Sex talks(part 1)
(Set between season 2 and season 3)
Hanna, Aria, and Spencer were in Spencer's room trying on club dresses. Hanna and Caleb had scored tickets to an up and coming DJ that was playing at a club in Philly. They felt a little bad that emily would miss out on the fun but she probably wouldn't have wanted to come anyway.
"I don't think the six of us have ever done an outing like this" Aria said pulling on an orange spaghetti strap dress that zipped up the front.
"Well..." Hanna said in a knowing smirk "it would be weird if we went clubbing with our teacher"
Spencer flung a white dress at Hanna.
"I think you're the only one of us brave enough for that one." Spencer said going back to the bags of newly bought dresses.
"I love the summer" Hannah gushed "so much time for activities....and uh activities"
"Yeah, plenty of free time for...activities" Aria replied
"What are you two going on about?" Spencer inquired as she tried on a black dress that had way too much fabric.
"Well, Aria and I were just wondering how things are going between you and Toby" Hanna admitted.
"They're great" Spencer said
"So are you know....boinking" Hanna asked.
"No!" Spencer shrieked.
"Why not?" Hanna fired back "you guys have been together forever."
"10 months" Spencer clarified "and we were broken up part of that time...thanks to A"
"Well A is gone now" Aria said "are you two like waiting or something?"
"We're not waiting it's just that we haven't talked about it yet" Spencer said sheepishly.
"What do you mean you haven't talked about it?" Hanna interrupted.
"I just mean we haven't talked about it" Spencer said "it hasn't come up yet"
"How could it have not come up?!" Aria demanded.
"I don't know I guess Toby just doesn't think about sex" she said trying to stop the questioning.
Hanna and Aria erupted into laughter.
"That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say" Hanna exclaimed "of course he thinks about sex....duh....he's a man!"
"Uh yeah" Aria chuckled "me Tarzan, you Jane, must go to cave and boink"
"Ezra and Caleb would be really interested to know what you two think about them" Spencer said taken slightly aback.
"Oh come on spence, we're just teasing, and besides it's not like we don't have inner cave women in us too" Hanna said "you know that primal nature thing?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Spencer said.
"Oh my god, you're serious?!" Aria gasped "I thought you liked Toby?"
"I love Toby, completely. Just because we haven't had sex yet doesn't mean we don't love each other!" Spencer said starting to get angry.
"Ok" Aria said "you're right, we're sorry let's just enjoy some worry free fun"
After about an hour all three of the girls had their outfits picked out. Aria and Hanna decided to head back to their houses and get ready and the girls agreed they'd all meet up at 8.
Spencer tried to put what Aria and Hanna had said out of her mind. She didn't need to have sex with Toby to prove she loved him. They hadn't had sex yet because the timing hadn't been right so far. Toby may not even be ready. She hated thinking about Jenna but maybe he didn't want to have sex because of her. Maybe he had an aversion to it now.
The guys had all chipped in on a hotel suite in Philly and a car to take them to and from the club.
"This isn't really my scene" Ezra said shyly as they walked up to the club.
"Mine neither" Toby replied.
After a few hours of drinking and dancing the girls were tipsy and were ready to go back to the hotel. Spencer was quite happily curled up in Toby's lap in the car. She noticed Ezra and Caleb whispering something, then Caleb shake his head no. Ezra moved seats so he was sitting next to Toby. He whispered something in Toby's ear.
Toby shifted in his seat pulling out his wallet. Spencer watched as Toby pulled a square thin package out of his wallet and handed it to Ezra.
A condom. He had a condom in his wallet. Spencer's doubts came back full force. Why would he have a condom in his wallet if he didn't want to have sex. And if he did want to have sex why hadn't they talked about it?
Spencer's head was spinning and it wasn't just the alcohol. When they got back to the hotel and they were finally alone Spencer decided to bring it up.
"So I didn't realize you kept a condom in your wallet" she said trying to sound nonchalant.
"Yeah, when my father gave me the sex talk he told me to always make sure I had one" Toby said as if it was no big thing.
"Oh" Spencer said "I guess I'm gonna go to sleep"
"Ok" he replied sliding in with her. He put an arm around her waist kissing her shoulder. "I love you"
"I love you too" Spencer replied.
For the next week Spencer tried to think of a way to get Toby to talk to her about sex. She wasn't sure how to bring it up.
