Your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him.:
Your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him.:
Niall: “Hold tight buddy, we’re gonna race soon!” Niall laughed excited to his little son who was sitting in a car cart, smiling happily and clutching the wheel with his tiny chubby toddler hands. Niall took a few running steps, between the aisles, making your son giggle and scream in enthusiasm. “Again!” his tiny voice yelled when he jumped up and down on his seat. “In a minute bud, daddy’s gonna get some frozen peas for mommy,” Niall said smiling and taking few steps forward, looking at the frozen pea tray confused. “There’s like ten thousand different kind of peas, Christ..,” he mumbled, shaking his head before he took a random pea sac, tossing it to the cart. “Okay, buddiy, are ya ready to rumble…James?” He looked at the empty car cart seat, blue eyes wide open. His heart started to race and hands sweated against his sweat pants, “James, buddy where are you?” He started to panic, looking around the aisle, peeking to every little hole where your toddler could have disappeared, “Shit, shit, shit…JAMES? JAMES ANSWER TO DADDY BUD!” He ran his hands through his hair frustrated, trying to calm down, but then a familiar giggle filled his ears. He turned around, tracing the voice, when he saw his little son in front of the ice-creams, where he had pressed his face against the class, making faces and making his cheeks fill with air he was holding. Niall breathed relieved, walking across the small boy who was giggling to himself. “James, ya can’t just leave daddy like that! Ya have to stay with daddy!” he scolded, making the baby boy’s blue eyes tear a bit. James sucked his tiny lower lip when he held back tears, and pointed the ice-cream, “Ice-cleam.” Niall tried to be angry, but the minute he saw his son in tears because of an ice-cream, he chuckled, scooping him to his strong arms before hugging him tightly, “Next time just tell daddy you want ice-cream, yea?”
Liam: “Keep close Maddy,” Liam warned, looking at your four years old girl, who walked next to the cart, hand holding the edge of it, while other hand clutched a teddy bear against her chest. Maddy nodded, keeping her eyes on the cart Liam was controlling. “I want to sit daddy,” she whined, looking at Liam who was cooing at your infant who was sleeping in the shopping cart’s baby seat. “We’ll sit down in a minute love, just try to hang on,” Liam smiled, stroking his daughters head gently. He knew that she had used to sit in the cart before the new baby came and took her place, making her walk like “big girl” she is. “Do you want to come on Daddy’s shoulders?” Liam asked, feeling guilty that she couldn’t sit in a cart anymore. She was still Liam’s little girl. Maddy looked at him, eyes widen, when she nodded excitedly. Liam laughed before stopping the cart in front of an empty aisle. “Oh, hold on love, your brother just spit,” Liam said smiling, reaching to dry the spit to the baby’s cloth. “Ready?” he laughed, turning around to see an empty aisle. “Maddy? Where did you go?” he asked, turning his head to every direction, trying to find his small girl. “Maddy?” he asked again, voice shaking when he started to run to the next aisle, and then to the next, and next…until he saw a glimpse of a tiny girl who was sitting next to a toilet paper packets, legs against her chest while she cried to her teddy bear. Liam sighed, when a heavy weight left his heart. “Maddy?” he whispered, when his own eyes started to get teary. He was so relieved when he had found her, “What’s wrong baby girl? Tell to daddy, it’s okay.” Maddy lifted her head and looked to Liam who was kneeling next to her. “Y-You don’t love me anymore,” she cried, small voice trembling, ”you only love the new baby.” Liam sighed, tears now rolling on his cheeks, “Mads, that is not true. Daddy loves you so much, so so much! I know I have been busy, but what if I’ll make it up to you? Let’s play together today, just you and me. What do you say?” Maddy nodded, letting Liam whip the tears away, “Can we play with Barbies?” Liam chuckled to her hope full voice, nodding happily, “Whatever you want love. Now, how about that shoulder ride?”
