He cheats with your best friend and gets her pregnant (Part 1)
He cheats with your best friend and gets her pregnant (Part 1)
Harry – You had just had the nicest day out shopping with your best friend. You had been all over town buying new clothes, makeup, shoes: the works. You decided to go back to your Y/BF/N’s flat for a few hours to chill out seeing as Harry was at rehearsals all day. You arrived and ran inside out of the pouring rain laughing as you both shivered and went to get towels to dry yourselves off. “I’m just going to use the bathroom Y/BF/N,” you said walking away from the living room. “Okay, I’ll make us both a cup of tea,” she replied. You stood over the sink fixing your hair in the mirror when something in the bin caught your eye. It was a pregnancy test. You leaned over and picked it up and saw that it was positive. A huge smile made it’s way onto your face as you ran through to the kitchen. “Y/BF/N, why didn’t you tell me?!” you asked as you jumped up and down with excitement. “What are you talking about Y/N?” she asked as she picked up her mug of tea and sipped it. “I found this in your trash,” you said smiling and placing the test on the counter. All the color drained from Y/BF/N’s face as she stared at it. “What’s wrong?” you asked, suddenly concerned, “if you’re worried about this, you know I’ll be there for you 100% whatever you decide to do,” you said as you walked over and wrapped your arms around her waist. “Who’s the father?” you asked, “does he know?” Y/BF/N didn’t answer; she just wriggled out of your arms and walked away from you, taking a deep breath as she went. “Y/N, I need to tell you something,” she said, her voice beginning to crack as she spoke. “Y/BF/N, what’s wrong? You’re starting to scare me,” you said as you walked closer to her but she backed away from you. “I’ve only slept with one person over the past six months… and it only happened once,” she began as her eyes filled with tears. “So…?” you asked, unsure of where she was going with this. “That person was Harry,” she whispered as she closed her eyes allowing for a few tears to fall down her face. Your jaw dropped as you looked at her, “you’re joking right?” you laughed slightly hoping she would laugh along with you and tell you she was only joking but she just shook her head at you as more tears fell down her face. Without even thinking, you raised your hand and slapped her across the face, hard. She lifted her hand to her now bright red cheek as she cried harder. “How could you do this to me?” you yelled angrily, “you know how much I love Harry and now there’s a baby on the way as well?!” She tried to stammer apologies at you but you silenced her. “Don’t you fucking dare speak to me Y/BF/N, I never ever want to see you again,” you grabbed the test off the counter and left the flat. You didn’t care if Harry was at rehearsals; you were going up to that arena now and confronting him. You arrived a short while later and stormed into the building. Harry saw you from across the large room and came running over to you smiling. He went to put his arms around you but you pulled the test out of your pocket and slammed it against his chest angrily before he could. He looked at it for a few seconds before looking at you, “you’re pregnant?” he asked, confused at why you were so angry. “No Harry, I’m not,” you yelled, causing everyone else in the room to turn round, “but Y/BF/N is. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” you spat at him. Harry’s face turned chalk white as he began to stammer trying to find the right words to say. “I can’t fucking believe you Harry,” you screamed at him, “you said you loved me,” hot angry tears were now beginning to flood down your cheeks. “I do love you Y/N,” he stammered, his eyes watering slightly as he spoke. “No you don’t,” you said rolling your eyes, “don’t even insult me by trying to claim you do.” You went to walk away from him, “Y/N it only happened once,” he said quietly as he grabbed hold of your arm, “me and you were fighting and I went to Y/BF/N for advice, I felt so guilty about it afterwards, I haven’t even spoken to her since,” he pleaded. “Do not fucking touch me,” you said in a quiet threatening tone. “Guys what’s going on?” Niall asked, finally deciding he should intervene. “Harry’s going to be a dad,” you said smiling sarcastically at him. “Well that’s awesome guys!” he said happily, “isn’t it?” he asked. You turned to him, “well it would be Niall, if it was me that was pregnant, but it isn’t,” Niall looked at Harry with confusion in his eyes, “Harry knocked up my best friend,” you said quietly as you walked away sobbing. You heard Harry calling after you but you ignored him, you could tell by the way that he was shouting that he was sobbing too. You turned round briefly to see Niall holding him back and telling him to leave you alone. You heard footsteps running up behind you and you felt an arm grab your shoulder. You spun round to see Liam standing behind you with a sympathetic look on his face. “Are you going to be okay Y/N?” he asked. “How am I going to be okay?” you asked as you wiped the tears away from your cheeks, “I just lost my boyfriend and my best friend at the same time.” You lowered your face into your hands and Liam wrapped his arms around you, “well me and the other boys will be here for you no matter what happens… I hope you remember that.” You smiled at Liam with watery eyes and thanked him quietly before walking out the building, Harry still calling your name.
