Chapter 44
Jemma's Pov:
The fall out from prom was crazy.
By the time we got home everyone from school had found out thanks to the seniors posting a video of us kissing and tweeting that we were married.
Tina and Skip already knew about the whole incident. We spent the rest of the weekend getting calls and facebook comments about it.
The feedback wasn't that bad for the most part. Because A) I'm over 18 and out of school. B) Michael and I are both pretty well liked among the school.
The most common reaction was shock but there were a few people that made remarks about Michael being a pervert and taking advantage of his power position to seduce poor gullible and innocent me.
Then there were the comments about me being a slut that seduced and used him to get better grades.
Sully called last night and said the school board had scheduled a meeting for Tuesday morning and that both Michael and I need to be there. They also suspended him until the hearing is concluded.
All of our friends and family supported us and were irritated that it was even an issue since I wasn't a student any longer.
Michael wasn't bothered because he's been waiting for this to happen.
He knew his ethics would be called into question but since there is literally only 5 more days before he left this job anyway he kind of shrugged it off. Nothing we did was illegal just in the grey area morally if you want to get technical.
Even if he wasn't bothered by all this, I still felt guilty because I'd initiated the kiss that got us caught.
I could have held my hormones in check until we got home. I'd just gotten used to being with him publicly that it didn't really occur to me that even if we didn't get second looks when we were out and about, kissing at a school function in plain view of everyone wasn't the same.
When I told that to Michael he'd made sure that I knew it wasn't anyone's fault. We are adults and married. It's only natural for us not to question kissing each other.
We walked into the conference room at the district office and sat down. I looked around the table and didn't recognize anyone other then Sully. Introductions were made and then the hearing began.
The superintendent did all of the talking.
"Mr. Jenkin's, Jemma, we've been made aware of some very disturbing news. Before we proceed would either of you like to say anything in your defense?"
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. But Michael's jaw muscles twitched. "With all due respect Mr. Granger. I'd appreciate if you refrained from calling my marriage disturbing new." He retorted calmly.
Super Intendant Granger's eyes widened. "Well what would you prefer? You've married your student and then had the audacity to engage in untoward activities in front of the senior class, and at a school function while on duty, no less." Mr. Granger spoke incredulously.
Michael spoke firmly but calmly. "I married a former student after she'd already graduated. Jems and I were not engaging in untoward behavior. It's called a kiss and most junior high children do that 'criminal offense'. I understand that kissing MY WIFE while on duty wasn't particularly a good idea but it hardly warrants a hearing with the school board."
"That is understating the problem quite a bit don't you think. You married a student that dated your brother who now has another of your student's pregnant. From what I can gather you had a double wedding just over a month after she left school. As a teacher you're supposed to be a moral guide to your students. Do you think the behavior exhibited this year by you and your brother should be considered as the norm? Do you honestly expect the board to believe you waited to begin your relationship with her until she was out of school? Which leads to questions of who knew and helped you cover this up?" He said moving his scathing gaze from Michael to Sully.
I did roll my eyes now. I wasn't about to let Sully get into trouble because of my love life. I was annoyed and the way he spoke to Michael rubbed me the wrong way. It was like we were beneath him and every word out of his mouth dripped with disdain.
If they are going to talk about me like I'm not even here then maybe I should make my presence known. Remind them vocally that I am in fact here and would like to be included, so to speak.
"No Michael wasn't understating the problem because legally there isn't one. I was 18 and out of school when I married him. If there had been any legal issue I'm pretty sure one of the 30 or so law enforcement members that attended our wedding would have stepped in. Whether I dated his brother and Skip's subsequent relationship with another student has no baring on this meeting. Skip is a grown man and Michael isn't responsible for his behavior nor mine. So how about you leave Michael's brother out of this little meeting. Besides what the board believes isn't really relevant, it's what the board can prove and as you yourself stated. It's your belief that we had a relationship prior to my leaving this school. The only thing that you can prove is that AFTER I left I got married. Fast marriages are not unheard of in this day and age. Sully had no reason to hide anything for us and even if we had asked him to he wouldn't have." I stated with the same condescension he had.
