He cheats with your best friend and gets her pregnant (Part4)
* Your POV*
You got into your car and sped off down the street, desperately trying to get away from the reporters who had jumped into their cars to follow you. It took you at least an hour to manage to lose them all and even when you did, you continued driving for what felt like hours. You stopped your car in middle of a country road and got out and looked around. There wasn’t another car or person in sight and all you could see was fields and trees. You took a deep breath of the fresh country air; it was the first time you had felt truly safe and alone for months. You began to walk until you reached the edge of a cliff that looked out onto a beach. You sat yourself down and tears immediately began spilling down your cheeks. You didn’t know what to do anymore; was it even possible for you to stay in a relationship with Harry? You could feel your phone vibrating like crazy in your bag so you pulled it out to find hundreds of messages; not just from Harry either. All the other boys had been calling you, your family, your friends and much to your dismay, you even had missed calls and messages from Y/BF/N. It was starting to get dark outside and the temperature was beginning to drop; you knew you were going to have to head back to the flat eventually and you knew you’d have to start heading back now because you didn’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, alone and in the dark. You walked back to your car and the feeling of freedom and calmness was fading away with every step you took. Every move you made brought you closer to all your problems and that made you feel more and more like you were going to have another anxiety attack. You got into the car and slammed the door, letting your eyes close for a few minutes as you focused on steadying your breathing. “Y/N stop it,” you muttered to yourself, “you can’t run away forever.” You took one last deep breath and opened your eyes as you started the engine and began to drive home. You had only just realized how far you’d actually driven away because it was taking you hours to get home and when you eventually pulled up outside your flat, it was already 2am. You stepped out of your car and took another few deep breaths before making your way up the steps. You pushed the door open and you immediately heard Harry hysterically sobbing in the living room so you slowly made your way through and found him sitting on the couch, head in his hands while his four band mates did what they could to calm him down. It was a few minutes before anyone even noticed you standing there, Liam’s looked around the room and his eyes widened when they landed on you. “Y/N,” he said, shocked and Harry’s head immediately shot up and within seconds he was up off of his seat and holding you in his arms. “I was so, so worried Y/N. Why didn’t you answer any of our messages? Anything could have happened to you,” he sobbed and you could feel yourself starting to get upset but you did your best to hold yourself together. “Sorry,” you muttered and he gave you an intense look before pulling you back into his chest and pressing kisses to your forehead. You were just about to suggest that you and Harry tried to talk about things because you knew there was no use in putting it off when you heard the front door burst open and you saw a distraught Y/BF/N standing in the doorway. “Y/N you worried me,” she sobbed, “I thought you might have done something stupid. I dropped Alisha off at my mother’s and came back to talk to you and you weren’t here.” You looked at Y/BF/N for a few seconds and the horrible panicky feeling you had had earlier began to return. You felt your eyes stinging with tears and all you wanted to do was hurl abuse at her but you knew that was going to get you nowhere. Everyone in the room was watching you carefully for your reaction but you remained quiet. “Look, Y/BF/N, maybe you should just leave,” Niall eventually muttered and Y/BF/N shook her head. “No, I want to talk to Y/N,” she said, standing her ground and you finally found your voice. “Look Y/BF/N, I don’t want to talk to you. I’m NEVER going to want to talk to you. Our friendship is over and all I want is for you to leave me alone and for you to stop forcing yourself on me. Please GOD just go away,” you said beginning to sob and you ran through your kitchen and out your back door. You sobbed hard as you tried to calm yourself down and you could hear Y/BF/N shouting inside as she tried to get to you but someone must have been holding her back because she hadn’t appeared yet. You eventually heard Zayn raise his voice, “Y/BF/N she asked you to leave. So just go away! You have absolutely NO right to force yourself on her. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with you anymore so just deal with it and get out before you cause any more damage to her relationship with Harry!” You could hear loud sobs before the front door opened and slammed shut again. Knowing she was out the house and away from you immediately calmed you down, but things were nowhere near fixed. You still had Harry to speak to and you didn’t know what the outcome of that conversation was going to be. You had just managed to stop crying when you heard the door open and Harry walked outside. “Can we talk now?” he asked quietly, voice trembling and you nodded. “What are you thinking Y/N?” he asked, desperation in his voice. “I can’t fix things if I don’t even know what you’re feeling.” You nodded your head and forced yourself to look at him as you spoke. “Harry I can’t…I can’t watch you be around Y/BF/N anymore. It’s too hard, every time I see you and her together with Alisha all I can think about is that my best friend has a family with you and I don’t. I just…” you tried to finish speaking but Harry interrupted you. His eyes were glistening with tears and you could hear the frustration in his voice. “Y/N I don’t love Y/BF/N. I love you. And I want to have a family with you. I love Alisha but do you think this is what I wanted? I didn’t want this for me… I didn’t want this for us. But it happened and all I want is to be able to work through this because if I lost you because of Alisha and Y/BF/N… I don’t think I’d ever be able to look at my daughter again. That is how much you mean to me Y/N and I wish you could see that because everyone else can.” He stopped talking and you stared at him for a few seconds; this was the first time he’d properly told you how he felt about the whole situation. “Harry you have to understand that this is still really hard for me to handle! Imagine if I’d had a child with your best friend?” you asked, tears streaming down your face. He walked over to you and took your hands in his, staring at you intently as he began speaking again. “No one said it was going to be easy Y/N. And I know I have no right to ask you to stay because all the problems we’re having are my fault but I’m asking you to try because I can’t live without you. Please try.” He closed his eyes as tears slid down his cheeks and he lifted your hands to his lips and pressed them together as his eyes gazed into yours with desperation. “What about Y/BF/N?” you asked bluntly. “I can’t say that you won’t see Alisha anymore because you will, but if it will make it easier for you then I promise, you will never have to see or speak to Y/BF/N again,” he reassured you and you nodded slowly. “Y/N, I love you,” Harry added, his voice cracking and more tears spilling down his cheeks. “I love you too Harry,” you muttered, “and that’s why I’m going to try.”
(Your POV)
– You stormed down the street, desperately trying to put as much distance between yourself and Liam and Y/BF/N as you could. You were absolutely furious and distraught at the same time. How could they possibly think that you would want to be the Godmother to their love child? You couldn’t think of anything worse. You knew it sounded harsh but you didn’t want to have anything to do with this child and the closer the due date came, the more sure you were that you didn’t want anything to do with Y/BF/N anymore either. Liam followed you all the way down your street, begging you to talk to him but all you needed was to be alone to think about things and after about five minutes of him trailing after you, you snapped. “Liam, go home. I need to be alone. I don’t want to see or speak to you right now.” You yelled angrily and you could see the pain in his eyes but you were too angry to care. “Just go away, please. Go and spend time with the mother of your child,” you spat at him and began walking again but he didn’t follow you anymore. You walked for around about two hours before you reached the beach. You walked down the sand and took your shoes off and rolled your jeans up so you could stand with your feet in the water. You stood for a few minutes, letting the waves wash over your toes and you couldn’t help but wish that you could just start walking into the sea so the water could just swallow you up and take you away. At least it would mean you didn’t have to deal with this whole baby scenario. You eventually went and sat on the sand and began to try and organize your thoughts. “I love Liam,” you muttered, “I love him more than anything.” You wished that could be enough to save your relationship but you knew it wasn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to be around Y/BF/N and you didn’t know how you were going to react when you saw the baby for the first time and you knew you couldn’t ask Liam to stay away from his child. A few tears slid down your cheeks as you pulled your knees up to your chest. You heard your phone ringing a few minutes later and you expected it to be Liam but you were surprised to see Karen’s name flashing on your screen. “Hello?” you answered, trying to make it sound like you weren’t crying but you were pretty sure you failed miserably. “Hello love,” she said sympathetically, “Liam’s just phoned me and told me everything, where are you?” she asked and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You started sobbing and Karen did her best to