He cheats with your best friend gets her pregnant (Part 3 )

He cheats with your best friend gets her pregnant (Part 3 )

Harry (Your POV) – It had been an entire year since you were told the devastating news that your boyfriend had cheated on you with your best friend and had gotten her pregnant. You didn’t know how you managed it, but you had decided to stay with him despite everything that he had done although you hadn’t spoken to Y/BF/N once since the argument. You had never realized how easy it was to forgive someone you were in love with until this had happened; you hated and loved that fact at the same time. On the one hand, you were still with Harry and you did love him more than anything. Your ability to forgive him had made your relationship stronger in a lot of ways. On the other hand, whenever anyone heard about what had happened, you just felt like an idiot because so many people would openly criticize you for being so forgiving. Miraculously, you had managed to keep the whole scenario a secret; the media hadn’t caught wind of it at all but that all changed when the baby was born. Harry was spotted at the hospital the day of the birth and when people quickly realized that it wasn’t you who had had a baby, questions began being asked and answers were soon discovered. You were sitting in your flat with Harry, his baby girl, Alisha, was now 3 months old and was sitting in his lap. You knew it was a horrible thing to think or say but you couldn’t even stand to look at her. All it did was remind you of all the heartbreak and betrayal you had felt and whenever you thought about it, it made you feel sick. The situation only got worse when Y/BF/N arrived to pick Alisha up and there was a swarm of paparazzi standing outside waiting to snap some pictures. Y/BF/N walked into the living room and smiled at Harry and her baby, making it difficult for you to not hurl abuse at her. “Hi Y/N,” she said as she offered you a small smile and you immediately stormed out the room to stop yourself from retaliating. You went out into your back garden and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down and Y/BF/N appeared behind you a few seconds later. “Y/N can we talk about this?” she asked quietly, desperation in her voice. “Talk about what?” you spat at her, tears now streaming down your face, “talk about the fact that you’ve completely ruined my life Y/BF/N? That should be MY baby in there. Not yours.” You sobbed as you gripped your hair in an attempt to calm yourself down. “Y/N, you’ll never know how sorry I am, if you want me and Alisha to stay away from Harry I’ll completely understand,” she muttered in reply as her voice trembled. “What and punish Alisha and Harry?” you asked, “Because they’re the only two people who will get hurt if I say that that’s what I want. You still walk away unharmed by this entire situation when everything else around you is completely ruined.” You could hear her sobbing now as you faced in the other direction, not wanting to see her incase you lost your temper completely. “That’s not true Y/N, I’ve lost you and that hurts me more than you’ll ever be able to understand.” You turned around and glared at her angrily, “how dare you stand there and tell me that I can’t understand your pain. I’ve lost my best friend too. You betrayed me Y/BF/N and I will never forgive you.” You stormed past her and back into the flat, you stepped out the front door, tears streaming down your face, completely forgetting that there were around a hundred reporters standing outside. “They immediately began firing questions at you and taking photos as you broke down completely, you couldn’t even breathe anymore and you were beginning to have a full scale anxiety attack. You turned back around and ran inside as Y/BF/N carried Alisha out of the flat and into her car, having hundreds of photos taken of her as she did. You collapsed to the floor as you felt like the room was closing in on you. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think straight, your heart was pounding, you were sweating but your skin felt ice cold. You felt Harry’s arms wrap around your waist and you were immediately brought back to reality. “Don’t touch me,” you screamed at him as you ran up to your bedroom and slammed the door. You paced around the room, your breathing ragged as you panicked and sobbed. Harry pushed the door open and looked at you with sad eyes. “Babe are you okay?” he asked softly and you stopped pacing and looked directly at him. “Am I okay?” you asked angrily, “of course I’m not okay, I don’t even know how to even exist in this situation Harry. It’s not fair,” you sobbed as you sat down on the bed and Harry immediately walked over and wrapped his arms around you. “I don’t know what I can do to make this better,” he said, voice trembling as he spoke. “Well you can start by leaving me alone,” you said quietly before standing up and putting on your jacket. “Wait, where are you going?” he asked, his eyes filling with tears as he spoke. “I just need to get away for a while,” you replied, “I need to think Harry,” a fresh wave of tears began to slide down your cheeks as you walked down the hallway, Harry following you and calling your name. You opened the front door and a hundred bright flashes went off in your face as you walked to your car while Harry stood at the door crying openly in front of the press and begging you to stay.

