He brings you on a event as a date but your just friends
Harry: At a party.
The sound of music coming from the celebrity’s home could be heard from the street as Harry drove up to the place. Harry pulled up to the curb and parked the car. He got out and came around the car, handing the keys to the valet before opening the passenger door. “Shall we go in?” Harry asked with a smile, brushing his warm hand against yours.
Harry had asked you to come to the party with him, seeing as he needed to bring a date and was currently single. He had asked you apologetically, as if he were inconveniencing you in some way, and he even bought the outfit, from dress to accessories, you were currently wearing to ‘make it right' You had told him, multiple times, that it was no trouble at all; you were happy to be his date.
You had had feelings for Harry since you first met him, so this was a once in a lifetime chance since you were pretty sure your romantic feelings were one-sided. But for tonight, you were his date, and you couldn’t be more happy.
You let him intertwine his fingers with yours, smiling up at him, “If you want toHe chuckled, “Quite the doting date I have,” he winked at you. “I’m a lucky man.” You blushed, hitting his arm playfully, “Shut up, Harry.” He let out a laugh before leading you through the door and into the loud brownstone. 0For most of the night, Harry was by your side, introducing you to people and dancing with you. He didn’t leave your side until he went to get you a drink. While he was gone, you waited for him in the corner of the room, not feeling too comfortable in a house full of celebrities. Smoke from cigarettes and other items filled the air, and some people were drunk, stumbling around and sprouting nonsense.“Excuse me,” someone tapped your shoulder. You turned to find yourself face to face with a boy about your age. He had a cigarette in his other hand, and his blue eyes were…off…“Can I help you?” you asked, trying to conceal any signs of fear. He took a puff of his fag before replying, “How about a dance?” “I’m sorry, but I’m with someone—” You were interrupted by a firm grasp on your wrist. You saw the dirty fingers curled around your arm, and a wave of panic crashed over your body. “You aren’t saying no to me, are you?” he asked, leaning down so that your faces were inches apart. “I-I…uh…” “I didn’t think so,” he smirked, throwing his cigarette behind him as he led you towards the dance floor, but you weren’t going so easily. On your way there, you jammed your heel into his foot.“Fuck!” he cried, his face contorted in pain. “You’ll pay for that, Bitch.” He raised his free to strike you when a voice shouted: “Excuse me, but that’s my girl you’re about to hurt!” Within an instant, the creep’s hand was off of you, and Harry’s arms were around you, holding you back against his chest and away from the jerk.Not wanting to get into a fight with someone bigger than him, the boy gave him a scowl walked off. Harry turned you around in his arms, holding you tightly. “I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he whispered in your ear.“It’s okay, Harry,” you replied with a smile, “Thanks for saving me.” He slipped his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers. Leaning down, he whispered, “Let’s go.” “But, Harry, management told you that you had to be here…” you were shocked by his sudden want to leave. “I showed my face,” he shrugged with a grin. “I think that’s enough.”He started leading you through the crowd of sweaty bodies, towards the door, “Besides…you’re my date, and I ought to take you somewhere that’s actually worthy of your angelic presence.”
Liam: At the Brit Awards.
The sounds of screaming fans and shouting reporters filled your ears as your limo pulled up to the carpet. Flashes went off everywhere as celebrities made their way down the carpet and towards the arena. “You ready?” Liam asked, squeezing your hand.You had been preparing for this day for weeks now, since he had asked you to be his date to the Brit Awards. You had agreed for two reasons. One, he was your best friend, and two, this was probably the only date you would ever go on with Liam, considering he only thought of you as a friend
“As I’ll ever be,” you responded as the door to Liam’s side opened. He got out of the limousine first, ignoring the calls he received from the crowd. He then turned to you and helped you out.
Once you were on the carpet, you stood next to him, smiling proudly as the cameras went off.Liam’s hand was at the small of your back, gently propelling you forward and calming your nerves.“Liam! Over here Liam!” “Who is she, Liam? A new girlfriend?”
