Someone's kid has a crush on you:

Someone’s kid has a crush on you:


You smiled, feeling how warm, strong hands wrapped around your waist, chin on your shoulder. He left few sloppy kisses to your neck, making you blush while he breathed your scent. “I just called to Andy and guess what,” he murmured sweetly, smiling when you traced his arrow tattoos with your gentle fingers,”His son has a crush on you.” You chuckled, turning around to face your brown eyed boyfriend who had a gentle smile on his face. “He has, huh,” you smirked, thinking about the adorable three years old, “Well, you have a competition then, I guess.” He laughed sweetly, brown eyes sparkling when he lowered his pink lips to yours, brushing them over yours before planting a long, loving kiss to them. You blushed lightly, hands on his neck, thumb brushing his birthmark lovingly. It was your weak spot, making your knees tremble. “I swear to batman, I’m not letting you go,” he teased playfully, pulling you to a hug, “I’m not blaming him, you’re gorgeous. I love you so much.”


 “Hi sweetie!” you cooed, lifting the small boy to your arms, kissing his forehead lightly. He giggled, squirming on your touch, making you laugh as well. “Who’s this little fella?” Louis asked, wondering playfully. He knew the boy from the day he was born, but he knew, how he liked uncle Lou’s jokes. “It’s the youngest Higgins!” you explained, trying to keep straight face when Louis’ eyes widened and theatrical scream left his mouth. “Last time I saw you, you were this big,” he screamed playfully, making a small space between his hands, making the boy giggle. “You saw me yesterday,” the boy squealed, making you both laugh to his adorableness. Louis’ blue eyes were full of adoration when he looked at you with the small boy on your arms. “I have a secret,” Paul’s son confessed, making you scoot closer so he could whisper it to your ear. “I love you,” he whispered loudly to your ear. “I love you too, sweetie,” you whispered loudly back, making Louis scream dramatically, “What is this! Are you quite finished young man, I’d love to have my girlfriend back.”


 “Ben, come back!” Harry yelled, chasing Lux’s cousin around the backstage, making the small boy shout happily. “C’mon man,” Harry pleaded smiling, almost breathless, while he ran after the quick boy, trying to catch him. “I want Y/N!” Ben yelled, making Harry laugh before trying to get a good grip of the boy. “She’s my girlfriend,” Harry laughed, still not able to catch the small kid. “MINE Y/N!” Ben screamed, running behind you, making you to his shield. “Ben,” Harry breathed heavily, dimple showing smirk on his face when he leaned to you, trying to get his breath back, “Okay, I give up, Y/N’s all yours.” The small boy squealed, starting to jump up and down, giggling, before hugging your waist tightly. “I love you,” he whispered happily before running to tell his parents the ‘good news’. “He’s adorable,” you beamed happily, watching the boy’s joy, heart full of love. “I’m more adorable, right,” Harry murmured, pout on his lip, making you giggle. “Umm…I don’t know Styles, it’s pretty fifty-fifty situation,” you teased, making him growl before pushing you against the wall, green eyes darkening, “You’re mine Y/N.” A giggle left your mouth when he pressed his warm lips against yours, forgetting the world around you before small shout made you jump,“HEY THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!”


 You flipped through another magazine, tossing it to the couch next to you. You were in Zayn’s dressing room, waiting him come back from the meet and greet. He had insisted you’d stay, but you felt bored after so many hours. “Y/N,” Zayn’s voice echoed on the hallway, making you stand up confused. He weren’t supposed to be there, the meet and greet wasn’t over yet. “Zayn what’s wro-..,” you asked worried when he opened the door, smiling at you with his brown, big eyes. He had a kid with him, a small boy, who was staring at you, mouth hanging open. “Hi,” you said surprised, smiling to the small kid,” Who are you, love?” He stared at you with big confused eyes, making Zayn chuckle. “He’s Jason and he’s here to propose you, right man?” Zayn smirked, chuckling with his low, raspy voice. The boy nodded, gulping before getting down one knee, pulling a plastic ring out of his pocket. You giggled to the Hello Kitty sticker on it. “You’re pretty lady, Y/N, and I’d love to have you as my wife,” he said with tiny, high voice what trembled so badly your heart fluttered. “Oh,” you breathed, looking at Zayn who smirked at you, “I’d love to be your wife.” His eyes got wide while a huge smile came across his face. “I said she’d say yes,” Zayn chuckled when he saw the happiness on the boy’s face. “It’s about time to someone to propose me,” you teased, making Zayn laugh before getting what you were hinting for. His eyes got wide when he stared at a small boy who was beaming at you. “My wife,” the boy cooed, hugging your legs, making you laugh at Zayn’s horrified look.


 “C’mon lil’ one, I’ll take ye to a ride,” Niall cheered, lifting his already four years old nephew to his arms , attempting to ride his seagway with the little Horan. “No,” he screamed, pouting his lip when tears rimmed his blue eyes, “I want to go with Y/N.” Niall looked at him, big blue eyes confused, “You want to ride my seagway with Y/N? What ‘bout me?” The small boy shook brown haired head, making Niall pout a bit. “I want Y/N,” a cry left the boy’s lips, making your heart melt. Greg chuckled next to you, looking at his son who was trying to get out of his uncles arms. “I want Y/N!” he screamed, making Niall let him go, pouting at the lack of love he had. “Hi buddy,” you cooed, lifting the boy to your arms, giving him a kiss to his cheek, making him blush like his uncle. “Wana ride the seagway with me?” he asked, small voice hopeful, making you smile. “What about uncle Ni?” you wondered, looking at your pouting boyfriend. “But I want you to be my girlfriend, not his,” Greg’s son; Theo pouted, making Niall look up, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. “Looks like ye have a competition with another Horan,” Greg teased, chuckling to Niall who was wrapping his arm around you, stealing a kiss. “My girlfriend, mine” Niall murmured, pressing his lips to yours, only breaking to smile when he heard the smallest Horan ask his dad to ride a seagway with him. “yeh, ya’re all mine.”

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