Bringing home the baby/First day (pregnancy series)
Harry: You sat in a wheelchair, holding your bundled up baby girl Kyler in your arms as a nurse wheeled you outside to Harry's large black range rover. He walked toward you and grabbed Kyler out of your arms as you slowly stood up and opened the back door to the car. He placed her tiny body into the pink and gray carseat he brought from home, buckling her up snuggly when he turned to you and helped you into the backseat next to her. "Ready?" he grinned, showing his dimples as you smiled and nodded. He closed the door and started up the engine, driving away from all the nurses and doctors that had been helping with Kyler since she was born a few days earlier. "Well babe, we're on our own now...." you explained while gazing down at the beautiful sleeping baby beside you. "'s kinda scary, but I know we can do this," he assured you, locking eyes with you as you looked into his rearview mirror. He pulled up into the driveway and opened the back door. You unclicked the carseat and watched as Harry picked it up gently, making sure not to wake Kyler as you got out of the car and followed him inside. "Well Kyler....this is your new home!" Harry exclaimed as he walked through the front door. "Shh Harry! She's sleeping!" you chuckled while he set the carseat on the soft couch in the living room. "Well she needs a welcome home, sleeping or not!" he answered back, causing you both to laugh a bit....quietly of course. You took a seat next to her, Harry doing the same, "we're all together...finally," he smiled at you, grabbing you hand and intertwining your fingers with his. You leaned in and placed your lips upon his when you heard a soft whimper coming from behind you. You instantly turned around and picked up the blanket covered baby, cradling her gently in your arms as she continued to fuss about. "Harry can you go make a bottle?" you asked as you switched Kyler's position in your arms. "Um....yea....where's the stuff?" he asked, obviously not knowing what to do. You chuckled, "here...take Kyler and follow me," you explained as you handed off the baby girl to Harry's strong arms. He followed you into the kitchen where you showed him how to quickly fix up a bottle, "you're a natural," he smiled big, showing all his pearly whites as he grabbed the bottle from you and placed it to Kyler's mouth. "You are too babe, just look at you with her," you muttered, your eyes getting teary from the beautiful sight before you. You dabbed the corners of your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt as you looked up into his green eyes, "I love you Harry, forever," you said as you placed an arm around his torso and leaned your head gently on his shoulder. "I love you too (Y/N)....more than anything in the world," he replied back while looking down at Kyler, "you too my little angel," he smiled as you both stood in the kitchen and gazed down at the beautiful girl Harry held in his arms.
Zayn: "Hey do you like your new home?" Zayn smiled while tickling his baby boy's tummy with his pointer finger. You placed your bag down on the kitchen counter and walked toward the carseat Zayn had carried in, unbuckling Aiden and picking him up into your arms. "You know we really did a great job with him...he's literally the cutest baby I've ever seen," you explained, chuckling as you ran a few fingers through the tiny bit of hair on Aiden's head. "I'll have to agree with you on that one babe," Zayn laughed while he placed an arm around your shoulder. "Oh wait...." he muttered quickly while running up to the bedroom, "what is your daddy doing?" you muttered softly while rocking the baby back and forth. He ran back down a few seconds later and held up a tiny baby sized snapback in his hands, "wait, you're joking right?" you asked, giving Zayn a weird look. "Oh c'mon my little man has to have a matching snapback with me!" he exclaimed while holding up his "Obey" hat that matched the mini one. You chuckled as you held Aiden up so Zayn could fit the tiny hat on his head. "So cute yeah? I've got to take a pic and send it to the boys...they'll love it!" he explained, smiling big as he whipped out his phone and quickly snapped a picture. He laughed a bit as he sent the picture out, "you have to admit that's cute..." he said while pointing to Aiden's head. You looked down at his teeny face and smirked, "yea...I guess so.." you agreed as Zayn kissed the side of your face. "Told you," he answered back as you rolled your eyes at his response. All of a sudden Aiden began crying, "I think he needs a diaper change," you explained as you crinkled up your nose from the stench that had filled up your nose suddenly and looked at Zayn. "Um....yea...I think I should give you the honor of changing his first diaper on his first day at home..." he muttered while taking a slight step back. "Fine....but you WILL be changing diapers babe, don't you worry," you smirked evilly as you walked past him and toward the diaper bag sitting on the couch.
