Trying Part 5
"How was school today?" Toby asks Chase as they sit at the dinner table.
"It was okay" he says half heartedly as he puts a forkful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.
"Just okay?" Spencer asks sympathetically.
"I got a bad grade on my math test so I'm not gonna have straight As this semester."
"Straight As aren't everything buddy" Toby says buttering a dinner roll.
"After dinner we'll go over the test and see what you're having trouble with." Spencer offered.
"Ok" Chase said.
Toby was just clearing the table when his work phone began ringing.
"I'm not coming in tonight" he said without saying 'Hello'. Toby had been working for two weeks straight. He wasn't working tonight. He was spending the night with his kids and wife. Spencer would help Chase with his homework and give Kayleigh her bath. Once the children were in bed, Spencer and Toby would watch some show with the remote at hand in case the kids were to pop back up. When they were sure the kids were fast asleep, they would go to bed and make love. No, he was not working tonight.
"It's Perry" Lorenzo told him.
Toby paused looking at Spencer.
"What is it?" Spencer asked furrowing her brow.
"It's Perry" he reiterated.
"Ok, go on." Spencer said knowing how much Perry meant to Toby, how much she meant to both of them.
"Should I make up the spare bedroom?" Spencer asked as Toby pulled on his jacket.
"It might not be a bad idea. I'll try to get back as soon as I can." Toby assured.
"Who's Perry?" Chase asks.
"Perry is a young woman that sometimes needs our help." Spencer said setting Kayleigh on the floor to play with her toys. "Let's look at that math homework."
Kayleigh was asleep and Chase was almost asleep on the couch when the lock on the front door turned and the door opened. Toby walked in with a girl a little bit older than Chase. She had shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and her face was red and puffy from crying.
"Hi Perry" Spencer said softly. Perry just looked at Spencer wordlessly which is what she always did. All of a sudden the girl began to cry.
"Perry, the guest bedroom is all ready for you." Toby said and Perry looked at Spencer hesitantly. Spencer stepped out of the way and Perry headed upstairs.
"Chase" Spencer said shaking him lightly "go to bed honey."
Spencer picked up a sleeping Kayleigh and headed to the stairs.
"So what's it going to be this time? Overnight or a few days?" Spencer asked when she came back downstairs.
"Well, a few days I think. They have to find her a foster family."
"She's not going back to her mothers care?"
"She signed away her parental rights."
"She what?"
"Yeah, her mother decided SHE couldn't handle this anymore."
"That's awful."
"Tell me about it." Toby muttered.
"We can't keep her, Toby," Spencer sighed, "I can see the wheels turning already and I'm saying we can't."
"Why not?"
"Because the house is only so big, and Kayleigh and Chase haven't even been here that long, you know? Louise says continuity is the best thing for them and every six months we're changing things on them."
"I think Chase and Kayleigh will be fine" Toby said through clenched teeth, "and what are you talking about the house is only so big? We have a spare bedroom. It's not like the five of us are gonna be crammed in one bedroom!"
"What if I get pregnant?" Spencer huffed "The doctor didn't say it was impossible."
"If you got pregnant we could figure it out."
Spencer just stood there with her arms crossed not saying anything.
"I can't believe you're being like this."
"Perry has been through a lot, she's going to need a lot of help and one on one attention. I can't give that to her can you?"
Toby thought about what Spencer was saying. Kayleigh was behind developmentally and Chase had struggled with his grief even though that was to be expected. The two had their hands full already. It broke Toby's heart but he knew Spencer was right and he only hoped Perry would understand.
"Do you want to?" Spencer asked as she began stripping off her clothes before bed. Toby was sitting in bed in only his boxers and the sight made Spencer aroused already. It had been weeks since they had sex and longer since they'd had quality sex.
"Do you want to?" Toby asked massaging his stiffening cock.
"Oh yeah" Spencer whimpered "I need a good screw"
Toby grabbed her pulling her onto the bed under him. Toby was about to push into her when a cry came from outside their bedroom.
"Mama, Mama!" Kayleigh cried.
"Kayleigh baby go back to bed." Toby said desperate to finish what he and Spencer had started. Spencer pushed him off of her as she threw her clothes back on.
"Spencer No!" Toby near yelled knowing where this was headed. Kayleigh had been the main reason they hadn't had any quality intimate time.
Spencer threw the door open, scooping Kayleigh into her arms.
"Mama I scared. I sweep wif you and daddy."
"No you go back to your room young lady." Toby said before Spencer could answer. Kayleigh looked at Spencer clearly not happy with his answer.
"Just until she falls asleep?" Spencer asked with a slight pout.
"Fine" Toby said rolling his eyes and getting into bed.
Spencer woke to a teeny foot inches from her face. As she pulled herself up she saw Kayleigh had sprawled out and Toby was nowhere to be seen.
As Spencer poured herself a cup of coffee in the kitchen Toby came through the door, covered in sweat from a workout. Seeing Toby sweaty always did something to her and she had a desire to finish what they had started the night before.
"Come here" Spencer beckoned with her arms raised as he walked over and enveloped her.
"Fuck me" she panted pulling down her sleeping shorts "give it to me right here"
The sound of little feet making their way downstairs stopped the two as they pulled their clothes back in place.
"What's for breakfast?" Chase asked sitting at the table.
"I'm gonna make pancakes" Toby said opening the fridge to collect the ingredients.
The smell of pancakes was enough to rouse Kayleigh and Perry from sleep and the five of them ate together.
After breakfast Spencer and Toby ushered Kayleigh and Chase into the living room to watch cartoons so they could talk with Perry.
"We have to go down to the station and fill some paperwork out so you can be placed with a foster family." Toby explained.
"Can't I just stay with you guys?" Perry asked looking from Spencer to Toby. "Please? I'll be good. I can babysit Kayleigh and Chase. I'll be a good big sister. I can read to them and help them with their homework. I don't want a new family, I want this one." Perry cried.
Toby was trying to find the words to explain when Spencer spoke.
"There's still paperwork to be filled out." Spencer said "and we'll have to clear it with Louise but as long as she says there aren't any problems you can stay with us."
"Thank you!" Perry said running to hug them before dashing off to the living room to join Chase and Kayleigh .
"What made you change your mind?" Toby asked crossing his arms as he leaned against the counter.
"She's been through a lot. She needs a place where she feels safe. I know how much she means to you."
"You're amazing" Toby said.
Toby grabbed Spencer's hand pulling her into the living room where he picked up the remote turning the tv volume way up. He then pulled Spencer up the stairs into their bedroom. He closed it locking it with a satisfying click.
Toby pulled his sweaty T-shirt over his head before beckoning Spencer over to him. Toby quickly pulled Spencer's clothes off before pushing her down onto the bed. As he dropped his shorts Spencer could see his erection sticking outward reaching for her. Toby grinned at the wanting whimper that escaped Spencer at the sight of him.
"Say it Spencer. Tell me what I want to hear."
"I want you to fuck me" Spencer said with a smirk on her face. Toby climbed over her kissing her as they became one.
"Oh god" Toby moaned as he pumped into Spencer. He had missed their love making in recent weeks.
"I love you so much" Spencer whispered as she wrapped her legs around him sensing they were both close. Toby let go collapsing over Spencer as she clung to him riding out the orgasm.
When they both had caught their breath, they began to get dressed.
"Toby?" Spencer said in a hesitant voice that made him pause.
"I want to have a baby"
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