He breaks up with you Part 3


 (Your POV) – A few days had passed since Harry had shown up, drunk out of his mind, at your apartment and spilled his feelings to you. He still loved you and wanted to be with you. You had sat and stewed over what had happened ever minute of everyday since it happened. You knew you still loved Harry, but you were pretty sure you always would because he was the first boy you had ever loved. But was that a good enough reason to be with him? He had completely broken your heart and you if you ever were to get back with him he would have to know that being photographed with different girls every week would have to be a thing of the past. But now that you thought about it, you hadn’t heard about him being anywhere near another girl since you broke up and you knew if he had been it would have been all over the tabloids. You sat on your couch, Michael sitting at the other side of the room and you knew you had to end it. It wasn’t fair for you to stay with him when all your time was spent thinking about how much you loved Harry. Even if you and Harry didn’t get back together, it still wasn’t fair to be with someone when you loved someone else. “Michael, we need to talk…” you said softly and he turned the TV off and faced you. “That doesn’t sound good…” he chuckled softly, “but I have been expecting this since we saw Harry at that party a last week.” You looked at him, shocked that he was able to read you so well. “How did you know?” He smiled at you, “I could tell… it was the way you looked at him, you’ve never looked at me like that.” Your eyes began to water, “I’m so sorry Michael,” you whispered. He moved over to sit next to you and wrapped his arms around you, “don’t be sorry Y/N, you can’t choose who you fall in love with, and as much as I wish it was me… it’s not your fault that it’s not. And for what it’s worth, I could tell by the way Harry looked at you that he really loves you as well Y/N.” The fact that Michael was being so nice about this was only making you feel worse. “Look Y/N, I still really want to be friends with you, but for now I’m going to go. You should go speak to Harry,” he gave you one last peck on the cheek before getting up and leaving. You felt so lost; you immediately went into your cupboard and poured yourself a large vodka. You knew you would have to go and see Harry as soon as possible but you were so terrified. So you poured yourself another vodka… and another, and another until you had enough liquid confidence to go and see him. You stumbled out your front door and flagged down the first taxi you saw and taking it right to Harry’s door. You stood outside and took a deep breath before pounding on the door and eventually hearing Harry’s footsteps approaching the door.

His POV – I hadn’t even left my flat since I last saw Y/N. I didn’t know how I was going to get over her when I couldn’t even think of anything else but her. I sat on my couch, watching mines and Y/N’s favorite movie for what felt like the hundredth time when I heard someone knocking at the door. I expected it to be one of the boys because they had said they would visit at some point that night so I shuffled to the door and pulled it open revealing a very drunk Y/N. “Y/N,” I said, surprised, “what are you doing here?” She stumbled inside without answering and sat down in my armchair, lowering her head so far that it was in between her knees. “Sorry I’m drunk, I had to be drunk to have the courage to come here and talk to you,” she hiccupped as she spoke. “That’s okay,” I said, elated to see her again, “I turned up at your flat drunk like four days ago so I don’t know why you’re apologizing,” I laughed softly. “Yeah… you did,” she slurred, “and I broke up with Michael because of it.” She leaned back against the back of the chair, closing her eyes. My heart practically jumped up into my throat. “You and Michael aren’t together anymore?” and she nodded. “Why are you here?” I asked slowly, praying for her to say the three little words I had wanted her to say when I showed up at her place the other day. She took a deep breath, “Well after I saw you the other day, I was scared after you left, scared you would move on because I had Michael. I didn’t realize why I was scared for a while… but then I realized it was because if you moved on and found someone else and I stayed with Michael it would be a lie because I love you and you love me. We’re inevitable, Harry Styles.” She slurred a lot as she spoke but my heart beat faster and faster as she continued. “ On the one hand, I love you Harry… but on the other, you broke my heart and I need to know I can trust you this time around not to do that… and I need to know I can trust you to not be photographed with other girls.” She looked directly at me now, standing up and walking towards me until we were directly in front of each other. “You can trust me,” I whispered. “How?” she asked, her eyes beginning to water slightly. “Because I love you with everything I have inside of me, and if I ever lost you again, I would be devastated because you are everything to me.” She let out a sob and threw her arms around my neck, kissing me hard. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,” I said it over and over again, hoping she realized how much I actually meant it. I lifted her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist and pressed her up against the wall as she ran her fingers through my hair. “You’re mine,” she whispered against my lips and I smiled against hers. “And you’re mine.”


