus let out a series of loud wails, it sounded like a distress call.
SHWOO! The brachiosaurus tilted its head back and Luffy was sent flying off of its head and went sliding down its extremely long neck. WOOOOSH! Luffy reached the bottom of the dinosaur's neck and kept going across its large back, then went flying off of the brachiosaurus... and landed on the snout of AN EVEN BIGGER brachiosaurus.
The second brachiosaurus was completely different than the first one. The first one was all green and seemed to only be interested in eating plants. The second one was bigger and was black with scars all over its body. It looked like a carnivorous dinosaur.
Luffy didn't care though, because when the other brachiosaurus went up to its full height the rubber pirate was given an even better view of the island. "WHOA! I CAN SEE EVEN BETTER FROM UP HERE!" he exclaimed. The cave-filled mountain that Y/N had pointed out was even closer. Vivi and Carue could only stare in shock as the dinosaur snapped its head up and sent Luffy flying up into the air. FWIP! Luffy went up then came down... into the dinosaur's mouth, GULP!
"IT ATE HIM!" Vivi screamed.
"QUACK!" Carue shrieked.
"It got dark all of a sudden," Luffy commented as he sat on the dinosaur's tongue inside its mouth. GULP! The tongue tipped backwards and Luffy was sent tumbling down the dinosaur's throat.
THOOM! Something stomped on the ground near the carnivorous brachiosaurus and lashed out a giant sword. SWISH! The brachiosaurus' entire neck was hacked clean off of its body and Luffy acme flying out the opened end and landed in the opened hand of a and Carue stared in disbelief while Luffy stared up at the giant in awe.
The giant had a long blue beard that went down to his waist and looked incredibly muscular. He wore a battle helmet with a ridge on the top and eye pieces that went around his eyes. He wore a furry white tunic around his abdomen which was bound to him by a series of large leather belts. He wore beige pants and long back boots, as well as a long blue cape that went down to the back of his knees.
Strapped to one arm was a large round shield and gripped in the other hand was a long sword that was about the same length as his gigantic arm. The giant stood over the dead dinosaur and was over twice its size, making him around a thousand times Luffy's size.
"GEGYAGYAGYA!" the giant laughed. "What a lively human! You're the first visitor I've had in a long time!"
"Wow!" Luffy exclaimed as he stared at the giant. "You're huge! Are you human?"
"Human, what a joke! Gegyagyagyagya!" the giant laughed. "I AM DORRY, THE GREATEST WARRIOR OF ELBAPH! GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!"
Vivi dropped down to her knees next to Carue, who had fainted, and stared in awe. "It's a... giant..." she realized. "I've heard that they exist but I've never actually seen one before!"
Luffy remembered what Y/N told him, "If you go to investigate, be on your best behavior... Something interesting lives in each of them."
Remembering his manners, Luffy introduced himself to Dorry, "Well hi, I'm Luffy! And I'm a pirate!"
"GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!" Dorry laughed happily. "A pirate? Well good for you my friend! GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!"
"Carue, wake up!" Vivi urged her duck as she shook his side. "We have to get out of here while we can!"
"By the way, I'd like you to meet Vivi and Carue," said Luffy as he pointed down to the Princess and her duck. "SAY 'HI' TO DORRY!"
"That's great Luffy, you just can't shut up!" Vivi scolded, clearly fearful of the giant. Carue seemed to be even more afraid because he was convulsing on the ground.
Meanwhile, Broggy was kneeling in front of a large fire and was blowing on the flames as they cooked numerous large pieces of dinosaur meat. "Delicious dinosaur!" the giant commented.
"How long do we have to lay here pretending to be dead?" Usopp asked Nami as the two of them laid on the backs inside the cave-filled mountain that served as Broggy's home.
"I don't know," Nami hissed back. "This may work on bears, but it isn't worth a damn on giants!"
Usopp opened his eyes and peered around him, "EEK!" he let out a shriek when he spotted a pile of skulls in one side of the cave.
"Huh?" said Broggy as he turned peered into his home after hearing Usopp's startled cry. The boy and the girl weren't moving, so he turned back to the meat he was cooking, "Must've imagined it."
"We're supposed to be dead, moron!" Nami quietly scolded him.
"I'm sorry, I could help it," Usopp apologized. "There are tons of skulls everywhere!"
"The next ones he takes will be ours," Nami whimpered.