"You two may not have done anything illegal but morally and ethically I beg to differ. There is no way you two weren't seeing each other when you were his student. In fact an allegation was made and Principal Erickson was the one who investigated it. He has a long standing personal connection to your family. So it stands to reason he would cover for the two of you. In which case we need to re-evaluate his effectiveness here."
"You can beg to differ all you want. It's not gonna get you a damn thing except an increasingly pissed off little lady right here. You arrogant judgmental prick!" I growled.
Michael gave my thigh a little squeeze and comforting pat.
"Sullivan didn't cover anything up. There was no need to. The accusations were false. Made by a member of your staff that was shortly there after convicted of stalking, illegal taping as well as attempted murder. We had recorded proof that proved we were telling the truth. So Sullivan did his job and had absolutely no reason to cover up anything. You can question my morals all you want but the hard truth here is you have absolutely no proof of any of these allegations. Other then the ridiculous claim of an unstable member of your faculty there hasn't been so much as a whisper of impropriety on any of our parts." Michael said.
"The fact remains that Principal Erickson attended your wedding and failed to inform us that you married a student. If he was as unaware as you would have us believe then he should have questioned the circumstances that led to that. Like you using your authority to sway an impressionable young lady. Logically there is no way you two weren't together beforehand. Which brings into question the legitimacy of her very high grade in your class." Mr. Granger retorted.
"Sullivan did attend our wedding. Along with 30 members of law enforcement, the acting mayor and more military men then you'd believe. As well as all of mine and Jemma's family. So it stands to reason that even though he was shocked by finding out we were not only together but marrying, he would realize not one of the more then 120 guests would have stood by and allowed Jem's to have made that commitment unless they fully supported her decision. More over why would he inform y'all when quite frankly at that time it was none of your business. As Jemma was no longer a student. You cant fault him for some grand cover up when he had no prior knowledge. At the wedding he spoke to all our friends and family and they admitted it happened fast but when it's love why wait? As for your assumption that I tampered with Jemma's grade. It's not only ridiculous, it's insulting. You have her transcripts and can clearly see she's always done well. I never curved her grade or gave her favored treatment. Every grade she got she earned on her own." Michael stated but I had something to add to that.
"Michael and Sullivan have always treated me as they would any other student. Check your files, I have several write ups that show Michael not only gave me detentions as he did everyone else. He also had security escort me to the office for a fight. Sullivan is a long time family friend but that never stopped him from putting me in detention or in school suspension, as well as regular suspensions. I haven't been a perfect student by any means. I've had my fair share of screw ups and faced my consequences without complaint. That being said, I have also never let anyone take the fall for something that they didn't do. So I suggest you excuse Sully from the rest of this witch hunt. He's done nothing wrong here."
Mr. Granger directed his next statement to me.
"Jemma you're in no position to make demands and we're still trying to ascertain whether your diploma is valid or if you will need to retake that class, along with whether Mr. Jenkin's and Mr. Erickson will even have a job after this. You're in as much trouble as Michael and Sullivan. It'll go easier on you if you admit Michael coerced you. It's understandable that a vulnerable, naïve and impressionable young lady such as yourself got overwhelmed by Michael's attempts to further your relationship. I'll even consider being lenient on Sullivan if you admit he failed to do his job and actually helped you two hide your relationship while you were still a student and-"
I slammed my hand down on the conference table to gain their full attention and pointed a finger at Super Intendant Granger.
"Sully has spent the last 30 years working for this school district and has done a damn fine job. He's even corrected MISTAKES made by your board. Mistakes that directly affected me. Not only was the crazy bitch trying to kill me, she also stalked and illegally video taped me showering, going to the bathroom, getting dressed and undressed. Imagine, I had a whole web site dedicated to perverts that watched me do every private thing you can think of. All because you as the head dick here, failed to do YOUR job and check her record adequately. She's a registered sex offender that YOU let into this school. You put me in that predator's focus. So as far as I'm concerned this meeting should be about ascertaining your effectiveness at your job. You accused Michael of using his power to sway me into a relationship because I'm vulnerable, gullible and naïve. You obviously don't know me because I'm none of those things. If I was I wouldn't have made it out alive the last few times someone tried to kill me. Michael is a decorated war hero and Sullivan's the best thing that's ever happened to this school but you expect me to sit here and lie and drag their names down for the sake of supposed leniency. Who's trying to use their 'power position' to influence me now? So to your oh so gracious offer I have to reply.. Kiss my naïve and impressionable ass."
