Harry: There's a guy with bright eyes staring at you from across the bar. So far, choosing Vegas as a spring break destination has been less than a stellar idea. However, the guy walking towards you gives you hope that things could turn around... quickly. "Can I buy you a drink?" he questions, leaning against the bar and you turn to find that your sorority sisters have left you alone. "Sure" you tell him, watching as he orders you another vodka-cranberry before ordering another drink for himself. A few hours, you're both hammered. "You're so sexy... we should get married, you should be my wife" Harry, you've finally exchanged names, slurs and you jump op. "Oh my god, best idea everest!" you giggle, leaning against him as he hails a cab and informs the man to take you to the nearest wedding chapel. You wake the next morning in an unfamiliar bed with an equally unfamiliar arm over your bare stomach and you panic. "Wake up" you demand, shaking the boy beside you... Harry's his name you remind yourself. "What happened?" he questions, pressing his palms against his eyes to try and relieve the pounding in his head. "I think we fucked up" you whisper, covering yourself with the sheets. "Did we... are we, married?" Harry questions, lifting the sheet to look at you while examining the band on his left hand. "Oh my god" you groan, covering your face with your hands and it's completely silent. "Is this a wedding certificate?" you question, passing Harry a crumpled piece of paper he carefully pulls apart. "Does this mean I get to kiss you anytime I want?" he teases and you slap him. "Ouch, still hung-over" he complains and you scoff. "I cannot be married, to you or anyone right now. I'm in nursing school and you... you're Harry Styles!" you rush out in one breath and Harry sets his hands on your shoulders and tells you to breathe. "It's fine, don't worry. We'll take care of this and get it annulled and no one need find out" he assures you, coaxing you into taking several deep breaths. "At least, let me buy you breakfast before we divorce" Harry says with an easy smile before leading you down stairs to the pool.
Liam: Obviously, you were most excited about drinking extensively when Liam informs you there is a concert in Vegas. This naturally gives Liam cause to worry, seeing as you tend to become a stripper once you start drinking and strippers and Vegas seem to go hand in hand. He worries you'll end up finding a pole and dancing and getting paid... prompting him to beat some ass, thus causing a scandal and really, ain't nobody got time for that. "Please, for the love of Harry Potter, wear pants tonight" Liam begs, watching as you finish getting ready and you turn to glare at him. "I'm 21 and in Vegas, you're 21 and in Vegas... ain't nobody got time for pants" you remind him with a sassy smirk, pulling a tight black dress on and Liam groans. "Besides, my goal is to get you hammered so we can get married... duh" you tease and Liam rolls his eyes. "Yeah, because when I think wedding, Vegas is the most romantic thing that comes to mind" he jokes, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "I can't believe you guys are getting married" Zayn giggles, standing beside Liam as the two of you exchange vows. "I know right... now I get sex all the time" Liam gushes, fist pumping at the thought before he's pressing his lips to yours to seal the deal. "So... we may or may not have gotten married last night" Liam informs an irate Paul. "What do you mean, may or may not" he demands, turning his angry eyes to you and you shrug. "May... as in, did" you answer truthfully and Liam face palms when Paul has to sit down. "I... can't even deal with this right now" he tells you, pointing to the door and Liam leads you back to your room. "Well, look at it this way. We just saved a ton of money on a wedding" you offer, ducking when Liam chucks a pillow at you with a chuckle.
Niall: "Are you sure?" you question Niall for the tenth time, holding onto his forearm outside the club and he nods. "Yeah, I'm too hammered to go on... go, have fun" he drunkenly assures you, pressing a sloppy kiss to your lips while tangling his fingers in your hair to tug you closer. "Who am I going to drunk marry then if you leave?" you pout and Niall chuckles. "Marry Liam, I trust him not to shag you" Niall jokes, nodding his head at his best mate and Harry protests loudly. "Hey... I'd marry her and not shag her!" he assures, waving a finger around before you're all laughing. "Actually, that's a lie. I'd probably fuck her right there in the chapel" he chuckles, stumbling over his feet into Eleanor and she staggers under his weight. "Sorry love... hey, can I marry her?" Harry teases, slinging an arm around her shoulders and Louis looks like he's pondering the offer for a moment. "How about, no one gets married?" Niall says, sliding into the cab and you give him one last gigantic wave before the rest of your group moves onto another club. "So... I don't remember Andy being on the list of approved drunk marriages" Niall says, scrubbing his hands over his face to try and let it sink in that you got married the night before. "Yeah well... he's basically Liam and I was, you see there's hammered and then there's me, last night" you try to explain and Niall just raises an eyebrow at you. "So, my girlfriend married Simba?" he asks, looking between you and Andy and the rest of the guys take a step back in anticipation of the blowout. "Yeah, look mate... it obviously doesn't mean anything..." Andy starts but Niall shuts him up with an out stretched finger. "Did you kiss her?" Niall questions, glaring at Andy and he shakes his head. "No... basically, we got married then got in the limo and I passed out" he tries to explain and then Niall's laughing. "Ok, not funny you asshat. Thanks for caring that I married someone else" you complain, crossing your arms over your chest. "You're actually upset that I'm not mad at you for marrying someone else? What's the point, it's not a real marriage. You can get it annulled in no time and we can all move on like this never happened. Besides, everyone knows you're really my wife" Niall assures, wrapping his arms around you to press a kiss to your jaw until you're giggling. "So, I shouldn't change my twitter name to Mrs. Samuels?" you tease, gasping when Niall throws you over his shoulder to bring you back to the bedroom.
