He makes you feel insecure( Part 2)
Harry: You Meet His Childhood Friend.
I watched Y/N climb the stairs like she couldn’t get away fast enough. I knew she was going inside herself, trying to conceal how she feels. She does that whenever she’s hurting. “Harry? Do you wanna watch a movie with me?” G/N asked from the couch. I turned around to look at her, “Are you serious?” “Yeah,” she grinned, “pick out a movie, and come watch with us.” Even Gemma was looking at her like she was insane. I know G/N’s my best friend, but there is obviously something wrong with her if she thinks I’m just going to sit here while Y/N is upset.I didn’t say anything. I just did what I knew I had to do. I rounded the landing and headed upstairs, towards the guest bedroom. “Oh, Y/N, Love,” those words were out of my mouth the moment I saw her on the bed, curled up on top of the bed and crying.
I ran over to her and pulled her into my arms, lying with her, “Tell me what’s bothering you. Please.”
After she had calmed down a bit, she brought her delicate hands to her face, wiping away the tears, “What are you doing up here, Harry?” “Did you really think I would let you be alone when you looked the way you did?” I whispered, tightening my arms around her waist. “Now, please tell me what’s wrong.”
She sniffled, shifting in my arms to look up at me with her beautiful eyes, “I’m feeling insecure.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, furrowing my brows in confusion. She looked down, wetting her lips, “From the moment G/N got here, you two have been inseparable,” she swiftly met my gaze again, “but don’t get me wrong, Harry; I don’t mind you hanging out with her. I understand that you two haven’t hung out in a while, but…well, while dinner was being prepared, I was inside helping while you were out there with her, laughing and hanging all over each other. After dinner, you two disappeared somewhere while I helped clean up…”
She had tears in her eyes again, “I know I’m just paranoid, but she’s so pretty…And you’re, well,” she turned away, “perfect. She has to have feelings for you.”
Once I knew for sure that she was done talking, I brought my finger underneath her chin and tipped her head up. I wanted to look in her eyes again.
“Y/N,” I murmured softly. “Listen to me.”
She nodded, biting her bottom lip and driving me crazy.
“My feelings for G/N have always been the same, and they will remain the same,” I assured her, stroking her hip with my free hand. “I only feel the love a brother would have for a sister towards her. I onlylove and want you.”
I began to see the corners of her luscious lips turn up, and I found myself grinning, too, “Tonight and tomorrow, I’m all yours, Love. Just tell me what you want,” I pressed my lips to her forehead, “and I’ll make it happen.”
“I want you, Harry,” she breathed, finally giving me the stunning smile I was used to.
And who was I to deny such a request? The girl I was head over heels for wanted me to make love to her, and it was my job to keep her happy.
I leaned in to give her the first of many passionate kisses when I felt her fingers on my lips.
She smirked at me, “I want you after we spend some time with your family…including G/N because that’s what we came here for.”
I was glowing as I pulled her into my chest by the hoops of her jeans and gave her a deep kiss, “I love you.”
Liam: He Says Something That Makes You Feel Like You Aren’t Giving Him Enough Space.
"I just want some me time.” The minute she said that, I knew she had heard my conversation with Niall last night. I also knew that I had to assure her that she had misunderstood me.
Because she had. I can’t live without Y/N. “So you heard…” I sighed, looking down at my plate. “Your conversation on the phone last night? Yes, I did,” she hissed, turning on the faucet of the kitchen sink. “Love,” I got up from my chair and made my way over to her, “you have to let me explain.” “What is there to explain, Liam? You said you missed the single life and that you were rethinking this whole thing,” she fired out at me while scrubbing her plate to the point I thought it was going to break in half. “I think it’s pretty crystal clear what the conversation was about.”
I put my hands on her upper arms, caressing her soft skin with my thumbs, “Y/N…Please…There are things I have to explain, but I promise you that I am not rethinking us.”
She paused to consider my words before letting out a sigh, “Fine, but you better have a very good explanation, Liam James Payne.”
“I do,” I murmured, taking her by the hands and bringing her into the living room.
We sat down on the couch, facing each other, and I began my story.
“When you went upstairs to get ready for bed, Niall rang me on my mobile. Obviously, I picked it up, and he began talking to me about what an awesome night he and the boys had at the club. He was half drunk, but…you could tell he had a good time,” I looked away from her, rubbing my nose with the back of my finger. “I guess I just, after hearing about it, missed it. I missed the partying and getting drunk, but Y/N, I know for a fact,” I looked her in the eye as I said this, “that if I lost you, I’d miss you more.”
I was hoping that would ruse some sort of a response, but she just looked at me expectantly.
I sighed, hanging my head, “I said some stuff to Niall that I didn’t mean, and the truth is, I don’t really want to go unless you’re with me.” “What about coming home to watch one of your shows?”
“It’s true that I would like to do that, but I wouldn’t mind you curled up next to me, Love,” I took her hands in mine and brought her knuckles to my lips. “I miss those things about my single life, but now that I’m not single, I realized I’d rather be doing those things with you than alone.”