  (Your POV) – There was no point in denying it, you were mad at Liam. Pissed off. He broke up with you because he didn’t miss you when you weren’t around and then he comes begging for you back, saying he misses you! You couldn’t even believe him! Who did he think he was? The thing that made you the angriest about the entire situation was the fact that you actually wanted to take him back! You had always loved Liam, you never stopped but he didn’t deserve you back, he had broken you heart and waited until you were happy with someone else before trying to fix it. But that kiss…you forgot how right it felt to have Liam kissing you, it was the most perfect connection. When you were kissing nothing else mattered and you hated him for that. You had asked Liam to leave and around five minutes later, Matthew arrived at your flat. “What was he doing here Y/N?” he asked, slightly aggressively. “Who?” you tried to act innocent but you knew it wouldn’t work. “You know who Y/N, don’t play dumb with me, I saw him!” You sighed as you turned away from Matthew angrily, “he just turned up, I asked him to leave…” You looked over at Matthew who looked hurt more than angry now. “He came to tell you he loved you didn’t he?” you tried to deny it but Matthew could tell by the look on your face that you were lying. “Do you love him?” he asked sternly. “Matthew… I…” you began to stutter. “Do you love him Y/N?” he asked again. Tears immediately started spilling down your cheeks. “That’s all I needed to know Y/N, thanks for leading me on this entire time, I hope you and Liam are very happy together because we’re over,” he stormed out your flat and slammed the door. You began to sob silently as you lowered yourself back onto your couch. You and Matthew had been best friends before you dated and now that was ruined. Your anger for Liam was increasing by the second, you hated him, you hated how much you loved him.

His POV – I sat in Harry’s living room, surrounded by the guys and their girlfriends as they all watched some stupid program on television and ate Chinese food. I barely touched mine; in fact, I had barely eaten since I had seen Y/N a few days before. I wondered how many times Y/N was going to have the ability to break my heart, the amount of love I had for her made me so vulnerable. “Aren’t you going to eat Liam?” Perrie asked, looking at my full plate. “No, not hungry,” I grunted back and I was met with an entire chorus of everyone in the room groaning at me. “You have to eat something, you can’t just sit and mope about Y/N forever.” I waved my hand angrily, dismissing their words as I pulled my phone out and began scrolling through twitter. I heard Eleanor sigh, “Liam, I shouldn’t be telling you this because she asked me not to, but her and Matthew broke up.” My head shot up and I was suddenly interested to hear what she had to say, “what? When? Why?” I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat. “A few days ago, she never said why… so if you want my advice, I think you should go and fight for her, she still loves you Liam.” I didn’t need any convincing. I threw my jacket on and ran out the door, walking the fifteen minutes to Y/N’s flat. I walked up to the door, knocking immediately. I heard her walk up to the door, she opened it, took one look at my face and tried to slam it shut again but I caught it and followed her inside. “Y/N can you please just talk to me?” I asked but she rolled her eyes. “About what Liam? What do you want to talk about?” I’m sure she could tell how much her words hurt even though I tried my best to hide it. “I want you to know that I love you and that I want to be with you,” I said quickly, being straight to the point before she could kick me out. “Oh so NOW you love me and want to be with me?” she said laughing sarcastically. “Y/N please…” I said quietly and she turned round to face me. I was surprised to see tears in her eyes. “Liam, you don’t understand. I love you and I want to be with you but how am I supposed to do that after everything that happened?” I walked over to her, pulling her into my arms and holding her tight against my chest so I could feel her heart beating against mine. “I know I fucked up Y/N, but nothing feels more right than being next to you… having your heart beating against mine, being able to kiss you and hold you whenever I want… I will never ever have the same feeling with anyone else, and I know you feel the same way.” She pulled away from me, nodding her head and wiping her eyes, “I hate you Liam Payne,” she said laughing slightly, “I hate you because I love you and I need you.” She began to wipe her face but I reached up and got there first, brushing her tears away with my thumb. I smiled at her, “you’re still beautiful, even when you’re crying,” she smiled at me, “but not nearly as beautiful as you look when you’re smiling.” She blushed and turned away from me but I pulled her back so she was looking at me. “You know, I look at you Y/N and I know that I’ve found my other half,” I said before pressing my lips against hers and muttering against them, “I’ll never hurt you again.”