"This is the end, he's gonna pick our bones clean!" Usopp whispered.
"Enough," Nami decided as she pushed herself up off of the ground. "I'll be damned if I'm just gonna sit around here and wait to die!" Nami looked over at their 'jailor' who was singing to himself while cooking the dinosaur he'd killed.
"Yum-my, yum-my, yum-my, di-no-saur meat!" Broggy sang, "Yum-my in my tum-my tastes so sweet! Grill it on the fire take a big bite! Eat all I can and sleep good to-night! Yum-my, yum-my, yum-my, di-no-saur meat..."
As the giant went on to sing the verse again, Nami and Usopp tip-toed out of the cave and around the side of the mountain. Once they were out of the giant's line of sight they took off running into the jungle screaming at the top of their lungs. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH-HAAA-HAAAA-HAAAAA!" They ran as fast as their legs could carry them until they eventually skidded to a stop in a clearing and panted.
"We made it!" Nami gasped, "Amazing!"
"Yeah... at least we got... far way... from that giant stomach..." Usopp wheezed. Drip! Usopp felt a drop of water on the back of his neck, he looked up and quickly realized that it was DROOL coming from a HUGE SABER-TOOTH TIGER! "AAAAAAAHHHH!" Usopp shrieked in terror.
"But... we ran from the belly of a hungry giant... right into the belly of a hungry tiger..." Nami stammered as she stared at the saber-tooth tiger in terror.
RAAAWWWRR! The saber-tooth tiger let out a roar and Nami and Usopp took off and were once again running through the jungle screaming at the top of their lungs with the vicious cat that was twice the size of either of them in hot pursuit.
"AAAAAHHHH-HAAA-HAAA! HHEEELLLP!" Usopp screamed as he leapt over the leaning trunk of a tree while Nami ran under it. The saber-tooth tiger leapt over the tree and closed in on the two.
Nami, Usopp, AND THE TIGER suddenly found themselves running away in the opposite direction while being chased by A TYRANNOSAURUS! The dinosaur was greenish-blue and made the tiger look tiny.
"AAAAAAHHH! DINOSAUR!" Nami cried as the two of them chased after the much faster tiger to escape the dinosaur that seemed intent on eating all three of them. "PLEASE I DON'T WANNA DIE! I CAN'T DIE WITHOUT MY BERRIES! PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP US!"
They ran through a clearing and a shadow fell from over head, Nami, Usopp, and the tiger ran right under it while a voice called out. "Bludgeon... STOMP!" Hearing the familiar voice, Nami and Usopp skidded to a stop and turned around in time to see Y/N fall out of the sky and drive his steel boots into the tyrannosaurus' head. WHOMP! The dinosaur smashed face-first into the ground and was knocked out, KER-RASH!
Skish! Y/N leapt off of the dinosaur's head and landed in front of Usopp and Nami and gave the saber-tooth tiger a one-eyed glare that sent it running off into the jungle.
YYYYYY/NNNNNNNN" Nami let out a squeal of relief as she launched herself at the one-eyed pirate. Y/N staggered backwards as Nami grabbed him in a hug that saw both her arms and her legs wrapped tightly around him. Usopp joined Nami a second later and clung to Y/N's back. The two of them bawled their eyes out while Y/N looked mildly irritated.
"EVERYTHING HERE WANTS TO EAT US!" Usopp whimpered, "The giant, the tiger, and that dinosaur! We only had a choice of whose stomach we ended up in!"
"Please, don't let it eat us!" Nami pleaded. "I'm too young and pretty to get eaten!"
"So you want me to save you from a man-eating giant," Y/N summarized. Nami and Usopp meekly nodded. "I'll do it... for 100,000 berries each."
"I seem to recall someone screaming 'I can't die without my berries'," Y/N countered. "Now you sound like a hypocrite."
"I'm not paying you to save my life!" Nami snapped.
"Well you two are being really clingy," Y/N explained, "I find that highly annoying. So I'm gonna charge you 100,000 berries to deal with the giant problem."
Usopp let go of Y/N's back and rummaged through the pockets of his overalls before he forked over the money, which Y/N slipped into his bottom left pocket.
"NEVER!" Nami yelled, she let go of Y/N and backed away from him. "YOU WON'T GET BERRI FROM ME!"
"You sure?" Y/N asked as he pointed at something behind her.