comfort you. “Y/N, where are you, love? I can come and get you and we can talk about things?” she asked and you calmed down a bit before telling her you were at the beach and within fifteen minutes, you saw her car pulling up. You stood up slowly and walked towards her and she pulled you into the tightest hug imaginable. “Come on love, let’s go and sit over here,” she said as she gestured towards a near by bench. You both stared out to the ocean for a few seconds before she eventually spoke. “I love my son. But that boy is an idiot for what he did to you,” she sighed and you let out a small giggle. “Y/N, I wouldn’t blame you if you left,” she said as she took your hand in hers. “Obviously, it would break my heart because I know Liam is completely in love with you, but I’d understand and I want you to know that before we talk about this anymore,” she looked at you and you nodded as you wiped your eyes. “I am furious at Liam for the situation he’s got himself into, and I’ve made my feelings about his cheating very clear. But what I do want to tell you is that when he was talking to me about it, I’ve never seen my son so distraught in all my life. He loves you Y/N and he’s willing to do almost anything to make you stay with him, although I can understand if you can’t bring yourself to look past what he did.” You nodded again, “I love him so much,” you muttered “but I feel like he wants me to be involved in this child’s life and I just can’t bring myself to be a part of it,” a few tears slid down your cheeks. “Tell him that love, I know he’ll understand,” Karen said softly as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Let me drive you back to the flat, I really think you and Liam should talk.” You reluctantly agreed to go because you didn’t want to upset Karen but you were beyond nervous about how this conversation was going to go. You had been putting it off for so long because you were absolutely petrified that it was going to be a conversation that ended in a breakup and that was the last thing you wanted. The car pulled up outside and Karen gave you a reassuring look before getting out the car and walking round to your side to give you a hug. “I’ll always be there for you 100% love. I hope you remember that,” she said and you smiled at her. “Thank you Karen, you have no idea how much that means to me,” just as you’d finished speaking, the door opened and Liam came running down the front steps and enveloped you in a bone crushing hug. “I was so worried,” he sighed and you hugged him back. “Well I’m here now,” you muttered and he turned to his mother. “Thank you for finding her mum,” he said and he hugged her too. “You’re welcome son, I’m going to head home now. You two have a lot of talking to do.” She got into her car and you and Liam remained outside, looking at each other for a few seconds, clearly hoping the other would speak first. “Maybe we should go inside?” he asked and you nodded, smiling slightly as you followed him into the living room. “Y/N, I need you to talk to me about how you’re feeling,” he said softly as he lowered himself down onto the couch, “because you’re completely shutting me out. You had been acting so fine about the whole situation and today…today you just lost it and I don’t want things like that to keep happening. You know? You bottling your emotions up until you can’t take it anymore.” You knew he was right, that was exactly what you had been doing. “I know, I know,” you began, “it’s just hard because I love you so much and I don’t want to break up over this but I can’t handle being around Y/BF/N and I doubt I’ll be able to handle being around your child either,” you said and looked up at him for a reaction. “I don’t want to break up over this either,” he said as he shifted towards you and took a hold of your hands, “ and I will do anything to make this easier on you and if that means I have to make sure that Y/BF/N is away from you at all times, then I’ll do it. And if you can’t stand being around the baby then I’ll make sure that when I see it that you’re not around. I’ll do anything for you Y/N,” he said desperately and a few tears slid down your cheeks. “Babe, what’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled you into his arms. “I’m just so happy that you’re willing to do all of this for me,” you sighed, “I always think I’ll never be able to love you more than I already do but you prove me wrong everyday,” you crawled into his lap and rested your head on his shoulder. “I hope I can keep proving you wrong,” he said softly. “Liam can you just promise me two things,” you asked, tone slightly more serious and he nodded. “Of course, anything,” he replied. “Can you please be patient with me through all of this, I’m not going to be the easiest person to be around when the baby is born,” you paused and he gazed at you intently, “and can you please promise to never hurt me again.” He pulled you into his chest and pressed his lips to the top of your head. “I promise,” he muttered before pulling away and pressing his lips against yours.