Liam (Your POV) – During Y/BF/N’s pregnancy, you had managed to begin to try to restore your relationship. It was the hardest thing you had ever done but you tried your best because you knew it was unfair to forgive Liam and shut her out completely. You tried to always avoid talking about the baby but as time progressed the subject was getting harder and harder to avoid. The media had also been going crazy about the whole situation. Slamming Liam and Y/BF/N in different articles everyday. The three of you couldn’t be seen out in public without being harassed and it was getting harder and harder to remain strong. You were being labeled as a pushover. An idiot. And if you were being honest you couldn’t really blame people for saying it because you knew that it was true to some extent. They just didn’t understand how hard it would be for you to walk away from Liam, the only boy you had ever really loved. You had been out at the supermarket one day and you arrived home to see your heavily pregnant “friend” (if you could still really call her that) sitting on the couch in your living room chatting away to Liam and laughing. You instantly felt furious, you had forgiven Liam and you were going along the right track in terms of trying to preserve your friendship with Y/BF/N but this was a little bit too much to handle in your opinion. You walked into the living room and raised your eyebrows at the two of them and the smiles immediately disappeared from their faces. “What’s going on here?” you asked, your tone starting to sound a little bit hostile. “Hey babe,” Liam said nervously as he stood up and hugged you. “Y/BF/N and I thought it might be a good idea to all sit down and have a conversation about what we’re going to do when the baby arrives,” he said with a small, cautious smile. “Oh yeah sounds great. I can hardly contain my excitement,” you said sarcastically. Liam’s face fell and you instantly felt bad but you didn’t know why. It wasn’t as if any of this was your fault. “Fine, we can talk,” you eventually muttered as you flopped down onto the couch. Y/BF/N cleared her throat and offered you a small smile. “Liam has said that he’s going to support the baby financially,” she began and you nodded. You and Liam had already talked about that and you made sure that he knew that even though you were furious about this situation, you wanted him to support Y/BF/N and the baby. “I was also thinking about trying to work out a schedule so that Liam could see the baby,” she said cautiously and you nodded again, feeling angrier and angrier by the second but you did a good job at containing it. She cleared her throat again as she continued speaking, her tone as cautious as ever, “Liam and I have also been discussing ways we can make this easier on you, and that’s why we’ve… I’ve come to the decision that I want you to be the baby’s godmother,” she smiled at you, and looked at you like she had just done you the biggest favor in the world. Your jaw was hanging wide open as you looked at Liam and then looked and Y/BF/N, both of them had hopeful smiles plastered on their faces. “Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked angrily. “What? Y/N we thought you’d be happy?” Liam asked, wearing the same wounded expression he had earlier on but this time, you felt no kind if sympathy towards him. “Why would I want to be godmother to the child which was conceived when my best friend slept with my boyfriend? Do you not fucking realize how ridiculous that sounds? The media would have a fucking field day as well,” you yelled. “Y/N, please,” Y/BF/N said quietly, voice trembling. “Please what, Y/BF/N?” you asked, “You know what, fuck you” you said pointing directly in her face. “And fuck you,” you turned to Liam as you ran your fingers through your hair angrily. “And the two of you,” you said, barely able to form a sentence because you were so furious. “The two of you have been what? Having private little meet ups to discuss the arrival of baby Payne?” you asked, raising your eyebrows at the two of them. “It wasn’t like that Y/N, I swear. We were only talking so we could try and figure out how to make this easier for you,” Y/BF/N said as tears began to slide down her cheeks. “Nothing is going to make this easier,” you spat at her, voice filled with venom, “the two of you are just making everything worse. You do realize that every time I see this child, all I’m going to be able to think about is what you two did! I’m not even 100% sure I can be around that.” You walked to the window and stared outside, trying to decide what you wanted to do. “Y/N, please don’t say that,” Liam said and you could hear the lump in his throat. He came up behind you and put his hands round your waist but you pushed him away. “Don’t touch me Liam. Look I need to be alone for a while to think about what I’m going to do,” you muttered before storming out the flat, a distraught Liam following you.

