Battle to Defend Drum Kingdom

Battle to Defend Drum Kingdom:


"MAAAA HAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed as he, Chess, Kuromarimo, and Robson stood out in front of Drum Castle. "I HAVE RETURNED AT LAST! WE SHALL RESTORE DRUM KINGDOM! MAAA HAHAHAHAHA!"

"King Wapol!" Chess called out, "Look, on top of the castle!"

Wapol looked up and saw a black flag flying from the tallest tower. A black flag with a smiling skull and four pink cherry blossoms. It was Hiriluk's pirate flag.


"Heeheehee," Dr. Kureha cackled as she and Chopper – in his reindeer form – came walking out the front door of Drum Castle. "That old thing? I burned it!"

"Well Kureha, the last survivor of our doctor hunt, GET OUT OF MY CASTLE!" Wapol hollered.

"This castle is no longer yours Wapol!" Dr. Kureha snapped. "LEAVE! Not just here, the country too! Drum Kingdom has already died out, moron!"

"What's that..." Wapol growled.

"WAIT!" Luffy shouted as he came running out of the Drum Castle, still only wearing his red vest and shorts, "THIS GUY IS MINE!"

Luffy ran at Wapol with his arm out behind him, "GUM... GUM... BULLET!" POW! Luffy slammed his fist into Wapol's face and sent the former king flying.

"AAAAAHHH! WAPOL!" Chess and Kuromarimo shrieked as their king went flying over their heads.

Dr. Kureha and Chopper stared in shock as Wapol crashed to the ground and would've fallen off the peak of Drum Rock if Chess and Kuromarimo hadn't caught him at the last second.

"That... was close," Chess panted as he and Kuromarimo each held one of Wapol's legs as he dangled upside down from the top of Drum Rock. Blood was trickling out of the former king's nose thanks to Luffy's punch.

"I'm really sick of you guys, you know that?" Luffy asked as he stood out in front of Drum Castle while Chess and Kuromarimo pulled Wapol back up. "What's your problem? You were getting in our way even before we got to this island."

"Ugh, not these guys again," Sanji groaned as he and Y/N came walking out the front door and stood beside Chopper and Dr. Kureha, they'd stopped to get coats. Sanji was wearing his short black coat while Y/N was wearing his long one.

Sanji distinctly remembered Wapol eating a large chunk of the Going Merry with his Munch Munch Fruit Powers. Y/N recalled the former king and his men blocking their path to Drum Rock and attacking him while he was holding Nami, Ms. Valentine, and Sanji.

"Last time I ran into you I was worried about protecting my Nakama," Luffy stated. "Now, I DON'T HAVE TO HOLD BACK ANY MORE! SHISHISHI!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Kuromarimo shouted. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ATTACKED? This is no lowly commoner! This is Wapol, the King and absolute ruler of Drum Kingdom!"

"That's right, show some respect!" Chess scolded them. "He's this country's monarch! How dare you do such a thing to his most excellent of excellencies! For shame!"

WHUP! Luffy reached up and stretched the sides of his mouth then made a face at Wapol and his men, "WHO CARES! HE TICKED ME OFF AGAIN!"

"You know them, boy?" Dr. Kureha inquired.

"I sure do!" Luffy exclaimed. "He's that annoying big-mouthed pirate! He tried to eat my ship! And then he attacked me and my friends! This guy's got it coming to him!"

"The fact that he's this country's corrupt ruler is only an added benefit of beating him," Y/N supplied.

"Before you kick his ass... aren't you cold in that?" Sanji inquired as he eyed Luffy's vest.

"HEY! Did you say he was the King?" Luffy asked Y/N. "I thought he was a pirate!"

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" Sanji snapped.

"Hmph," Kuromarimo grunted, "so you're disrespectful and you have wax in your ears! Wapol is the King of Drum Kingdom, Straw Hat! When he met you before he was temporarily a pirate for his own reasons. But no longer!"

"King Wapol's pirate days are now behind him!" Chess continued. "And so, he's returned to reclaim both his castle and his country."

"BRRRR! IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE!" Luffy suddenly realized, Y/N sweat-dropped.

