The baby is asked about in a interview (pregnancy series)

Harry: "So Harry," Alan Carr smiled, scooting a bit closer to the edge of his seat, "what's it like being a brand new father to a beautiful baby girl?" Harry's eyes immediately lit up as he thought of Kyler, "well....honestly....being a a father is the best thing thats ever happened to me," he smiled, his dimples appearing as he happily looked toward the floor and back up at Alan. "Well tell us about her then!" Alan exclaimed happily as he shushed the audience. As everyone quieted down Harry spoke, "she's just this tiny little thing....I can actually hold her comfortably in one hand," he laughed. "She's just so happy all the time....always smiling and laughing and she's beautiful just like her mum......and to be know me and the boys love being on your show....but I'd do anything in the world to just be at home right now with her in my arms and my wife by my side," he confessed as he wiped his eyes quickly before a tear could cascade down his cheeks. Niall rubbed his back comfortingly as Harry looked toward a very happy and emotional Alan Carr. "Oh bitch....makin' me tear up on my own show," he jokingly spoke, causing everyone in the audience to laugh as he wiped his eyes as well. "Well I'm just so so happy for you and I'm glad you found a beautiful woman to give your gravy too," he smirked. "Me too too," Harry agreed, chuckling as they went to commercial.

Zayn: The petite blonde haired woman smiled toward Zayn as she brought the microphone to her lips, "Zayn, tell us about your new baby boy! He is absolutely adorable by the way," she sweetly spoke. "Thanks! Yea he's definitely a cutie," he smirked. "He's actually a great little baby....he doesn't cry that much which is good and my favorite thing is definitely his hair. He just has so much, it's actually quite funny......I get some gel sometimes and quiff it up like mine," he laughed as he pulled out his phone happily and brought up a picture of the matching hair-dos. "See? How can a little baby have that much hair?" he chuckled as he showed the picture to the smiling interviewer and the boys. "Aw! So cute! He looks so much like you," she spoke. "Yea they're like twins right?!" Liam smiled while looking toward Zayn. He grinned widely, "yea I get that a lot, but I don't see it....i think he looks more like his mom if you ask me," he replied, placing his phone back into his jeans pocket. "Plan on getting any tattoos dedicated to him?" she smirked while taking a look at his ink covered arm. "Yea! I'm actually planning on getting his footprints somewhere, just not sure where yet," he chuckled while clasping his hands together on his lap. "Well your son is so cute and you seem like a great father," she said happily. Zayn's eyes beamed, "thank you," he replied, grinning from ear to ear as the interviewer turned to ask Harry a question.

Liam: "So Liam, what's your favorite thing about being a new father?" Nick Grimshaw asked as the song he had just played ended. "Well Nick, there are a lot of great things, but you know just cuddling up with Maddie and holding her is my favorite part," Liam smiled as he spoke into the microphone. "She smells so good I don't know what it is but babies have this's the best," he chuckled as Harry spoke up. "Yea it's true, babies do smell good," Harry agreed while grazing a hand through his hair. "You like sniffing babies then Harry? I never knew you were such a weirdo," Nick spoke seriously while shaking his head. "Hey! Liam sniffs his baby!" Harry argued, pointing to a chuckling Liam. "Yea but that's his baby Liam....please ignore the weirdo next to you and continue on," Nick laughed as Harry gave him an evil look. "There's nothing more to say really...just that being a father is the best thing in the world and everything about it is my favorite," he spoke, his eyes squinting from grinning so big. "Isn't that sweet," Nick smiled happily as the other boys "aw'd" at Liam's answer. "Well I'm very happy for you Liam, just make sure you keep her away from that," he replied, pointing to Harry who had his eyebrows knitted together. "Nahh....Harry's a good uncle!" Liam laughed while placing his arm around Harry's shoulders.

Niall: "He actually just turned 5 months old yesterday!" Niall happily spoke, his cheeks turning a slight shade of red as he looked down toward his Supra covered feet and back up at the young female MTV interviewer. "Do you want him pursuing a career like yours someday or would you like to see him doing something different?" she asked, handing the microphone to Niall. "You know...whatever he wants to do really. If he has the dream to be a singer or musician than I'll support him in that for sure. I'd really like him to be a footballer though," he laughed. "How did I know you were going to say that?" Louis spoke, chuckling as he shook his head. "No I can tell! His legs are made for football and he kicks all the time!" Niall exclaimed toward Lou. "Niall, all babies kick," Zayn spoke up as he pat Niall on the back. "You guys are insane.....just watch he'll be playing in the pros," he smugly smirked while leaning back on his sear and turning his attention back to the interviewer. "Okay Niall, we'll help you train him," Zayn chuckled. "You know it's actually funny you're talking about this because MTV has actually gotten you a gift Niall," the interviewer spoke while pulling out a small box from behind her chair. She handed it to him and he excitedly pulled off the silver colored wrapping paper, super tiny football cleats sitting inside. He laughed as he took them out, "this is amazin' wife will love 'em too, thanks!" he exclaimed as he happily showed them off to the boys.

Louis: "The scariest part of being a father?" Louis repeated the question he had just got asked to him by Ellen. "Well nothings really scary anymore.....the beginning was quite ruff though," Louis chuckled as he remembered back to when Brooke was a newborn. "Baths were definitely scary, she was just so tiny and I was always afraid she was gonna slip out of my hands or something....and I was also always afraid I was gonna hit her head cause of those soft spots babies have.....I was really careful with that," he smiled while nodding his head toward Ellen. "So nothing to scary anymore? That's good," she grinned. "Well I mean being away from her like this is pretty frightening you know? What if something happens and I'm not there for her or my wife.....that's just stuff I don't like to think about, but it's always in the back of my mind," Louis confessed, half smiling to the ground as his body filled with emotion. "Well you seem like a great father and I hope you're able to see your family soon, I know it's hard being away from the ones you love," Ellen spoke. "Very hard," he sighed, Ellen patting his leg comfortingly before asking a question to Zayn.

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