Louis (Your POV) – You had done so well. Your relationship with Louis was getting back to the way it used to be after what had happened. It took you a while to let him all the way back in but you did it eventually and when you did, you began to remember why it was so easy to forgive him in the first place. You loved him and he loved you and that was all you needed to know. You had even managed to forgive Y/BF/N. That was particularly difficult but you had managed it. You weren’t as close as you used to be but you still called her your friend, and for her, that was more than she could have ever hoped for. Y/BF/N, yourself and Louis had all been vigilant in slamming the media whenever they would post an article about any of you. There had obviously been a lot of media coverage, there was no denying that what had happened was a complete and utter scandal. Louis and Y/BF/N had been getting so much hate online and the media was printing horrible things about them everyday. They let it happen for a while without saying anything; they felt like they deserved it. But it came to the point where you couldn’t stand what was being said. You put out a series of tweets, condemning the media. Saying that they had no right to print anything about Louis and Y/BF/N, it was none of their business and seeing how much the articles were hurting them was hurting you just as much. This then ended up turning the media against you, a mountain of stories were printed but you didn’t care because you had your friends to support you and most importantly, you had Louis. You and Louis had had multiple conversations about what he was going to do when the baby arrived. He wanted to take responsibility for his actions and you wanted for him to know his child. You didn’t want to get in the way of that. So with Y/BF/N, you all came to a collective decision that Louis was going to be as big a part of the child’s life as he could be. Louis and Y/BF/N were constantly asking you about your feelings towards the whole situation and you were just as surprised as them by how calm you were about the whole thing. It was a cold Wednesday afternoon and you were sitting in the living room, cuddled into Louis’ arms. Your phone began to ring and you reached into your pocket to see that Y/BF/N was calling you. “Hello?” you answered. “Hey Y/N, it’s me. I just was calling to tell you that I went into labor in the early hours of this morning… the baby’s here. Do you and Louis want to come and meet her?” she asked cautiously and your face broke out into the smallest of smiles. “I’ll give you a text, I’ll speak to him now.” You hung up the phone and turned to Louis. “Well that’s it Lou, you’re a dad. Y/BF/N wants to know if we want to see the baby?” Louis immediately jumped up and pulled his jacket on. He ran round the living room like an excited puppy as he waited for you to get ready. You tried to not feel jealous but you couldn’t help it. Louis should be excited to meet your child, not Y/BF/N’s. You could feel yourself getting angrier and angrier as you got closer to the hospital and you were doing everything you could to calm yourself down. You were just pulling up when Louis turned to you and begged you to drop him off at the front door before you went to look for a parking space and you reluctantly agreed. You found a spot and walked into the maternity ward in search of Y/BF/N’s room. You were eventually pointed in the right direction and you pushed the door open. You saw Louis standing next to Y/BF/N, holding a beautiful baby girl; he had tears in his eyes. You couldn’t help but think about how perfect the three of them looked together and it made you absolutely furious. Y/BF/N must have noticed something was wrong because she looked at you with knitted eyebrows. “Y/N, are you okay?” she asked, concerned and you swallowed hard, trying to shift the lump in your throat. “I thought I was going to be fine with this but I’m not,” you muttered, tears spilling down your cheeks. Louis handed his beautiful daughter over to Y/BF/N and walked over to you, grabbing onto your hands. “Y/N, please don’t do this,” he pleaded as more silent tears cascaded down your cheeks. “I can’t Louis, I’m sorry. I’m not okay anymore,” you said, the realization hitting you like a high-speed train. “I’m sorry,” you muttered again before backing out of the room, hearing Y/BF/N calling after you, clearly crying but you ignored her. You had just walked out the front door and took a deep breath of fresh air in a feeble attempt to calm yourself down when you heard footsteps running up behind you. “Y/N, please talk to me,” you could hear Louis’ voice calling to you and he eventually reached you and grabbed your shoulders so you were forced to look at him. “Louis, I can’t just now, I’m sorry. I need to be away from you and Y/BF/N. This is too hard,” you said quietly and began to walk away, your body beginning to shake with silent sobs. “Y/N I thought we had fixed this,” Louis yelled after you as he sobbed as well, “I need you. I thought this was going to be okay.”