Louis: You had done your best to plan greatest bachelorette party for your best friend and it all began tonight. The limo waits outside of the Palace as you and everyone else in the suite put your final touches on the night's look. "Let's go!" You shout as you pour a shot for everyone as they gather at the door. "To the final night of freedom!" You toast, acknowledging your best friend's life decision. As everyone shakes off the kick of the vodka the six of you travel down to the lobby and file into the limo, popping open a bottle of Champaign as soon as the driver closes the door. A few more toasts and the limo stops in front of Haze, the night club you had always wanted to party at. Tonight was the night. The driver opens the door and the six of you climb out and walk straight in, skipping the line of people waiting outside. "This is awesome!" Your best friend shouts as everyone sits down at the private table you had reserved on the second level of the club. It was time to have a good night. As the drinks continue to flow you excuse yourself from the group to take a moment to primp in the bathroom before the group heads down to the dance floor. Coming out of the bathroom you notice a guy standing up against the pillar in the middle of the floor. He smiles as you walk by, following your walk with his eyes. Back at the table you gather everyone up to head down to the floor. You can't help but stumble over your feet as you walk down the stairs, but neither can anyone else in the group; the perks of on the house drinks. Everyone makes it safely off of the stairs and dances all the way over to the floor. As you shimmy over, a soft hand brushes yours. You turn around and it's the guy from the pillar. He's tall, gorgeous blue eyes, and the biggest hair you had ever seen. You can't help but smile as he firmly takes your hand and leads you away from the dance floor and to the bar. "Louis," he says loudly over the music, introducing himself. "Is that a British accent?" You question with a smile. He nods in affirmation and you blush. "(Y/N)," you introduce. He hands you a drink and the two of you begin to talk. After a few hours of getting to know one another you lead him back to the dance floor to see what he is really made of. The loud vibrations of the music take over your vodka laced veins and this moment is perfect. "Come with me," he says after a few songs, leading you off of the floor yet again, except this time instead of to the bar it is out of the club entirely. You're confused as he drags you promptly down the strip. "Where we goin'?" You stammer, your pumps awkwardly clicking on the sidewalk. "Here," he says abruptly stopping in front of a neon lit church. You look up, your eyes still glossed over obscuring your vision slightly. "You wanna?" He asks squeezing your hand. You nod your head rapidly and he pulls you in close as you walk through the door.
Zayn: The lights are too bright and the cars outside are way too loud. The moaning from the other side of the bed lets you know that Zayn is just as miserable as you are. The unbelievable amount of drinks that the both of you had last night were to blame for this state of misery. You slowly sit up in the bed as your head begins to pound. Rubbing your forehead for relief you turn to your phone to see what time it was. The screen lights up and you can't help but be disappointed. "Shit. Babe, Paul is going to be around here in about fifteen to make sure we're ready to go," you explain softly trying not to raise your voice any higher than a whisper. He moans at your voice and pulls the covers further over his head. You reach your hand over to pull the covers away from his head, but you stop. Something is off with what you are seeing. "What the fuck??" You whisper slowly to yourself as you look at your hand. On your ring finger there is a giant diamond reflecting the light from the window. "Zayn?" You say, your voice in a normal tone. "What is it?" He answers, his words muffled by the thick comforter. "What is this?" You inquire, pulling back the sheets causing him to yell. "HEY!" "No, shut up! What is this?!" You say holding your hand out in front of his face. "That's nice. Where did you get it?" You shake your head at his oblivious attitude. He takes his hands out from under the covers to wipe his eyes awake. Your eyes widen as you notice that he also is sporting a new piece of jewelry on his ring finger. "Shit," you respond, falling back onto your pillow. "What?" He asks of your actions. "Your fucking hand Zayn, there's a ring on your fucking finger." "Oh. Well look at that." He says holding his hand up to look for himself. "We got married last night didn't we?" You ask almost afraid of the answer. "To be honest I don't really remember anything," Zayn responds, worsening your headache. You moan and cover your face up with the comforter. "What are you so worried about?" Zayn questions, his nonchalant attitude showing through. You shake your head from under the covers not understanding why he wasn't taking this more seriously. "It looks bad Zayn. It looks very bad. It looks like a mistake, like we're irresponsible." You rant on trying your best to get him to understand but it is hopeless. He gets under the covers with you, reaching around your waist to turn you to face him. "Well it isn't like it wasn't going to happen anyways." You roll your eyes at his explanation. "We just got a head start." As you shake your head you can't help but smile. If he could deal with this like it was nothing you could at least lighten up.
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