(Your POV) –
You walked away from Louis and got into your car and as soon as you slammed the door shut, you began sobbing. You felt as if a giant hole had been punched through your chest and you couldn’t breath. It was almost as if you were grieving and you knew that was a horrible thing to think because the birth of a child should bring joy, not mourning but you couldn’t help it. It sounded beyond childish but you felt like this beautiful baby was going to steal Louis away from you, and that meant he was going to be spending more and more time with Y/BF/N and that thought alone felt like it was going to drive you straight into madness. You sat for a while; trying to think of somewhere you could go. You didn’t want to go to your parents house, they had only just come to terms with the fact that you were staying with Louis, you knew if they saw you in this state that they would go straight back to trying to convince you to leave him. You didn’t want to go to a friend’s house because you knew that all of your friends were also friends with Y/BF/N and are caught in the middle of an awful situation. Most of all, you just wanted to be alone for a while, you didn’t want anyone else trying to convince you to speak to them. Suddenly you thought of the perfect place: your old apartment. You had been renting it out to some tenants and they moved out a few weeks ago and you hadn’t gotten round to letting it our again. You knew no one would think to look for you there so you made your way straight over. You arrived and closed the door behind you, immediately being suffocated with memories you’d shared with Louis in there at the start of your relationship. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and immediately turned it off and took the battery out the back, shoving both parts into the kitchen drawer. You didn’t want to see or speak to anyone for a while you just needed to think. You curled up into a ball on the couch and began running through your thoughts and feelings, trying to establish exactly how you felt because at that moment, all you could think about was how confused you were. You first thought about Y/BF/N, you and her had been on track to being friends again. Everything was going so well but when you saw her on the hospital bed, standing next to your boyfriend, every single ounce of hatred you had felt for her when you had first found out about the pregnancy returned so quickly it was as if all the effort you had put into forgiving her had been a complete waste of time. You knew it was unfair, but you couldn’t help it. You had to make a decision, you had to either forgive her whole-heartedly and move on, accepting the fact that she had a child with Louis, or you had to stop talking to her completely. Although it was sad that you were going to lose your best friend, you knew that the second option was the most likely to happen. Secondly, you thought about the baby, where you going to be able to watch Louis love a child that wasn’t yours? A child that was conceived when he cheated on you? You knew all you could do was wait and see how you reacted over the coming months. Lastly, you had to think about Louis. There was no denying that you were heart-wrenchingly in love with that boy. It made you feel like you couldn’t breath whenever you thought about the possibility that you might end up breaking up. You liked to think that you were strong enough to work through what was going on but you didn’t know if you were and it was killing you, it made you feel like a failure. You stayed at your old flat for a few days, and no one had found you yet. To be honest, you weren’t even sure how hard people were looking. You hadn’t turned your phone on yet either because you didn’t feel like you were ready to face everyone but after another few hours of sitting and watching reruns of Friends in an attempt to cheer yourself up, you decided to check your messages knowing you didn’t have to reply to any of them if you didn’t want to. You slipped the battery back into your phone and turned it on, you went for a shower and left it in the kitchen so all the messages could load up. You showered and put on a pair of jogging bottoms and a t-shirt before coming back through and finding that you had hundreds of messages. Louis had called you over a hundred times; all of the guys had called you as well. You had lots of calls and messages from you friends, even your family, which meant that Louis had clearly gone looking for you at your parent’s house. You also had missed calls from Y/BF/N but you knew there wasn’t a chance in hell of you calling her back. You also noticed that you had hundreds upon hundreds of twitter notifications and you braced yourself as you opened up the app, expecting some horrible things to have been posted. People had been tweeting you lots of links to various different articles so you decided to read one. You opened it up and began to read.
You continued scrolling down to see a collection of photographs, they had managed to snap you arriving at the hospital and leaving and then there were several photos of Louis looking an absolute mess. You sighed as you decided that you better give him a call when you heard a loud knock on the front door. You slowly made your way over and pulled it open and were immediately swallowed up into Louis’ arms. He began sobbing, hard, “Y/N I was so worried about you,” he said as he pulled away from you and gazed into your eyes. “How did you find me?” you asked and he shrugged, “I looked everywhere else, this was the only other place I thought you could be.” You nodded as you moved aside to let him in and you both walked through to the living room. “What happened at the hospital Y/N?” he asked, looking at you with tear filled eyes, “you were fine and then everything just changed and you left without an explanation.” You sighed as you felt yourself starting to get upset. “Louis, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just stormed away like that,” you began, “and I’m sorry for not letting you know I was okay, that was wrong. But I just… I saw you with the baby, and all the resentment I’d had towards you and Y/BF/N came rushing back, and if I’m being honest, I don’t think I can be friends with Y/BF/N anymore. And I don’t know how I’m going to react to watching you fall in love with a baby that’s not mine,” a few tears slid down your cheeks and you wiped them away quickly. “Y/N, you don’t have to be friends with Y/BF/N. You don’t even have to see her anymore if you don’t want to… I completely understand,” he sighed, “and as far as the baby is concerned, you and I are going to have plenty of our own children one day and that is a promise. I love you Y/N and I’m asking you, please try and work through this.” You nodded as you wiped your eyes and pulled Louis into your arms, knowing that there was no way you could refuse him, “I’ll do anything for you Lou, and you know that.”