Niall (Your POV) – 10 months had passed since you had found out about Niall’s and Y/BF/N’s grand betrayal and things were still as difficult as they had been at the time. You had refused, point blank, to speak another word to Y/BF/N. As far as you were concerned, your friendship with her was completely over and there was no changing your mind. You had lost count of the amount of fights you and Niall had had because of it, when everything had first started, he would plead with you to be more forgiving but you refused and you often lost your temper. The media coverage had been driving you insane. Naturally, the incident was plastered all over the tabloids and although you were used to a lot of media attention the sheer volume was overwhelming you. There were many times where you couldn’t take it anymore and you completely broke down, you hated it. Things had been getting better for you and Niall towards the end of the pregnancy. You had managed to come to terms with the fact that he was going to stay in contact with Y/BF/N because he wanted to take responsibility for his child. As angry as that had made you to begin with, you had to admit that you respected him a lot for it as well. The baby was born in mid-January and the media exploded with pictures and stories and rumors. You couldn’t leave your flat or go anywhere without being absolutely bombarded and although Niall did his best to help you, refuge was usually found at the bottom of a large bottle of vodka. You had turned to alcohol to fix your problems and it was starting to take its toll on yours and Niall’s relationship. You couldn’t stand seeing pictures of him and his beautiful son plastered all over the internet, it made you feel sick to your stomach and all you could think about was Niall and Y/BF/N, together. You felt like you were going insane every time you thought about them. You had been working one afternoon and you were sent home early after finishing all your paperwork for that day early. You drove home and dragged yourself up your front steps, feeling as emotionally fragile as ever. You pushed the door open and made your way up the hall towards your bedroom when you were convinced you could hear two voices coming from the living room.  You pushed the door open to see Niall and Y/BF/N sitting in the living room, chatting and having coffee. You felt like your head might explode you were so furious. You walked into the room and immediately started shouting, “what is she doing here?” you asked angrily and Niall shot up off of the couch immediately. “Y/N, she’s only here because we need to discuss financial arrangements for the baby,” he said quickly in an attempt to quell your growing temper but he failed. You scanned the room before you spoke again, “the baby isn’t even fucking here Niall. What is this? Some sort of fucking date? Spending time with the mother of your child?” you spat at him and his face fell. “Y/N it’s not like that and you know it, the baby is with Y/BF/N’s mother she’s only here to talk money and that’s it,” he pleaded with you, his eyes begging you to calm down and you almost did until you heard Y/BF/N speak behind you. “He’s telling the truth Y/N,” she said, voice shaking. You clenched your fists and slowly turned to face her. “What part of ‘I never want you to speak to me again’ did you not understand?” you asked angrily and she stared at you, wide eyed. “I don’t need you to tell me whether or not MY boyfriend is telling the truth thank you very much. I don’t need you anywhere near me,” you spat at her and tears immediately began to spill from her eyes. Niall placed his hand on your arm as he turned you round to face him and stared at you with sad eyes. “Y/N please stop, Y/BF/N was just about to leave. There’s no need for you to get so upset,” he said softly and a swift realization washed over you. “I can’t… I can’t do this anymore Niall,” you breathed and he gave you a confused look. “I want to ask you to make a decision between me and your child because I can’t stand the idea of you being around her,” you said quietly, “but I would never ask you to do that… so I’m going to make this easier for everyone and I’m going to leave,” you breathed and you began to back out of the room slowly. “Y/N, no please don’t go,” Niall begged, “I can’t do this without you,” he sobbed as he followed you out the door. “I love you Y/N,” he said as he grabbed onto your hand. “I love you too Niall, but this is too hard. This isn’t a healthy relationship anymore and it’s not fair on either of us,” you sobbed in reply and you could see Niall beginning to panic as he tried to think of the words he could say to convince you to stay. “Y/N, please, we can work through this, we always work through our problems. I’ll do anything to make this easier on you,” he sobbed but you pulled your hand away from him. “Goodbye Niall,” you breathed as you walked down into your car and climbed inside, slamming the door shut behind you. Niall followed you, sobbing hard as he tried to get you to stay, he banged on your window, tears cascading down his cheeks and you gave him one last heartbreaking look before driving away.

