


"Luffy was right, change of plans," Vivi resolved, "We're going to go and find Crocodile."

Vivi pulled out a map and unrolled it, the Straw Hats and the three Whitebeards gathered around her to see where they were going. "This is the Capital City Alubarna where my father rules..." Vivi pointed out as she pointed to a dot labeled 'Alubarna' that was in the middle of the desert to the east of the Sandora River. "And the Rebel Army is camped here in Katorea, getting ready to invade Alubarana..." Vivi pointed to another dot labeled 'Katorea' that was south of Alubarna and was right next to a dot labeled 'Nanohana' on the southern shore."

"So we just need to get to Crocodile before the rebels can get to Alubarna," Sanji resolved.

"This is where Crocodile is..." Vivi told them as she pointed to a dot on the west side of the Sandora River labeled 'Rain Base', it was north of a dot labeled 'Yuba Oasis' and that was a great deal north west of a dot labeled 'Erumalu' which was along the eastern shore of the west half of Sandy Island. "Over here... Rain Base."

"It's a city a bit to the north of us," Vivi explained, "About a day's journey from here."

"Wow, a lot quicker when we decide to skip the filler," Y/N remarked.

Whap! Ace slapped him on the back of the head, "As much as I agree with you," Ace stated, "I'm not going to allow you to keep breaking the fourth wall."

"What are they talking about?" Chopper asked Han.

"It's best to just ignore it," the Monster Hunter advised, "Unless you want your view of the world completely shattered don't pay it any attention."

And so, the Straw Hats and the Whitebeards altered their course and headed north towards Rain Base and Crocodile.

"Uugggghhhh..." Luffy and Usopp groaned a few hours later as they hobbled after Eyelash while walking like a pair of zombies.

"Oi, stop with the zombie walk," Y/N ordered as he glanced uneasily over his shoulder at the two younger pirates, "You're freaking me out."

"Did I, or did I not, tell you two to quit it with the pathetic groaning?" Nami demanded as she looked over her shoulder from where she was riding behind Vivi on Eyelash.

"But it's too hot..." Luffy complained.

"You get to ride the camel..." Usopp added.

"You could at least let us ride Eyelash for a little bit..." Luffy groaned.

"You're a big fat camel hog!" Usopp snapped.

"Nami-hog!" Luffy exclaimed. THWAK-WAK! A moment later they were both on the ground sporting lumps on their head.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT MISS. NAMI!" Sanji yelled down at the pirates he'd just kicked.

"Hey Chopper," Zoro called out to the reindeer who was walking next to him in his Walk Point form, "You've managed to make it all day without collapsing."

"I'm trying hard not to," Chopper told him. The heat was still borderline unbearable for the thick-furred reindeer but he was pulling through it.

"Rain Base isn't as far away as Yuba was," Han reassured the reindeer as he walked on his other side, "So look at it this way, if we keep up this pace we'll be there in a few hours and will finally be able to get out of the hot desert."

"Ahh," Chopper sighed as he looked ahead at Vivi who was guiding Eyelash and leading the group, "Vivi... does this Rain Base place have a water supply?"

"Oh yeah," Vivi answered, "No shortage there. It's a gambling town, almost completely isolated from all the fighting."

"Gambling?" Y/N and Nami repeated at the same time, the latter had beri signs in her eyes.

"No way!" Zoro protested with a slightly fearful look on his face, "We're not going there so you two can gamble!"

"I guess people need someplace to relax, even here in Alabasta," Sanji reasoned.

"GUUUM... GUUUM... NO WAY!" SHOOM! Luffy's rubber arms shot out to the side with his small barrel of Yuba water clutched in his hands. "NO! NO! NO!" Luffy's arms swung and stretched around him as Usopp did a frantic dance and attempted to grab the barrel from him. "GUUUUM... GUUUUMMM... KEEP AWAY!"

"COME ON! GIMME SOME!" Usopp complained as he tried and failed to grab the barrel from Luffy's flailing arms. "Come on Luffy! Just gimme one sip! Isn't that why he gave it to us?"

"The old guy from the sandstorm place gave it to me!" Luffy told him, "He had to dig all night just to get this much of it! We can't just go drinking it like its regular water! SO NO WAY!"

Whip! "It doesn't seem like all that much anyway," Y/N remarked as he stared up at the small barrel he'd snatched from Luffy while he was still trying to keep it away from Usopp.

"GAH!" Luffy shrieked, "Y/N GIMME THAT BACK!"

"What's the magic word?" Y/N taunted him, making no move to actually drink from the barrel.

Luffy glared at Y/N then turned to his oldest brother who was walking casually at the back of the group, "ACE! Did you hear? Nami swindled Y/N!"

"WHAT?" all three Whitebeard Pirates stopped in their tracks and stared at Luffy, then Y/N who had raised his sunglasses so he could glare at his younger brother, then Nami who was still sitting on Eyelash behind Vivi.

"You..." Ace said as he pointed to Nami, "swindled him?" Ace finished pointing at Y/N.

"Yeah, twice," Nami confirmed as she slid off of Eyelash and stared at the three Whitebeards in concern. "What's the big deal?"

"This is the guy whose swindled Whitebeard!" Ollie motioned to Y/N while still staring at Nami in open shock.

Ace was instantly standing in front of her and before Nami could react he grabbed her... AND HUGGED HER! WHAP! "Welcome to the family!" Ace exclaimed.

"Yeah Nami, congratulations!" Luffy chirped from her other side.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Nami demanded, completely flustered by the odd reaction.

She didn't receive an answer, instead Ace and Luffy were now walking beside Y/N, Luffy took the opportunity to snatch his water back.

"So... when's the big day?" Ace inquired with a smirk.

"Shut up," Y/N growled, Nami noticed that he was actually blushing.

"Oh come on," Ace teased him, "I remember it quite clearly, I said 'Y/N, you should take it easy, how would you like it if one of those girls swindled you?'. And then you said 'Yeah right, if a girl swindles me, I'LL MARRY HER!'"