Liam – You were sitting in your living room with Louis watching TV. Although you both had only met because you starting seeing Liam, you and him had become insanely close so he decided to stay in with you while the boys were out. “When’s Y/BF/N arriving?” he asked. “She texted me saying she’s going to be a bit late, why?” you asked not turning your attention away from the television. “No reason,” he replied quietly. Louis had been acting strange ever since he had gotten to the flat and you had already tried asking him why but he kept saying it was nothing so you decided to let it go. Another ten minutes past and he shifted in his seat so he was facing you, “Y/N…” he began but then sighed and turned back around, “never mind.” You were getting really bored of this now; he kept going to tell you something and then changing his mind. “Louis, can you please just tell me what’s wrong?” you asked as you turned off the TV, “something’s obviously bothering you and you and I both know you’ll end up telling me eventually so you might as well get it over and done with.” Louis looked up at you, face filled with sympathy, “Y/N I really want to tell you, but it’s going to hurt you.” You shifted in your seat, sitting forward. “Louis, you’re starting to freak me out, so can you please just tell me?” He sighed heavily as he prepared himself to speak. “Liam came to me this morning for some advice… he asked me not to tell you, but I can’t keep something like this from you, because… well you’re my best friend.” You nodded slowly as you processed his words, “okay… so what was Liam’s problem then?” you asked slowly. “He told me that he had slept with Y/BF/N a few times,” he paused as he watched a single tear roll down your cheek almost instantly after the words had left his mouth, “and she has just told him she’s pregnant and that the baby is his,” he finished. You chocked out a sob as you raised your hands to your face and Louis got up immediately and wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he whispered. You raised your head to look at him, “don’t be sorry Lou, it’s not your fault, I’m just glad you told me.” You wiped your eyes as you tried to stifle your tears when all of a sudden your front door burst open, “Hey Guys! Sorry I’m late,” you heard Y/BF/N’s voice ring through your flat. She walked into the living room and took one look at you and Louis before asking, “Geez, who died?” she flopped down on the couch as you rose to your feet and turned to her. “You have five seconds to get the fuck out of my apartment,” you said quietly. “What? Why?” she asked confused. “You know exactly why,” you said as tears streamed down your face. “Or have you not been sleeping with my boyfriend who is now the father of your unborn child?” you watched her carefully for a reaction; you saw tears beginning to stream down her face as she tried to beg you for forgiveness. She ran up to you holding onto your hands, saying she was sorry over and over again but you really didn’t want to hear it. “How could you do this to me? Why would you do this to me?” you asked going from upset to angry. “You of all people know how much I love Liam!” you shouted at her, “it wasn’t even a one time thing, you guys went behind my back and slept together repeatedly!” Y/BF/N was sobbing now, “I’m so sorry Y/N, I wasn’t thinking, you mean the world to me and I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” she struggled to speak as she sobbed. “Me and Liam are finished now…” she tried to continue but you burst out laughing. “Oh you’re finished now? Well that’s just fucking great isn’t it? Everything can go back to normal now,” you stared her down until she looked at the floor, unable to make eye contact with you anymore. “Why don’t you go and fuck yourself,” you spat at her as she went to grab her bag and leave. She was just putting her jacket on when Liam arrived back at the flat along with the rest of the boys. You heard Louis sigh behind you, as he knew what was about to happen. “Hey guys!” Liam said cheerfully until he managed to get a good look at yours and Y/BF/N’s faces. “Whoa, what’s wrong?” he asked, as him and the boys filed into the