I'm a Hitman now?
Sup - Regular talking
Bitch - Demonic voice
Hello - Seductive tone
Holy shit - On the phone
'Yes' - Paper notes or thinking
FUCK - Yelling or emphasis
Ashmond was in an abandoned building after getting his 'mission' from the entity. He figured if he had a ring that let him cross realms and the like, it was probably best if he was hidden assuming no one else in Hell could do something like that.
Ashmond: So.....how do I actually do this?
'Imagine where you would like to go.'
Ashmond: That simple? I thought I'd have to make some kind of intricate magic circle or some shit.
He looked down at the ring and imagined going back to the human world. He felt something swirl around him and when he opened his eyes, he found himself back in the human world.
Ashmond: Woah, this is some crazy shit.
As he walked down the street, he got another note.
'Your target is in a house on the opposite side of the city.'
Ashmond thought for a moment before pulling out his phone.
Ashmond: Where's an Uber?
Though it did take a while to get there, Ashmond found an Uber to take him to the more rural part of the town. When he made it, he saw a rather quaint red house.
Ashmond: At least my clothes are normal ones, how can I explain coming here with a damn suit on?
Ashmond knocked on the door. The person who answered was an hourglass figured, peach-bud-skinned Southern Belle with wavy, hip-length blonde hair with two paler-colored streaks. Her eyes are coffee-brown with small pupils, long and thin eyelashes protruding from them, and a mole under the right eye. Her makeup consists of lavender eyeshadow and magenta lip gloss on her lips. She had a bandage on her head and wore a polka dot top with jeans that hugged her hips and lower body. Upon seeing Ashmond, her eyes went wide, and pink dusted her cheeks.
(Found this online so ignore the fact her waist looks like you could grab it with one hand)
Woman: O-oh, hello there. What brings ya all the way out here?
Ashmond: My name is Ashmond. I'm new to the area and I wanted to see if you were alright. I heard the news about you being shot and all....
She gave him a sweet smile.
Woman: Oh, why thank you. Would you like to come in? I'm Martha but....I think you already knew that from the news.
Ashmond smiled and followed the woman. Though he noticed something......
'She's trying to seduce you.'
Ashmond: 'Yeah, I can see that.'
Martha made no attempts to hide how wide her hips were. Every step she took, she made sure her ass wobbled for Ashmond to see. The two made it to the living room, where Martha immediately sat down and motioned for Ashmond to join her. Ashmond took a deep breath, took a seat, and grabbed his pistol when.....
'Not yet, wait.'
Ashmond: 'Fuck.'
Martha: So tell me about yourself, Ashmond.
Ashmond: Well not much to tell really. I'm just a simple man that works as an assistant for someone in the city.
Martha: An assistant? That sounds excitin'. What does your boss do?
Ashmond: She's.........an author. I help her with research and proofreading her books. She's actually in the process of finishing her second book. I'm really excited about it, I get to read it before anyone else.
Martha smiled and bit her bottom lip.
Martha: Oh well...that sounds.....interesting. I can read it too if you want, your job sounds a bit stressful.
Ashmond blinked and looked at Martha, who was giving him a very sultry look.
'Yes, she is trying to seduce you.'
Martha: If you want, we could go to my bedroom and.....I can give you a massage.
Ashmond paused for a second before the entity gave him another note.
'Do it as Palpatine says.'
Rolling his eyes, Ashmond took off his shirt and even went a step further and took off his pants, much to Martha's delight, and laid on his stomach. Martha left to change herself, coming back about 5 minutes later in a purple slingshot bikini.
Martha: I didn't want my clothes to make ya all scratchy and uncomfy.
Martha sat on his lower back and continued her massage. The massage felt even better than before and Ashmond found himself getting more and more relaxed.
Martha: Is there anywhere that's a bit sore?
Ashmond: Yeah, my lower back has been hurting a bit.
Martha: Ok, I gotcha.
Martha moved her hands to his lower back, which made it feel amazing. He felt her rub her palms over his lower back with strong yet soft pressure, making it feel so good.
