First date (punk series)

Harry: "Hey... I'm not ready yet" you rush, opening the door to find Harry in the hallway of your apartment building. He's early for your date and that, you were not expecting. "That's alright, I can wait" he tells you with a genuine smile and you let him inside your precious apartment. "Just, take a seat" you tell him, hurrying back down the hall towards your bedroom as he takes a seat on the plum covered couch in your living room. Peering around the doorframe, you take a glance at Harry's attire to try and figure out what would be appropriate to wear for your date. He's in all black, which isn't surprising; black straight legged jeans, a black v-neck, black coat, and black boots. His curls are carelessly flicked over his forehead with his chest plate on display. He had taken his snakebites out, you notice with a smile. You dress in a simple pair of dark washed skinny jeans tucked inside a pair of caramel colored leather boots and a white button down. You pull your loose curls back with a narrow black headband and spritz your Chanel perfume on your neck before grabbing your purse. "Ready?" Harry asks, standing when you appear from your bedroom and you give him a nervous smile. "Don't worry, we're not doing anything crazy" Harry assures you with a chuckle, leading you from the apartment towards your destination. "A museum?" you question, looking up at Harry once you're standing outside the building and he shrugs. "I figured you'd be a museum kind of a girl" he smiles, leading you into the building and you find you can't stop smiling. You are a museum kind of girl and he'd noticed. "Come look at this" you gesture, pointing to the exhibit in front of you and Harry wonders over. "And just what am I looking at?" Harry questions, hands in his pockets as you look up at him in shock. "The crown jewels" you tell him before proceeding to explain the significance of each piece of jewelry and Harry's shocked that you know so much. "How do you know all this?" Harry questioned, gesturing around him with one hand while taking the piece of bread you offer him with the other and you shrug. "I don't know, I like this stuff. When I was growing up, it was all about appearance and rules and history, was a way I could pretend I was important" you explain, avoiding his questioning gaze as you take a seat on a bench and Harry follows suit. "You are important" he tells you, nudging your shoulder with his before tipping your face towards his with a finger to your chin. "I guess, my mother never made me feel important. My father, he did whatever my mother wanted, so he was of no use. She's very... controlling," you explain and Harry gives you a small smile. "My mother, is not controlling... obviously" Harry jokes, gesturing to his tattoos and piercings and you give him a soft smile. "If I even had one tattoo, my mother would disown me... I've considered it before, just because of that" you offer as Harry leads you back to your apartment. "Thank you, for this. This was not what I was expecting but it was a pleasant surprise" you grin, turning at the door to your apartment building to find him on the steps in front of you. "You're welcome... hopefully, maybe you'll agree to another date?" Harry questions, hands in his pockets and he looks nervous. "I think, I'd be ok with that" you assure him, reaching out with perfectly manicured nails to touch his shoulder. "Good" Harry grins, holding his breath as your fingertips glide across his shoulders to touch the ink of his chest while you step forward. "I'll see you tomorrow?" you ask, hoping he'll show up at the boutique. "I'll be there" he assures you, letting out a puff of cool air when your fingertips trail up to the ink on his neck. "Tomorrow then" you remind him, stepping away to open your door and he nods. "Tomorrow" he promises, waiting for you to enter the building before he steps away.

Liam: The doorbell rings and you hit the info button on your TV to look at the time. It's 10:00am on a Saturday and you weren't expecting anyone, especially at this hour. You're in your pajamas, a pair of cheetah print bottoms and a t-shirt you've had since high school. Your hair is pulled into a messy braid with a pair of black rimmed glasses pushed up on your nose. "What are you doing here?" you question, eyes wide in shock at seeing Liam on the other side of your door and he grins. "Here for our date" he tells you and you try to shut the door on his face because this is not how you want him to see you. This is not how you want anyone to see you, not at your best. "You can't see me like this" you tell him, trying to hide your makeup free face as he pushes past you into the cozy apartment. "Why, you look gorgeous" he tells you, setting the bag of food on the kitchen counter and you groan. You try to run for your bedroom but he catches you around the waist with a chuckle before carrying you to the black couch in your living room. "I came here at this time for a reason" he tells you, sitting you down before taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you. "This isn't how I expected our first date to go" you tell him, pulling your knees up to hide your face and he laughs. "I wanted to see what you really look like, without the makeup and jewelry and expensive clothes and bags... and you're still just as beautiful as I think you are with all that stuff" he assures you, tapping your knee before you peek over your knee at him. "What'd you bring?" you question, nodding to the bag and he grins. "Chinese and movies" he tells you, getting up to fix you both a plate. "The counter over the sink" you tell him once the sound of shutting cabinets and drawers can be heard from the kitchen. "Thanks" he calls back, walking back into the living room with two plates. You spend the day on your couch, you in your pajamas and him looking effortless in black sweats and a white t-shirt and you realize; it's almost the best first date you've ever had. "How'd I do?" he questions later that night, helping you clean up the mess you'd both made and you give him a grin and shrug. "It was alright" you tease and Liam rolls his eyes. "Maybe the next date will be more to your standards?" he questions, scratching at the inked skin of his forearm and you find yourself staring. "Did these hurt?" you ask, running a French tip across the black swirling ink and Liam shrugs. "Some hurt worse than others, yes" he answers, watching as you look up at him and nod. "I'll see you later" Liam tells you, opting not to try to press a kiss to your lips as he leaves the apartment. "Bye" you call, leaning against the doorframe as you watch him wait for the elevator in your building. "See ya later gorgeous" he calls with a grin and a wave before disappearing into the elevator.