“And what about rethinking this?”
I couldn’t help laughing at that question, despite the glare she was giving me, “Oh, Y/N, Love. If only you had heard what Niall said. I wasn’t rethinking us.”
She looked at me warily, “So…you aren’t rethinking our relationship?”
“Hell no, Y/N,” I chuckled. “Niall asked if I didn’t like our job anymore, and I told him that it just wasn’t as fun as it used to be.”
Y/N’s face changed from confusion to utter shock, “You’re leaving One Direction?”
“No,” I shook my head, “but for a time, I was thinking about it.” “But why?” she asked, scooting closer to me.
“Because I wanted more time for myself,” I sighed, drawing circles on the back of her hands. “I have enough money to support us and our future family, and…I would have more time to be with you…”
She gave me a smile before leaning in to peck my cheek, “I’m sorry for overreacting.”
“No. Don’t apologize, Love. I’m sorry for making you feel insecure.”
Louis: He’s Been Seen Hanging Out With His Ex.
A part of me always knew that my friendship with Eleanor would be a problem, considering she was my ex-girlfriend, but in the beginning, Y/N didn’t seem to be too bothered by us hanging out. Now, however, I was pretty sure she had been hiding her true feelings about the situation because she didn’t want to seem like the “jealous girlfriend.”
Honestly, I’m happy that she got pissed at me. I was happy she was envious because it meant she cared.
It meant she didn’t want me to leave her, which she should know by now that I never would.
I know that I would be jealous if she was seen walking around with her ex-boyfriend…Hell, I was fuming when Harry had taken her out for ice cream!
The only thing I regretted was that I didn’t detect her envy until now. How long have I been making her feel this insecure about us? “Come with me,” I begged her, tightening my grip on her wrist. “Please, Love. I want to fix this.” She reluctantly let me pull her back downstairs and towards the living room. I sat down in the recliner and pulled her down on top of me, into my lap. She was resisting at first, but I gave her one of my smiles, the ones that make her smile back at me no matter how pissed or upset she is, and she relented.When she was settled on top of me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and made her lean against my chest. “Let’s start with what’s troubling you,” I whispered against her shoulder. “I’m guessing that my hanging out with Eleanor is what’s bothering you. Am I right?”She was quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh, “I don’t mind you hanging out with her, Louis. I trust you, and she’s obviously important to you…” “Only as a friend, though,” I interjected, making sure she knew. “You have no reason to feel insecure about us because we are solid, Y/N. We aren’t going to break. Ever.” “But everyone is comparing us,” she sniffled, looking down at her lap. “I’m afraid you’ll decide one day that maybe she is the better choice…because she is.” I frowned at her words, knowing that they were untrue. I could never fall back in love with Eleanor after I had met Y/N. Y/N brought me out of the heartbreak and taught me that if I had truly loved Eleanor, I would’ve tried to make it work.
It wasn’t like that with Y/N.I couldn’t deal with it not working because I loved her too much to let her go. “Y/N, who lives with me right now?” I asked. “I do…” she replied softly.“And who is currently in my arms?” “I am…”
“And who is the only girl I ever truly loved?”
“…” I turned her around in my arms so she faced me, “Come on, Y/N. That’s the easiest question!” She tried not to smile, but she wasn’t strong enough. Her face was bright enough to light up the whole room. “Fine…I’ll answer for you. It’s a certain girl named Y/N,” I replied, kissing her nose. “I’ll tell Eleanor not to come tomorrow, okay?”
She shook her head, “I don’t mind her going.”
“Are you sure?” my eyes widened at her sudden acceptance.
“I’m sure,” she nodded, “as long as you come home to me afterwards.”
I smirked, pressing my lips to her plump ones, “You can count on that.” 0“Louis!” she giggled into the kiss before bringing her hands to my cheeks. “Yes, Love?” I murmured against her neck. “I’ll be waiting for you to return,” her words fell on my ear, “so hurry home.” ”I’ll leave during halftime, in that case.”
Niall: You Don’t Feel Like He Wants You Sexually.
I got out of the bathroom to see the lights in our room turned off and Y/N’s form under the sheets, illuminated by the tiny amount of moonlight coming through the window.
I ran a hand through my still-damp hair, pushing it back from my forehead as I pulled back the covers to slip into bed. “Babe?”
No answer.
I shook her shoulder, hoping it would be enough to rouse her. I hated waking her if she was asleep, but I needed to settle something with her.