Gulp! Nami slowly turned around. THOOOM! THOOOM! THE GIANT WAS COMING THEIR WAY! "FINE! FINE! I'LL PAY!" Nami conceded. She reached into the waistband of her skirt and shakily handed Y/N a 100,000 berri bill. Y/N flashed a sly grin as he pocketed it. "NOW SAVE ME!"
"Sure," Y/N agreed as he stepped passed Nami to face the oncoming giant. Nami and Usopp ducked behind him and held him like a meat-shield.
"AH! Flying Cyclops!" Broggy greeted Y/N. "Hello again! Are you friends with those two? I invited them to dinner at my home but they ran off before the meat was fully cooked. It's done now, would you like to join us?"
"I'd be honored to join you, Mr. Giant," Y/N answered. "And I'm sure my two Nakama have worked up their appetites with all the exercise they just got." Nami and Usopp could only give a weak nod.
"GEBABABABABA!" Broggy laughed. "OH! Was that why they took off running? Very well, I'll see you at my home! Don't take too long or the meat will get cold!" Broggy stood up and stomped off for his cave.
Y/N calmly turned to face Usopp and Nami. "He went out of his way to prepare food. He'd think we're being rude if we refused after he went through all that trouble. Do you want to make him angry and skip out?" Nami and Usopp frantically shook their heads. Y/N smiled and raised two fingers to his lips and whistled, TwweeeeEEEEE!
GWWAAAA! Nami and Usopp both stared in surprise as the bird that had carried Y/N off earlier came flying down into the clearing and landed next to them. "All aboard," Y/N said as he hopped onto Bob's back and held his hand down to Nami and Usopp. They looked reluctant. "Look, you can either trust me, or stay here." Y/N motioned to the side with his head, THE TYRANNOSAURUS WAS STARTING TO STIR!
Usopp quickly jumped onto Bob's back while Nami jumped up and grabbed Y/N's outstretched hand. Y/N lifted her up onto the bird's back. He sat down and grabbed some feathers coming out of the big bird's neck. "Hang on," he instructed. WHAP! A split second later, Nami and Usopp were both clinging to him. "Not to me!" They didn't let go, they seemed terrified at the prospect of flying on a giant man-eating bird to an even more gigantic man-eating giant's cave. "Ugghh... Bob, get us to the giant's house."
GWWAA! Bob squawked as he took off and flew up above the trees towards the cave-filled mountain that served as Broggy's home.
"You named the giant prehistoric bird Bob?" questioned Nami.
"If you don't like it, feel free to get off," Y/N offered, "I can land this thing anywhere."
"Now that I think about it, Bob's a great name for a giant prehistoric bird," Nami corrected herself with a forced smile.
"Is this why he called you 'Flying Cyclops'?" Usopp asked.
Y/N nodded, "I trained Bob to do tricks. I met the giant before and did some mid-air flips and stuff, he laughed and let me go. Now let's go to lunch."
"Yeah... where we're gonna be the main course," Nami whimpered. Y/N shook his head and grinned.
Dorry and Broggy:
Y/N, Usopp, and Nami were seated on a log at the home of the big fat giant known as Broggy. The giant in question placed a slab of meat that was bigger than the three of them put together in front of them.
"Gebababababa!" Broggy laughed. "Go on! Eat hardy my friends! It tastes delicious!" CHOMP! Broggy bit into a chunk of meat that was the same size as their as tore a hunk off with his teeth. To the huge giant, this was simply finger food. To the three pirates, this was a mountain of meat that was bigger than they were.
"We'd be rude to decline such a generous offer," Y/N agreed, he proceeded to use his sword to cut chunks of meat for Nami, Usopp, and himself. Then he cut himself with his sword and put it away.
"I don't wanna eat," Usopp whimpered, still terrified at the prospect of being eaten by a giant. "He's trying to fatten us up so he can eat us."
"We're so young, we're probably at the peak of flavor," Nami added, sharing Usopp's fear. "Y/N. can't you do something?"
"What do you want me to do?" Y/N inquired as he ate some of the meat he'd gotten himself. "Attack a giant head-on? That's not the way I do things. And besides, he's not going to eat you. We'd hardly be filling even if he did fatten us up first."
"He's not?" Nami and Usopp said at the same time.
"Of course not," Y/N replied before he turned to Broggy. "You hear that Mr. Giant, they think you're going to eat them!"
"GEBABABABABA!" Broggy laughed. "You three are so tiny, dinosaur meat is sweet and much more filling! I haven't had guests in such a long time. I wouldn't want to eat my visitors."