Martha: You're a strong man, I can feel your back muscles and they're so hard.
Ashmond couldn't respond, too busy enjoying the massage. Martha continued rubbing his lower back muscles before she took it a step further.
Martha: Your skin feels so soft too. You sure you're a writer's helper and not a model?
Martha's massage got more sensual by the minute, caressing his skin and rubbing his muscles.Â
Ashmond: N-not a model. I'm too tall.
Martha giggled and continued her sensual massage, making his entire lower back feel good.
Martha: It's ok, you're still cute as a button.
With that, Martha continued her massage, even moving her hands down to his ass and thighs, much to Ashmond's delight. It wasn't long before he realized the massage had ended, only because Martha was biting his ear.
Ashmond: Hm?
Martha: How's it feel?
Ashmond smiled.
Ashmond: It feels great. Thanks for doing that.
Martha smiled back and kissed his cheek.
Martha: My pleasure, sugar. But.....
Martha licked the shell of his ear.
Martha licked the shell of his ear.
Martha:.....I still gotta massage the front of ya. Sit down on the chair.
With that, Martha got off Ashmond and he sat on the chair in her room only to find her straddling his lap. She immediately started kissing his neck and rubbing his chest, which caused him to moan and shut his eyes.
Martha: Don't you like me rubbin' you?
Ashmond shook his head.
Ashmond: No, it feels good. But......aren't you married?
'If you chicken out you're gay.'
Ashmond: 'I'm Bi you dumbass.'
'......if you chicken out you're a maidenless loser.'
Martha: We're.....in an open marriage, so it's fine.
Ashmond didn't believe her, but it didn't matter. He grabbed her hips, prompting her to grind on him as she went back to kissing his neck and cheek.
Martha: Are you hard?
Ashmond nodded and Martha grinned as she rubbed his chest again.
Martha: Do ya want some pussy?
With that, Martha slid off Ashmond's lap before she pulled them down with his boxers.
Martha: Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes~?
Ashmond blushed, but then her lips were on his cock, licking and sucking on it. He groaned in delight as she sucked him off, her tongue working its magic. Her tongue swirled around the tip, eliciting a deep groan from Ashmond. She then took him deeper, her lips forming a tight seal around his shaft. Ashmond's fingers tangled in her hair, guiding her rhythm as she bobbed up and down. Martha's moans of pleasure vibrated around Ashmond's dick, driving him wild with desire. He could feel his orgasm building, but he wasn't ready for this to end just yet. Martha, however, was determined to milk him for his seed.
Martha: (Mmph) How's that feel?
Ashmond could only groan in delight at Martha's skills. Hearing this, Martha doubled down on her fellatio. Ashmond could feel his body shaking and knew he was cumming soon.
Martha: (Mph) Cum in my mouth, sugar, I can handle it.
With that, Ashmond couldn't hold back his orgasm and released his load into Martha's mouth. She swallowed it all before licking her lips.
Martha: Mmm, your cum tastes good. How 'bout we go for round two?
Martha stood up, stripped her bikini off, and pushed Ashmond on the bed. He watched as she rubbed her pussy and bit her lip before aligning his tip with her entrance and slamming down. They threw their heads back and moaned before Martha rode him with reckless abandon. Her tits bounced in the air, her hips slammed into his, and she moaned and squealed with delight.
Ashmond groaned as his dick was stimulated by her movements, causing him to feel more pleasure than ever before. He felt her pussy clenching around him before she stopped and looked down at him with a grin.
Martha: I love a man that's not afraid to talk dirty. Come on, call me a whore. Tell me you wanna fill my pussy with your cum.
Ashmond gulped before grabbing her hips and starting to thrust into her. Martha screamed with delight as he did.
Martha: Ah! Yes! That it! Fuck me like the cheating whore I am~!
The door to the house opened. Coming through was a man with two small children.
Man: Martha, we're home.
He heard giggling coming from the kitchen. He walked in to see Martha and Ashmond having a conversation. Martha noticed the man come in and got up to kiss his cheek.