room. “You son of a bitch,” you spat at him, your voice filled with hate. “What? What did I do?” he asked, completely stunned by your hostility. “What did you do?” you shouted, hot tears of rage spilling down your cheeks again, “you fucked my best friend and got her pregnant you fucking asshole.” Liam’s face fell as you finished your sentence. “Y/N how did you find out?” he asked quietly and then looked at Louis who had his head down. “You fucking told her didn’t you?” Liam said starting to get angry but you jumped in. “Seriously Liam? That’s what you’re thinking about right now? Don’t even bother getting angry with Louis because he did the right thing. I want you both out of my fucking house now,” you said as you saw Liam’s face fall. “Y/N, I love…” he began to say but you held up your hand signaling for him to stop. “Don’t even bother Liam, you don’t love me and I sure as hell don’t fucking love you anymore. I want you both out of my sight. I hope you two are very happy together because you fucking deserve each other.” You had finally had enough of standing in the room with the two of them so you stormed out and up to your bedroom where you threw yourself face down on the bed and started crying. You were soon joined by Louis who spent the rest of the evening comforting you and making sure you weren’t alone.
Louis – You stood outside the dressing room waiting on your best friend to try on a pair of jeans. “Hurry up, Y/BF/N,” you yelled, “you’ve been in there forever!” She eventually pulled back the door and you could see she had been crying, your eyes travelled down to the jeans she was trying on and you noticed she couldn’t even get the zip up! They were far too tight! “Oh dear,” you said knitting your eyebrows together as you spoke, “are you sure they’re the right size?” She nodded as she wiped her eyes, “it’s okay babe,” you said as you went to hug her, “you aren’t seriously crying over a pair of jeans not fitting are you?” She giggled as she wiped her face, “come on, why don’t you go and change back into your clothes and we’ll go and look at makeup?” you suggested causing a small smile to appear on her face. You both walked out of the department store and on your way, you passed the baby section. “Awww!” you squealed happily as you picked up different baby clothes. “Look at this stuff Y/BF/N!” You looked up at her to see her lower lip trembling. “Y/BF/N, what’s going on? Are you okay?” you asked, starting to get concerned. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” she replied, smiling at you half-heartedly. “If you’re sure…” you said before placing the clothes back on the rack. “You know, looking at baby clothes makes me so excited for the day that me and Louis eventually start our own family,” you said as you linked arms with Y/BF/N. She laughed nervously as you continued walking through the mall. She had been acting strange all day; it was almost like she wanted to tell you something but couldn’t work up the courage. You decided just to ignore it. Maybe she was just having a bad day or something. You went to the makeup counters and while you bought quite a few things, Y/BF/N just stood awkwardly behind you the whole time not saying or buying anything. After a while you started to feel hungry so you suggested you go for lunch somewhere and she nodded weakly as you walked to your favorite café and both ordered your favorite meal, chicken enchiladas. You tried to make conversation as you waited for your food but you kept getting one or two word replies. You sighed, staring off into space until the waiter arrived with your food. “Oh I’m so excited,” you smiled, “we haven’t been here in forever.” You went to pick up your cutlery but you watched Y/BF/N take one look at her plate and turn her nose up at it, pushing it to the other side of the table. You dropped your knife and fork back on the table, deciding you’d had enough. “Okay Y/BF/N, what’s going on? You’ve been acting strange all day,” you said looking directly at her. “Nothing, just tired,” she replied and a half-smile. “Why aren’t you eating?” you asked bluntly. She just shrugged but when you kept persisting she eventually blurted it