 (Your POV) – You couldn’t get over how horrible the past few days had been. Not only had Jamie broken up with you, but also Louis had tried to get you back and you completely rejected him. You knew you had good reason to reject him but it still didn’t stop you feeling awful because you knew you still loved him. You wanted to call him and talk about things but you didn’t know how to even begin to speak to him after the way you had left things. You were standing in your kitchen one day, cooking yourself dinner, feeling more miserable than ever when you heard a knock at your door. You sauntered over and pulled the door open to see Niall, Liam, Harry and Zayn standing on the other side, smiling and holding a bouquet of flowers. “Can we come in?” Niall asked and you nodded, confusion apparent on your face. They all gave you a quick hug before going and sitting in your living room. “I’m going to go and put these in water,” Liam said pointing at the flowers making his way through to your kitchen and coming back a few seconds later. “I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but what are you doing here?” you asked laughing, “Not that I’m not happy to see you all, of course.” They all laughed, “let’s cut to the chase, we came to talk to you about Louis,” Niall said, suddenly serious. “What’s going on?” you asked, concerned. “Well, ever since your conversation with him the other night he has been an absolute mess, not talking to anyone, not eating, not leaving his flat… we’re not asking you to get back together with him Y/N, but we were wondering if you’d consider talking to him? Try to get him to move on?” he asked hopefully. “Yeah, of course…” you said slowly. “But I do want to get back together with him…” the realization shocking you a little bit.  All the boys’ heads snapped round to look at you. “Well why didn’t you tell him that the other night?” Liam asked, confused. “Because I was still angry,” you said, a little ashamed. “Well let’s go and see him then,” Harry said as he jumped up happily and grabbed your hand, dragging you out the front door, you ran back inside quickly to turn your oven off and began to make your way to Louis’

His POV – I heard a knock on my door and I seriously considered ignoring it. I really hadn’t been in the mood to speak to anyone since Y/N made it apparent that we were over. I tried to ignore whoever it was but they were persistent, I groaned as I stomped over to the door and pulled it open. I saw my four band mates smiling at me, “what is it?” I asked as I rolled my eyes. “We brought you a present,” Liam said happily and the four boys moved away to show that Y/N was standing behind them. “Hey babe,” she said quietly as I stood in shock, not believing she was actually there. “Can I come in?” she asked quietly and I nodded, moving out the way so she could get inside. “We’ll leave you two alone for a bit,” Niall said happily, “we’ll be at the pub along the road, feel free to join is later if you want.” I closed the door as they walked away and turned round to find Y/N standing awkwardly behind me. “How are you?” she asked as she twiddled her fingers together. “I’ve been better,” I said as I let out a small laugh. “I’m sorry,” we both said at the exact same time. “Why are you sorry?” I asked, a little shocked. “Because, I shouldn’t have sent you away the other day,” she said, lower lip trembling as she spoke. “You had every right to turn me away Y/N, don’t be sorry,” I replied as I pulled her into my arms, trying to comfort her but as soon as her face hit my chest she began sobbing. “I love you Louis,” she cried harder. “I love you, Y/N and I’m so sorry, do you think that you could ever forgive me for the way I treated you?” She pulled away from me and wiped her eyes, “I want to Louis, I really want to but you really hurt me.” I nodded; I knew exactly what I wanted to say to her because I had been rehearsing it for days. “I fall in love with you again every time I see you. And falling in love with you, it almost feels like I’m completely falling apart at the same time, it’s the most perfect feeling, I can’t imagine not having that feeling everyday for the rest of my life. Can we please go back to when you loved me too? Because everything was better then” I looked away from her, the sheer fear of rejection causing my eyes to water a bit. She was silent for a few seconds before she spoke, “you know this isn’t a game Louis?” she said sternly, “I don’t think I could take it if you hurt me again…” I walked towards her, holding her hands to my chest and pressing my lips to her forehead. “I can assure you… I will never hurt you again.” She exhaled sharply before letting herself fully melt into my arms. “That’s all I needed to hear,” she looked up at me and pressed her lips against mine, then allowed me to deepen the kiss as I forced my tongue in between her lips. I sighed as she pulled away from me, putting her head against my chest as I whispered into her hair, “we’re better together.”