"You really are an idiot!" Sanji scolded him.

"Yeah, it's fifty below zero!" Chopper added.

"I think they're ignoring us!" Chess remarked.

"GRRRRR!" Wapol growled as he hopped back up to his feet.

"You're awake sir!" Kuromarimo observed.

"Straw Hat... you've got some nerve..." Wapol stated. "Just wait... I'M GOING TO BITE YOU INTO PIECES!"

"Um... sorry," Sanji apologized, "but you'll have to hang on for just a minute, he had to go get a coat."

"IS THIS A JOKE?" Wapol roared in outrage.

"In the meantime, you'll just have to make due with us," Y/N informed him.

"Y/N... your brother..." Chopper called out to the one-eyed pirate. "He can stretch himself. How?"

"I told you, he ate a Devil Fruit when he was a kid," Y/N answered. "Now he's a rubber man."

"What the heck is that?" Chopper asked.

Y/N grinned, "Kind of a monster." Chopper just blinked in surprise.

"Well, looks like we're up against that old hag, a reindeer, and a couple of the Straw Hats," Wapol observed. "Not that much of a challenge. This will be over with quickly, and once we've eliminated them, there won't be anyone else foolhardy enough to defy me!"

"Of course my King," Chess agreed. "Today will be remembered as the day you restored Drum Kingdom to its former glory."

"I'LL START WITH YOU DR. KUREHA!" Wapol decided as Dr. Kureha, Chopper, Sanji, and Y/N stood in the opened doorway of Drum Castle. "You've committed a major offense by moving into my castle, and even a greater one by flying that strange flag!"

"It's not yours!" Dr. Kureha replied. "Not any more. It's Hiriluk's grave. I wasn't interested in this run down place, what with all the bad things you did here, but we can use it to do some good and the reindeer insisted on flying the doctor's flag."

Chopper recalled all his fond memories of Hiriluk, his vow to fight like pirates and never give up and his belief that anything was possible. Hiriluk's dream was to save the sick country, he had willingly gone into Wapol's trap as a testament of his desire to save the kingdom.

"Doctor... he fought to save his country... by raising that flag," Chopper thought to himself. Chopper fondly remembered the year he'd spent with the old man that had treated him like a son. Then how he'd gone to see Wapol and blew himself up. But as Hiriluk had said, a person never truly dies unless he's forgotten, as long as a single person still remembered him, he would live on in the memories. "This castle is where doctor died. He gave his life trying to save this country. This place is his grave and a symbol of what he believed in."

"MAAAA HAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed, "I'd almost forgotten that fool! MAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wapol stopped laughing and glared at Dr. Kureha. "How dare you desecrate my castle by flying the flag of that stupid doctor! I COMMAND THAT IT BE BURNED IMMEDIATELY!"

"Kick his ass Chopper," Y/N encouraged the angry reindeer.

"I'll never let you touch that flag! Or get inside this castle!" Chopper growled, he started to change shape and transformed into his eight-foot tall human form. "Never!"

"Look sir!" Chess exclaimed, "he's that..."

"You're right," Kuromarimo realized, "It is him! He's that doctor's monster! The one Dalton stopped!"

"That flag there," said Chopper, "It's a symbol of his faith. I won't let you take it down! Not now... NOT EVER!"

"MAAA HAHAHAHA!" Wapol laughed, "we're gonna take it and all of you down! And we're going into the castle! Show them no mercy boys!" Chess and Kuromarimo stepped passed Wapol and prepared for battle.

"Old lady, are you going to fight too?" Sanji inquired.

"Old lady?" Dr. Kureha repeated, WHOMP! Sanji was left nursing a large lump on his head. "If they're more than you can handle, junior, I'll step in."

"Thanks a lot," Sanji grumbled.

"Those two, easy," Y/N replied, "When Luffy gets back he'll take out the loud mouth."

"Don't you worry sir," said Kuromarimo, "We'll get them out of your hair... and speaking of hair... ELECTRIC MARIMO!" WHUP! Kuromarimo threw a large black ball of hair at their opponents.

"Doctorine!" Chopper exclaimed when he realized the ball was heading for Dr. Kureha.