As one, everyone but the three brothers turned and stared at Nami who was now sporting a blush that matched Y/N's.

"I WAS THIRTEEN!" Y/N protested. "You can't honestly be taking that seriously!"

"But you said you would!" Luffy insisted, "And Nami's swindled you twice!"

"I'm not marrying anyone!" Y/N refused.

"Well that's just poor sportsmanship," Ace commented.

BOOM! BOOM! SWISH! A split-second later, Ace and Luffy were left staring down at Y/N's abandoned weights with both of their respective hats missing.

"Y/N YOU BASTARD!" the shouted in perfect sync as they whirled around and spotted Y/N walking behind Chopper with Luffy's straw hat and Ace's orange hat stacked on top of his black cowboy hat. Luffy and Ace ran at Y/N, but Y/N darted forward, stopping for an instant to snatch Chopper pink top hat off of his head, then slipped between his brothers and kicked up a cloud of dust in his wake as sprinted off ahead of the group.

"Y/N! GIMME BACK MY HAT!" Ace, Luffy, and Chopper all shouted as they ran after Y/N.

FWOOOSH! Ace's feet ignited in flames and he rocketed after Y/N.

KLOMP! KLOMP! KLOMP! Chopper's four legs pumped rapidly as he ran at the fastest speed his Walk Point form would allow.

WHUP! Luffy grabbed onto Chopper's antlers and let the reindeer run ahead of him, then launched himself forward, WOING! "GUUUUMM... GUUUMMM... ROOOCKEET!"

Y/N looked over his shoulder and saw his three Devil Fruit powered brothers quickly gaining on him, SSKIISSHH! He skidded to a stop, the whirled around and ran back the way he'd came.

FWWOOSSHH! Ace saw Y/N sprint passed him and shot flames out of his hands to stop himself in midair, he looked over his shoulder and saw Luffy still flying towards him, "LUFFY! WAIT, NO!" WHAM! Unable to stop himself, Luffy slammed into his oldest brother. Chopper tried to stop but tripped on the sand Y/N kicked up in his wake as ran passed him, WHUMP! KER-WHAM! Chopper slid forward and collided with Ace and Luffy and sent all three of them crashing to the ground and tumbling off through the sand.

"That's what you get for messing with me," Y/N taunted as he casually walked away from his three brothers, the top of his head looked like a colorful totem pole with his black cowboy hat on the bottom, Luffy's yellowy straw hat on top of it, Ace's orange hat above that, and Chopper's pink top hat on the very top. Y/N glanced up at the sky and grinned, "See that Sabo, score one for the guy without Devil Fruit Powers."

"So... about this wedding..." Nami said as she grabbed Y/N's shoulders and pulled herself up onto his back, her blush was gone and she was now sporting an amused smile. "I definitely want my sister and Genzo to be there. And I want to have my choice of wedding dress, I want something fancy but not too extravagant. And..."

"ENOUGH!" Y/N interrupted, "I'm not marrying you! It was just a stupid thing I said when I was thirteen and had my first mug of grog! I'm not taking it seriously and you shouldn't either!"

"Well... that's no way to talk to your fiancée," Nami complained, still sporting her amused smile, then continued as if she hadn't spoken. "Now, I know tradition dictates that the bride's family pays for it... but you can't honestly expect Nojiko to afford an entire wedding, right? I'm sure you'll be able to afford it no problem."


"She's taking this surprisingly well," Zoro commented.

"She's just teasing him..." Usopp told him, "...I think..."

"Every girl dreams about her wedding at some point," Sanji stated, "I looks like it's the same case with Nami. I just wish it wasn't with that guy because I'm going to be practicing objecting."

"You guys have seen him get swindled twice, you don't understand how huge this is," Han said, "No one's swindled that kid. He's made Whitebeard's Division Commander's look like chumps. But there's a girl in this world who has not only swindled him... but done it twice... I can't believe it."

"So much for her not deserving him..." Ollie muttered, "Any girl who's managed to pull one over on Y/N has a right to stake some kind of claim in him. Maybe I was wrong about her..."


In Katorea, yet another camel-pulled carriage loaded with weapons entered the main gate into the rebel base. Koza had finally left his tent and was sitting outside among some of his most faithful.

"Please Koza!" pleaded Kappa, a ten year old boy with an upturned nose and a backpack that was stuffed with a hammer, club, and a bat. "Just let me join you and the rebels!"

"I will not," Koza outright refused.

"WHY NOT?" Kappa demanded hotly, "Don't I have every right to be a part of the rebellion too? I hate the King and the royal army! Let me fight with you so I can prove it!"

"Show him Falafra," Koza instructed a large man standing behind him. The man stepped forward and slid his cloak down his arm to reveal the stub that was left of his hand wrapped in bandages and that he no longer had a shoulder, just a chunk of missing bone.

"He got that wound trying to protect me in the middle of a battle," Koza informed the boy as he motioned to Falafra's missing shoulder. "Would you like to see the medical tents and the grave sites too? It isn't pretty."

Kappa shook off his shock at seeing the wounded rebel, "I'm not scared!" he insisted. "YOU CAN'T SCARE ME! The cities have dried up and a lot of people have died 'cause the King stole all the rain from everyone! My friends got sick cause there wasn't enough water! IT'S ALL THE KING'S FAULT! I ONLY WANT THE CHANCE, JUST LET ME FIGHT! I'm not scared, of getting injured or even dying!"

"And that's why you're different from us," Koza replied, "And why I can't let you join our ranks. We're all afraid and none of us wanna fight."


"We don't do it because we want to," Koza told him, "We do it because we have to. Because that's what our country needs us to do. Whether you understand that or not makes little difference, so just leave." Kappa stood in place and looked on the verge of tears, Koza stood up and glared at the boy, "Damn it, BATTLE IS NO PLACE FOR A CHILD! YOU HEAR ME?"