 (Your POV) – Tears began to stream down your face the minute Niall had left your flat. You knew you had said you didn’t want to see him but you had never actually meant it. You knew you still loved him, but you were so angry with him. You didn’t want to see him more out of pride than anything else. You felt your whole body begin to wrack with sobs as your mind ran at about a hundred miles an hour over the events of the past fifteen minutes. “I need to see him,” you muttered to yourself, “I need to see him.” You straightened yourself up and fixed your makeup quickly so people wouldn’t be able to tell you had been crying and you began to make your way over to Liam’s flat. You knocked at the door but no one heard due to the loud music you could hear coming from inside. You pushed the door open and ran straight into Perrie and Eleanor. “Y/N I am so sorry,” Perrie blurted out immediately. “Don’t be Perrie, I know it was an accident, and I want to see him anyway,” you said as your voice began to crack a little bit. “Why what happened?” she asked, I got Zayn and Harry to come and take him away. “I know, but I realized that I still love him,” you said laughing as you knew how stupid you sounded. “I’m sorry, I know I must sound like such a train wreck right now, one minute I hate him the next I love him,” you wiped the single tear which had managed to escape down your cheek and Perrie and Eleanor pulled you into a group hug. “Niall was pretty upset when he got back, Harry and Zayn took him outside with Liam and Louis to try and calm him down… they’re on the balcony,” Eleanor said offering me a small smile, “and you know where we are if you need anything.” I thanked them before making my way to the balcony door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open.His POV – I was furious that I had been taken away from Y/N before we had the chance to really speak. Harry, Zayn and I arrived back at the flat and I was so angry I was punching walls and tears were beginning to fall down my face. All four of the boys dragged me outside onto the balcony, asking everyone that was already there to go back inside so they could talk to me alone. They spent the next ten minutes trying to get me to calm down but I was an absolute mess. The amount of alcohol I had consumed definitely wasn’t helping. We heard the balcony door open and without even looking at who was there, we all raised a hand to the person, “can you go back inside please, just for five more minutes,” Liam said softly, not taking his eyes off of me. “Niall,” I heard a small voice say and I immediately knew it was Y/N. I jumped to my feet and stumbled towards her, pulling her into my arms and crying into her shoulder. The four boys went back inside, all patting my back as they went. “We’ll make sure no one comes out here so you guys can talk,” Harry said, smiling at us both before closing the door. “What are you doing here?” I asked, unable to stop myself from crying. “Because I realized it was pointless, Niall,” she said, crying a little bit herself. “What do you mean?” I asked, sitting down on the ground with her as I held her hands. “It’s pointless trying to deny how much I love you and how much I want to be with you. I know that even if I try to run away from you I’m going to end up running back eventually, I wasn’t prepared for how broken I’d feel when I saw you walk away from me earlier.” I sobbed harder as I pulled her into my arms and held her for a while before I could calm myself down enough to reply. “I love you,” I chocked out and she nodded, “I love you too, Niall, but…” My eyes snapped open, “but what?” I asked, suddenly really worried. “But you left me because you thought you loved someone else… anything other reason would have been better than that… did you love her?” I shook my head violently. “I didn’t love her, all I could think about every time I was anywhere near her was how wrong it felt, and how I could only ever love you… I don’t know what I was thinking Y/N.” She looked at me with wide, sad eyes. “Are you sure Niall? Because I can’t be with you unless you’re sure you don’t love someone else.” I nodded, “I’m positive, Y/N, you’re the only one for me.” She gave me a watery smile before pulling herself into my lap and wresting her head against my chest. We heard the door open behind us and the four lads followed my Eleanor and Perrie all filed out. “Aww would you look at that,” Zayn smiled down at us, “I told you they would fix things.” He turned round to face Perrie who was rolling her eyes. “Whatever, Niall, do anything horrible to Y/N again and Eleanor and I are coming for you,” she said laughing and Y/N giggled into my chest. “Don’t worry girls, I would never ever hurt her again,” I smiled before Y/N pressed her lips against mine.