Liam: "I can't wait to just get home and hold her in my arms again," you beamed while looking down at the precious little girl snuggled up in the carseat next to you. "Me too babe, finally we'll have her home all to ourselves," Liam smiled while driving onto your guys' street, pulling into the garage and helping you and Maddie out of the car. You walked into the house and to the living room, taking a seat on the couch as you pulled the small baby girl out of her carseat. You fixed her pink cardigan Liam's mom had bought her and cradled her in your arms. "My two beautiful girls," Liam muttered while looking down at you and kissing the top of your head. You smiled as you tilted your head up and pressed your lips to his, "I'm gonna make myself a sandwich, want anything?" he asked sweetly while rubbing your shoulders. "Yea, I'll have a sandwich too," you replied as he walked off into the kitchen. You stared down at Maddie again and realized she had fallen asleep, you watched as her stomach fell up and down gently when Liam came back, sandwich in hand. You laid Madelyn down on the couch,"here you go babe," he said while handing you the plate. You grabbed it and instantly took a bite, "gosh, so good! No more hospital food!" you chuckled while filling your mouth up again. "it better be good, I am a professional sandwich maker after all," he laughed while taking a bite of his. "Of course you are Liam," you smirked while turning on some TV and finishing up the last of your food, yawning a few times as commercials began playing. "Love, go take a nap..I've got her," he grinned while rubbing your back soothingly. You looked to Maddie then back at him, "what if she's hungry or needs a changing or-" you started to say when Liam cut you off. "Babe, I know how to do everything okay? Now go rest up, you deserve it," he chuckled, placing a hand on your thigh. You took a deep breath and nodded your head, "okay....just please let me know if you need anything?" you spoke seriously as you stood up from the couch. "Of course (Y/N), don't worry, " he smiled assuringly as you took one last glance at your baby girl before heading off to bed for a quick nap.
Niall: Niall grabbed your hand and helped you carefully into the backseat of his car right next to your beautiful sleeping boy, Jayden. He opened up his car door and took a seat, revving up the engine and driving away from the hospital. "Still sleeping?" Niall asked as you gently caressed Jayden's smooth cheek. "Yup, he only fell asleep a few minutes ago, so I'm sure he'll be out for a while," you chuckled as Niall pulled up to the house. You unclicked the carseat next to you and slowly got out of the car, finally walking inside your home as a family. Niall headed straight to the fridge for some leftover Nandos of course as you set the carseat down on the hard wooden floor beneath you, "I think I'm gonna go put him in his crib, wanna come?" you asked as he took a bite of the chicken he had just warmed up. He nodded his head as you picked up the carseat yet again and walked back toward the nursery. You gently unbuckled him and lifted his tiny body up, setting him softly down on a fuzzy blue blanket you had got as a gift at your baby shower. Niall placed his pointer finger down in Jayden's hand, his tiny fingers grasping around it, "he's so cute," Niall smiled big, his cheeks reddening slightly. You rested your head on his shoulder, "just like his daddy," you grinned, looking down as Niall grabbed a tiny football (soccer ball) pillow and placed it near Jayden's body. "He's gonna be a footballer just watch....." he spoke softly while snaking an arm around your waist. "Well you're gonna have to wait awhile until you can teach him anything," you giggled as you walked out of the nursery and towards the kitchen again. Niall grabbed some more food and sat at the kitchen counter next to you, sharing some more leftover chicken when you heard soft crying coming from down the hall. You both glanced at each other and walked rather quickly down the hall. You picked Jayden up out of his crib and rocked him in your arms, causing his crying to die down quite a bit. "I think he's hungry," you explained, Niall instantly walking off to the kitchen and warming one up. He came back soon after and placed the bottle in Jayden's mouth, you both watched as he slowly suckled with his big eyes wide open. "You have your daddy's pretty blue eyes don't you?" you smiled down at the baby boy in your arms. You looked up at Niall and pressed you lips to his, "we did a good job with him," you chuckled a bit while turning your attention back to Jayden. "We sure did," he smiled back as you tenderly placed the baby boy into his waiting arms.
Louis: Louis unlocked the door and carried in the florally carseat with Brooke resting inside, "where should I put her?" Louis asked as you followed him into the kitchen. "I'll take her," you smiled while reaching into the carseat and wrapping your hands around her small body, picking her up and holding her in your arms. "Hey're finally home baby girl!" you smiled down at her, kissing her tiny forehead gently. All of a sudden you smelled something gross, so you turned Brooke around and sniffed her bum. You crinkled up your nose while looking up at Louis, "I think It's time for you to change your first diaper," you chuckled as he set his jacket on the coat rack in the corner. "Fine...I guess I'd have to do it sometime..." he complained as you handed off the baby girl to him. "Okay brooky, time for daddy to change your diaper," he spoke as you followed him into the nursery. He placed her gently on the changing table and unbuttoned her pink onesie, revealing the dirty diaper he would need to open next. He gave you a look before pulling back the diaper, instantly covering his nose from the strong stench that had quickly filled the room. "Shit...babe I...I can't do this," he managed to say between gags. "You better be able to do it..." you said seriously as you pointed his attention back to Brooke. He grabbed some wipes and cleaned her up, placing a fresh diaper on after, "perfect!" he exclaimed happily while picking her back up. "Is that better brooky wooky?" he smiled, baby talking to her as he kissed one of her chubby cheeks. "Aw, great job Lou," you grinned as Brooke began to whimper. "She's probably hungry.....guess it's time to get my boob out," you laughed as you grabbed her from Louis' arms. "Oh...well I guess I'll be coming with you," he smiled cheekily, causing you to roll your eyes at him. "Babe, it's not sexy watching someone breast feed," you chuckled as you walked out to the living room and took a seat on the couch. "Fine I'll go out and pick up some dinner, chinese sound good?" he asked while kissing the top of your head. "Yea, sounds great," you replied as you tilted your head up to kiss his lips. "Okay, I'll be back soon my beautiful girls," he smiled before heading out.
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