Koza turned and headed followed by his officers.

"What's wrong?" one of the rebels accompanying Koza inquired. "It's not like you to yell at a kid like that."

"It was like looking at myself when I was his age," Koza confessed. "It made me angry." He briefly remembered fighting a full grown man as a child to protect the Princess. "And the worst part is, I haven't changed a bit since then." Koza spun around and looked down at a map that was splaying out on a table. "Have we gathered all the weapons we require?"

"No," one of the rebels answered, "It's proving quite difficult."

"We need to begin contacting all the other cities," Koza decided. "As soon as we have all the weapons we will begin our final all-out attack on Alubarna."


Up north, in the capital city of Alubarna, King Cobra was going through his own problems with the upcoming war.

"Sire, it's only a matter of time now before the rebel army attacks Alubarna," Chaka the Jackal the acting Captain of the Royal Guard reported to the King. He looked the same as before with dark skin, medium length black hair, and a wide nose that made him look like a wild dog. He wore a pale green tunic tied closed with two sashes a thick pale red and crimson vertically striped one and a thin purple one. Over his outfit he wore a green coat over his shoulders like a cape. A long sword was sheathed at his right hip.

Beside him stood Pell the Falcon, the lightly shorter of the two with lighter hair. His eyes were highlighted by the purple face paint that was around them and made them look as if they were shaped like a falcons, the face paint continued down his face to his chin in two thin purple lines. He wore a long white robe with brown four-point stars decorating it. He wore a matching white hat which consisted of a bandana decorated with the same four-point stars on his robes and an additional length of cloth that fell down from the bandana and covered his neck. Like Chaka, he had a long sword sheathed at his right hip.

"We must take action against the rebels quickly before it's too late," Chaka continued.

"I SAID NO!" King Cobra snapped as he sat on his throne. "We will not attack them! This is not some little quarrel, if we strike first, they will strike back."

"Sire, we are barely clinging to power now as it is," Chaka pointed out.

"That does not matter," the King replied. "I don't care about my rule at the moment. Ever since the Dance Powder incident, it's been clear that someone's trying to tear apart our country. Are you suggesting that we attack our citizens before we determine who's behind all this? Because that would be the true destruction of our kingdom! A country is its people!"

"But sir, whoever's behind this hasn't showed himself so far," Chaka protested. "We can't sit back and wait for this unknown force to show itself, we must act! Can't you see?"

"Please understand, I can't," the King refused. He wouldn't make the first move, he wouldn't attack his people.

Chaka and Pell left the royal chamber and discussed the King's decision, "The King will not allow us to take the offensive now," Chaka stated.

"We can barely even keep our own soldiers happy at this point," Pell pointed out. "I would fell much better if we had Igaram with us at a time like this. Even as we speak, he and Princess Vivi are still out there somewhere trying hard to figure out who is behind this. I hope they can."

"CHAKA! PELL! COME QUICKLY!" a guard called out as he came running towards the two.

"What is it?" Chaka asked.

"IT'S CARUE!" the guard exclaimed, "HE'S RETURNED TO THE PALACE!"

"Carue's back?" Chaka and Pell questioned at the same time.

A moment later they burst into the royal chambers and found, King Cobra sitting on his bed reading the letter Vivi had sent with Carue, the duck in question was in the corner slurping down barrels of water after his long journey through the desert to the capital.

"We heard you majesty," Chaka announced, "Who sent that letter? What does it say?"

"There's no mistaking it," Cobra said, "It's my Vivi's handwriting."

Cobra handed the letter to Pell, Chaka looked over his shoulder and the two began reading it.

Father, the letter began. Everything I've written here is true beyond a doubt. Please read this letter carefully. I've discovered the identity of the person who's trying to destroy Alabasta Kingdom. It's the Warlord of the Sea, Sir Crocodile. Because of Crocodile, Igaram is dead. He died as he lived, a hero to his country..."

"It's Crocodile..." Cobra growled. "I stupidly thought he was loyal to the World Government. I never even wondered if he was the one behind all this."

"How can he be dead?" Pell wondered as he sank down to his knees after reading Vivi's letter.

"He died as he would have wanted," Chaka resolved, "Protecting Princess Vivi and Alabasta."

But now father, the letter eventually continued, I've joined forces with an amazing group of people. They've given me great confidence and power. If I continue to work beside them, I believe we will be able to make a difference in this country. I have reason to hope now, Alabasta can and will be saved! Please have faith father, we can do this. – Vivi

"Vivi's letter mentioned that you fought very valiantly as well Carue," Chaka addressed the duck. "You served her well."

"QUACK!" Carue quacked having just downed five barrels of water.

"Oh, it looks like you've been hurt," Chaka observed as he noted the bandages wrapped around Carue's wing.

"QUA!" Carue smacked Chaka's hand away. "Okay," Luffy addressed the others as the Straw Hats stood in a circle each wearing a bandage on their left arm , "no matter what happens on that island, remember, this thing on all our arms is a sign of our friendship!" Carue pulled away and made sure Chaka didn't touch the bandage.

"Chaka," King Cobra addressed the Captain of the Royal Guard. "We know the enemy's identity. Prepare the soldiers to move out. Vivi's courage and Igaram's death won't be in vein! We're going to take action now. We'll head for Rain Base... and Crocodile."

"Please, do not be so hasty, your Majesty," Pell urged him, "Rain Base is far away and there are many preparations to be made."

"Once more," Chaka added, "Crocodile has many of the citizens firmly on his side. Even more of them than you do, sire, with all due respect."

"If we send forces to Rain Base now, your majesty, the rebels will use our absence to attack," Pell pointed out, "And they will take the palace easily! In which case..."

"It doesn't matter if the Rebel Army destroys this palace completely," the King interrupted. "It is only a building. I've told you before, a country is its people. Even if our Royal Army does fall in the end, if we could just defeat Crocodile this country can still be reborn as long as its people are safe and whole! If we battle the Rebel Army instead, then that will all change, in that situation Crocodile's the victor, understand?"