Niall: "I'm so sorry" you tell Niall, stepping around the corner of the nurses desk once you see him get off the elevator. "Not a problem" he tries to assure you, leaning against the counter top as you stand at the end. "We can reschedule" you offer, redoing your ponytail and Niall watches before shaking his head. "Trying to back out already?" he teases and you roll your eyes. "Like you'd let me do that" you tell him and he ponders it for a moment before shaking his head. "If it's quick, we could go to the deli across the street?" you question, watching as Niall nods his head and tell him to wait for you so you can grab your stuff. As you're pulling your coat on you look at yourself in the mirror and sigh. You weren't expecting to go on your first date with him in your navy scrubs but sometimes fate had a funny way of intervening in ones life. "I think you look sexy" Niall told you once you'd told him this was not the outfit you had planned to wear for your date. "I've changed a dozen bloody bandages and helped birth two babies in these things," you tell him, gesturing to the scrubs while waiting in line. "Still sexy but that could be just you" he says and you turn to look at him. "Do you ever run out of lines?" you question and Niall pouts playfully before chuckling. "Nah, you bring them out" he says, pushing you aside gently so he could place his order and pay for the both of you. "So, how'd you end up becoming a nurse?" Niall questions, taking a bite of his sandwich and you shrug. "Didn't know what else to be" you respond, swallowing your food before taking a drink of your water and he nods. "How'd you get into tattooing?" you question, glancing around to notice several other nurses from the hospital placing their own orders. "I didn't really have any other options. I had thought about being a sound engineer but, tattooing came naturally" he explained and you nodded. "How'd you end up with your own shop?" you ask, leaning back in your seat as Niall continues to eat. "The guy I apprenticed under passed away a few years ago; I was 19 and he left the shop to me in his will. That was four years ago and the shops expanded since then so I figure I'm doing something right" he offers and you grin. "Must be" you tease. "Did you ever think about getting one, a tattoo that is?" Niall questions once you're both finished and just sitting at your table. "No... I don't do well with pain" you start to explain, glancing down at the beeper on your hip when it beeps. Several other nurses do the same and you groan in annoyance. "I'm sorry, I have to go. We have a car accident coming in, I guess we're all being called in" you tell him, standing up to leave and Niall nods. He leads you back across the street to the hospital before he steps aside as people start rushing inside. "We could reschedule" you question, turning to walk inside the ER and he grins. "Careful love, someone might think you like me" he says, shrugging his shoulders while walking backwards. "Maybe, I don't care that much anymore" you tell him with a smile, turning your back to walk into the ER while Niall smiles as he continues on his way down the street.