SHWUP! Always one to defend a lady, Sanji held his leg out and blocked Dr. Kureha. The hairball struck his leg and stuck to it.

"Hey afro man," Sanji called out, "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not right to strike a lady? Especially not a hot young one."

"Heeheehee," Dr. Kureha cackled, "Now that's more like it blondie!"

Kuromarimo grinned when Sanji suddenly realized THE HAIRBALL WASN'T COMING OFF! The black ball of hair clung to his leg and no matter how hard he kicked it the ball wouldn't come off.


"Exactly! Hahahahaha!" Kuromarimo laughed.

"The dry air that usually accompanies cold means it's unusually effective," Y/N pointed out. "You should try to dodge those for now on."

"I'LL START BY GETTING THIS ONE OFF!" Sanji exclaimed as he continued to kick his leg.


"BRRRR! COLD! COLD! COLD!" Luffy complained as he ran through the snow-filled castle and eventually found himself in Nami and Ms. Valentine's room. He called out to the two sleeping women, "I need a coat really quick, any coat will do!"

"What's going on outside?" Ms. Valentine asked. "We heard a lot of noise."

"It's freezing out there," Luffy replied, "you seen any coats around?"

"She didn't ask that," Nami corrected Luffy, "what we wanna know is what's happening out there?"

"Oh, it's just a fight," Luffy answered as he went over to a trunk and searched through it for a coat.

"Do you guys need help?" Ms. Valentine inquired.

"Nah, stay in bed," Luffy told her.

"If you need a coat you can borrow mine," Nami offered.

"But it's a girl's coat!" Luffy protested.

"Well you did say 'any coat will do'," Nami reminded him.

"Oh yeah," Luffy agreed, he ran over to Nami's yellow, orange, and white plaid coat and pulled it on. "Well, as long as it keeps me warm." Luffy ran out of the room and pulled the door closed behind him.

"I wonder what all the fuss was about," Nami said to herself as she laid back down.

"Uh... shouldn't something?" questioned Ms. Valentine.

"Those three can handle anything," Nami reasoned. "We're still sick, if we went out there we'd just get in their way."


"ALRIGHT BIG MOUTH!" Luffy shouted as he ran through Drum Castle towards the exit, "NOW I CAN FINALLY KICK YOUR BUTT!"


Outside, Sanji was still trying unsuccessfully to get the black hairball off of his leg. "I SWEAR I'M GONNA SMACK THAT HAIRBALL GUY SILLY WHEN I FINALLY GET THIS NASTY THING OFF ME!"

"Hahahahaha!" Kuromarimo laughed, "Well in that case..." Kuromarimo pulled a small hairball out of his afro, he squeezed it and it suddenly grew to the side of this fist, "ELECTRIC MARIMO!" WHUP! WHUP! Kuromarimo threw that hairball and another one at Sanji, one stuck to his arm, the other stuck to his stomach.

"UGGGHHH!" Sanji groaned, his struggles doubled but all he'd managed to do was move the hairball on his stomach to his arm. The hairballs weren't coming off. "Y/N! Reindeer! Get this stuff off me!"

"I'm not touching that," Y/N refused.

"I'm coming," Chopper agreed as he went over to Sanji and attempted to get the clingy hairballs off of him. But when he got close, Sanji pressed his arm into Chopper's fur and the hairball on his arm stuck to Chopper. "EW! YOU KEEP THEM!"

Y/N sweat-dropped while Dr. Kureha scolded them, "Will you two please stop goofing around?"

"HAH!" Kuromarimo chuckled, "there's a reason I don't keep my hair conditioned..."

"And a very good one at that," Chess added, "Their dryness makes them extremely flammable." Chess fitted an arrow into his bow and the tip lit up and burst into flame, FWOOSH!

"OH NO!" Sanji exclaimed. "he's gonna burn these things!"

"Here," said Chopper as he stuck the hairball that was stuck on him back on Sanji's arm, then took off running.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sanji demanded.

"DECOY PLAN!" Chopper called back to him.

"Decoy Plan?" Sanji repeated, "WAIT, I'M THE DECOY?"