 (Your POV) – You sat curled up in a ball in your bed, not able to sleep after what had happened. Zayn and the rest of the boys had fallen asleep in your living room, not wanting to leave you alone in case Ryan came back. You were so confused; you knew things with Ryan were definitely over. But what about things with Zayn… he had mad it clear that he wanted you back, but you didn’t know if you could trust him again. You tossed and turned in your bed until about 10am until you eventually decided to go downstairs and face the boys who you were sure would have something to say about what had happened. You walked to the living room to find them all sitting on the couches chatting away. “Morning love!” Louis said cheerily, “are you okay?” he said, his face going from cheery to sympathetic in a millisecond. You nodded, and walked over to the empty seat, passing a mirror on your way. You did a double take as you looked at your face and noticed the huge, disgusting purple bruise that had formed around your eye. You groaned as you slumped into the seat. “It’s not that bad,” Harry said trying to make you feel better but failing miserably so Liam walked over and gave you a massive hug but that still didn’t make you feel much better. You could see Zayn watching you from across the room so you gave him a small smile and he smiled back before looking away from you. You were just about to ask if you could speak to him in another room when you heard your front door open. You jumped up and saw Ryan walk into your living room. “Y/N where are you?” he asked before realizing the room was full. “What the fuck is this? Why the fuck are there a bunch of guys here Y/N?” he growled at you, walking towards you with his fists clenched as you cowered into the corner. But Liam grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against the wall angrily before he could get anywhere near you. “I thought I told you to never come back here,” Zayn said angrily as he walked towards him. “Fuck you,” Ryan laughed, “She is mine,” he said pointing towards you aggressively. “She’s not a piece of fucking property,” Niall spat angrily at him. “I’m not leaving until she tells me it’s over,” Ryan said smugly, knowing how scared you were of him, he didn’t think you had the courage to do it. “It’s over Ryan,” you said, confidently. “What did you just fucking say to me?” he asked angrily, trying to push Liam off of him but Zayn pushed him back against the wall. “She said it’s over, now get the fuck out, and this time… don’t fucking come back,” Zayn growled at him, before shoving him outside. He turned round to you; you had begun to cry again. “Y/N can I talk to you in another room?” he asked hopefully and you nodded before leading him up to your bedroom.

His POV – This was it, I was alone with Y/N… this was my chance to win her back. “Y/N… I’m so sorry,” I tried to be strong but I broke down as soon as I got a good look at the bruise that had blossomed on her cheek over night. “Zayn, it’s not your fault,” she said as she put her arm round me, trying to comfort me. “It is,” I said, almost angrily and turning to face her quickly, causing her to flinch away from me. I looked at her, shocked… “Y/N, did you just think I was going to hurt you?” I asked and she didn’t respond. “I would never ever lay a finger on you and I am so angry at myself because if I hadn’t ended things with you, you never would have been with that arsehole in the first place.” My entire body shook as I sobbed and she put her arms around me. “Zayn I’m not upset or angry at you… you saved me…” she said and I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. “I’m so sorry I ever ended things with you… I only did because I was scared of how you made me feel, but I’m not afraid anymore.” She pulled me into her arms and she rested her head on my shoulder. “I love you Zayn, and I forgive you,” she said quietly. “You and the boys saved me from a relationship that I had been stuck in with no way out, there’s no way I can be angry at you after that.” She pulled away and pressed a kiss to my cheek and I quickly turned round, pressing my lips against hers. “I know you’re afraid Y/N, but if you have faith in me… I promise to look after you and I promise I will never ever hurt you.” I wiped my face and she pressed her lips against mine again. “I love you Y/N, more than you’ll ever know.” She smiled at me, a genuine smile I hadn’t seen her wear since before we broke up, a smile that could make me forget every negative thought I had. “I love you too, Zayn… you’re my hero.” She stood up and pulled me up with her, kissing me again before dragging me down stairs to see the rest of the boys again. They all smiled as we walked into the room, “I told you they’d fix things,” Niall said happily as we walked into the room. “You two are made for each other,” Liam said as he hugged Y/N.  Y/N then began to speak, “I just wanted to thank you all for what you did for me last night and this morning… you didn’t have to and I just…” Niall walked over to her, placing a finger to his lips, signaling for her to stop speaking. “Y/N, stop, of course we had to, we all love you, and we’ll always be there for you, no matter what.”  She smiled happily as she sat down on my lap, nuzzling her face into my neck, whispering, “I love you” into my ear over and over again. 

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