"Yes, I see," Chaka stated, he and Pell finally understood.

"For right now, we don't even have to focus on the Rebel Army," King Cobra decided. "We just need to take out Crocodile. This is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea we're fighting. He's strong and cunning. There will be many casualties but we must accept that and battle onward. Chaka, we need to hold a War Council, assemble the Officers. Pell, scout ahead and conduct reconnaissance."

"Right," Pell agreed.

"Forgive me for having underestimated you, your majesty," Chaka thought to himself. "You are a true man of your country."

"We head for battle tomorrow morning," King Cobra announced. "All soldiers are to head for Rain Base."


"Hey Luffy, thanks a lot," Vivi said to Luffy as he walked alongside Eyelash on their way to Rain Base. Luffy, Ace, and Chopper had since reclaimed their respective hats from Y/N. "I never would've been able to make this decision on my own."

"Okay, then give me food," Luffy told her. Pow! Luffy punched a fist into his open hand. "After I beat up Crocodile, give me food, I'll eat till I explode."

Vivi smiled at him, "I promise I will."

"Now... about the venue..." Nami spoke up from on Y/N's back as she continued to tease him about their 'wedding'. "I know you don't believe in God so that rules out a church."

"You could do something outdoors," Ollie suggested causing a huge tick mark to appear on Y/N's forehead. "Decorating would be simple, you'd just have to find the right flowers. Although, it'd have to be quick job, you're wanted pirates and can't afford to stay in one place for too long."

"Since when are you two so chummy?" Y/N grumbled as he cast an irritated glance at the archer walking next to him.

"I haven't seen you this worked up since I got here," Ollie explained. "I'm taking full advantage of the opportunity to tease you before I leave."

"Hey do you think we could actually have the wedding back at Cocoyashi?" Nami spoke up, "I know a bunch of people there who'd be shocked to see me get married."

"Oh Nami," Usopp called out as he caught up with them, "I have um... ahahaha... a wedding present for the bride and groom." Clearly, everyone was taking their turn at teasing the usually unshakable First Mate.


"I finally finished that thing you asked for," Usopp explained, "BEHOLD!" Out from his artillery pouch be pulled three blue pipes. The pipes all had holes and buttons on their sides which would allow them to combine together in numerous different configurations. "I call it, THE CLIMA-TACT!"

"Clima-Tact?" Nami repeated.

"That's right," Usopp replied, "At first glance they look like ordinary pipes, but you can combine them in different ways for different attacks." Nami stared curiously down at the three pipes as she fitted them together like the segments of her bow-staff so they now made one long staff. "Here are the instructions..." Usopp handed Nami a thick folded piece of paper with writing on both sides of it. "Now about payment..."

"You said it was a wedding gift, right?" Nami reminded him, "If it's gift I shouldn't have to pay for it. Thanks Usopp!" Nami quickly hugged the sniper then began unfolding the instructions so she could attempt to understand her weapon.

"You want some help with that thing?" Ollie offered as she eyed Nami's Clima-Tact. Nami looked surprised by the offer. "As women, we have to face the fact that unless we have a freakish Devil Fruit Power we're always going to be physically weaker than men."

"Hmph," Zoro grunted, having heard that excuse before many years ago.

"So..." Ollie continued, "We have to make up for it by being smarter, more technically sound, and by employing weapons to make up for the difference in strength." Ollie pulled her bow off of her shoulder, "I have a metal bow that doubles as a bow-staff... a multitude of arrows for many different situations," Swish! Ollie flicked her wrists and her sleeves rolled back to reveal the metal arrows strapped to her forearms, "And two metal arrows that I can use for close combat. Now whether my opponent is a man or a woman, I'll know that it's at least a fair fight."

"..." Zoro was now staring at Ollie with something similar to respect.

"There's a difference between wielding a weapon and mastering it," Ollie explained to Nami, "I know I can't get you to master your new weapon in couple of hours, but as a fellow weapon-wielding woman, I'll at least help you so you know how to use it properly." Nami glanced at Vivi then nodded resolutely and followed Ollie a little ways off so she could learn how to use her new weapon.

Y/N fished into his pocket and handed a bundle of bills to Usopp, "Nami never actually agreed to pay you for that weapon. As the Financial Manager, that's my job." Usopp nodded his thanks and stuffed the money into a pocket on his pouch.

"I have yours too," Usopp informed the First Mate. He reached into his weapons pouch and pulled out Mr. 5's .44 caliber six-shot flintlock revolver and a small tin that made a rattling noise as he handed it to Y/N. "I took your Explosion Balls, doubled amount of gunpowder you used, and molded them into the shape of a .44 caliber bullet. I call them Explosion Bullets."

"Good," Y/N replied, "Now I want you to keep that."

"Huh?" Usopp questioned.

"You're a man of many talents," Y/N told him, "And as our crew's sniper I think it'd be helpful for you to have an extra weapon, just in case."

"B-but, I only shot a gun that one time!" Usopp sputtered, "And I missed, I don't even know how to shoot one properly."

"I can help you there," Han offered, drawing Usopp's attention to him. "I'm sure your old man probably would've taught you how to shoot if he'd stuck around. But since I'm the most gun-savvy guy you've got with you at the moment, I'll give you the benefit of my experience."

Usopp glanced at his Nakama then at Vivi before he nodded and followed Han in the opposite direction that Ollie and Nami had gone so he could learn how to use his new weapon properly.

"Did you know my father?" Usopp inquired.

"I met him a couple times," Han admitted, "He's a great shot. But he strives towards accuracy when he shoots while I try for impact since my targets tend to be bigger and more ferocious. Anyway, the first thing you need to know about shooting a gun is..." Han's voice trailed off as he and Usopp walked away from the others for private training.