"Hey archer, there's something I've been meaning to say to you," Y/N stated as he calmly stood next to Sanji.

"CHECKMATE!" Chess exclaimed as he fired his flaming arrow at Sanji, WOING!

WHAP! Y/N reached out and caught the shaft of the flaming arrow with apparent ease and kept it from lighting the hairballs on Sanji on fire.

"AH!" Chess and Kuromarimo gasped in surprise, the one-eyed pirate had stopped their finishing attack like it was a toy.

"Your shots are really slow," Y/N concluded as he turned and chucked the burning arrow at Kuromarimo. WHUP! The afro man was caught off guard when the arrow flew and landed in his afro. His extremely flammable afro.

FWWOOOOOSH! "AAAAAAHHHH!" Kuromarimo screamed as his hair burst into flames, he ran around in circles then dove head-first into the snow. FSSSSSSS! Steam rose up as the cold snow put out the hot fire.

SKUUSH! Y/N dug his foot into the ground, then spun around and kicked a wave of snow onto Sanji.

"WHAT THE HELL!" the cook shrieked.

"Now it's wet, there's less static cling," Y/N explained, "you should be able to get it off."

While Y/N dealt with Kuromarimo and Sanji, Chopper charged at Chess. WOOOSH! Chopper swung one of his huge arms around and looked to send the archer flying.

"MOVE!" Wapol shouted as he shoved Chess out of the way, opened his big mouth, and chomped down on Chopper, CHOMP!

"OH NO!" Sanji exclaimed.

"CHOPPER!" Dr. Kureha shouted. Munch! Munch! Chopper had reverted back into his child-sized form, his legs were sticking out of Wapol's mouth and were kicking frantically as Wapol chewed him.

"Y/N! Get on my leg!" Sanji ordered as he held his leg out. Skish! Y/N shrugged and jumped onto the outstretched leg. "Hold on!" WOOOSH! Sanji whipped his leg around and sent Y/N flying towards Wapol. "ARMEE DE L'AIR! POWER SHOOT!" THWAK!

Y/N maneuvered himself as he moved through the air at a high speed and made it so he was going legs-first, Y/N started spinning around as he went, making him looking like a black and red blur, "Spinning... MISSILE KICK!" THWHAM! Y/N slammed legs-first into Wapol's stomach, Chopper was shot out of his mouth as he went flying backwards.

WHAP! Y/N caught Chopper as he was coming down and then landed hard on his back, THUD!

Chess and Kuromarimo stared in surprise as Wapol went flying backwards at a high speed and slammed into Robson, WHAM! The furry white hippo was sent flying off of Drum Rock and disappeared into the sky, Twinkle!

"Heh," Dr. Kureha chuckled.

"Not too shabby," Sanji remarked.

"Aah! Nice a warm!" Luffy commented as he stood next to Sanji as if he'd been there all along.

"HEY WAIT!" Sanji shouted, "Isn't that Miss. Nami's coat you're wearing Luffy?"

"Uh-huh," Luffy replied with a nod. "Whoa! Big mouth's still alive but his hippo's heading to the moon!"

"Uh... thanks," said Chopper as Y/N got back up and placed him down on the ground. "You guys were amazing!"

"Like I told you before," Y/N reminded Chopper, "eating you would be a huge waste of your potential."

"TAKE THAT COAT OFF RIGHT NOW, YOU JERK!" Sanji snapped as he shook Luffy.

"Wapol, are you alright?" Kuromarimo asked. His afro was now damp and droopy from the snow and the fire and now looked like a bowl haircut.

"We underestimated them," Chess realized. "They're stronger than we thought."

"Then it's time to... bring out the... big guns..." Wapol groaned, "AND MY BIGGER APPETITE! I'll show them, THE TRUE POWER OF THE MUNCH MUNCH FRUIT!"

"Very good sir," said Chess as Wapol sat up, there was blood coming out of his nose from when Luffy had punched him, and there was now blood dripping out of his mouth from when Y/N and kicked him.





"Oh, he stood up," Luffy observed as he, Sanji, Chopper, and Y/N stood in the doorway and watched Wapol and his men.

"But how?" Sanji wondered. "We hit him pretty hard."