(Your POV) –
You drove for around about twenty minutes, crying your eyes out as you did. Did you really just break up with Niall? You felt sick to your stomach and you knew you couldn’t go back. You regretted saying that you wanted him to make a choice between you and the baby because you didn’t. You just hated him seeing or spending time with Y/BF/N. It was too hard and the paranoia was killing you. After a while you came to the conclusion that you had to do the only thing that you knew would make you feel better, and that was going to the pub. You pulled up outside and checked your appearance in the mirror in your car, doing your best to try and erase any evidence that you’d been crying. You made your way inside and sad down on a stool, ordering a double vodka and tonic. You felt a hand tap you on the shoulder and you spun round the find Harry standing behind you. “Harry what are you doing here?” you asked a little more harshly than you’d intended. He gave you a quick hug anyway and smiled at you before replying, “I’m just here with a few old friends from school, what are you doing here?” he asked, looking slightly concerned. “I’ve just had a bit of a difficult day,” you muttered, “I’m just here to have a couple of drinks and think about things,” you offered him a small smile. “Are you going to be okay?” he asked, “you’re more than welcome to join us,” he added but you shook your head. “It’s fine, really, I’m not in a very sociable mood, go and have fun though,” you replied and he nodded. “Okay love, I’ll come and find you again later,” he said before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead and walking away. You drank and drank and drank over the next hour, trying to forget your problems rather than try to think of a way that you could fix them. You stumbled outside, smoked a couple of cigarettes and then came back in and continued drinking. You could see Harry watching you from across the room, obviously worrying so you decided you better find another bar because you didn’t want him to end up insisting on taking you back to the flat. You ordered a couple of shots and downed them before leaving. You walked out the front door and shoved another cigarette in between your lips and lit it, you leaned against the wall of the pub to steady yourself and Harry walked out a couple of seconds later. “Y/N are you okay?” he asked and you nodded. “I think you’ve had a bit much to drink,” he said softly. “I’m fine,” you slurred in reply. “Does Niall know where you are?” he asked and you groaned. “I said I’m fine Harry, and I don’t want to talk about Niall,” you took a deep draw from your cigarette and you felt really light headed all of a sudden, you could feel the world slipping away from you and the last thing you could remember was Harry yelling your name as you fell to the ground.
His POV –
I asked Y/BF/N to leave the flat as soon as Y/N had left. I felt sick with worry, I had absolutely no idea where she was and she wasn’t answering my calls. I spent the next couple of hours sitting and thinking about what I was going to do because there was no way I was letting out relationship end without fighting for her with everything I had. I would never stop seeing my son but I would stop seeing Y/BF/N as much if that’s what it took. I was sitting staring at the wall and checking my phone every two seconds when it eventually started ringing. I grabbed it but was disappointed when I saw that it was Harry calling. “Hello?” I answered and I could immediately tell that something was wrong by the tone of Harry’s voice. “Niall, it’s Y/N, she was at the pub, and I was there with friends and she was drinking a lot,” he was panicking and it was making me more and more nervous. “Harry where is she?” I asked, interrupting him. “Niall I had to take her to the hospital, she passed out and I couldn’t wake her up…” I hung up the phone before he could finish and ran out to my car, driving towards to hospital as fast as I could. I pulled into the first parking space I saw and ran inside. Harry was in the waiting room and he ran over to me, “Niall,” he called and I ran towards him. “Where is she?” I asked, “Is she okay?” I was panicking and Harry was doing his best to calm me down. “She’s going to be fine Niall, they had to pump her stomach but they’re just waiting for her to wake up now,” he said. “Can I see her?” I asked urgently and Harry nodded before pointing me in the right direction of her room. My eyes filled with tears the minute I saw her. She looked so fragile and it broke my heart. I just wanted to protect her from everything she had been feeling but I didn’t know how I could. I held onto her hand tightly, flinching at every sound she made until she eventually opened her eyes. She looked around the room for a few seconds, clearly confused until her eyes finally landed on me. “Niall?” she asked, “Where am I?” I pressed my lips to her hands, feeling so relieved to hear her voice again. “You’re in the hospital babe, you drank too much… they had to pump your stomach,” I replied softly and she immediately began crying. “Niall