Martha: Ralphie this is Ashmond. He's new to the neighborhood and heard about me gettin' shot and came over to get to know us. Ashmond, this is my husband Ralphie, and our kids Eliza and Ralphie Jr.
Ralphis put on a charming smile and shook Ashmond's hand, surprised at his strength.Â
Ralphie: That's a mighty fine grip you got there son, what's your line of work?
Ashmond: Believe it or not I'm an assistant for an author in the city.
Ralphie: With a grip like this? I'd have thought you were a mechanic or tradesman.
Ashmond: Well I do....fix things on the side. I'm something of a handyman.
Ralphie: I knew it.
Both men laughed a little as Martha set the table for dinner. Ashmond took a seat as they invited him, completely unnerved by the flayed human decorations in the house.Â
Ashmond: 'Why they got grandma in an urn at the table in a wheelchair?'
Outside of the house, 3 red Imps emerge from a portal and hid on the side of the house. The tallest one, Blitzø, looks through the window.
Blitzø: That's gotta be her.
(Yes all characters will have nice art of them, but Ralphie and the kids had the one scene together I could find)
As Blitzø gave a dark chuckle, his employees had mixed feelings.
Millie, the female Imp, was her usual giddy self. She took pride in being able to do a great job killing targets, killing was a hobby and skill of hers she had "ever since she was a tot" if you asked her. On the other hand, Moxxie, the male Imp, wasn't as enthusiastic about it as the others. Killers, they may be, but a job with gritty details like this rubs him the wrong way on various levels.Â
Blitzø: This is too easy. Moxxie, do you want this one?
Any trace of apprehension in Moxxie's face disappears. He was pleasantly surprised Blitzø, his bully in layman's terms, would be so kind as to offer him the opportunity.
Moxxie: Me?
Blitzø: Yeaaaah, this one's simple enough for you to handle. It's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital.
Moxxie stands up and peers through the window. His face falls as he looks at the family having dinner. However, he noticed something Blitzø neglected to mention or even bring up.
Moxxie: S-sir, there's a bystander in there.
Blitzø: Huh? You mean her cuck and crotch goblins?
Moxxie: N-no, the other human in there. The um....
Blitzø: Oh, you mean the black guy. Yeah I think he's dicking her down when Mr. Muscles is at work or something. I feel bad for the guy, you should never kill another man's booty call.
Moxxie: Sir-
Blitzø: So ya gonna put a bullet in her head Mox?
Moxxie: I....I um-
Blitzø: You snooze, you lose, Mox!
Blitzø grabbed his rifle and aimed it at Martha, who blinked innocently as she served Ashmond a plate of food.
Blitzø: Aaaand I've got ya, bitch.
Moxxie: Wait... Are we actually killing a family?!
Blitzø No, don't be a puss. We're just killing a mother. We're ruining a family and sadly taking away a booty call.
Moxxie panicked as Blitzø aimed his rifle and got ready to shoot. As Blitzø pulled the trigger, Moxxie touched the barrel and raised the rifle. This caused the bullet to miss Martha and hit the mirror on the wall behind her. Everyone in the house gasps, and so does Ashmond, who did it to play the part.
Martha: What was that, Ralphie?
Ralphie: I dunno, Martha! But, whatever it is...
Much to Ashmond's surprise, Ralphis pulled a rifle from under the table.
Ralphie: ...they're gonna be tomorrow night's dinner!
Smiling, Martha put the platter on the table and grabbed a shotgun of her own before drinking a glass of wine and smashing it on the ground.
Martha: Alright, kids! Guns out!
Jr. pulled out a revolver from his coonskin cap while Eliza pulled a rifle from under the table.
Ashmond: 'The fuck kind of-oh, they might be cannibals.'
Curious, Ashmond reached under the table and found a duouble barrel shotgun.
Martha: Aw, you wanna help us? That's mighty nice of you.
Ralphie: You can expect the biggest piece of tomorrow's dinner!
'Play along.'
Smirking, which showed his own sharp teeth, Ashmond cocked the shotgun.
Ashmond: Well what are we waiting for? It's rabbit season.