out, “I’m pregnant okay?” she said and then immediately covered her mouth with her hand as your jaw dropped and she realized what she said. You smiled happily at her, “Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me? Who’s the father?” you asked and you saw her eyes fill with tears. “What?” you said, confused. She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, “well I was going to have to tell you eventually I suppose,” she muttered. You stared at her, completely lost now. “Y/N… Louis’ the father,” she sobbed. You didn’t even react; you just stared at her until she explained further. “After that party a couple of months ago… when you were really drunk and me and him were looking after you… one thing led to another and it just sort of happened,” she said sobbing into her hands. You rose to your feet and grabbed your glass of water. You leaned across the table so you were right next to her face, “Fuck you, you dirty slut,” you whispered before throwing the water in her face and storming out the café leaving her sobbing at the table, alone. You drove home quickly and stormed into the flat to find Louis watching the football with the rest of the boys. You walked over to the TV and flicked it off before turning to face him. “I think the four of you better leave,” you said in a calm tone. “What the fuck, Y/N?” Louis asked, clearly annoyed. “Boys sit down you aren’t going anywhere.” He looked at you like you were crazy but you just smiled. “Louis, it is in your best interest that they leave, now.” He looked at you confused, “Y/N anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of the boys.” You smiled at him as you slowly walked towards him. “Okay Louis, can you stand up for a second?” He slowly rose out of his seat very confused as to why you were asking him to do this. You stopped walking when you were only a couple of feet away from him. Your smile then twisted into a face of pure rage and you pulled your arm back and swung your fist forward hitting Louis hard in the face. He fell back onto the couch and you punched him again. You would have kept going as well if it hadn’t been for Liam and Harry pulling you off and carrying you away kicking and screaming. “What the fuck was that for?!” Louis shouted at you as he wiped the blood away from his nose. “That was for fucking my best friend you son of a bitch,” you screamed trying to wriggle out of Liam and Harry’s grip. Louis stared at you in complete shock and the rest of the boys stared at him in the same way. “By the way, Louis,” you shouted, “she’s fucking pregnant so congratulations.” You felt tears streaming down your face as you finally felt Liam and Harry letting go of you. You straightened yourself up and stormed out the flat. “I’ll be back tomorrow to get my stuff,” you said before slamming the door.
Niall – You walked into your dark flat after a long day at work, Niall wasn’t home, again. You were getting really sick of him not being around, you had literally just had a huge argument with him about it last week but he obviously didn’t care enough to be home. It annoyed you even more because it was your two-year anniversary the next day and the two of you hadn’t even made any plans yet. You sighed as you walked into the living room and flicked the light on to be met with 100+ people all screaming surprise at you. Niall then walked towards you with a bunch of flowers in his hand and kissed you on the cheek. “Happy Anniversary Princess,” he whispered against your skin as you threw your arms around him. “Niall this is amazing!” you smiled, “I can’t believe you did all this!” He brushed his lips against yours and you smiled wider, “I love you,” you said happily as he held onto your waist. “Not as much as I love you,” he smiled at you, “now go and get changed and we can get this party started!” You skipped happily up to your room and changed into a little black dress and heels when your door opened and your best friend walked in. “Hey Y/BF/N!” you said as you turned to face her, “how’s it going?” She smiled at you weakly, “good yeah, how about you?” You smiled as you hugged her, “amazing! I have the most perfect boyfriend ever.” Y/BF/N