Zayn (Your POV) ‘Many people have been saying Y/N is delusional and stupid for staying with Zayn, although an inside source has told us she has severed all ties with her former best friend Y/BF/N.’ You read the article and rolled your eyes, over the past year, the amount of things that had been published about you and Zayn was astronomical. The thing that was strangest about the whole situation was that it was affecting Zayn more than it was affecting you. He hated the constant reminders of how much he had hurt you, he wanted to forget it had happened, but he knew he couldn’t. You tried to reassure him, telling him you loved him and that the two of you were going to work through things together. But every time you had managed to build him back up, another slanderous article would tear him right back down again. It has been a few months since Y/BF/N had given birth to a beautiful baby girl and things had improved for a while. But while things had improved for Zayn, things had gone completely downhill for you. It was so hard to see Zayn be made so happy by a baby that wasn’t yours. You knew you sounded completely selfish when you said it but you couldn’t help it. He would have the baby at the flat and his eyes would light up whenever he looked at her but whenever you looked at this beautiful baby girl in front of you, all you felt was betrayal. You were finding it harder and harder to be around the baby and also to be around Y/BF/N. She visited the flat two or three times a week to drop off and pick up her daughter and each time you saw her was harder than then last and it got to the point where you stopped trying to even be polite to her anymore. You were sitting in your kitchen having breakfast while Zayn was in the shower one morning when you heard someone knocking on your front door. You walked through to answer it only to come face to face with Y/BF/N. “Hi Y/N,” she said softly and you glared at her. “What are you doing here?” you asked, “Zayn isn’t seeing Olivia today,” you said bluntly and she nodded. “Yeah I know, but I left Olivia’s favorite blanket here yesterday and she needs it to sleep. Zayn texted me saying I could just drop by and get it whenever,” she replied softly and you could feel yourself losing your temper. “Oh did he now?” you said sarcastically, “well why don’t you just come right on in,” you stepped aside dramatically and she stepped inside awkwardly and made her way through to the living room. She picked up the blanket and then turned round to face you again. “Nice painting,” she muttered as she pointed to a picture Zayn had painted and put up in the flat the other day. “Why don’t you take it?” you replied, voice filled with venom, “you don’t seem to have a problem taking things that are mine anyway.” Zayn walked into the room as you finished speaking and looked at you, smiling cautiously. “Is everything okay?” he asked and Y/BF/N nodded. “Yeah thanks again Zayn, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said politely and you lost it. “Oh you’ll call him will you?” you laughed, “Oh my God, I literally must be insane… that’s the only explanation for what I’m putting up with right now,” you ran your fingers through your hair in frustration as you turned away from the two of them. “Y/N, please,” Zayn pleaded with you but you had been strong and calm for too long now, he must have known that this type of breakdown was long overdue. “No Zayn. I can’t stand this. I can’t stand you talking to HER,” you said pointing towards Y/BF/N who looked at the floor, clearly ashamed. “Y/N, I don’t know what you expect me to do,” Zayn began but you cut him off. “Zayn I don’t expect you to do anything. You’re doing everything right. You have been supporting me perfectly through all of this; you’re taking responsibility for your child. It’s me that can’t do it anymore. All I do is think about how much I hate you being around Y/BF/N and having to see her every other day is making me ill with anxiety. I can’t do it anymore, I’m sorry Zayn but I need some space. I need to leave for a few days to think about things,” you muttered as you made your way to the front door, desperate for some fresh air. Zayn followed you all the way down the street, begging you to stop but you didn’t want to hear it. “Zayn please leave me alone, stop making this harder than it has to be,” you said as your eyes began to prickle. “Y/N I love you,” you heard him beginning to sob and you stopped to turn and face him. “Zayn I love you too but sometimes that isn’t enough. Love can only withstand so much and whether you like it or not, you cheated on me with Y/BF/N and now you’re a father, these are the consequences Zayn. So many people said I should never have forgiven you in the first place so when I ask for space to think things over I need you to respect my wishes. I’ll call you in a few days.” Zayn’s tears dripped onto the pavement as you walked away from him tears of your own finally beginning to spill over.

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