On Friday, Spencer went to Toby's house as they had agreed on a cozy night in for date night. Toby was running late because of his new job so he told Spencer to just relax in his room while he showered.
When Toby came into his room he saw Spencer on the bed clutching her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Toby said worriedly as he walked over to her. She pointed to his computer where there was a frozen video. It took Toby a minute to realize it was porn.
"I'm sorry baby" Toby said "I never meant for you to see that"
"I can't compete with that" Spencer mumbled.
"No ones asking you to" Toby responded.
"Yeah, I know" she snarked. Spencer stood from the bed intent on going home.
"Baby, please don't be mad. Can you just forget what you saw on the computer?"
"I can't be here" Spencer cried leaving Toby's.
Spencer called Toby and told him to come over the following night.
When Toby got to the door Spencer was purposefully in only her bathrobe.
"Spence, what are you doing in your bathrobe? I thought we had a reservation for 6?"
"We have a reservation at 8" Spencer said "I wanted to spend some alone time with you."
Spencer wrapped her arms around Toby's neck pulling him into a kiss.
Spencer pushed Toby onto the couch as she straddled him. She was annoyed that Hanna and Aria had made her feel like her relationship wasn't complete. She wanted to feel her inner cave woman as it were. She wanted to bring out Toby's inner cave man.
"Spence? What are we doing?" Toby asked hesitantly as his hands had slipped into her robe feeling warm bare flesh.
"Just keep kissing me" she demanded slipping off her robe. Toby's eyes looked over her naked body.
"Spence?" Toby choked out.
"No more talking" she ordered pressing his face between her breasts. If that didn't get him going nothing would.
Toby shifted her on the couch so she was underneath him. He pulled his shirt over his head. Toby was kissing Spencer leaving hickeys on her neck when...
"What the hell is going on in here?!" Veronica's voice boomed from the door.
"Mom!" Spencer shrieked as she scrambled for her robe.
"I think I'm gonna head home" Toby said picking up his shirt.
"No, I don't think so" Veronica said setting her briefcase down on the counter "I think you need to hear this too."
They both sat up straight on the couch.
"The two of you are too young to be having sex, in my opinion. You haven't been together all that long either. I also know that me telling you this probably won't stop you. You should be using condoms, because you two are really too young to be having a baby, which is what happens when you don't use condoms."
They sat there waiting for the incredibly awkward conversation to be over. When her mom finally went upstairs Spencer and Toby sat on the couch not knowing what to say to each other.
"You want to tell me what got into you tonight?" Toby said after sometime.
"What do you mean?" Spencer asked faking obliviousness.
"I mean you answering your door in a bathrobe and trying to have sex with me."
"Why can't we have sex?" Spencer cried angry tears streaming down her face.
"Baby, we can but this isn't you." Toby explained.
"Maybe it is" Spencer huffed "you don't know"
"Will you talk to me?" Toby pleaded "is this about the porn?"
"It's about the porn, and the condoms in your wallet and our inner cave people."
"You lost me at cave people" Toby said trying to lighten the mood. Spencer then unloaded everything that had happened and everything she'd been feeling for the last week.
"Spencer" Toby said cupping her face and kissing away her tears. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"I don't know" Spencer whispered.
Toby pulled Spencer onto his lap.
"We never really had the sex talk did we?" Toby said putting his arms around her.
"No, we didn't" Spencer agreed.
"I guess I was afraid to bring it up because I didn't want you to feel like I was pressuring you." Toby admitted.
"I appreciate you not pressuring me all these months." Spencer added.
"So, since it's been brought you want to have sex?"
Spencer was quiet for a long time.
"I love you, Toby" Spencer said "I think I do want to have sex but I don't want us to be doing it for the wrong reasons."
"What do you mean the wrong reasons?" Toby inquired.
"Well, if I'm honest, the way Aria and Hanna have been talking about sex, I feel like we're missing out on something. I feel like something is wrong with me because I don't feel like I NEED to have sex with you."
Toby pondered her words.
"Friday night. You're going to come over to my house. My parents will be gone and Jenna is away at music camp so we'll have the house to ourselves."
"Are we going to have sex?" Spencer said in a lilting voice.
"I'm going to make you feel the need to have sex with me. I'm gonna show you what it's like to want. I'm gonna do naughty, naughty things to you." Toby said "and when I'm done, and you're begging for me? Then we'll have sex. I'm going to introduce you to your inner cave woman.....and then I'm gonna fuck her brains out."
(To Be Continued)
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