"Maybe he's... tough?" Luffy offered.

"I doubt it," Y/N replied, "he's got layers of metal plating on this stomach, it must've softened the blow a little. But if he's gonna get back up, we'll just have to keep knocking him down."

"Hmph," Dr. Kureha grunted, she was hanging back and saw that the three Straw Hats and her reindeer had the matter well in hand.

"Chess!" Wapol called out, "Tell me what I ate today in the exact order that I ate it!"

Chess reached into his coat and pulled out a log book, then began reading from it, "Well sir," the archer began, "you started by eating two cannons on the ship, one sauteed in butter, and the other raw. Then it was a cannonball and gunpowder salad, followed by the main course of a toasted cottage."

"And you thought I ate a lot," Luffy remarked.

"You do," Sanji said, "but this guy's a bigger pig than even you."

"And he eats a lot weirder stuff," Y/N added.

"You see Straw Hats," Wapol started to explain, "whatever I eat becomes a part of my body thanks to the Munch Munch Fruit." Wapol suddenly started growing.

"What's happening?" Chopper asked.

"Looks like he's going to show us his Devil Fruit Powers," Y/N reasoned. "This guy looks like an even bigger monster than you."

PLOOP! A chimney popped out of Wapol's head, CHUNK! CHUNK! Two cannons replaced his arms. SHOOOM! He grew to be one-story tall and a window and a door appeared on his stomach. "MUNCH... MUNCH... SHOCK! MODE: WAPOL HOUSE!"

"A house?" Sanji repeated in surprise.

"AWESOME!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Now if you'll excuse me!" Wapol called out, "I have to eat! BEHOLD THE MUNCH MUNCH FACTORY!" CHOMP! The Straw Hats, Dr. Kureha, and Chopper watched in surprise as Wapol opened his mouth... AND ATE CHESS AND KUROMARIMO!

"No way..." Sanji gasped, "He's... he's eating his own men!"

"CANNIBAL!" Luffy shouted as Wapol finished off his men and swallowed them.

FFFFSSSSHHHH! Steam shot out of the chimney on Wapol's head and the nozzle of the two cannons on his arms. Wapol danced around on the spot, but eventually stopped.

"Feast your eyes... ON THE MIRACULOUS FUSION!" Wapol shouted.

KREEEK! The door on Wapol's stomach was pushed opened and a figure called out from inside in both Chess and Kuromarimo's voice. "Allow me to introduce myself: I am the mightiest warrior of Drum Kingdom! CHESSMARIMO!"

The figure was standing on Chess's legs, and Chess's arms were stick out at the sides. His head had a bow tied under it that kept Kuromarimo's golden coat on his shoulders. But on top of Chess's head, was Kuromarimo's head, his arms, complete with black hairball gloves, were sticking out above Chess's and he was wearing Chess's light blue and green jester-style hat. Wapol's two henchman had been combined together into a single body which came up to the middle of the door on Wapol's stomach.

"Are they serious?" Sanji wondered. "They're just riding piggyback."

"THAT'S SO COOL!" Luffy gushed.

"NO IT'S NOT!" Sanji scolded him. "IT'S STUPID!"

"Oh no!" Y/N groaned.

"What, don't tell me you're scared of that?" questioned Sanji.

"No," Y/N replied, "There's two of them and five of us now, it hardly seems fair."

"You're right," Sanji agreed, "I figured before that you and I could take out the two henchmen while Luffy and the reindeer fought the metal guy, but now we'll all have to double up if we want to get in on the action."

"Don't let your guard down," Dr. Kureha advised. "They might look silly but don't be fooled, they're tough, so tough that the citizens couldn't stand against them. That's how these thugs were able to exile all the doctors."

"Article One of Drum Kingdom's Constitution states: 'Those who don't do as the King wishes will be put to death'," Wapol announced. "That's the number one law of this country. You refused my wishes and broke that law. Now you are all going to be punished for your crimes."

Y/N's fists clenched as he glared at Wapol, he looked angrier than he had in a long time.

"But first I'm going to deal with the matter of that quack's flag soiling my regal castle!" Wapol continued. "IT'S TIME I TOOK THAT THING DOWN!" Wapol aimed one of his cannon-arms and fired at Hiriluk's flag, BOOOOM!