"Fine, as you all refuse to admit to a long standing relationship and subsequent grade changing and Sullivan's part in this gross moral turpitude. I find that the board has no choice but to fire Michael and Sullivan for his failure to act in the school's best interest. Jemma we will be petitioning for your diploma to be revoked, you will have to retake your calculus class or test out of it. Either way your grade in his class will not stand because I believe you bartered your favors for a higher grade. Sullivan you will-"
Michael interjected. " Fire me, but YOU WILL NOT try and revoke Jemma's diploma. Nor will you try to fire or in any way formally reprimand Sullivan. I realize you're trying to save face with this meeting but we all know it's a joke. You don't have any proof of the board's claims nor will you find any. I took this meeting as a courtesy to Sullivan. Because I figured you would try to pull this crap, not because I felt any need to explain myself or my relationship with a FORMER student to you. Know this though, IF you do try to taint either of their reputations. I'll not only fight the school district legally but I'll sue you and the other members of the board as well. For slander, wrongful termination, discrimination and anything else I can come up with. Not only do I have the financial means to hire the best attorneys but I also have the connections to several very powerful and influential people that will not only publicly denounce your judgement and claims. But will also dig up every indiscretion you ever had. You won't be able to sneeze without someone on my team knowing and every speck of dirty laundry you have will be splashed across the media. I'll ruin you and this board personally and professionally. I already had a friend do a little digging and some very interesting things came up. So here's what I suggest. You stop this meeting and dismiss my wife and Sullivan. I believe the rest of us have some very important business to discuss discretely."
Mr. Granger turned red and yelled. "That is blackmail and I won't tolerate-"
Michael laughed insolently and shook his head. "I prefer to call it doing my homework and you know how us teachers love homework. Some very interesting things came up about a maid and-"
Mr. Granger told me and Sullivan to wait outside while they continued with Michael as they had already finished with us.
Sullivan and I sat down in the reception area.
"Sully I'm so sorry you got pulled into all of this. I never meant to get you into any trouble. Michael will make sure they don't fire you." I said
He put his arm around my shoulder and made me look at him. "Jem's relax honey. I knew that by not reporting y'all this could happen. I don't care and neither should you. I was going to retire in a couple of years anyway. This just means I get to start my retirement early." He said in his grandfatherly tone.
I shook my head no. "I'm not worried. I feel guilty you're in this mess because of me but I know that Michael will do his damnedest to keep your job. But if, on the off chance he doesn't succeed, we'll help you financially until you're able to draw your retirement. You can even be our accountant or something cause I know how stubborn you are and I'll pay you double what you made here. Don't worry about anything we'll take care of you."
He laughed. "Honey, I don't need y'all to take care of me. Maggie and I will be just fine. But I appreciate your concern. Even if it is unnecessary. You just worry about you and Michael. I know he's got another job and so do you but you still need your diploma. I know Michael didn't alter your grade but if they hold to their decision you're going to need to set up a course test as soon as possible. You'll do fine on it because you're a smart cookie and Michael can tutor you as a refresher before hand. So just sit back and relax."
30 minutes later Michael walked out and winked at me.
"What did they say? Is Sully fired?" I asked standing up and walking with them outside. Michael waited until the three of us were at our cars then filled us in on the ruling.
"Sullivan has been fully reinstated and wont have any more problems from the school board. They anticipated a different outcome so they have someone taking care of your duties today. You can go back today or you can enjoy your extra day off. I have been fired and will not receive a letter of recommendation. Jemma's diploma will not be revoked. They took another look at your transcripts and agreed that you had no need to have your grade bumped up because you have always had high scores. Now let's go eat. I'm starving."
I raised my brow. "Must have been an interesting discussion. Just what kind of dirt did you have on them?"
He shrugged. "I just gave them time to reconsider their decision."
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