With the Imps, Moxxie was wheezing anxiously as his eyes started twitching. Blitzø looked at the panicked Moxxie in anger.
Blitzø: What the fuck was that, Moxxie?!
Moxxie lets out a croak before he falls to his knees with his hands over his face.
Moxxie: I'm sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy!
Blitzø: Oh, who the fuck is innocent, Moxxie?! From the moment of birth, you're already a parasite leeching off your momma's tits! Get the FUCK over yourself, you baby dick prune!
Suddenly a blast went through the wall, going through Blitzø's arm and spraying black blood.
Blitzø: AAAAH! A new hole! SCATTER!
Hearing the order, Millie jumped from the bushed with Blitzø just in time for a larger hole to burst through the wall, which Martha and Ralphie jumped out of. Moxxie stayed in the bushes for a bit and tried to go to safety, only for Jr. and Eliza to pull him off to somewhere. With Ashmond, he was walking around with the woods with his gun on his shoulder looking bored.
Ashmond: Yeah. I just came to kill a pixar mom built ass milf and now I'm hunting lord knows what with a family of cannibals.
As Ashmond walked around, he came across some weird ritual site. It looked Satanic with the bloody shapes and entrails nailed to the trees. Bones litered the whole place all carved or put together in small little shrines surrounding a bloody rock.
'This is disturbing.'
Ashmond: Yes, it is.
Suddenly Ashmond heard a small whimper.
Moxxie: P-please don't kill me! I'm sorry for the trouble and I'll give you anything!
Ashmond looked to his side and noticed a figure strapped to a tree in the dark. Ashmond got closer and noticed it was Moxxie, strapped to a tree with the twins looking at him with hunger in their eyes.
Eliza: This is our new friend! We're gonna eat his flesh for lunch tomorrow!
Jr: Yeah we gonna eat his liver, it tastes good!
Ashmond watched them pick up a knife as the two twins looked ready to slice open Moxxie's body. As Ashmond got closer, he slowly morphed into his demon form and towered over the kids with his Determination Spirit looming over his shoulder.
Ashmond: Hey kids.....
Jr and Eliza turn around and yell in utter horror at Ashmond and his spirit.
Ashmond & Spirit: Boo.
Eliza: Mommy!
The screaming children ran off, presumably to find their parents after seeing a monster. Ashmond started untying the surprised Moxxie.
Moxxie: You're.....a demon?
Ashmond: Yep, and I was sent by someone pretty powerful to kill Ms. Pixar Milf. Name's Ashmond.
Moxxie: Moxxie....
Ashmond got Moxxie free and there was silence for what felt like an eternity. Even his Determination Spirit was just floating there, looming over Ashmond to look at Moxxie.
Ashmond: So....what brings you to the world of the living?
Moxxie clears his throat.
Moxxie: W-well....a similar reason like you. Our client has asked us to kill Martha for revenge.
Ashmond: Us? There's more of you?
Moxxie: Yes, there's my wife Millie and our boss Blitzø-wait where are they?! Oh no!
Moxxie ran off to find them, prompting Ashmond to run and follow. With Blitzø and Millie, they were tied to a carved stake as Martha held a torch and Ralphie poured gasoline everywhere with an evil laugh. Whereas Millie was struggling her way out of the situation, Blitzø was angrily brooding about missing the shot.Â
Blitzø: I had that fucking shot. God dammit, Moxxie!
Martha: Satan! We return your FILTHY creatures back to the pits of Hell! May the root of evil remain honored as we continue thy WORK!
With an evil grin, Martha tossed the torch under the restrained Imps. The gasoline on the ground ignited and engulfed Blitzø and Millie. Martha's evil giggles faded as she saw Blitzø's deadpan.
Blitzø: Yeah, that's not exactly how it works, lady. Sorry, your fire doesn't really hurt us, but, I mean, I could fake it if that'll get your dick hard.
Martha: Oh. Shit. Well... I'll just shoot you in your smart-ass mouth!
With a sadistic grin, Martha pulled out her rifle and cocked it.
Blitzø: That would be more effective.