Y/N glanced over his shoulder at Zoro and Sanji, "Well... if those four are going to go off and train, I think we might as well too," he reasoned.

Zoro nodded in agreement, "If we're going to be facing Crocodile when we get to Rain Base, we'll have to be ready for him, and that means ditching the weights and learning this technique."

"Let's get on with it then," Sanji resolved, "I want to be able to protect my darling Miss. Vivi and Miss. Nami properly when we finally get there." The three fell back away from the group to begin training of their own.

"I don't know about you guys," Ace addressed Luffy and Chopper, "But I'm still a little embarrassed that Y/N managed to pull one over on the three of us. Either of you interesting in making sure it doesn't happening again.

"YEAH!" Chopper cheered.

"Let's show him what our powers can do together!" Luffy exclaimed.

"C'mon then," Ace encouraged them, and they darted off ahead and left Vivi alone on Eyelash.

Vivi glanced around her in the four directions her friends had gone off in. They were all training to get stronger so they could better help her to defeat Crocodile and defend her kingdom.

"Thank you," Vivi whispered.


Rain Base:


Hours later, the Straw Hats had regrouped after their private training and after crossing one final dune those with depth perception spotted the buildings of a city off in a distance. Vivi and Nami led the group while riding on Eyelash's back.

"There," Vivi announced as she stared ahead, Crocodile's casino with the golden Bananawani decorating the roof could be seen even this far away as it towered over the rest of the buildings.

"So is that the city?" Chopper inquired.

"UGGHHHHH..." Luffy and Usopp groaned as they pulled themselves onward with sticks.

"That's it?" Nami questioned as she stared at the city as they drew closer.

"See how much faster desert travel is when we skip the filler?" Y/N asked no one in particular.

Whap! "Quit it," Ace scolded him.


As the group approached the city, Zoro spoke up, "So after everything that's happened, are we operating under the assumption that Baroque Works knows where here on the island with them?"

"It seems likely," Nami reasoned, "We did run into Mr. 2, so its safe to say that they have an idea that we're heading for Alabasta."

"But at least they don't really know how many of us there are," Y/N pointed out, "Me and Sanji weren't out on the deck but if he didn't recognize Ms. Goldenweek, he might've assumed that she was one of us."

"Who cares about that stuff," Luffy said, never one for subtlety.

"They know exactly what we look like," Usopp tried to impress on him, "so we won't be able to do much of anything while we're in Rain Base. Just lay low."

"AND WHY IS THAT?" Luffy demanded.

"Because," Usopp answered, "if we get spotted before we can find Crocodile, I'm sure he can probably come up with all sorts of nasty ways of taking care of us."

"Assassination is kind of their area of expertise," Zoro pointed out.


"Luffy... the screaming... not part of laying low," Y/N told him.


"Well no matter what happens I will take it upon myself to protect Miss. Nami and Miss. Vivi from any harm," Sanji announced, "I'm always happy to play Prince Charming... for a lady."

Ollie frowned while Zoro muttered, "Smooth one."

"SMOOTHER THAN YOU ARE, ZORO!" Sanji yelled at him.

"I need... water..." Usopp and Chopper gasped.

"The city's right there," Han pointed out, "Just hold on a little longer."

"I NEED WATER!" Luffy hollered and he and Usopp took off like a shot and ran into the city.

"So much for laying low," Ollie remarked.


"Let's just find a place to wait for them," Ace resolved.


A moment later, the remaining Straw Hats and the three Whitebeards were seated against a fence on the outskirts of the city.

"We need to get going," Ace stated as he glanced at Han and Ollie, "We'll head back for the shore after we meet with Crocodile."

"Right," Han and Ollie agreed, it had been a fun vacation reuniting with Y/N and meeting the Straw Hats, but they still had a crew of their own to get back to.

"I'm gonna go use the little boy's room," Chopper announced to the others before the reindeer headed off to find a place to relieve himself.

"Do you really think we can count on them to stay out of trouble?" Sanji wondered.

"No," Y/N, Zoro, Ace and Ollie chorused.

"They'll probably manage to screw something up," Zoro reasoned as he poked Eyelash with a stick, "We should start getting ready to run."

"Then if our time is short, I need to use the little girls room," Nami decided, she grabbed Y/N's hand and tugged him up to his feet. "Y/N, come with me."

"Why?" Y/N asked, "You're a big girl, can't you handle that sort of thing yourself?"

"Under normal circumstances, yeah," Nami admitted, "But this city is probably swarming with Baroque Works Agents that all know what I look like."

"Alright fine," Y/N relented. He put on his sunglasses and raised his shemagh so he wouldn't be recognized while Nami pulled up hood, grabbed his hand and practically dragged him off.

Once they were out of earshot Y/N asked, "Where are we really going?"

Nami didn't answer until she pulled him through the doorway of a small the city' smaller casinos called Golden Slots. Once they were inside she stopped and turned to him, "The others may be making a big deal about me swindling you, but you and I both know that we're still tied," she reminded him. "I want to have a complete victory before I get my wedding."

"There's not gonna be a wedding!" Y/N snapped, "I'm not marrying you!"

"Maybe there won't be... if you can out-gamble me," Nami prodded him.

Y/N's face set, "How are we going to do this?"

Nami fished into his treasure pocket and pulled out a wad of bills and quickly split it evenly between them. "We've both got the same starting amount," Nami told him, "We'll split up then meet back here in ten minutes. The one who's made more money in that time wins."

"You do realize we're swindling other people and not each other in this case," Y/N pointed out.

"Yeah, but out-swindling you is about the same as swindling you yourself," Nami replied. "Let's go we don't have much time." The two split up and disappeared into the sea of gamblers.


But the Straw Hats weren't alone in Rain Base, inside a place called the Sand Café, Marine Captain Smoker and Tashigi sat at the bar having a quiet discussion.

"Captain Smoker, why do you think they'll be here?" Tashigi asked. "What reason would the Straw Hats have for coming to Rain Base?"