Wapol's blast struck Hiriluk's flag, the pole broke and the flag tipped over and fell to the side. Chopper gasped and Y/N gritted his teeth and seemed to get even angrier

"A pirate flag!" Luffy looked and seemingly noticed Hiriluk's flag for the first time. "Hey reindeer... that flag..."

Chopper was lost in his thoughts and was on the brink of tears as he stared up at the flag. "Nothing is impossible for the man who raises the pirate flag!" Hiriluk exclaimed as he stood next to his flag in Chopper's memory.

"HOW DARE YOU ATTACK DOCTORS FLAG!" Chopper shouted as he charged at Wapol.

"Wait Chopper, I'll cover you," Y/N called after him as he chased behind the reindeer.

Chessmarimo moved to intercept Chopper, but the tiny reindeer-human hybrid ran right under the fusion fighter's legs.

Chopper transformed into his huge human form and jumped up to grab Wapol's shoulder so he was in the king's ugly face. "DOCTOR TRIED TO... HE TRIED TO SAVE EVEN YOU!" Chopper shouted as he held onto Wapol's shoulder with one hand and pulled his other arm back, looking to slug the former king in the face.

"Try not to hold a grudge against us humans, okay?" Hiriluk requested in Chopper's memories."This country is sick right now. The people and the king both suffer from a terrible sickness of the heart." Remembering Hiriluk's words caused Chopper to hesitate.

"JAVELIN KICK!" Y/N shouted as he shot his foot out at Chess's chin, WHAP! Both sets of arms reached out and caught Y/N's foot then swung it to the side.

"You'll have to try harder than that!" Chessmarimo taunted.

"Then how's this?" Y/N asked as he spun around and slammed his foot into Chess's face, "Spinning... WHIP KICK!" THWAK! The fusion fighter was knocked on his side.

"But this is Wapol, doctor," Chopper thought to himself, "someone as bad as him isn't worth saving, is he?" What would Hiriluk have done? Hiriluk would've tried to save Wapol. Just like he tried to save the kingdom.

"I... I won't hurt you," Chopper resolved, "As long as you just... leave this country forever!"


"But... doctor said..." Chopper reasoned as he turned to look at Dr. Kureha.

"Hmph," Wapol grunted, CHUNK! He opened his mouth and his tongue turned into a cannon.

"CHOPPER NO!" Y/N yelled, SKISH! In a flash he leapt up into the air, grabbed Chopper, and threw him off of Wapol. He spun around again and face Wapol and his tongue-cannon with his arms crossed across his chest and clenched his muscles. BOOOOOM! The blast struck him in the chest and he went flying backwards.

SHUSH! A cloud of smoke hid Y/N from view as he fell to the ground next to Chopper.

"RICKY!" Chopper exclaimed.

The smoke cleared to reveal Y/N, crouching on one knee will his arms still crossed in front of his chest, HE WAS COMPLETELY UNHARMED! Compared to the shots he'd taken over the years from Luffy, Ace, Jozu, and Whitebeard, Wapol's wimpy cannon blast was nothing. Y/N stood back up and patted his chest, a cannon blast was nothing compared to a punch from the strongest pirate in the world.

"WHAT?" Wapol shouted in surprise.

"You... saved me..." Chopper stammered as he stared at Y/N in surprise.

"Chopper, self-centered pricks like that will never change," Y/N stated. "All that matters to them is getting what they want. It doesn't matter who they hurt or what they have to do to get it. Trying to save someone like him is a lost cause."

"HEY! BIG MOUTH!" Luffy shouted, everyone looked up and saw him standing on top of Drum Castle. He had tied the post of Hiriluk's flag back onto the broken part using one of the sleeves of Nami's coat. He stood on top of the turret with the flag waving behind him.

"STRAW HAT!" Wapol yelled.

"You're a bunch of frauds!" Luffy called down from the top of the castle. The wind carried his voice so everyone could hear him perfectly. "You pretended to be pirates but you weren't willing to risk your lives! YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF THIS FLAG!"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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