He breaks up with you Part 2
Harry (His POV):
It had been a week since I saw Y/N at our friend’s flat party but I could have sworn I’d thought about her every second of everyday. I didn’t even know I still loved her until I saw her, all of the boys were trying to convince me that I only felt that way because I’d seen her with someone else but I knew that wasn’t true. This wasn’t jealousy I was feeling; it was complete and utter heartache. I had drafted about a hundred text messages that I had wanted to send to her but I could never work up the courage to actually send them. All I could do was sit and wonder if she was thinking about me as well but I doubt she had been. I decided I needed to get out of my flat for a while, I needed to go for a walk and clear my head: sitting inside and thinking about Y/N was starting to become an unhealthy habit, one that all the boys had noticed. I walked and walked and eventually I realized I had absentmindedly walked to the pub the boys and I usually go to after recording. “Might as well,” I muttered under my breath as I walked inside and went and sat down at the bar. I ordered beer after beer after beer until I was absolutely wasted. I got up to leave the bar, falling against several people as I went. I stumbled outside and leaned my body against the wall as I tried to focus. All I could think about in my drunken state was her; I wanted her. I began to stumble in the direction of Y/N’s flat, which was, thankfully, only a short five-minute walk from the pub. It did, however, take me fifteen minutes to get there because I was walking like Bambi on ice. I got there and I could see the lights on in the living room. “Please don’t let that prick Michael be there,” I slurred as I pounded my fist against the door.Your POV – It was late and you were about to get ready for bed when you heard a loud pounding on your door. You were absolutely petrified, who the hell would come and visit you at this time? You walked over to the front door and opened it slowly, peeking around to see who was there. Your jaw dropped when you saw your ex-boyfriend standing in front of you, absolutely wasted. “Harry, what the hell are you doing here?” you asked in shock. “I came to see you,” he slurred as he fell into your apartment and threw himself down on your couch. “Just come in, why don’t you?” you muttered under your breath as you followed him. “What I meant, Harry, was why are you here?” you asked as you folded your arms across your chest. “I’m here, because you’re driving me crazy,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair with frustration. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” you asked, slightly offended. “It means, I was fine until you had to show up to that party last week,” he said looking up at you, knitting his eyebrows. “What so I’m supposed to not go to parties I’m invited to just incase you’re there?” you scoffed at him, “why don’t you want to see me anyway? Surely I should be the one who doesn’t want to see you, Harry, you broke up with me, remember?” you said as you sat down on another couch and crossed your legs. Harry remained silent as he ran his hand over his face and exhaled sharply. “What’s going on?” you asked, starting to feel sorry for him because he looked like he was starting to get really upset. “There’s so many things I want to say to you, I just don’t know how or where to begin,” he said and his voice began to crack. “Well…you’re going to have to figure it out Harry, its obvious something’s bothering you and I’m starting to worry,” you said as you moved to sit next to him and put a comforting arm around is shoulder. He leaned forward and began to sob into his hands. “See Y/N, I completely broke your heart a few months ago and you still care for me like nothing happened. It’s that and so many other things about you that make it impossible for me to ignore how much I love you and how much I want to be with you.” He sobbed hard now, his entire body shaking. “Harry,” you sighed, “you broke up with me…” you said gently and he lifted his head to look at you. “I know Y/N… I know I did, but I have never regretted anything more, you need to know that,” he said as more tears fell down his cheeks. “Harry… what about Michael?” you asked softly and you saw Harry’s entire demeanor change completely at the mention of your boyfriend’s name. His body went ridged and his jaw clenched. “Yeah, forgot about him,” he slurred as he pushed himself up. “Look Y/N, forget I came by okay… I hope you and Michael are very happy together,” he walked out of your flat as you called after him. Your voice cracking and tears beginning to stream down your cheeks as you watched him walk away from you not knowing when you might see him again.