Louis: "I thought I would get you away from football, since that's all you ever do," Louis says, watching you as you lock up for the night. "Alright then, where to?" You ask turning around to face him. "You'll see." Holding out his arm for you to take he leads you to his car. "Porsche?" You question quietly. He chuckles, "Still surprising you aren't I?" You smile and nod as you slip into the leather seat. He shuts the door behind you, walking around the car, smiling at you as he makes his way to his side of the car. "Ready?" He asks before pushing the button to start the engine. "As ready as I'll ever be." "That's what I like to hear," he response with confidence. "If you're going to want to change you may want to tell me where you live since I'm the one driving," he explains, as he pulls onto the highway. "Well you haven't told me where we are going so how can I know what to wear?" "Right,'s something you may want to do a little dressing up for." You shake your head. He could have definitely told you this information before today. You could have been better prepared then. But knowing his personality, that isn't what he wanted. You direct him to your apartment and slowly rise from the seat and step into the parking garage. "You're coming in?" You question as he gets out of the car with you. He smiles and nods, holding his arm out for you to lead the way. You roll your eyes and walk to the garage elevator. Once in your apartment, he can't help but walk around and explore to find out more about you. "Stay here," you warn, noticing his tendencies to wander off. "Yes ma'am," he salutes, finding a spot on the living room couch to wait, at least until you were out of sight. You head to your bedroom, trusting he wouldn't eventually find his way back to you. You slide your hands through everything in your closet thinking up outfits to wear. "Little dressing up," you say back to yourself, replaying the conversation you had had in the car. You pull from the rack one of your favorites: a white, studded collard, sleeveless, knee length dress from Warehouse. "This will do," you say with a smile. You quickly make your way to the on-suite bathroom to fix your makeup and hair. A side fishtail braid will have to do for tonight. You step back into the bedroom and slip into your dress, stepping into your black, suede ankle boots. A few touches of gold bracelets and earrings and you were ready. You step in front of the full length mirror to make sure everything was as it should be. "Perfect," he responds, as you emerge into the living room, noticing he was still in his spot on the couch. You shake your head to distract from your flushing face. "Shall we?" He inquires with a smile. "We shall." He opens the door and the two of you make your way back to his car. "Can you tell me now where we are going?" You ask, once back on the road. "We're almost there. I think you can wait a bit longer." His response made you anxious even more. "The Circle Club?" You question, looking out the window as he pulls up in front of the private club. As the valet opens your door you step out and look around in awe. You had never even tried to come to the part of Manchester. He comes around the car after handing over the keys to his Porsche. His arm bends and you slip yours through the arch. Inside was not what you had expected at all. It was practically empty. "Where is everyone?" You ask, looking around. "This is a special event, so they closed it down for the night." Your eyes grew in astonishment at his explanation. "Welcome Mr. Tomlinson," a man behind a host stand greeted. He leads you to your table at the front of the club turned dining room. You take your seat and look around at the maybe seven other couples surrounding you. The tables faced a lit up stage and you wondered who would be performing. "He does these private shows every so often." Louis began to explain, "He called me a few days ago and wanted me to come so I thought I would bring you." "Who is he?" You inquire after his explanation. "You'll see." The two of you order your dinner and just as soon as it is placed in front of you, the house lights dim, and none other than Ed Sheeran takes the stage. "You're kidding," you say, quickly looking back to Louis. "You know him?" You question. "Yeah we're mates." "Unbelievable." You sit in awe as Ed begins to serenade the room over dinner.

Zayn: You look out your second story window as the sun begins to go down to see Zayn walking up the walkway to your front door. As he begins to knock Sophie races down the stairs to the door. You laugh at her eagerness. She had really taken up with him. In fact, she was basically the sole reason this was happening. You follow after her and open the door for him. "Hi!" He says in surprise as he looks you over. "Hi." You welcome him in as you return to your bedroom to slip your heels on and grab your clutch. "Ready," you announce, walking back down the stairs. "You look great," he compliments, opening the door back up. "See you later Sophie," he tells the dog, as she lies on the back of the couch, her tail wagging excitedly. "So where are you taking me?" "I thought we could go to Alain Ducasse's." "Are you serious?" You question. Alain Ducasse is without a doubt one of the most expensive restaurants in London, but of course one of the most prestigious as well. "Yeah is that alright?" "Of course, I see now why you asked me to dress up." He nods and the two of you head to The Dorchester. As his hand grasps the top of the steering wheel, you notice his tattoos peeking out from beneath his blazer. His choice of restaurant and attire definitely did not seem to fit the personality he had exhibited these past couple of months and you were wondering why. Surely he wasn't trying to impress you with fancy, upscale experiences, surely he knew you better than that. You begin to look at him directly, and soon he notices. "Yes?" He questions with a smile. "Are you sure this is where you want to go?" You ask, still trying to figure out his reasoning for choosing such a lavish place for a first date. "Do you not want to go?" He asks concerned. "I asked you first." "Well I will admit it isn't my usual place but I wanted to take you somewhere nice." You pause, you knew he wasn't the fancy restaurant type. "Where is your artwork this week?" You ask, remembering his artistic occupation. He smiles and answers, hoping he knows what you are about to suggest. "Hove." "Well that's not too far," you respond with a smile. "And we can get a McDonalds on the way." Your suggestion sounded perfect to him. He redirects himself and the two of you begin the two hour drive down to the very south of England. Stopping at your suggested McDonalds along the way, you can't help but enjoy yourself. This had turned into an unscheduled road trip and you couldn't have asked for a better afternoon. He orders way too much food from the drive-thru causing you to laugh when they hand it to him through the window. "Half is for on the way back," he assures you, setting the bags in your lap. "Good to know." Back on the road it only takes you a half hour to make your way from the McDonald's in Crawley to your Brighton town destination. Even though it was closing time Zayn persuades the guard to leave the doors open while he shows you around his work. "This is gorgeous," you compliment, as he walks you through the room of his displays. "It's not much, but I'm pretty proud of it." "As you should be, this is incredible." He spends the next few hours explaining the thoughts and processes behind each of his pieces, leaving you highly impressed. You would have never made him out to be this kind of guy based on your first impression but he was changing your mind every day. It was way too soon when the guard interrupted the two of you, letting you know that it was indeed time to leave. "Jeez, he's right love," he acknowledges, looking at the clock on his phone as it reads '1:06 am'. "Don't be sad," he says, responding to your long face. "We've got cold McDonald's in the car!" You can't help but laugh at his comment, slowly getting up from the floor where the two of you had been sat.

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