he thinks you're pregnant part 2
Niall: You stood there shocked as Niall's last words hit you, you honestly didn't know where he got that. "What are you talking about?" you asked, looking him in the eyes. He stood there looking at me dumbfounded. "Don't lie to me! I found the empty test box in the trash," he said.Empty test box you thought, then it hit you. Your sister had went by earlier, claiming that she thought she was pregnant. She wanted to take the test with someone and she wanted it to be you. You had been there to support your sister, who turned out not pregnant, and you forgot that she left her stuff behind. "It wasn't my test," you said, instantly. He stopped pacing; he looked at you angrily, "Stop fucking lying to me!" You flinched because you had never seen him so angry, at you at least. Going against your better judgment, you walked over to him and placed your hands on his. "It's not mine, I swear. I would tell you if I ever thought I was pregnant," you said. He looked into your eyes and the look on his face told you that he believed you. "Who's was it then?" he asked in a calmer tone. You told him who took the test and the reason behind it and he understood. "I'm sorry for getting angry," he said, kissing your cheek. "It's fine. I understand why you would be angry." In the end he was semi happy that you weren't pregnant, but at the back of his mind he was hoping that you were. In time it was bound to happen, maybe just not right now.
Zayn: You were quickly pulled out of your sleepy state when Zayn's words left his mouth. You sat up in bed and looked at him, wondering where that theory came from. Yes you had been sleeping a lot and yes the only time you got up was to eat or shower, but you weren't pregnant. You didn't really know what was wrong with you, but you were sleepy all the time. There was really no explanation for the way you were acting. "What did you say?" you asked, sitting up and looking at him. He quickly got up and looked as though he was trying to figure out a way to explain what he just said. "You are pregnant right?" he asked, sitting up also. "What no. Why would you say that?" "Well what else am I suppose to think when all you do is sleep and eat? I don't know what else could be going on, if you talked to maybe I wouldn't jump to conclusions." You sighed and ran your hand through your hair, "I am not pregnant. I can't tell you what is going on because I have no freaking idea!" To say the least you were just tired, tired of being tired. You started to cry and he said nothing, instead he wrapped his arms around you and brought you close. "So, you're not pregnant?" he asked, silently. The way he said it that time made you giggle through the tears. "No, I would tell you if I even remotely thought that." "Okay. We will figure out why you're always tired, baby. It'll be okay." You nodded and you guys laid back, the topic of babies and pregnancies stayed. You guys talked about what would happen if you were pregnant, to know that he would be overjoyed made you happy.
Louis: You spat the toothpaste out of your mouth as Louis' words processed in your head. You rinsed out your mouth and turned to him. "Why would you say that?" you would ask, putting your hands on your hips. He contemplates what he is going to say next, not wanting to upset you. "I just thought it was the only reason I could come up with for the reason behind you getting sick and," he stopped, looking at you, "being moody." You wanted to laugh, but you knew he was right about you being moody. "I went to the doctor today and he said it was the stomach flu," you said. You didn't want to bother him by making him go to the doctor with you or cooking for himself, even if you were contagious. "Then why are you moody?" You sighed, "Because I hate being sick and feeling sluggish. Sorry for not telling you, but I'm not pregnant." "Are you one hundred percent sure?" he asked, you were getting annoyed with him. "Yes Louis, they took a test and it came out negative. There. Now go cook and I will go to sleep." With that you walked out of the bathroom and headed for the room, to change and sleep. Louis walked into the bedroom after you and hugged you from behind, "Sorry I bothered you. I hope you feel better. Get some rest and call me if you need anything. I love you." You smiled, turning around to kiss his cheek, "I love you, too. Thank you."
Harry: With all the false pregnancies and the high hopes of you getting pregnant you knew that the symptoms you were having may have gave off the idea that you were pregnant. And with Harry's constant nagging and pushing that you were pregnant you were getting curious. You went to a doctor and confirmed that you weren't pregnant and all the symptoms you were having weren't real, it was all in your head. When Harry said it once again you knew it was time to tell him that you weren't. "Babe, I am not pregnant." "You could be. I mean you have all the symptoms. Maybe I should call the doctor and se-"You cut off his rant with a kiss, making him smile. "I already went to a doctor. I'm not pregnant," you said. He sat back and looked at you, it looked like he wanted to ask you a million questions but nothing came out of his mouth. So saving his breath you explained to him, "The doctor said that, because I want to be pregnant and you want me to be pregnant, I'm pretending to have the symptoms. It's normal for someone who has been trying for so long to feel like this. I'm sorry that I got your hopes up," you said, letting your head hang. He quickly went to your side and lifted your head to look at him, "No, baby. It's okay. Someday you will get pregnant. We just have to wait for that time to come. It's worth the wait as long as I'm waiting with you." For once, in a very long time, you felt good. You knew that it took time to get pregnant and, he was right, it was worth the wait as long as it was with him.
Liam: You had felt bad for pushing him away at a time when you probably need him the most. It was just that you were scared that he wouldn't want to be with you if you were actually pregnant. You went to the doctor's office earlier and, right before you got home, you got a call saying that the test came out negative. You were relieved, but when Liam spoke the words that said what you previously thought you knew you had to talk to him. "Where did you get that from?" you asked, walking closer to where he stood. "The doctor called, Y/N! Why are you hiding things from me and pushing me away?" he was angry, confused, and much more. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for pushing you away and keeping things from you, but I'm not pregnant." He stood there stunned as your last words hit him, "Why was the doctor calling?" He calmed down and walked towards you, taking your hands into his. "I thought I was pregnant and I didn't want to tell you because I was scared that you wouldn't want this right now. I distanced myself thinking it was easier for me to be left if the test was positive," you cried. He lulled you as he pulled you into a hug, "If you were pregnant I wouldn't leave you. I love you too much to do that. Talk to me next time, don't push me away." You nodded and cried, you knew that he was right but at the time you thought you were right. You were relieved to know that if you ever felt like this again you could go him, always.
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