Liam (His POV) –
I scrolled down Matthew’s Facebook as I saw photo after photo of him and Y/N looking insanely happy together. “Arsehole,” I muttered as I slammed my laptop shut. I didn’t really know whether I was throwing that insult at myself or at Matthew. I was the idiot that broke up with her and now I wanted her back and I knew I didn’t deserve her. The boys all sat around the kitchen chatting before Niall eventually turned his attention to me when I got up to grab another beer. “You need to stop torturing yourself mate,” he said laughing a little as the other boys nodded in agreement. “I’m not,” I muttered as I took a long drink from my can. “You are, I don’t know what you expect to happen, you can’t sit at home, stalking her Facebook and Instagram all day and expect her to come running back to you,” Niall said as he looked at me, eyes filled with sympathy. “You don’t think I know that?” I snapped back as I sat down on a stool angrily and continued drinking. The boys took that as a hint to drop the conversation and no one mentioned her name for the rest of the evening. That was until I mentioned her name. I had lost count of the amount of beers I had drunk but I knew it was a lot. I could barely stand. I turned to Zayn, resting my hand on his shoulder to steady myself. “I’m going to see her,” I slurred. “Who?” he asked before his eyes widened when he realized whom I was talking about. “No, you’re not going anywhere,” he said, gripping my forearm. “Yes I am,” I scoffed as I made my way towards the door, “she only lives down the road anyway.” I opened the door and began stumbling down the street and the boys all followed me outside, begging me to reconsider what I was doing but before we knew it we were rounding the corner to her flat. And there she was… getting out her car, eyes widening as she saw me walking towards her.
Your POV – “Liam, what are you doing here?” you asked, confused as you looked to the other boys for answer but they all just gave you apologetic looks as Liam stumbled towards you. “What’s going on? Are you drunk?” you asked as Liam threw his arms around you, your knees almost buckling under his weight as you practically suffocated on the alcoholic fumes leaking out of his pores. “We need to talk,” he slurred as he pulled away from you. “Now?” you asked, “when you’re in this state?” He nodded his head, “I won’t have the balls to say what I have to say unless I’m drunk, so let’s go inside.” He grabbed your hand and led you up the stairs towards your front door, turning to you and putting his hand out for your keys when you reached it. You were so shocked you didn’t even question him; you just let him get on with it. You turned to the other boys, still looking for answers as to what was going on but none of them spoke. “We’re going to make our way back to your flat Liam,” Harry said, smiling at you before walking away. You followed Liam inside and he sat down on the couch, inviting you to sit next to him. “Liam, please tell me what is going on?” you asked. He took in a deep breath before he spoke, “I miss you, Y/N,” he looked at you sincerely waiting for your reply. Your mouth fell open and you could feel yourself getting angry. “You miss me?” you questioned and he nodded. “You miss me? Oh sure Liam, NOW you miss me! The whole reason you broke up with me was because you didn’t miss me!” you were raising your voice as you stood up to walk away from him. “Y/N please listen to me, I made a mistake,” he said, his eyes starting to gloss over. “A mistake? This is a disaster Liam,” you said as your voice began to crack, “you had to wait until I was happy with someone else to then come in and fuck with my head.” You held your head in your hands as you processed what was happening. He stood up and walked towards you, placing his hands on your waist and pressing his forehead against yours. “I know, and I am so, so sorry,” he said as he pulled you closer into him. “Liam it isn’t fair,” you said as tears began to fall down your cheeks. You were about to continue speaking but Liam pressed his lips against yours. You kissed him back for a split second before pushing him off. “Liam, I have a boyfriend,” you said sternly. “I know… but Y/N…” he began but you cut him off. “Look Liam, I think you should leave,” you walked over to your front door and held it open for him. Your heart breaking as you saw the wounded look he gave you before walking out.
Louis (His POV) –
“She loves me,” I threw a shot down my throat. “She loves me not,” I threw a shot down my throat. The boys all looked at me like I was crazy. “Louis, it has been five months since you broke up… and it’s been two months since you last saw her,” Liam said, shuddering as I began to take another shot. I swallowed before replying, “I know,” I took a sip from the pint of beer I also had, “what’s your point?” Niall looked over at me, confiscating my beer. “Our point is you should be over it by now and you’ve had way too much to drink so I’m taking this,” he said gesturing to the pint in his hand. I leaned forward and grabbed it back, “Over it? I love her… you can’t just get over that. And no I haven’t had nearly enough to drink.” The boys all shifted uncomfortably in their seats. This was the exact same conversation we had every time we went out but it wasn’t helping me get over her. All I wanted to do was see her. I took out my phone, ready to scroll through her Facebook for the millionth time this month. Her page loaded and I saw something that made my heart stop for a second, and then continue to beat increasingly fast. ‘Y/N Y/L/N has gone from being in a relationship to single’ I gasped and all the other boys turned round, I showed them my phone screen and they all looked at me with confusion. “Well what are you going to do then?” Harry asked, giving me a small smile. “I’m going to see her, now!” I shot up out my seat and stumbled out the bar, only realizing how drunk I was when I got outside into the fresh air. I practically ran all the way to her flat and when I got there I began pounding on the door but by the looks of things, there was no one home. I sat down on her front door step, hoping she would be home soon. I didn’t have to wait long, her car pulled up a few minutes later and she got out. I could tell she had been crying because I could hear her sniffling. I stood up and she turned towards me. “Louis, what are you doing here?”