nodded at you and smiled as you both made your way back downstairs to find the party in full swing. Everyone was drinking, the music was loud and everyone seemed to be having a really good time. You couldn’t wipe the grin off your face as you made your way through to the kitchen and began pouring some shots. “Y/BF/N!” you shouted over to her as she stood alone at the other end of the kitchen, “come and take some shots with me!” you waved your arm at her but she shook her head. “Maybe later Y/N,” she replied, “I just need to make a phone call,” she walked out the kitchen and you shrugged your shoulders and took the shots you had poured with Harry instead. After about twenty minutes of standing in the kitchen drinking and chatting to the other boys, you decided to go and find Niall. You walked around the whole flat and you couldn’t find him but then you spotted him in the corner talking to Y/BF/N. They looked like they were in quite a heated conversation but you walked over anyway. “Hey guys! What’s up?” you asked cheerily as you kissed Niall’s cheek. “Oh hey Y/N,” he said nervously, “nothing, just catching up with Y/BF/N here.” You looked up at her and she smiled weakly back at you. “Well I’m going to steal her away if you don’t mind,” you smiled and Niall nodded so you grabbed Y/BF/N’s hand and dragged her through to the kitchen. “Come on Y/BF/N, let’s take some shots, you aren’t getting out of it this time!” you yelled at her over the music. “Y/N I can’t,” she said and you looked over at her, confused. You could see her eyes were starting to water a bit so you grabbed her arm and dragged her up to yours and Niall’s bedroom so you could have some privacy. As soon as you shut the door behind you, Y/BF/N burst into tears. “Y/BF/N, babe, what’s wrong?” you asked as you went over and hugged her. “Y/N…” she sobbed, “I’m pregnant.” You pulled away from her as your jaw hung open. You were about to say something when she spoke again. “I’m pregnant, and Niall is the father,” she sobbed hard into her hands now as you felt your stomach flip inside you. You really thought you were going to be sick. “He’s what?” you asked for confirmation. “He’s the father,” she cried harder as she said it. “But that’s impossible,” you laughed nervously, “that would mean you and Niall had…” you stopped before finishing your sentence and fell onto your bed, tears stinging your eyes. “How could you?” you asked quietly. “I’m so sorry Y/N, please don’t hate me,” she said as she kneeled on the ground in front of you. “Don’t hate you?” you shouted at her, “I can’t even fucking look at you right now.” The tears that were threatening to escape suddenly disappeared as hot rage surged through your body. You stormed out the bedroom and down the stairs where you could see everyone gathered in the living room. You walked in to see Niall standing up making some sort of speech. He spotted you walking in, “there she is, Princess, come up here for a minute,” you smiled weakly at your guests and made your way over to him, not wanting to make a scene in front of so many people. “Y/N, I love you more than anything in the entire world,” Niall began as he began to lower himself onto one knee and everyone in the room gasped and cheered. You stopped him before he could say anymore, “Niall don’t you dare ask me to marry you,” you said quietly so no one could hear. “Why?” he asked looking at you confused. “Because I know…” you said, he looked at you, confused, and then all the color drained from his face as you saw him look at something behind you and you turned round to see Y/BF/N standing there, tears streaming down her face. You couldn’t take it anymore, you walked out the living room as tears began to run down your cheeks, you pulled the front door open and began walking away from the flat, you needed to get as far away from Niall and Y/BF/N as possible. You heard footsteps running up behind you and an arm grab hold of your shoulder. “Y/N, please don’t leave me,” you turned to see Niall looking at you with tear-stained cheeks. “How can you expect me to stay?” you said quietly as you pushed his hand off your shoulder and continued walking away from him.