"Then... then what about those skulls!" Usopp exclaimed as he pointed to the pile of skulls he'd spotted in Broggy's cave.
"Those bones came from other humans," Broggy explained. "This island is a dangerous place for tiny humans like you. I only killed the one's that attacked me."
"So... you're not gonna eat us?" Nami clarified.
"OF COURSE NOT!" Broggy exclaimed. "GEBABABABABABA!"
Nami turned to Y/N and glared at him, "Then I want my money back!" Nami growled at him. "I paid you to save me, not to take me to lunch!"
"You paid me to save you from the giant," Y/N agreed, "It's not my fault you didn't know he wasn't interesting in eating you." Y/N flashed her a sly grin and Nami's eyes went wide, HE'D SWINDLED HER! Y/N – 2, Nami – 1
"YOU JERK!" Nami lunged at him and tackled him to the ground, then started strangling him.
"Nami... you made me... drop my meat!" Y/N wheezed.
"GEBABABABABA! What a lively bunch of humans!" Broggy laughed as he watched the smaller girl strangle the larger one-eyed boy.
Without the threat of being eaten looming over his head, Usopp began eating some of the dinosaur meat he'd been offered. He'd worked up an appetite running through the jungle and the dinosaur meat was surprisingly sweet and very filling.
Nami eventually grew tired of strangling Y/N and sat on top of him as she turned to Broggy, "Can I ask you a question, Mr. Broggy?" she asked.
"What's on your mind, girl?" questioned Broggy.
"Um... how long will it take to reset the Log on this island?" Nami inquired.
"ONE WHOLE YEAR!" Broggy answered with a grin.
KOFF! Usopp choked on his meat and fell off of the log. Nami fell forward and ended up lying on top of Y/N. "You can't strangle me one minute, then use me as a pillow the next," Y/N complained before he slid out from under her. "We'll have to figure out another way off the island. We'll meet up with the others later, for now we should enjoy some of this dinosaur meat while we have a chance."
Y/N stood up and cut himself another chunk of meat, cut his arm, then calmly sat down next to Usopp and began to eat. "You know who'd love this," Y/N idly commented. "Luffy."
Speaking of Luffy, he, Vivi, and Carue were currently having a feast of their own at the home of Dorry the Giant.
Dorry and Luffy's laughter could be heard from far away, "GEGYAGYAGYA!" "SHISHISHISHI!"
"This sure is good, Mr. Giant." Luffy commented as he sat on a huge leg of dinosaur meat. He had managed to make a dent in it that was almost as large as he was, but there was still a lot more to go.
Vivi and Carue were sitting off to the side eating the lunch Sanji had prepared for them.
"Why thank you for the compliment!" Dorry replied as he held the pirate lunch that Sanji had prepared for Luffy in between his fingers. "Your pirate goodies are excellent too my little friend. Although, the portions are a little small! Gegyagyagya!"
"Yeah, I know what you mean," Luffy agreed as he took a big bite from the slab of meat. "But the cook on my ship made it especially for this trip, so I'm glad you liked it. Otherwise I'd have to beat you up."
"GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!" Dorry laughed. "Was that a threat, shorty?" Dorry gave Luffy a good-natured glare. "I like you, little pirate! You're funny!"
"They're becoming fast friends," Vivi commented quietly to Carue as they watched the pirate and the giant interact.
"By the may, mister," said Luffy, "Why do you choose to live out here all by yourself? Don't you have a village to call home?"
"I came from a village," Dorry answered. "A village of warriors called Elbaph. It once was home, but I no longer call it that."
"Why?" Luffy asked.
"There are certain rules in Elbaph which must be obeyed," Dorry explained. "If a fight breaks out and neither side yields, judgment is handed down by Elbaph's God. Whoever he deems to be righteous will be declared the winner and be granted survival as well as divine protection."
"So Elbaph's God decides," Luffy commented. "That doesn't seem fair."
"Fair or not, all that matters is that this island is our battle ground," Dorry told him. "As in our homeland, our God will decide who is righteous and worthy of winning both the duel and his life. Gegyagyagyagya! We've been fighting for a century! But Elbaph has yet to choose a champion! GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!"
"You guys have been fighting for more than a hundred years!" Luffy exclaimed.
"From a human's point of view, one hundred years may seem like a long time," Dorry replied. "But it isn't considering a giant's average lifespan is three-times yours. Gegyagyagyagya!"