Your POV – You had had one of the worst days ever. Your boss was being unbelievably rude to you all day and when you had gone to see your boyfriend, he broke up with you! He had told you that he felt like your heart wasn’t fully invested in the relationship and that he felt like you still had feeling for Louis. You cried all the way home, and the thing that made matters worse was that you knew you weren’t crying because you were upset about the breakup. You were crying because you knew he was right, you were still in love with Louis and you still weren’t over the heartbreak you felt when he ended things. That is why you were so unprepared to get out of you car at your flat and see Louis standing waiting for you. “What are you doing here?” you asked, as you began to feel emotional again. “I had to see you,” he whispered as he walked towards you. “Why?” you asked, confused. “I needed to tell you that I have thought about you every single day for five months, I’m so afraid because I know the only thing that will make me feel safe is getting you back but I know I screwed up so badly and I don’t deserve you,” his eyes watered as you looked at him with tears streaming down your face. You wanted to take him back, but your pride wouldn’t allow you. “You broke up with me Louis… you broke up with me because you were bored of me,” you said, trying to sound strong but your voice shook with every word you said. “I wasn’t bored of you,” he replied defensively. “Well how else could you describe it Louis?” you asked, crying harder and harder as you spoke. “You broke up with me because you wanted to see if you could get anyone better.” You began to walk away from him but he grabbed hold of you and pulled you back towards him. “Y/N, please,” he begged as tears fell down his face. You shook your head as you pushed him away from you. “Louis, how can I trust you again? You broke my heart,” you began but he interrupted you. “And that is my biggest regret Y/N. I can’t believe what I did, I wanted to go back to you the moment I had walked away.” You pushed him off of you as you ran your fingers through your hair with frustration. “Then why didn’t you Louis?” you raised your voice slightly as you spoke. “Why wait five months?” He shrugged his shoulders; unable to form the words he wanted to say to you. “You’re a coward, Louis Tomlinson,” you said quietly. “I know I am,” he stuttered as he walked towards you but you put a hand up signaling for him to stop. “I can’t do this right now Louis, I’m sorry…” You walked inside and closed your door, sliding down it as you sobbed into your hands. You wanted him back but you were terrified, you had no clue what to do.
Niall (His POV) –
It had been three days since I saw her and I had been checking my phone every thirty seconds ever since. She still hadn’t texted me and I wasn’t sure she was going to. I wish I had a way of getting her number but I knew it was impossible. I sat in Liam’s kitchen staring at my screen as I took long sips from an ice-cold bottle of beer. He was having a flat party but I was so busy staring at my phone I barely noticed that anyone else was there. I heard Zayn’s voice behind me, “Niall mate, did you drink all of those?” he asked laughing and pointing to my large collection of empty beer bottles. “Yeah I guess I did,” I said, a little shocked by how much I had drunk. He walked away again leaving me to obsessively stare at my phone when I heard someone say her name. Perrie and Eleanor had just walked into the kitchen but hadn’t noticed me sitting there because the room was so full. “Yeah she moved into the apartment block next door, she said that you and I should go over soon so I told her Wednesday, is that good for you?” Eleanor was about to start speaking but I interrupted. “She moved where?” I asked, stumbling over to them. Perrie’s eyes widened as she realized I had heard her, “nowhere, Niall,” she said quickly but I was already on my way out the kitchen ready to make my way over to the apartment block they were talking about. I rang every buzzer until someone eventually opened the door and began making my way up all the floors, knocking on every single door, looking for her.