Liam didn’t answer. He just smiled and waved with his free hand as you two made your way down the carpet.
The arena was decorated beautifully, and you found yourself swept away with it all. This would truly be a night you would never forget. “Our seats are this way, Y/N” Liam said, taking your hand in his as he led you down one of the aisles. In the distance, you could see Harry and Niall, sitting down by themselves. “Where are their dates?” you asked, looking up at Liam. “Uh…” Liam stopped for a moment after hearing your question. “Didn’t they have to bring dates, too?"Liam let out a sigh, “Well, the truth is…” “Liam!” Louis shouted from behind him, causing the both of you to turn. “Y/N!” Immediately, you were both in a bear hug, being squeezed to death. Over Louis’ shoulder, you could see Eleanor, Perrie, and Zayn making their way down. “You both look splendid!” Louis chuckled, stepping back from the hug .“Thank you, Louis! You’re looking very handsome yourself,” you replied before going to greet the others.
The Brit Awards went by in a flash, and by the end, you were definitely star struck. You knew One Direction was famous, but until you were here, watching them with other celebrities, you only saw them as normal lads. Your best friends were winning awards and performing on television, in front of millions of people who knew their names. It was astonishing to you, even if you had been a mere fan, looking up at them two years ago…Though the awards went by fast, it seemed like forever before you were back in the limo, sitting beside Liam. “Did you have fun, Y/N?” Liam asked, still holding your hand in his. You nodded, “It was amazing, and it finally struck me how famous you really are.” He chuckled, “I’m glad you had a good time.”The conversation had died after that, and you found yourself remembering that Harry and Niall had not brought dates. Liam had told you that they had to, that management told them to, but Harry and Niall. "Liam?" "Hmmm" “What were you saying before about Harry’s and Niall’s lack of dates?” you inquired, curiosity painting your features.Liam suddenly stiffened, “Well…” he sighed, turning to face you completely, “I haven’t…exactly been…honest with you, Y/N.” “Oh?” you raised your brows, turning to face him too. He took your other hand in his.“We didn’t have to bring dates tonight…” “Then why ask me to be your date if you didn’t need one in the first place?” you asked, trying to understand. “I’m not complaining; I had a good time, but why bring me"You ask, confused over the fact that Niall and Harry didn't bring dates. He looked up at you this time, “Well…I thought this would be the farthest I would ever get with you.”
Louis: At a wedding.
You entered the large, decorated hall, hand in hand with your best friend. Together, you stopped to take it all in. The lights, the flowers, and the tables were all beautifully arranged for the party that was going to take place.“Wow,” you looked about the room.“Exactly,” Louis replied with a chuckle.You tugged on his arm, pulling him forward with you, “Come on, we can admire everything else from our table.” “Sounds good to me,” he let you lead him to Table 5.
Today, a close family friend of Louis’ was getting married to the love of his life, and Louis, needing a date, asked you if you would like to come with him for the weekend. Of course, you had agreed. Who could resist a weekend in Australia with their crush? Yes, you had a crush on Louis, but there was no way the feelings were mutual.
“There you are, Louis!” a woman at your table stood up and ran around it, her arms stretched open.“Hello, Mum,” he grinned, letting go of your hand to hug her.“It’s so good to see you!” she said, squeezing him tightly. “I missed you, too,” he replied, pulling back to kiss her cheek. “And who is this?” she said, looking over his shoulder at you. Louis unwrapped his arm from around her and held out his hand to you. You took it as he explained, “This is my amazingly gorgeous friend, Y/N.” “Hello, Y/N,” she smiled. “I’m Louis’ mum, Joahannah.” “It’s very nice to meet you,” you nodded with a smile.“Well,” she said, looking from you to Louis. “Let’s get you two seated.”
