Give Me Love
Maybe tonight I’ll call ya, After my blood turns into alcohol
It was a replay of the last month and a half. That’s when you guys broke up. He was heartbroken, he knew it was for the best though. But that didn’t mean he took it well. He was out drinking every night, getting drunk was something that became a daily habit. “I think I sh-should caaaall her.” Niall slurred, as he was out with the boys. He pulled out his phone but Zayn stopped him, “No, Niall. You’re drunk. She wouldn’t want you to call her like this.” “Buuut I-I love herr. She-she needs to know.” he cried out. The tears always came at the end of his nights. The alcohol didn’t help him like he thought it would. It only made him think of you more. He wished it had never ended. He wish he could call you when he was sober, but he only had the confidence when he was drunk. And someone always stopped him. One day he will work his way up to getting you and your love back, without alcohol.
Give me love like her, ‘Cause lately I’ve been waking up alone
He knew the feeling of being loved, something he’s missed. When he met you had just gone through a bad break up, his girlfriend had cheated on him. You changed his view on love. He had wanted you to love him like how he thought she had loved him. But he realized that you could love better than she did. Your love was special, it was real. When he got with you, waking up alone was something he never wanted to do again. “YN, you know I love you right?” he asked, one night while you were over at his house. “Yes. And I love you too, Zayn.” you said, smiling. “Well, I’ve been thinkg about this for a while now. And I love you. I think it’s the right time, but you can say no if you want,” he kept rambling. “Zayn, babe. Spit it out.” you said, with a giggle. “Will you move in with me?” he said, shocking you. You didn’t answer right away. “You know what, uh, never mind. Let’s watch the movies.” he said, with a hurt expression and turning his attention to the TV. “Zayn, I would love to. Sorry, you just shocked me. But I would love to live with you.” you said. He turned back to you with a huge smile on his face. He attacked you with kiss and a hug.”Good because I’m tired of waking up alone.” he said, leaning his head on yours. The days after that were a blur, moving in and unpacking. It was all worth it to the both of you, you guys loved each other so much.
All I want is the taste that your lips allow, My, my, my, my, oh give me love
Your love was everything to him. It was what got him through the day. He didn’t know he could love anyone as much as he loved you. Everyday he craved your kisses, your lips on his. It was the best feeling in the world to him. There was a kiss for when you woke up, for you leaving for work, for coming home, and just for nothing. “Hey,babe!” you said, as you walked in the door from a long day at work. “Hi.” he said, pulling you in for a kiss. “Lou?” “Yes, my darling.” “Why do you kiss me so much? Not that I’m complaining. I was just curious.” you said. His facial expression told you he wasn’t mad but happy. He smiled at you and began to talk, “I love to kiss you because I can feel the love through you lips. You take my breath away every time. It feels like your kisses can save my life. They are my world, as are you. I don’t know I’ve come so accustomed to it and it just feel natural.” he kept ranting on and on. You understood what he was saying and he wouldn’t stop so you kissed him. The kiss lasted a while before you guys broke apart. “Whoa.” he said. “Like that?” you asked with a smirk. “Exactly like that babe. I love you so much, YN.” “I Love you too, Louis.” From that day on you never questioned why he kissed you so much and you now understood the feeling he got because you got it too.
Give me love like never before, ‘Cause lately I’ve been craving more
He had never felt this way about any girl in his whole life. He loved you more than anything and he knew you loved him just as much. There was nothing that could come between the two of you. He felt that if he lost your love he wouldn’t survive. “Babe, I love you.” he said, one night while you guys were laying in bed. “I love you too, Harry.” You were both facing each other, fingers intertwined with one another. “I’ve never felt like this before, YN. It’s crazy, how much I love you. It’s like I crave for your love. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. So, please don’t ever leave me.” “I love you just as much. This feeling is so unfamiliar but I like it. I have never felt like this in my life. I won’t ever leave you, but don’t leave me.” “I pinky promise I won’t leave you, babe.” he said, intertwining your pinkies together. “Promise.” you said. You guys laid on the bed for a while talking about all the things you guys loved about each other, the lists went on and on. Eventually you both fall asleep, you in his arms like it always should be. You weren’t lying when you guys said you wanted to be together forever. He proposed to you the next day, to ensure you kept your promise. You said yes of course and you guys married a year later. You guys were happily in love and that would never change.
And it’s been a while but I still feel the same, Maybe I should let you go
It’s been about two months since you guys had broken up but he remembers it as if it happened yesterday, the arguments and everything that wasn’t worth the break up. He cried every night, blaming himself for losing the best thing he had ever had. It wasn’t supposed to end, you guys were supposed to be together forever. For the last two moths he kept replaying the last words you guys exchanged in his mind.
*flashback* “Maybe we should just break up then. You don’t seem to trust me anymore!!” he yelled, frustrated at you. “Maybe we should.” “Then leave.” he said with no emotion. *end flashback*
Soon after he spoke those words he had regretted it. He called you everyday to apologize but you wouldn’t answer. He was slowly giving up but there was still a part of him that didn’t want to give up. You don’t just give up on someone you love. He still loved you but it was obvious you didn’t love him anymore. He decided it was time to let go and move on. Maybe one day it’ll work out. People always say, “If you love something set it free, if it comes
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