"Let's just call it a hunch," Smoker told her. "That's why I have Lieutenant Devo patrolling the streets, at the first sign of the Straw Hats, he'll notify me. This time there'll be no escape."

"YEAH! FINALLY WE CAN GET WATER!" Luffy shouted as he and Usopp entered the café and approached the bar, Smoker and Tashigi were too caught up in their thoughts to notice.

"I can't put my finger on it, but something stinks," Smoker told Tashigi. "I just feel like there's something big lurking in the shadows.

"HEY! OLD LADY!" Luffy exclaimed as he and Usopp walked up to the bar next to Smoker and began slapping the counter. "GIVE US WATER!"

"Yeah, yeah, a whole barrel!" Usopp ordered, "No! We want more than that! FIVE BARRELS!"

"So you really do believe that there is some connection between the Baroque Works organization and the Straw Hat Crew?" Tashigi questioned.

"WATER!" Luffy and Usopp cheered as the lady running the bar placed two large water barrels on the counter in front of them. The two thirsty pirates grabbed the barrels and drank straight from the barrel as they starting slurping down water.

"The only thing I know for sure is that Straw Hat is out to get Crocodile," Smoker stated. The Marine Captain finally glanced at the noisy person who was sitting on the stool next to his.

"..." Smoker and Tashigi stared silently when they realized that Straw Hat had literally come right to them.

"This is the best water ever!" Usopp gurgled, "We need to hurry up and get back to the others."

Luffy and Usopp both felt a shiver go down their spine, they stopped drinking and with their cheeks still swelled up from the water in their mouth they looked to the side and saw Smoker and Tashigi sitting next to them at the bar staring right at them.

"Uh oh..." Luffy and Usopp muttered. SPLOOOOSHH! The two pirates spat out their water in shock and soaked the two marines.

"RUN AWAY!" Luffy shouted, he and Usopp grabbed their three remaining water barrels and high-tailed it out the door while the soaked Smoker and Tashigi sat the bar in shock. "PROTECT THE WATER!"

"Damn it, we're going after them," Smoker growled. He lifted his wrist and barked into the Transponder Snail that was strapped to it, "Lieutenant, prepare the marines, Straw Hat and his crew are here in Rain Base!" The Marine Captain ran out of the café after Luffy and Usopp.

Tashigi stayed and addressed the woman tending the bar, "How much do I owe you?" she asked.

"If you know those brats, you'd better add the water they took to their tab," the woman ordered.

"Of course, I'm so sorry," Tashigi apologized as she pulled out some money and reluctantly paid for the Straw Hats' water bill.


"WHAT ARE THE DAMN MARINES DOING HERE?" Luffy demanded as he and Usopp ran frantically through the streets to escape Lieutenant Devo and the squad of gun-toting marines that was chasing them.


Sanji peeked out from behind the fence he and the others were hiding behind and saw Luffy and Usopp running towards them with the Marines on their tale. "You win," he told Zoro, "looks like the Marine's are chasing them."

"Then why are those idiots running this way?" Ollie questioned.

"Hey, Tony, Y/N, and Nami haven't made it back here yet," Vivi pointed out.

"They'll be fine," Zoro resolved, "They can manage on their own." The Straw Hats took off running with the three Whitebeards running behind them.

"Never a dull moment with this crew," Han commented.

"Should we stop and fight them?" Ollie asked Ace.

"Too many civilians," Ace noted, "Let's just try and outrun them."

"HEY GUYS, THE MARINES ARE HERE!" Luffy shouted to his crew.


"HURRY IT UP MEN!" Lieutenant Devo shouted, "WE CAN'T LOSE THEM THIS TIME!" He lowered his voice and called back, "Don't let the three Whitebeard Pirates stop you!" Even Lieutenant Devo knew that shouting the name Whitebeard in a crowded city would create pandemonium.

"Those idiots sure can run," Smoker grumbled as he ran behind the squad of marines. "I'll give 'em that anyway."

"THIS IS BAD!" Usopp shrieked as they ran through the city with the marines hot on their tail. "Baroque Works will see us if we run through the city!"

Zoro glanced around them and spotted numerous clusters of men staring at them or pictures of them. "I think it's a little too late for that Usopp," Zoro commented.

"Then it's decided!" Luffy decided, "LET'S GO TO WHEREVER CROCODILE IS!"

Vivi nodded, "Do you see that huge building up ahead?" she pointed out to the others, "The one with the crocodile on its roof? That's the casino that Crocodile runs. It's called Rain Dinners."

"I see it," Luffy noted, "So that's where Crocodile is."


"What's with all the commotion?" Nami asked as she joined Y/N and a crowd of civilians that were staring out the door of the Golden Slots Casino.

"The Marines are here and they found our Nakama," Y/N answered as he pointed out the door as Vivi, Ollie, Zoro, Sanji, Han, Ace, Usopp, and Luffy came running towards them followed by Lieutenant Devo, a squad of marines, and Smoker.

"We know where we're going!" Sanji called out to the others, "It'll be better if we all split up!"

"Right, see ya later," Luffy replied, "DON'T DIE!"

"RIGHT!" the others chorused. With the Golden Slots Casino was right in front of them, Zoro, Vivi, and Ollie ran right, Usopp, Sanji, and Han ran left, and Luffy and Ace continued straight ahead and jumped onto an awning onto the roof of the casino.

"THEY SPLIT UP, DON'T LOSE THEM!" Devo shouted, then his sharp eyes spotted Y/N and Nami among the crowd in the door. "ONE EYE! YOU'RE MINE!" The squad of marines split up to go after the others while Devo darted forward and ran into the casino.

"Crap, run for it!" Y/N exclaimed, he grabbed Nami's hand and the two of them ran back into the casino with the Marine Lieutenant chasing after them. KRASH! Y/N kicked down the back door and he and Nami ran out into the alleyway and began cutting their way through the city.