Millie: Blitzø!
As Martha got ready to shoot-
???: Bang.
A gunshot rang out. Martha's eye popped out of her skull and she fell to the ground dead. The two Imps looked to see a Moxxie alongside a taller demon with his pistol barrel smoking, showing he was the one who shot Martha. Moxxie wasted no time in untying Millie and Blitzø, earning him kisses from Millie. Blitzø, due to his injured arm, was on the ground.
Blitzø: You're not gettin' your goddamn paycheck for this one, Mox!
Moxxie, however, was still receiving affection from Millie to notice the downed Blitzø. Ashmond helped him up.
Ashmond: You ok there pal?
Blitzø: See at least SOMEONE cares.
Moxxie looked down in shame as he approached Blitzø.
Moxxie: I'm sorry, sir. I compromised our objective and put us in harm's way. It won't happen again. I promise.
Blitzø pulled Moxxie into a hug.
Blitzø: Apology accepted.
Blitzø's tone got dangerously low.
Blitzø: But, if you ever pull a stunt like this agaaaaain, new guy's gonna fuck you and your wife and I'm gonna put it on LustHub-Alrighty! Job well done! Now let's get off!
Blitzø had let go of Moxxie and Ashmond before he searched his coat pocket for his phone.
Moxxie: Ehhhh, yeah. Give me a moment. I need to get something I left at the house.
Blitzo: Okay, fine. But, hurry up.
As Moxxie left, Ashmond was about to leave when Blitzø caught his attention.
Blitzø: So tall, gray, and handsome, what brings you all the way out here?
Ashmond: Me? Oh I just came to kill Martha.
Ashmond kicked her corpse.
Ashmond: Someone asked me and she ruined someone's life close to me. Then again I dicked her down before her husband came home.
Blitzø: Oh YOU'RE the black guy I felt bad for.
Ashmond: Uh....yeah.
Blitzø: So Mr. Assmond-
Ashmond: It's Ash-
Blitzø: You looking for a job? You'll get Moxxie's paycheck since you fixed his fuck up.
'Accept it.'
Ashmond: Sure, why not?
Just then, Moxxie came back.
Blitzø: There he is. Have a good wank-off session, Moxxie?
Moxxie: Excuse me?
Blitzø: Look, I don't care where you cum in the living world. Just come to your job on time, alright?
They all walked through the portal. Later, everyone was celebrating Martha's death.
Mayberry: Ashmond you didn't have to go through that...
Ashmond shrugged as he ate his slice of cake.
Ashmond: I mean, you were my favorite teacher and the only one that believed in me, I had to. I just didn't know you inadvertently paid for it.
Blitzø raised a glass of alcohol.
Blitzø: Everyone let's make a toast. To Moxxie learning not to fuck up-
Millie: And killin' people isn't that big of a deal if they try to kill you back!
Ashmond: And not to feel bad for stealing from them because they're fucking dead!
Mayberry: That's messed up. But, I paid for it!
Everyone except Moxxie laughs.Â
Blitzø: Yeah, fuck that family!
Ashmond: I already fucked the momma!
They all laughed once again. After the whole celebration was over, Ashmond walked Mayberry to her cab.
Mayberry: Ashmond thank you again for killing that bitch.
Ashmond: Think nothing of it. It's a thank you for actually believing in me when I was in high school.
Mayberry smiled a little.
Mayberry: Well let me make it up to you. Would you like to go on a date with me Saturday?
Ashmond looked at her with surprise.
Ashmond: You sure? I mean, after what your husband did-
Mayberry: Fuck Jarold. He made his bed by cheating on me, I'm a free woman now and I can be with whoever I want.
Ashmond gave a chuckle.
Ashmond: Alright, see you Saturday.
Mayberry left, but not before giving Ashmond her number. Ashmond watched her cab leave with a small sigh and a smile.Â
A/N: Also in this story, EVERYBODY is getting FUCKED like they can get pregnant. There will be some edits to age and shit and rarely will there be genderswaps or sissification, EVERYBODY who has a hole is getting dicked down.
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