I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot I don’t know what I was thinking,” she sobbed. I immediately wrapped my arms around her, “don’t be babe, I know how hard things have been for you lately,” I said, feeling so guilty because I knew this was all my fault. “And please forget what I said earlier,” she added, “I don’t want you to choose between me and your baby, I was being selfish because I was angry that you had been with Y/BF/N, I’m so sorry Niall,” she cried harder as she finished speaking. “Y/N please stop crying,” I begged, “we wouldn’t even be in this mess if it wasn’t for me and I need to be more considerate of your feelings because I haven’t been lately and I know that,” I said softly and she pulled away so she could wipe her eyes. “Niall, I just find it so hard to be around her,” she said, “of course I want you to have a relationship with your son but we are not going to work if you keep spending time with Y/BF/N behind my back,” she replied and I nodded. “I promise I’m going to be 100% honest with you from now on Y/N. I can’t stand the thought of ever losing you, just like I can’t stand the thought of you staying with me and being miserable. I will do anything and everything to make sure you’re happy and that’s a promise,” I replied sincerely and she pulled me back into her arms as she sobbed into my shoulder. There was a quiet knock on the door and we both turned around to see a very sheepish Harry standing there with the rest of the boys standing behind him looking very worried. “We brought you some flowers Y/N,” Harry said awkwardly as he pulled a bouquet of tulips out from behind his back. “Thank you,” she said smiling at him, “and thank you for saving me earlier.” He gave her a small smile, “Y/N you’re important to us too, we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you,” he said as he gestured to the other three boys who nodded enthusiastically. “Is everything okay between the two of you now?” Liam asked hopefully and I looked over and Y/N, wanting her to answer and she nodded. “We’re getting there.”
(Your POV) –
You hopped on the first train out of London to your hometown just to get away from everything. You were thankful that no press had spotted you because if they had snapped any pictures of you getting on a train home and crying, you knew that there would be an absolute uproar of people asking questions about whether or not you and Zayn were finished. Truth be told, you weren’t sure if you and Zayn were finished. You loved him and you wanted to be with him but you weren’t sure if you could to it anymore. You were lucky that the train was almost empty because you’d managed to get a carriage to yourself were you sat and let your tears flow freely for the entire journey. You tried to get your mind off of Zayn but you just couldn’t and it was breaking your heart. Your phone started ringing so you pulled yourself out of your trance for a few seconds to see who it was. Zayn’s name flashed across your screen and you ignored the call and turned your phone off. You needed to be away from him so you could really figure out how you felt. You arrived at your parent’s house and they immediately began trying to comfort you as much as they could. “Y/N love, if you’re that unhappy you should end things, you know that’s what your father and I wanted you to do from the start,” your mother said softly but you shook your head. “I know mum but I love him, it’s more complicated than that,” you replied and after an hour or so of getting absolutely nowhere you decided to just go to bed. You lay awake for pretty much the whole night until it got to around 7am and you decided to get up and go for a walk. You began walking down your old street, reminiscing the times you used to walk up and down in everyday to get to school. You had just rounded the corner when you saw about twenty flashes go off in your face. You looked around, dazed and then a bunch of people started firing questions at you about you and Zayn. You immediately turned back around and power-walked all the way home. “How the hell did they find me?” you muttered as you ran inside and slammed the door, feeling like you were going to breakdown any second. It seemed like there was nowhere you could go to escape from everything and it was driving you crazy. You tried to have a relaxing bath but nothing you did could calm you down and things were only made worse when you logged into twitter to see that there were already articles being published about you being at your parent’s house. ‘
It seems that all is not well between One Direction superstar, Zayn Malik, and his girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N. After an inside source told us that the couple have been arguing non-stop lately and Y/N was spotted in the early hours of this morning taking a walk around her hometown where she is rumored to be staying with her parents. The inside source has told us that the couple have officially broken up, we are sure that is music to many people’s ears but who knows how Zayn is taking this devastating blow.’