It wasn’t long before the bridal party was announced followed by the bride and groom. They all sat at the head table, and after the speeches, the DJ started up the music for the couple’s first dance.“They look so happy,” you whispered, grinning. “They really do,” Louis replied, his warm breath on your ear. “Do you think I’ll be happy like that someday?” you wish you had stopped the words before they had come out of your mouth. You sounded so insecure. Louis’ hand found yours under the table, “I don’t think, love. I know.” You turned to look at him, giving him a smile, “Thanks, Louis.” “Anything for you, Y/N,” his grin widened. After the first dance, other people moved to the dance floor, including yourself and Louis. Dinner was served as well, coming out in three courses, and the cake was heavenly. By the end of the night, you were stuff, tired, and aching for the soft mattress in your hotel room. “Bye, Mum,” Louis kissed Joahannah’s cheek. “Be good, now,” she told him with a stern finger. “Aren’t I always?” he smirked.She smiled and shook her head at him before turning to look at you, “Take care of him for me, Y/N.” “Of course,” you grinned. “She takes very good care of me, Mum,” Louis interjected, making you blush as red as the roses that decorated the room. “Louis!” Joahannah just continued to shake her head at him, “What am I going to do with you?” “Love me?” he smirked.“I already do that,” she retorted. “Bye, you two. Have a good night.” “You, too!” you exclaimed as Louis led you out of the reception hall and towards the elevators. While waiting, you looked up at your best friend, “I like your family. They’re really nice.” Louis’ whole face lit up at your compliment, “I’m glad you think so.” The elevator rang, telling you it had arrived .“You know, what you said about my family probably made my day,” Louis suddenly said as you walked onto the elevator. “Why’s that?” He smiled at you, brushing his hand against yours before taking it in his own, “Because I was hoping I could introduce you to them as more than a friend someday…”
Niall: At his birthday party
You had to wonder if you just hated yourself or if you were just plain stupid. Why the sudden hate? Well, you agreed to be your best friend’s date to his own birthday party.You didn’t know why you had agreed. Maybe it was because you wanted to be Niall’s date, not his best friend, for once in your life.You let out a sigh, finally content with your appearance as you turned around in front of your mirror. “Y/N,” Harry opened your door slightly, peeking his head in. “We’re here to take you to your man…” And of course, Niall’s best friends knew of your little crush on him. “I’ll be right there,” you replied . Alright, love,” he said. “We’re downstairs.” After grabbing the present you had prepared and your clutch, you made your way downstairs.As you entered the small foyer by your front door, woof whistles and cat calls filled the air. All four of Niall’s band mates stood there, dressed for the club, with smug looks on their faces. This had been all their idea, and you hated them for it. “You look gorgeous, Y/N,” Liam said, opening the door to his car for you. “Yeah, you really do,” Louis agreed. “Niall won’t know what hit him.” When you got to the club, you were surrounded by Niall’s friends and family. None of them knew of your current role, and you wanted it to stay that way. The last thing you needed was the pressure to impress them.
The birthday boy finally arrived, swaggering in and giving hugs to all of his guests. You stayed back, watching him with a smile on your face, until you felt Zayn and Louis dragging you up to him. Not having much time to escape or protest at all, you were practically thrown onto the Irishman. “Whoa! Y/N?” Niall’s eyes went up and down your form. “You look amazing!” “Thanks, Niall,” you blushed, realizing you were still in his arms. “Happy birthday, Niall!” Louis exclaimed. “We hope you like your present.” “We had her specially wrapped up, just for you,” Harry chuckled. “Very funny, lads,” Niall chuckled, removing one of his hands from your arms to wrap around your waist. He looked at you with his beautiful blue eyes. “Would you like to dance?” You nodded, letting him lead you to the dance floor.“Happy birthday, Niall,” you said over the music as you moved your body to the beat.“What, Princess?” he put a hand on the small of your back, pushing you up against him. “Happy birthday, Niall!” you shouted.He beamed, “Thanks, Y/N. This has probably been one of the best so far.” “I’m glad!” you smiled. “I got you a present, but I left it in Liam’s car. We figured you’d be partying too hard to worry about all the presents and taking them home.” “Oh…well, you didn’t have to get me anything, Y/N.” “What do you mean?” you furrowed your brows. “It’s your birthday!” “I know, but having you as my date is gift enough,” he replied just as the song ended. “This song was requested by a group of guys for all the couples in the room,” the DJ announced. “This is for all you lovebirds.” A slow song started to play, and you were about to go sit down when Niall grabbed your hand.“Where you going?” “To sit…” “Oh…well…uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “I was kinda hoping you’d dance with me…” Your eyes widened at the request, but you were soon wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing your bodies closer together. Both his hands moved down to your waist, holding you to him as you both swayed.