"HEY SMOKEY!" Luffy called out to as he and Ace stood on the roof of the casino, "NYAA!" Luffy stuck his tongue out and made a face at the Marine Captain.

"You've got some nerve Straw Hat!" Smoker growled, "YOU WON'T GET AWAY!"

"Why'd you have to taunt him?" Ace asked, "He was going to come after us anyway!"

"Had to make sure," Luffy replied. If Smoker was chasing him and Ace, then he wasn't chasing the rest of his Nakama.

"WHITE VINE!" FWOOOSH! Smoke spouted out of both of Smoker's legs and spiraled together, launching him up into the air after Luffy and Ace. "I'VE GOT YOU NOW!"

"No civilians up here," Ace noted, "FIIIIIRE FIIIIST!" Ace's fist ignited and he shot a column of flames out from his hand. FWOOOM! Ace's fire collided with Smoker's smoke and the Marine Captain was blown backwards and went crashing down into the middle of a pen of horses, BOOOM! Smoker's body burst into a thick cloud of smoke that obscured the pen and terrified the horses.

"That was a close one!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Let's go before he recovers!" Ace decided, the two brothers quickly turned and bounded away across the rooftops.

FWOOSH! The cloud of smoke in the pen swirled together and Smoker reformed himself, "Damn," the Marine Captain cursed before he leapt the fence and continued the chase.


"Ahh, I really do feel a lot better now," Chopper sighed, he was still in his Walk Point form as he made his way back to the fence his Nakama had been waiting at, only to find them missing. "HUH? WHERE ARE THEY?"

Sniff! Sniff! "Luffy's smell is over here," Chopper noted, Sniff! Sniff! "Big Brother and Nami went this way..." Chopper followed the scent to the Golden Slots Casino then got confused. Sniff! Sniff! "That's Zoro's smell... but Sanji went this way... What's going on?"

The reindeer was standing in the middle of the road, and like a deer in headlights he made no move to get out of the way of a squad of marines. WHOMP! Chopper was nearly trampled by the marine squad and went flying and crashed down to the ground in his Brain Point form as the squad ran by him.


"Damn it," Zoro growled as he, Vivi, and Ollie found their path blocked by a large group of men dressed in civilian clothing: Millions.

"Oh no, over there!" Vivi gasped, as another cluster of Million coming from behind.

"It's them!" one of the Millions exclaimed as he stared at a picture of Zoro in Mr. 2's ballet costume and then flipped to a picture of a younger Vivi, "KILL 'EM!"

"It's the Baroque Works Millions!" Vivi realized.

"Then it looks like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place," Zoro commented, "You two go on without me, hurry!"

"Not a chance," Ollie refused as she drew her bow. "I don't run away from a fight."

"Then Vivi, you get out of here," Zoro ordered as he gave the Princess a shove in a direction where here were no agents.

"Okay..." Vivi reluctantly agreed as she ran off towards Rain Dinners. Zoro grabbed the handle of one of his swords.

"I don't have enough arrows for all of them," Ollie commented, Swish! She flicked her wrists and was instantly holding the shaft of her two metal arrows. "Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the old fashioned way."

"Just try and keep up!" Zoro challenged her as he drew two of his swords.


"Usopp, Han, you guys go on," Sanji instructed the other two, "I'll handle the Marines."

"Right then," Han agreed, "Have fun with it." He and Usopp ran off and continued towards Rain Dinners while Sanji turned to face the charging marines.

"Without that smoke-freak around, they should be easy to handle," Sanji remarked as he prepared to fight. THWAK! THWAK! The cook lashed out his legs and kicked the marines when they got close, as expected, they weren't much when they didn't have one of their officers.

Seconds later, Sanji stood over the pile of unmoving marines and casually lit up a cigarette.


"So how much did you get?" Y/N asked as he and Nami hopped a metal fence as they continue to run along the alley with Devo chasing behind them. "I won an even ten million berries."

"That wasn't the full ten minutes!" Nami protested, "I was working my way up to a big score! We were interrupted so it was a draw!"

"Sounds like an excuse to me," Y/N commented.

BANG! BANG! With no civilians to worry about getting in the way, Lieutenant Devo started firing at them from behind.

"AND THOSE SOUND LIKE GUN SHOTS!" Nami shrieked as they started running in a zig-zag to keep from getting shot. "KEEP RUNNING!"


"I hope Ollie and Mr. Bushido will be alright," Vivi thought to herself as she ran through the crowds towards Rain Base.


SLISH! SLISH! Swords went flying as a cluster of Millions were dispatched, leaving Zoro and Ollie standing back-to-back over the pile they'd made. Zoro was wielding two swords while Ollie was still holding the shaft of her two bloody arrows.

"Hmph, is that all?" Zoro taunted. A crowd of Millions was still clustered around them but they now looked reluctant to get close.

"Roronoa Zoro! I knew we'd meet again!" cameTashigi's voice as she and a handful of Marines pushed their way through the crowd of Millions.

Zoro flinched, "That voice..." he slowly turned around and let out a manly shriek when he saw Tashigi standing there.

"I've been looking for you," Tashigi called out to Zoro, "What do you think you're doing carelessly cutting down civilians? That's low even for you!"

"Oh, I see, old girlfriend," Ollie commented.

"SHE IS NOT!" Zoro shouted at her before he turned back to Tashigi, "I had my own reasons for attacking them. And I have no desire what-so-ever to fight you again! We settled our dispute fine in Loguetown.

"WE DID NOT!" Tashigi argued. "I'm not through, I haven't even dealt you a single blow!"

"Ugghh... she looks way too much like her..." Zoro groaned to himself as he momentarily pictured Tashigi without her glasses and with her hair slightly different and saw Kuina standing in her place. "AND PUT THAT DAMN FACE OF YOURS AWAY, WILL YA!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Tashigi exclaimed. "NOW YOU'RE INSULTING ME? That's a really pathetic tactic, I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Tashigi drew her sword and glared at Zoro.