"Even with all the time in the world, I'd think your desire would wane after a hundred years of the same battle," Vivi reasoned, finally joining the conversation. "At this point is there any real animosity left between you? Or are you just fighting to fight?"
Elsewhere on Little Garden, Sanji was dragging the dinosaur that had attacked him back to the Going Merry. "Well, there's little risk of being outdone by moss ball will this one," Sanji said to himself. "I almost feel sorry for him. With this slab of meat he doesn't stand a chance."
At the same time, Zoro was dragging the triceratops that he'd killed along behind him. "I beat him," Zoro said out loud. "With this haul that pervy-cook doesn't have a hope of winning."
The paths the two pirates were taking intersected and Zoro and Sanji suddenly found themselves facing each other.
"Hey Zoro," Sanji greeted him.
"Hey Sanji," Zoro returned.
The two of them eyed each other's kill. "I am the winner!" They both said at the same time. They glared at each other and then shouted, "YOU'VE LOST, DAMN IT!"
Sanji and Zoro laid the two dinosaurs next to each other so they could decide who had won the hunting challenge.
"As you can see, my catch is bigger," Sanji pointed out, the tail of his dinosaur went out further than Zoro's.
"Moron, this competition's about weight!" Zoro protested. "How much meat we can bring in... not the length of the beast! Mine is obviously way beefier than yours!"
"Hah! Who cares how husky your dinosaur is," Sanji argued. "All that matters is the amount that can be cooked. That thing's all bones, you're carrying about four pounds of meat."
"That thing you're lugging around is nothing but muscle and skin!" Zoro insisted.
"Ughh, this is pathetic," Sanji groaned. "I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with you. Tell you what, I'll go capture another beast just to shut you up!"
"Well if you're gonna go after a different one, then so will I!" Zoro told him. "I won't let you cheat me out of my win because of a dumb technicality."
THOOOM! THOOOM! In the middle of the island a large volcano erupted. It was seen by everyone on the island.
"Okay, the next eruption from that volcano will signify the end of the competition," Sanji decided. "You have until then to secure your prey and return to the Going Merry."
"I can handle that, you're on," Zoro agreed.
THOOM! THOOM! "Whoa!" Luffy exclaimed as he watched the same volcano erupt from back at Dorry's home. "That's some explosion!"
"Well then, it's time to get going," Dorry announced as he stood up. He had a determined look in his eyes that made Luffy gasp.
THOOM! THOOM! "What was that?" Nami wondered as she, Usopp, and Y/N sat on the log across from Broggy eating chunks of dinosaur meat.
"An eruption," Usopp realized.
Broggy threw his meat in the fire and stood up. Y/N, Nami, and Usopp stared at him in mild surprise. "Please forgive me," Broggy apologized. "But there is something I must attend to."
"You're leaving?" Nami asked.
"No choice," Broggy stated. "That's the signal my opponent and I use to mark the beginning of our fight."
"With who? Where?" questioned Usopp. "And more importantly, why?"
"Why?" Broggy repeated. "I don't remember. GEBABABABABABA!"
"Good luck then," Y/N called out, not even bothering to get up.
"I don't need luck!" Broggy told him. "If I am worthy of victory and survival, then the God of Elbaph will make it so."
Y/N frowned as Broggy drew his battle ax and headed off to battle,
"And before we realized, it became our routine," Dorry continued to explain to Luffy and Vivi. "That volcano is our marker. Whenever it erupts, we begin."
"It's senseless!" Vivi protested. "How could you have so much hatred for someone that you'd fight them for a century? What could have happened to make you this mad?"
"Vivi that's enough," Luffy said as he held his hand backwards in front of her mouth. "That's not what this is about, okay?"
Dorry stared off in a distance and smiled as he saw Broggy trudging towards him, already wielding his axe. "You're right," Dorry agreed. "This is a matter of honor."
"GRAAAAHHH!" Broggy growled as he charged to meet Dorry in combat.
"I HAVE FORGOTTEN!" Dorry shouted as he surged forward to meet his opponent. The two giants collided in the middle of the island. WHAM! "THE REASON FOR OUR BRAWL!" Both giants blocked the initial attack from their opponent with their large shields. SHOOOM! A shockwave flew out as a result of the two giants clashing.
The shockwave went out all around the island and then went passed it and floated off into the ocean.
