Breast Feeding- Baby Louis

Harry: Mummy
Liam: Daddy
Niall: Dada
Louis: Age play 2 years changing to 3 months                                                                                                          (WARNING: This chapter is really long)
Soft gurgles sounded the room, through the baby monitor. Harry only cuddled closer to the boys in his bed, the sounds continuing until they turn into soft whines.

Fortunately for Harry, Niall wakes up. He sits on the bed stretching and places a kiss on both Liam and Harry's cheek and makes his way to the Peter Pan themed nursery.

Immediately Louis' whines turned into giggles as he saw Niall enter the room.

"Dada!" He squealed to the fake blonde.

"Hey baby, how'd you sleep?" Niall asked.

"Good!" He giggles out, and lifts his arms towards Niall. "Out. Out." He begins chanting.

Niall chuckles a bit before lifting the boy up from the adult size crib. He places. him on his hip and Louis almost immediately latches on securely.

"Mumma, mumma", Louis mumbles quietly. Almost as if summoned, Harry enters the room quickly gaining Louis' attention.

"Mummy!" Louis squeals.

Whether it was because of Harry's feminine choice in clothing or just taking care of him, Louis had began calling Harry "mummy" or "mumma". None really minded and just went along with it.

They had began age play about three weeks after the death of Johanna Deakin. Louis was in a really dark place, barely taking care of himself and having panic attack which followed break downs.

The idea was brought up by Niall- surprisingly, after talking more You about it Louis had finally agreed and it was clearly a great idea.

Louis' arms reached out for the green eyed lad, Niall swiftly passed him over to him. Harry smiled, dimples prominent on his cheeks.

"Morning boo", Harry says once Louis is securely in his hold.

Louis lays his head on Harry's shoulder and suck on his own thumb.

Harry quickly notices and removes his thumb making the boy whine loudly.

Niall goes into the drawer and grabs a pastel blue and green dummy and placing it between Louis' lips stopping the whines.

"Li still sleeping?" Niall asks and receives a nod from Harry.

Niall places a soft kiss on Harry's cheek before walking out of the room leaving Louis and Harry to themselves.

"How about some breakfast huh?" Harry says in a babyish voice, "is my baby hungry for breakfast?"

Louis giggles squealing.

"Breakie! Breakie!" He cheers.

Harry smiles at the little on his hip, before setting him down on the changing table.

In seconds, Louis' cheers turned into whines knowing what was to happen next.

"No mumma! No!!" Louis fusses wriggling around but stops when Harry lands a smack on his bum.

Louis pouts looking up, eyes tearing up a bit.

Harry sighs and hugs the boy close, waiting for him to calm down.

"You know we have to, or else you'll get a rash. And we know you don't want one of those do we baby"?.

Louis immediately shakes his head and lies back down letting Harry do his business.

Louis finger found its way into his mouth again and he sucked while his eyes wondered across the room not noticing once Harry was done.

"Alright baby, all done!" Harry says and pats the diaper cladded bum.

Louis giggles, and sits up.

Harry lifts the boy up and makes his way down to the kitchen, the smell of bacon already filling his nose.

"Backie mumma", Louis says and sniffs.

Harry nods, "Yeah, that's bacon boo". Harry replies. Harry walks into the kitchen seeing both of his lovers.

"Morning love", Liam acknowledges his presence and places a soft kiss on Harry's lips then looks down at Louis and gives Louis a raspberry on his cheek leaving Louis in giggles.

"Daddy!" Louis squeals. Liam smiles at him and pushes his bed -well crib- hair from his forehead and makes his way back to cooking.

"Smells great, love", Harry compliments after placing Louis in his play pen. He lays his head onto Liam's shoulder.

"Thanks H," Liam smiles. "Breakfast is about ready now, I'll just set up the table." Liam finishes and removes himself from the stove and begins placing table mats on the table.

Soon, everyone was sat at the table, well Louis in his high chair. Harry feeds Louis, making sure to make air plane noises or train noises. Louis giggles and ate his food, with a big, charming smile plastered over his smile.

After breakfast, Louis played with his toys for awhile before Niall announced nap time. Louis whines in protest, but is quieted downs when he's sat in Niall's lap and a warm bottle of milk is pressed to his lips. Louis sucks until he's fast asleep.

The nipple is replaced with a dummy, and his spot on Niall is replaced by a crib which he had woken from the morning.


Louis whines signaling his awoke state, not too long Harry is walking in with a smile on his face and he lifts the boy pressing a kiss onto both of his cheeks.

"Hey babe," Harry asks."how'd you sleep?" He's only met with giggles and gurgles leaving Harry a bit confused, but he brushes it off seeing as the boy had just woken up. Harry quickly changes the boy when sensing the wet nappy.

He proceeds to carry the boy downstairs to the other two men. Niall being the first to see them smiles walking over the two and places a soft kiss on each boy's cheeks.

"Hey Lou, how was your nap?" Just like Harry, he received no verbal answer. Niall frowns and walks back to Liam. Harry sighs, quickly placing Louis in the pen with all his toys and walks to the two boys.

"Boys, can we talk?" Harry asks. "In the kitchen" He continues when both boys nodded but neither moved. They all make their way to the kitchen,

Harry sighs running a hand through his hair before explain his concerns of their little boy not speaking, tearing up a bit thinking something may be wrong.

He's pulled into a hug by Liam and Niall when his tears begin falling freely, he cries and Niall begins to tear up because he hates seeing anyone upset, especially  someone he loves very much.