"Uh-uh, she's the one person I can't handle," Zoro muttered.

KLANK! Ollie smacked Tashigi's katana to the side with the metal shaft of her bow, THWAK! Ollie lashed out her leg and kicked Tashigi in the stomach causing her to go flying back into the marines she was standing in front of. WHOMP!

"There, problem solved," Ollie concluded. "Let's go tough guy."

"DON'T MOCK ME!" Zoro snapped as he and Ollie ran off.


"There he is!" a Million exclaimed as he held up a picture of Usopp wearing Mr. 2's ballet costume, "He's one of the Straw Hat gang!"

"Remember what I taught you," Han instructed Usopp. Usopp quickly loaded six Explosion Bullets into his new revolver and aimed it at the approaching Millions. "Keep your arm straight..." Usopp straightened his arm as instructed as lined his nose up with the 'v' shaped groove in the top of the gun that Han had told him to aim through.

BAM! A red bullet shot out of the gun and impacted with the Millions at the front of the group, KA-BOOOM! The bullet exploded and blew the Millions backwards.

"AHAHAHAHA! I GOT 'EM!" Usopp cheered, he struck a pose and aimed his gun again, "PRAY FOR MERCY FROM THE MIGHT CAPTAIN USOPP... THE LEGENDARY KING OF THE SNIPERS!" BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM! Usopp used the revolver's rapid-fire function and shot the remaining Explosion Bullets at the Millions surrounding him and Han. BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM! The Millions that had been surrounding them were left lying in a smoking heap on the ground.

"Nice job kid," Han complimented him, "Looks like you've got the hang of it. Just don't get too carried away."

"Me? I never get carried away!" Usopp boasted as they walked passed the Millions towards Rain Dinners. "I do exactly what's necessary. And right then it was necessary to be over-the-top."


BAM! BAM! Lieutenant Devo continued firing at Y/N and Nami as they sprinted towards the end of the alley. "YOU CAN'T RUN FROM JUSTICE!" Devo shouted at them.

"I'm getting tired of this," Y/N muttered, he drew his sword and swung it around behind him. SWOOSH! A thick red-tinted blade of air blew off of his sword and slammed into Devo's chest, sending him flying backwards into a pile of wooden crates, KRASH!

"WHOA!" Nami exclaimed, "You figured out how to do that air blade thing!"

Y/N shook his head, "It's still too thick for my liking. Instead of being a blade thin and sharp enough to slice with, it was thick and blunt, it was almost as if I'd kicked him."

"In that case, let's get out of here before he wakes up," Nami prompted. The hurried out the alley and found themselves standing across the street from the moat that surrounded Rain Dinners.

"How much do you wanna bet that Crocodile's hide out is the casino with the giant crocodile on the roof?" Y/N offered.

"Sucker bet," Nami retorted.

"It's not a crocodile," came a familiar voice, Y/N and Nami turned to the side and saw Han and Usopp approaching. "That monster up on the roof is called a Bananawani. Threat level: high. They've got thick skin, huge teeth and are one of the only known creatures that actually hunt Sea Kings. To make matters worse, this moat here is filled with them. HEADS UP!" BANG! BANG!

With Han's warning the three Straw Hats managed to dodge the bullets Lieutenant Devo shot at them from the end of the alley.

BOOOM! Han fired his cannon-sized gun at Devo and the marine had to dive back into the alley to avoid being blown up. "I'll handle this," Han volunteered as walked towards the alley.

"C'mon, there's a bridge across over there," Y/N pointed out as he led Nami and Usopp towards the bridge that led into Crocodile's casino.

"THERE THEY ARE!" a cluster of Millions that had been standing at the end of the bridge called out.

"Those two are from the Straw Hat gang," one of the Millions noted as he looked at the pictures of Nami and Usopp in Mr. 2 ballet costume. "The other one must be one of the extras we were warned about."

"EXPLODING ARROW!" An arrow hit the ground and exploded, KA-BOOM! The Millions were blown out of their path and Y/N, Nami, and Usopp looked to the side and saw Zoro and Ollie approaching.

"There you guys are," Ollie noted when she saw Y/N and Nami, "How was the trip to the little girl's room?"

"Eventful," Y/N answered.

"Hey Zoro, where's Vivi?" Usopp asked, "She was supposed to be with you!"

"SHE WAS!" Zoro exclaimed, "Are you saying she's not here?"

"We just got here," Nami said, "she might've gone inside already."

"Then let's go in too," Y/N resolved.

"AAAAAAHHH!" came Luffy's familiar scream, the gathered pirates looked back and saw Luffy and Ace running down the road with Smoker chasing behind them.

"GET BACK HERE!" Smoker bellowed.

"Who would've thought he'd recover so quickly!" Ace exclaimed.

"HEY YOU GUYS!" Luffy shouted to Ollie and his crew as he and Ace ran passed them and started across the bridge, "WE HAVE TO GO INSIDE NOW!"

"RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" Usopp called out as he, Y/N, Zoro, Nami, and Ollie race after Luffy and Ace.

"So he's in there..." Luffy realized as he stared up at the golden bananawani up above him, "THEN I GUESS THAT'S WHERE I'M GOING!"


"Oh, Vivi and the pirates are in town paying us a visit," Crocodile commented as he sat in a comfortable chair in the VIP room.

"We've just received word from the Millions that they've arrived," Ms. All Sunday reported.

"Kuahahahaha," Crocodile laughed as he picked up the picture of Luffy in Mr. 2's ballet outfit. "Let's be sure to welcome them very warmly."

"Yes sir," Ms. All Sunday agreed.


"LISTEN UP CROCODILE!" Luffy hollered as he led his crew across the bridge to the casino, "I'M COMING FOR YOU AND I'M ABOUT TO KICK YOUR SANDY ASS! GET READY!"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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