Towards the end of the song, your head was resting on his shoulder, and you could feel his warm breath against your collar. “You’re, by far, the best birthday present I’ve ever received, Y/N."
Zayn: At an engagement party.
You opened the front door to see Zayn leaning on his car, his eyes looking down at the phone in his hands. You feared you were going to make him late to his friend’s engagement party, and that was not something you do when you want someone to like you.“I’m so sorry, Zayn,” you frowned when you came up to him. “I didn’t mean to make you wait.” He looked up at you, his eyes widening as he took you in. “Zayn…is something wrong?” you asked, hoping the blush on your cheeks wasn’t obvious. “No…Everything is perfect,” he said, somewhat in a daze. You frowned, “Zayn? Are you okay? You just keep staring at me…” That seemed to snap him out of it, “Oh….sorry! You just look…amazing.” His compliment turned your cheeks red, “Thanks, Zayn. I just hope we’re not late.” “We won’t be late,” he assured you, opening the door and helping you into the passenger seat.And you weren’t.
When you arrived at the restaurant, you found that you two were among the first people there. The bride and groom had yet to arrive, and their families were still absent, despite being the ones who organized the party. Zayn took your hand and led you over to your assigned table, “See? We weren’t late." “I know,” you sighed with a lopsided smile. “I’m just really nervous.” “Why?” he asked as he pulled out the chair for you. “I just…” you sighed, sitting down in the chair, “I just really want your friends to like me, you know?” Zayn chuckled, sitting next to you and taking your hand in his again, “They’re going to love you.” “It’s good to see you, Zayn.” You both turned around in your chairs to be face to face with a short, portly man in a tux. “Hey, Antonio,” Zayn grinned, shaking the man’s hand as he got up from his chair. “It’s been a long time.” You stood up next to Zayn, knowing it was rude to sit when being greeted, and watched the exchange. “Y/N,” Zayn turned to you, wrapping his free arm around your waist, “this is Antonio. He’s my friend’s father.” In other words, he was father of the grom“It’s nice to meet you, Antonio,” you extended your hand. He took it in his enormous one, leaning down to press a kiss to it. “The pleasure is all mine,” Antonio smiled. “I’m glad Zayn finally found someone he loves.”Loves? You felt your face turn completely pink. “Antonio,” Zayn looked shocked. “I’m not some heartbreaker that goes around with different girls.”Why wasn’t Zayn denying it? Didn’t he know it would create a misunderstanding? Didn’t he know what he was doing to your heart? Antonio let out a booming laugh, “I’m sorry, Zayn. It was just a joke.” “I know, but I don’t want you scaring off Y/N,” Zayn said, pulling you closer to his side. “Antonio! Your wife is on the phone!” “Duty calls,” he chuckled. “I hope you enjoy the party.” “Thank you,” you both said, waiting a bit before sitting down. The party was fun. There wasn’t any dancing, but it was nice to mingle with Zayn’s friends. You heard many funny and embarrassing stories about your date, to his dismay, and there were several instances where he had to pull you away, saying he was thirsty or hungry. It was late by the time you two got back to your house, nearly passed one in the morning. Knowing that it was dangerous for Zayn to drive home at this time, you offered to let him stay the night in your guest room. “Are you trying to seduce me, Y/N?” he smirked when you suggested it, pulling you close to him.“N-No,” you suddenly felt hot. “Are you drunk, Zayn?” “Maybe a little,” he whispered into your neck. “Or maybe I’m just wishfully thinking. Maybe I’m just that in love with you.”
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