Luffy stood in front of Dorry's cave and stared at the two giants in shock and awe. FWUMP! Luffy fell backwards and landed on his back. His hat landed on the ground nearby.
"What's the matter?" Vivi asked as she stared down at the pirate.
"It's too much," Luffy gasped, "It's too big!" The Rubber Pirate had been overwhelmed by the size of this battle. Not just because of the two gigantic combatants, but because of the century's worth of honor that was on the line on the part of both giants.
TMP! TMP! TMP! A dinosaur stomped through the jungle and suddenly spotted something odd. It was a white cube... with a door on it.
The dinosaur walked up to the cube and eyed it, it was hungry, so it decided to try and eat it. The dinosaur opened its huge crocodile-like mouth which was filled with sharp pointy teeth and bit down on the white cube, CHOMP! The white cube didn't give at all, it was like biting steel, the dinosaur's teeth shattered and fell out of its mouth.
"Get out of the way, Lizard," came a familiar deep and masculine voice. The dinosaur took its toothless mouth off of the white cube and turned to see a man and a woman standing behind it.
Mr. 5 stood there wearing a bandage on the side of his face where Zoro had hit him back at Whisky Peak. Ms. Valentine was beside him wearing a short blue coat over her yellow dress and was once again wearing the yellow hat that made her head look like a lemon. Mr. 5 went to attack, but Ms. Valentine interrupted Mr. 5, "Wait, I can handle this."
GRRAAWWRR! The toothless dinosaur roared as it charged at the Baroque Works Officer Agents, but they didn't seem the least bit intimidated by the dinosaur that was many times their size.
Skish! "Kyahahaha!" Ms. Valentine cackled as she lightened her weight and launched herself up into the air above the dinosaur's head. "TAKE THIS! 10,000 KILO PRESS!" Ms. Valentine changed her weight to 10,000 kilograms and came crashing down on the dinosaur's head, SPLAT! A large dust cloud went up above the tree-line, but when it cleared, Ms. Valentine got off of the unmoving dinosaur and followed Mr. 5 to the white cube. They opened the door that was carved into the side and went inside.
"Oh, hello Mr. 5," Mr. 3 greeted them as he sat at a table with a pot of tea and a few cups out. Ms. Goldenweek was taking a nap in the corner. He casually sipped from the cup of tea in his hand and read a magazine.
"Hmph," Mr. 5 grunted, "I'm impressed by the décor. You have a talent for turning the most savage environment into a home. I admire you. Which is why I feel compelled to remind both of you that this mission belongs to me and Ms. Valentine."
"Rest assured, we won't slip up like we did last time," Ms. Valentine assured him.
"Slip up?" Mr. 3 repeated. "That's not why I'm here. Mr. 5, Ms. Valentine, the simple fact of the matter is: you're both weak." Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine both glared at the higher ranking officer agent. "Don't waste your energy pouting, it is what it is. Take a look at this."
Whip! Mr. 3 pulled out a wanted poster and showed it to Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine, the wrinkled and dust-covered picture was divided in half and showed two somewhat faces. A clean-shaven Dorry, and a much younger Broggy with a braided beard. "I'd like to thank you both for giving me an excuse to come to this island. I'll enjoy the opportunity to hunt some truly big game. Hoohoohahaha!"
Mr. 5 took the wanted poster from Mr. 3 and read it, "Dorry the Blue Ogre and Broggy the Red Ogre of the Giant Warrior Pirates," Mr. 5 recited while Ms. Valentine looked over his shoulder.
"Everyone's heard of them," said Ms. Valentine. "They're an ancient legend. This poster's over a hundred years old."
"Well those two legends are alive and well on this island," Mr. 3 informed them. "They've been battling over a century now. Back when that poster was new the bounty on both of their heads was 100,000,000 berries a piece, two hundred million for the both of them."
"Two hundred million berries is an impressive sum," Mr. 5 commented. "But that doesn't change that fact that they're giants."
Mr. 3 smiled as he replied, "There's a wise saying: 'Superior criminals are those who execute their crimes using superior intellect.' All you have to do is follow my precise instructions. With a smidgeon of forethought and perseverance we can find the solution to even the most gargantuan of obstacles."
The Straw Hats and their new giant friends were in trouble, now they had four officer agents gunning for them, Mr. 5, Ms. Valentine, Ms. Goldenweek, and the cunning and devious Mr. 3.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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