Louis: “Tommy!” Louis said, looking at his son, eyebrows up. Tommy whined, putting the shower gel’s lid back on, making a pouty face. “How do I know if it works if I can’t try?” he pouted, making Louis laugh a bit, when he guided his son across the store. “You just have to trust them, son,” he said smiling when Tommy asked another question, what seemed like thousandth in the small store. “But dad, why they make food for cats?” he asked, small voice innocent when he scanned the store, confused expression on his face. “So cats can eat,” Louis answered without hesitation, when he stopped to look at the grocery list you had gave him. “What if they don’t like cat food? What if they like dog food? Are dogs allergic of cats? Dad what is that? Dad when I’m old enough to have a tattoo like you? Dad how do you spell bug? Can I get candy? Dad look that man has no hair, let’s ask why!” Tommy jumped up and down, throwing questions to every direction, making Louis annoyed and frustrated. “Thomas Tomlinson!” Louis warned, making a funny face to his son, telling that he needed to calm down. Tommy giggled, shutting his mouth, getting on his tiptoes so he could stare at the fish what was in the fish counter. Minute later he was gone. “Tommy?” Louis asked, looking around him, a little fear building inside him, “Tommy this is not funny! Tommy where are you mate?” Louis started to walk around the shop, panic taking to his nerves, when he saw his son in front of a toothbrushes. “Tommy!” Louis screamed, walking to his son who was staring at the brushes. “Dad, why do we have to brush our teeth? Why is there a picture of you in that brush? When is my teeth gonna fall out? Does grandpa need to brush his teeth too? What about superman? I want a same brush than you have daddy! Does dogs brush their teeth… “
Harry: “What do we need Darcy? Do we need milk..yes we do,” Harry cooed to your baby, who was sitting in the cart, kicking her legs to every direction. “C’mon baby, give a hand to daddy,” Harry smiled, picking his baby girl up and placing her to the ground on her feet. She had just learned how to walk, and Harry couldn’t be more proud. “Let’s go, baby girl,” Harry cheered, holding her little hand when she wobbled with her tiny feet. Harry chuckled, smiling to a few old ladies who were staring at Darcy in awe. “Let’s get peanuts, okay, and bananas! You like bananas, don’t you. Say Banana. BA-NA-NA…” Darcy let out a small laugh, almost tripping to her own feet making Harry hold her better. “OH MY GOD IT’S HARRY STYLES!” someone screamed, making everyone turn to look at Harry. “Great,” he mumbled, trying to pick Darcy up and safe to his arms, but she wasn’t by his side anymore. “Darc?” Harry asked, shock taking over, “DARC?” He looked to every direction, trying to see a small glimpse of her dark hair or hear a small whine, but everything covered to the screams and hugs what came from everywhere. “Excuse me,” He said, almost rudely, pushing people away, before starting to run and search his baby, heart bouncing like crazy. “DARCY?” He yelled, low voice hoarse, “DARCY?” He stopped, rubbing his face for a second, thinking what to do, when he saw a tiny shoe peaking between the aisles. “Darcy!” Harry yelled again, running to see his daughter in front of a poster booth. She was sitting in the ground, in front of the brochures, looking at one direction poster, eyes widen. “Oh Darcy,” Harry whispered, taking her to his arms,hugging tightly before giving a kiss to her head. “Bana-a,” Darcy babbled, pointing to Harry’s picture in the poster, “Baana.” “Darcy,” Harry sighed, looking at her at awe, “you just…” “BAA-A!” she screamed, smiling at her daddy whose eyes were full of tears. “Yeah baby girl, daddy wants bananas, let’s go get them,” he sniffed, kissing her forehead, never letting her go again.
Zayn: “Dad, I’m gonna get candy!” Milo announced, smiling proudly to his dad, who was picking up dinner supplies. “All by your own?” Zayn asked hesitating, looking at his six years old, who was smiling and nodding happily. “Are you sure man?” he asked, looking at the boy who was almost exploding his happiness. “Daddy I’m a big boy! I’m six!” he said, looking at Zayn, who laughed a bit before nodding his head. “Yea, you can go,” he muttered, smiling when his son jumped with excitement before running off, blinking power ranger sneakers gliding in the store. Shaking his head, Zayn chuckled, getting a milk and bread before heading to the candy aisle where Milo would be choosing his candy. “They grow up so fast,” he whispered to himself, a bit sad how big his son had already grown. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t first realize that Milo wasn’t at the candy aisle. “Milo?” he asked, turning around to see if any of the kids had his black hair and dark eyes. Zayn breathed out, panic growing quickly inside him. “Milo?” he asked again, walking to check next aisles, but finding nothing. “This is not good,” he hissed, starting to walk back and forth, trying to search the blink of his sneakers or his superman snapback. After few minutes he pressed his hands on his face, trying to concentrate and think clearly, when announcement voice filled the air, “Attention, attention, a small Milo boy misses his father in the info counter. A small Milo boy misses his father in the info counter. Thank you.” A smile came to Zayn’s face when he raced to the info counter where Milo was pouting, tears in his eyes. “DADDY!” he screamed the minute he saw him, running to hug him tightly. “Hi man, what happened?” Zayn asked, trying to keep his tears off. “I didn’t find you,” Milo said still hugging him tightly, “and that lady in the counter called me small.” Zayn chuckled, giving a kiss to Milo’s hair, before taking his hand, “No more wondering off okay? You’re six, not sixteen…”
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