"Sorry", Harry apologizes wiping his eyes, pulling away from the group hug.

Liam nods smiling and walks to Niall wiping away his forming tears pressing a soft kiss to his lips just to see the smile everyone knew he was capable of.

"There's nothing wrong baby, no need to worry". Each boy nods at Liam's words and they all return back to the room except for Niall as he was making a bottle so he wouldn't have to later on.

When Niall walks back into the room he sees Louis laid over Harry's lap, playing with the rings on his fingers, eyes burning with curiosity. He coos at the sight and sits next to the two.

louis looks up giggling a bit.

"Da". Louis says staring at the blonde. Niall's eyebrows furry in confusion. Louis never calls him that. It's always "Dada" or "Niall", when out of headspace, Niall was getting more and more worried. He didn't understand any of this and it was stressing him out.

Louis begins whining and makes the face he usually does when he's thirsty and in need of a drink.

"I'll be back," Niall says standing up, making his way to the kitchen and grabs a sippy cup and filling it with apple juice.

He returns and hands the cup to Harry and runs up to the room where Liam sat. Harry smiles and repositions Louis on his lap and presses the cup to Louis' lips.

Louis whines turning his head away.

"Baby," Harry starts. "If you're thirsty drink up".

Louis only continues pushing away the bottle whining. Harry sighs not knowing what to do already getting frustrated.

Harry places the cup on the nearest table and lays back sighing. Louis begins tugging on Harry's shirt whining louder.

"Baby, what is it" Harry stresses out. "I don't understand. Just tell me, please".

Louis begins crying pulling on the shirt more. Harry pulls the shirt off his head hoping it'll calm the boy down. Fortunately for Harry, this does calm him down. But to his surprise, instead of Louis just lying on his bare chest as he initially thought the blue eyed boy latched his lips onto Harry's nipple and began sucking.

Harry  gasp in shock, Louis begins sucking but whimpers when nothing comes out. At the whimper Harry is pulled from his thoughts. He understands now. Louis slipped further into his headspace.

"Babe, hey," Harry tries running his hands softly through the boy's hair. "Mummy doesn't have any milk love".

Louis begins crying, big fat tears flowing off his cheeks. Harry sighs and holds the boy close rocking him. Soon the smaller boy is so exhausted from crying and falls asleep.

Harry lays him down making sure he's comfortable before making his way to the boys upstairs and runs a hand through his curls tugging slightly, then explains everything to them.

Niall sits up running out of the bedroom and returns with his laptop, he sits in between the two boys and begins searching.

'Male lactation'

Harry is immediately confused, he decided to voice his thoughts.

"Well, you see. There are these pills that'll pretty much let you- you know, produce milk." Harry nods in understanding.

"Are you sure they work?" Harry asks, "I don't want to have false hope".

Niall nods, "Judging from the reviews it seems to work pretty well". Niall says.

Harry nods still a bit unsure, which Niall and Liam seemed to pick up on.

"You don't have to do this Harry". Liam comforts Niall nodding along.

"No, I want to," Harry says shaking his head. "It's for Lou".

They all nod and both Niall and Liam are on their way to grab the pills.


About fifteen minutes later the boys return, Harry takes a deep breath staring at the pill bottle before shrugging and swallowing them with his bottle of water.

"It should kick in, in a few hours. Try sleeping." Liam suggests.

Harry nods pressing a kiss to Liam and laying onto the bed and falls asleep.

When Harry wakes up, his chest is sore and leaky. He groans and walks down the steps to his three boys, and there Louis is but he's crying.

"Lou, you've gotta eat something", Liam says. "Please". He's practically begging. Louis only cries harder.

Harry walks in, taking a seat and pulls the crying baby onto his lap. Liam mouths a, 'Thank you', and gets up walking into the kitchen.

Harry sighs and pulls his shirt and places it on the couch. Louis looks up curiously,  almost asking with the glaze he holds. Harry nods pushing Louis' head closer softly.

"It's okay baby," Harry reassures. "Go on darling".

Finally Louis latches on and begins sucking, he hums in delight when sweet milk fills his mouth. He sucks and sucks until there's nothing left to drink. Harry sighs in relief, the soreness in his chest before, gone.

He pulls the boy off, moving Louis onto his left nipple (A/N: Louis' ignoring the other 3 nips)  and like the right, he sucks the milk out. Louis looks up at Harry and lays his head on Harry's chest sucking on his thumb.

Harry picks the boy up replacing his thumb with a dummy to suck on, he then places Louis in his pen and walks to the kitchen to his boyfriends.

"How'd it go?" Niall asks.

Harry shrugs, "Not bad, hurt a bit when I woke up. Was sore". Liam nods and kisses Harry passionately and does the  same to Niall.

"Thanks H, you really didn't have to", Liam says.

Harry shakes his head, "Again, I wanted to, no need to thank me". Harry smiles.

They all made their way to the living room where Louis sat. Niall bends down grabbing Louis who was playing with the blocks. Louis giggles laying his head on Niall's shoulder,

"Da!" Louis squeals,

Niall smiles kissing his cheek and sits on the couch with the boy in his lap. Harry sits besides him while Liam put on a movie comfortable for all four of them. Liam takes his spot besides Niall and sighs happily at his little family.

"Love you all, hope you know" Liam expresses.

"We know, and we love you too ".

"Love you too babe".


Liam truly was grateful for his family.

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