Zayn – You winced as you stood behind your best friend, holding her hair back as she vomited for what felt like the hundredth time that day. “Wow Y/BF/N, what is going on? Do you need to go to the doctor?” you asked, concerned. “I don’t know,” she said pouting at you, “I have no idea what’s wrong with me.” She flushed the toilet and went over to the sink to rinse her mouth out. “Maybe you’re pregnant,” you joked and Y/BF/N’s face suddenly went serious. “I can’t be,” she said as her eyes widened, “I’ve only slept with one person in the last two months,” she said with panic in her voice. “Yeah Y/BF/N, you still haven’t told me who that was,” you laughed, “I want to know everything about the guy who gave my best friend the best sex she’s ever had,” you nudged her and wiggled your eyebrows up and down but she just laughed nervously and turned away from you. “It wasn’t the best sex I’ve ever had,” she said as she fixed her hair awkwardly. “That’s not what you said when you drunkenly called me after it,” you replied laughing. You and Y/BF/N were just about to walk out of the bathroom when she ran back in and started vomiting again. “Okay Y/BF/N, enough is enough, we’re going to the hospital.” You dragged her out to the car as soon as she’d managed to stop vomiting and drove to the hospital. You sat around for over an hour as the doctors conducted all different kinds of tests. You and Y/BF/N must have waited over three hours for them to get back to you and when they finally did, your suspicions had been correct all along. “I’m pregnant?” Y/BF/N asked, panic in her voice. “Yes, you are,” the doctor said smiling at her, “congratulations!” Y/BF/N laughed nervously as the doctor left the room. “I told you Y/BF/N!” you said, “can you please tell me who the father is?” She looked up at you with wide eyes, “I can’t, Y/N,” she said quietly. “Why?” you asked, “please don’t tell me it’s your douche-bag of an ex?” She shook her head at you her eyes starting to fill with tears, “well who was it then?” you asked, really confused as to why she couldn’t tell you when you were supposed to be best friends. “Y/N, it only happened once… and as you said earlier, I was really drunk,” tears rolled down her face as she spoke. You looked at her, getting more confused by the minute. “Zayn,” she said looking away from you, “Zayn is the father.” You didn’t know how to react. Should you slap her? Should you shout? Should you cry? A thousand thoughts ran through your mind all at once and all you could say way, “you called me after sleeping with my boyfriend and told me he was the best sex you’ve ever had?” you questioned and she cried harder. “You fucking sick, twisted bitch,” you said absolutely astonished. “I’m so sorry…” she began but you walked away from her. “Don’t bother apologizing, because I am never going to forgive you for this.” You walked outside to your car and got inside it, finally allowing a few tears to slide down your cheeks. Your boyfriend… the love of your life and your best friend. You couldn’t believe it; you didn’t know what you had done to deserve this kind of heartache. You decided you needed to confront Zayn as soon as possible so you drove quickly up to the recording studio you knew he was at with the boys. You stormed inside and you could see he was in the recording booth alone, recording a solo. “Hey Y/N,” you heard Niall shout over to you, but you headed straight for the door. “Whoa, Y/N, you can’t go in there,” he yelled after you but you had already ripped the door open and stormed inside. Zayn pulled the giant headphones off his ears and looked at you. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could, you slapped him hard across the face. “What the fuck, Y/N?” he shouted at you. “What was that for?” You narrowed your eyes at him as he looked at you with utter confusion. “You’re going to be a father,” you spat at him. “How?” he asked, “we’re always so careful, I thought you were on the pill?” You laughed maliciously at him, “Yes Zayn, me and you are careful. But apparently, you’re not as careful when you’re having drunken one night stands with my best friend,” you screamed as you began to cry really hard. Zayn tried to wrap his arms around you and apologize and you tried to push him off but he held onto you. “Zayn, GET OFF,” you sobbed as you managed to wriggle free and walk out the door. “Y/N,” you heard Harry say as he looked at you, eyes filled with sympathy. He pulled you into his arms and hugged you. Zayn ran out the recording booth head turning wildly in every direction, looking for you. He ran over to where you were standing, “Y/N, please, I’m so sorry.” You sobbed into Harry’s chest, not wanting to look at him. “Please talk to me,” he pleaded with you. You turned around to face him. “Zayn, I’m only going to say this once, so listen carefully,” he looked into your eyes intently as you spoke. “I never want to see you again, I want you to stay out the flat until late tonight and when you get back I’ll be gone and so will my stuff.” You sniffed loudly as you tried to stop yourself from crying more. “Y/N, I love you,” he said quietly as tears began to stream down his cheeks. “Well that’s too bad, Zayn,” you replied, your voice filled with venom as Zayn lowered his face into his hands, “because I fucking hate you.”
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