There were a few photographs of you attached to the article as you walked around outside your parent’s house and you groaned angrily. You knew it was only a matter of time before Zayn arrived now that everyone knew where you were and you were 100% not ready to speak to him yet. You spent the entire day staring out your front window, worrying about when he would get here and you eventually heard a knock at the door at around 2 in the afternoon. You let your mum answer it as you hid upstairs and you heard her calling your name a few seconds later. You took a couple of deep breaths as you made your way downstairs but were surprised to find that instead of Zayn standing at your front door, like you’d expected, you found Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall instead. “Hello,” you said, clearly showing that you were surprised to see them. “Hey Y/N, I hope you don’t mind that we’re here… but we saw the articles this morning and we thought we’d come and you know, talk to you about things,” Niall said as he walked over to you and gave you a quick hug. “Okay,” you replied awkwardly, “we can go and sit outside if you want? It’s a nice day,” you suggested and they nodded as they followed you through the house and out the back door. “So, what’s going on?” you asked as you sat down and all four of them giggled slightly. “We wanted to ask you the exact same question, we thought everything was going well between you and Zayn, what happened? He was too distraught to tell us anything,” Liam said and you sighed before you began to explain. “I don’t know, it’s just…since Olivia was born, I’ve found everything a lot harder to deal with and I can’t be around Y/BF/N anymore without getting angry… it’s just hard you know?” you muttered and they all nodded in agreement. “We’re 100% on your side love,” Louis said, “but does that mean things are finished between you and Zayn?” he asked and you shook your head. “No… well at least I don’t want them to be but I just need to know that he’s going to do everything he can to make this easier for me… as selfish as that sounds. I don’t want to have to see Y/BF/N every other day,” you said. “Well Y/N, all we know is that Zayn is willing to do anything to make you happy so why don’t you come back to London with us and you can talk to him? Please, he’s a total mess without you.” It took some convincing but you reluctantly agreed to go back with them, knowing that they wouldn’t leave until you said yes. You were so nervous for the entire journey home that you couldn’t sit still. The boys did their best to distract you but nothing was really working, you were just so nervous about speaking to Zayn. The boys dropped you off right outside your flat and you got out and thanked them all but as soon as you went to walk inside, Y/BF/N got out of her car across the street and started shouting over to you. You spun around and were immediately filled with dread, you could sense an argument coming and you looked at the boys who were already getting out of the car to offer you some moral support. “Y/N we need to talk,” she said, somewhat angrily as she walked towards you. “You can’t stop Zayn from seeing Olivia,” she said angrily and went to continue speaking but you interrupted. “I would never ever do that Y/BF/N” you replied angrily, and she remained quiet for a few seconds before she spoke again. “You can’t stop him from seeing me either Y/BF/N, he’s the father of my child,” she said and you completely lost it. You raised your fist and punched her hard in the face and were about to shove her before you felt someone’s arms around your waist, dragging you away. “How fucking dare you, you stupid slut,” you spat at her, “I will ask Zayn to stop seeing you if I fucking want to, he’s my boyfriend. Not yours and you better not fucking forget that.” Liam carried you up into the flat as Niall, Harry and Louis started on Y/BF/N, telling her to stay the hell away from you. Liam took you into the living room and Zayn ran through and demanded to know what had happened and as soon as he saw you, he ran up to you and pulled you into his arms but you shoved him away. You were so furious at Y/BF/N right now that you needed to calm down for a few seconds. Liam quickly explained what had happened as Harry, Louis and Niall walked into the apartment, “Stupid bitch,” Niall muttered as he slammed the door shut. You went to storm out of the room to get away from everyone but Zayn called after you. “Y/N get back here now, I need to talk to you,” he yelled. You were so shocked by his assertiveness that you obeyed and walked back into the room. “If Y/BF/N thinks for one second that if you ask me to stay away from her that I won’t, then she’s insane. I would do anything for you Y/N because you’re my girlfriend and I love you. Not her. You. Please don’t walk away from me again because every time you do, it breaks my heart. Please tell me that we can work towards the way things used to be before I fucked it all up,” he spoke with such passion and anger that you believed every single word he said. Your eyes filled with tears and you nodded slowly, “Zayn…” you sighed and he walked towards you slowly and wrapped his arms around you, “will you stay?” he asked, speaking softly now and you nodded. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Zayn, I could never leave.”
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