Your POV – You sat in your new flat absolutely miserable. All your friends were at a party at Liam’s and you didn’t want to go because you couldn’t face Niall. You were sitting watching TV when your buzzer began to go off, again and again and again and again. You answered to try and find out who it was but all you could hear was the person on the other end pushing all the buzzers at the door. You slammed the phone down and went back to the couch. How rude did someone have to be to disturb a whole block of people at 11pm. You were just watching the last twenty minutes of mean girls when your phone went off with a text from Perrie saying sorry over and over again. You were about to text her back because you were really confused about what she had to be sorry for when you heard a pounding at your door. You got up and walked over, opening it to tell whoever it was to shut the hell up because it was so late. You were about to speak but your words caught in your throat as you looked up to see your ex-boyfriend, Niall, standing in front of you. “You didn’t text me,” he slurred as he fell into your apartment and stumbled into the living room before falling into one of your sofas. “Yeah… I know I didn’t,” you replied following him, “Niall… why are you turning up at my flat, drunk at 11pm?” You asked as you sat down next to him. “Perrie accidentally told me you moved here, so I went to every apartment in the building so I could tell you I love you,” he fell into you, nuzzling your neck and planting kisses on your collarbone. You shot up out of your seat and he looked up at you, clearly upset at being rejected. “Niall, I have a boyfriend,” you said quietly and he was about to protest but there was another knock at your door. You pulled it open to see Harry and Zayn standing in front of you, “Y/N, we’re sorry, Perrie told us he came over so we’re here to get him out of your hair, come on Niall,” they said gesturing towards him and he looked at you, tears in his eyes as he stood up and walked out the door. You slammed the door shut in frustration; Niall telling you he still loved you had just royally messed with your head and you didn’t know what to do about it.
Zayn (Your POV) –
Zayn immediately followed you as you walked back inside but you turned round and told him to leave you alone. You could feel your boyfriend’s eyes burning a hole in the back of your head as he watched you and Zayn and you were terrified to go back over. You and Ryan hadn’t been seeing each other for long but he had already become very abusive. Constantly shouting at you and he had even hit you a few times but you had been too scared to tell anyone about it. You knew you were for it the minute you saw the look on his face as you walked back over. He grabbed you by your arm so tightly; you knew it was going to bruise. “Why the fuck were you talking to him?” he snarled in your ear as you whimpered in fear. “You’re nothing but a fucking slut, I can’t take you anywhere without you looking for someone to sleep with, come on, we’re going home where I can teach you a fucking lesson.” He dragged you outside as silent tears began to stream down your cheeks and he forcefully pushed you into a taxi. You cried all the way home, terrified about what he was going to do to you when you arrived.
His POV – I watched her walk away from me and I immediately headed for the bar where I bought five shots and took them all one after the other. I began to feel really drunk and I turned round to walk back over to the boys and I noticed they were all staring at something, a mixture of anger and confusion on their faces. I turned to see what it was and I saw Y/N, cowering away from her boyfriend as he aggressively shouted in her ear before dragging her out of the club. The five of us immediately headed straight for the exit as we attempted to follow them but by the time we got outside, they were nowhere to be seen. “Did you see that?” I asked angrily and they all nodded. “We have to go and make sure she’s okay,” Liam said but I was already flagging down a taxi. “If he has so much as touched her I will fucking kill him,” I snarled as I got into the taxi and telling the taxi driver Y/N’s address. We pulled up outside and I threw money at the driver and jumped out the car. I run up to the door and I could hear shouting as well as sobbing coming from inside. My blood was boiling, as I was about to knock, the boys followed me, looking just as angry as I did as they heard what was happening. I reached my hand up to knock when I heard a loud thud followed by an agonizing scream from Y/N signaling that he had hit her and before I knew what I was doing I threw my entire weight against the front door, completely breaking it off its hinges. I looked into the living room to see Y/N sitting on the floor, hand cupping her face as she sobbed while her scumbag of a boyfriend stood above her with his fists clenched, shouting horrible things at her. I ran over to him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pushing him up against the wall angrily. Liam and Louis joined my side as we all screamed abuse at him. I turned round for a split second to make sure Y/N was okay, and I saw that she was being picked up off the ground by Harry and Niall. I slammed my fist into her boyfriend’s face hard, again and again. “You are going to leave this flat and you are never going to come back, am I making myself clear?” I yelled at him angrily but he didn’t even reply. Louis and Liam dragged him outside, throwing him down the front steps where he collapsed at the bottom, barely able to stand up. I stumbled over to Y/N, cupping her face in my hands and then pulling her into my arms where she sobbed for a while. She eventually pulled away and looked at me and the rest of the boys, “thank you, thank you so much,” she said as she got up and hugged each of us individually. “Don’t be ridiculous Y/N,” Louis said as he held her, “there’s no need to thank us.” She smiled weakly as she turned back to me and fell into my arms. “I love you Y/N, I’m so sorry.” I swallowed a lump in my throat, “if I hadn’t been a coward and I hadn’t broken up with you, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.” I gave all the boys a look, signaling for them to leave. I was ready to tell Y/N she was the love of my life and I was ready to beg for her to take me back.
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