“What do you want, Niall?” she snapped, taking me completely off guard. “Are you upset with me or something?” I asked, frowning. “Tell me what’s wrong.” “Nothing’s wrong, Niall,” she sighed. “Just tell me why you woke me up.” “No. Obviously something is wrong, and I want to get to the bottom of it,” I shook my head. “Please tell me what I did wrong.” She was quiet for a few moments before her body shifted, and she sat up against the headboard. In the dark, I could just make out her face and gorgeous eyes. “Niall…am I…” she bit her lip, looking away. “Are you what?” I whispered, scooting closer to her.“Sexy?” Her voice was barely audible when she asked, and I almost didn’t catch it.She wanted to know if she was desirable? Really? Did she not know the effects she had on me? “Did you just ask if I find you sexy?” I questioned, wondering if I had heard wrong. “Yes…” she said, looking at me warily.
I beamed at her, “Princess, you really are insane.”
Her face contorted in anger, and I knew she was about to yell at me for joking around with something she found serious. I just couldn’t help myself.
“Come here,” I said, tugging on her arm.
She rolled her eyes and climbed into my lap, letting me hold her around the waist and press a kiss to her temple.
“I’m sorry if I did anything to make you feel insecure about yourself, but there really is something you should know, Y/N,” I sighed, feeling slightly embarrassed about what I was about to say. “…I want you all the time. Night and day. When I’m here and away.”
“You do?” she looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes wide.
I nodded, “Before, when we were making out, I was so turned on, but we haven’t exactly done anything passed that. I didn’t want to pressure you into anything or make you feel rushed, so as hard as it was for me to do, I pulled away from you and…um…went upstairs…to…uh…take care of myself.”
She laughed at me, “Niall, if you wanted to take it further, you could’ve just told me so.”
I gaped at her, “You mean…?”
“Well…I am a virgin, and I would kind of like to be until we’re at least fiancés,” she shrugged, “but I don’t mind doing other things.”
She had to know what she was doing to me. She absolutely had to.
She basically just told me she wanted to take it further, and in that moment, I was reminded, yet again, how easily she could turn me on. ”What kind of other things…?” I smirked, pressing a kiss to her neck. She hung her head, trying to hide her embarrassment at my question and the smile tugging at her lips.
“Come on,” I breathed against her skin, “tell me.”
“Niall…” I could detect the laughter in her voice. She was happy again, and that was all that really mattered.
“You’re too cute,” I whispered.
She arched a brow, “Just cute?”
I growled, tackling her to the bed and straddling her while I brought her into a passionate kiss, “Sexy as fuck, too.”
Zayn: You Don’t Know What You Are to Him.
I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Y/N’s face pop up onto my mobile’s screen.
I picked up as quickly as possible, practically shouting her name into the receiver.
“What do you want?”
She was pissed, and I now knew for sure that she had seen today’s interview.
“We really need to talk. I know you saw that interview, and I want to tell you everything that I said was a lie.”
“So we aren’t best friends either?”
“Don’t take it that way, Y/N…Where are you right now?” I asked, leaning on the front door of her flat.
I came to her place right after the interview, knowing I had to set things straight. I should’ve told her how I felt months ago, after our first kiss, because I had felt this way about her for a long time. I just wanted to make sure that it would work and that I wouldn’t be rejected… But, now, I might have messed the whole thing up.
“I’m at the mall with Y/F/N.”
“Alright. Come home as soon as you can. I’m outside your flat.” “You’re at my flat?” she sounded surprised.
“Yeah. I am.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I promise you it will be worth your while.” “Whatever, Zayn,” she uttered before hanging up.
The nerves kicked in as soon as the phone was back in my pocket, but I knew I had to do this. I had to fix what I broke.*************************************************************************************
Y/N arrived at about the time she said she would, and when I saw her getting out of the cab, I ran over to her and grabbed her bags for her.
She hadn’t bought much, so at first, she protested; I had convinced her by threatening to pay the cab fare if she didn’t let me handle them.
Now, we were sitting in her living room, staring at one another. I so badly wanted to sit next to her for this, but considering she was still furious with me, I gave her her space.
“Y/N…I guess I should apologize for being an idiot first,” I said, leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees. “I should’ve said most of the things I’m going to say a while ago.”
She didn’t say anything. She just sat back on the couch, her hands in her lap and ready to listen.
I inhaled and began my explanation, “When I kissed you…and started this whole thing between us, I never really bothered to ask if what we were doing was okay. I mean, I was the one who initiated most of the kisses and other stuff…I just assumed you wanted me as much as I wanted you…”
I got off the armchair and leaned before her, taking her soft hands in mine, “But, Y/N, it was never just my sex drive that caused me to make a move. I’ve had real feelings for you…for a while now, actually, and that night, I was confused and slightly drunk…so I went for it. Obviously, it confirmed my feelings for you because I just never wanted to stop being with you after that.”
She was biting her lip as I confessed, and I could see the tears in her eyes.
“I might’ve made the biggest mistake of my life today…because I ruined us by making you feel insecure. I wanted to make us official before making us public, and it wasn’t until recently that I figured out that you liked me, too.”
“That isn’t true at all,” she sniffled, shaking her head. “I’ve liked you since I met you.”
I smiled at her, “I know that now, so will you forgive me and do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" "Yes!"
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