Chapter 37: Infiltration part III
So I'm taking my APUSH test tomorrow and SAT on Saturday so I won't have time to update. For that reason I decided to update Right now! Enjoy the chapter!!
Anyone taking their SAT at Beverly Hills highschool?
Once upon an Assassin
Chapter 37
My eyes widen as the phone in the assassin's hand was smashed against the wall, completely destroyed.
My eyes snapped to the red head who moved.
K-Karma.... What are you planning...!
"Hey, old man-nu," the red head mocked, smiling slightly, "For a pro, you seem like a pretty normal guy. If it's just glass or a scull, I could break it too. But wait, the way you're so quick to call your buddies. Are you afraid to go on a one and one against a middle school kid? If you don't want to go against my girl right here," the red head placed his arm around my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze, "Go against me."
My mouth fell open as I stared at my friend.
My girl?!
"Hey! What do you mean by my girl, Karma!!!" I angrily yelled, shaking my fist.
I paused, thinking rationally for a moment, "Oh you're right huh...? Karma let me at him instead!"
My eyes shifted to Karma but a small smirk appeared on my face.
"Never mind, I've lost interest," I sighed as I turned my back on Karma, walking to Nagisa-kun who still held Koro-sensei.
The yellow ball looked at me in amusement, "Nurufufufu~ have you noticed Konomi-San?"
I nodded and hummed in answer, "He changed hasn't he, sensei?"
"He has. As expected, being the closest person to Karma-kun in class, Konomi-San has noticed the change."
The rest of our classmates seemed confused by my conversation with Koro-sensei, each of them looking at us with a lost expression.
"His chin is down," both Koro-sensei and I spoke at the same time.
"Until now, that devil would always stick his chin out with an abundant sense of composure. His stance is always so cocky and it was if one was looking down at his opponent," I explain, biting my thumb, "That guy always looks down at me like that when we fight," I mutter in slight annoyance.
Koro-sensei giggled as his grin widen, "Yes, though now, his stance is different. His foul mouth hasn't changed, but his sight is set straight and lacks hesitation. He's observing his opponent head on."
I couldn't help the smirk that was appearing on my lips. After the finals, he's been awfully quiet. But now it looks like he's learned his lesson. Especially after Koro-sensei embarrassed him.
A small chuckle escaped my lips at the memory.
Though my amusement dies out as I grew nervous as the fight begins.
My fingers twitch nervously as I watch Karma dodge each of the Assassin's grip.
If he gets a hold of Karma, everything ends there.... I can't help myself but fear for Karma's safety.
"Wow, he's evading and deflecting everything...." Kaede-chan gasped looking in awe.
"Those are Karasuma-sensei and Konomi-san's defensive techniques, aren't they?" Koro-sensei questioned, looking at me in amusement.
I nod in agreement, "It's a form of aikido I've learned for a long time. It's a basic self defense mechanisms you learn in the military. I'm not surprise he learned them by watching us, he's always either my or Tada-san's partner in sparring," I whispered, my lilac colored eyes following the fast movements.
I take a step forward, deciding to participate in the fight. If it's just Karma, all he can do is dodge. If he were to attack, he would get caught.... But if it's the two of us....
"Do not move Konomi-San, this is Karma-kun's fight."
I freeze hearing the rare seriousness in Koro-sensei's voice. My eyes slowly go to the fight where both males stop.
"What's wrong?" 'Grip' questioned, "If you don't attack, you'll never be able to get past here-nu."
The red head smiled as he pointed at us with his thumb, "I wonder about that~ the more I keep you busy, the easier everyone can get past you," the male smirked, shaking his shaggy red hair out of his eye, "But don't worry. I won't do anything sneaky like that. I want to fight you fair and square. Let's do this hand to hand, man to man."
"......" Terasaka and I shared eye contact, both of us making a face.
Am I really hearing Karma say this.....? Karma...? The most mischievous, sly guys I've ever met being fair....?
"That's an nice expression-nu, young warrior. I feel like I can experience the joy if it's against you-nu. A fair fight you can't fight in the assassination world, that is!"
I tensed slightly as Karma attack, getting a powerful kick to his opponent arm, feinting punches before he aimed a painful kick to his legs. For a moment the blond male staggered, showing an opening.
Karma who seemed to see this as well, lung.
At that moment I saw something gleam in 'Grip's' hand.
"KARMA!!!!" I screamed, though he didn't stop. As he neared his opponent, a large cloud of gas hit his face, getting released from "Grip's" hand...
My red haired friend crumble to the floor to my horror.
I froze, quickly realizing what had happened. My bangs covered my eyes as my hands fell to my side.
"It was dragging out for a while, so I tried out 'Smog's' anesthesia gas-nu," 'Grip' smirked as he picked up my red haired friend from his head, dangling him as if he weighed nothing.
"That fucking bastard. That's so dirty.... How can you call it fair if you're hiding something like that?!" I hear Yoshida growl but it sounds distanced.
'Grip' seemed amused by my classmate's yells, "Hahaha, I've never said I would only use my hands-nu," he reasoned, "Don't over obsess over your obsessions. That's another secret you learn from being in this business long enough-nu."
I hands shook as I felt the anger boiling even in my veins. This bastard....
Before I knew, I shot forward, my lilac colored eyes gleaming dangerously, as my leg slammed into the man's side.
My classmates screamed in shock, their eyes widen in disbelief as the man who held Karma flew to the wall, shaking part of the building and leaving cracks on the wall.
I cracked my knuckle and send a punch to 'Grip's' face, feeling the satisfying crunch of his nose under my fist.
"W-When did she move....?" Kaede-chan questioned Nagisa-kun, gripping onto the male's shirt.
"I-I don't even know... At one point she was standing next to me and then she was suddenly gone....!"
I calmly walked to Karma and kneeled down, placing my hand on the male's neck.
"Baka...." My voice shook in relief as I felt his strong pulse against my finger. I made the redhead sit up, letting his chin rest on my shoulders. I couldn't help but clutch onto his shirt, fear that I was feeling in my stomach spreading to my chest. Burying my face into his neck, my lips trembled. This was so damn terrifying watching...
"Ow.... That actually hurt girly..."
My head snapped up, staring at 'Grip' in disbelief. I was sure I knocked him out....
My classmates also looked quite terrified as the blond male brushed off debris from his body, wiping the blood running down his nose with his forearm.
'Grip' looked down at me in amusement as I hugged Karma to my chest, not wanting my friend to get even more hurt.
"He got sprayed by the gas at point blank. He isn't going to be able to mo-"
My eyes widen as a hand was placed over my mouth and nose as a huge cloud was shot out from beside me.
Karma lifted his head as he uncovered his hand from my mouth, grinning mischievously, "What a coincidence, we were thinking the same thing!"
Karma and my eyes narrow as 'Grip' pulled out a small knife, running at us while staggering.
Instinctually, we both moved at the same time. I skillfully kicked the knife out of "Grip's" hand and dove under, knocking his feet from underneath him. Karma on the other hand effortlessly grabbed his arm, spinning him and making him face plant, forcing his arms behind his back.
"Come on Terasaka! Hurry up. We need the duct tape and numbers to win against a monster like this!" The red head grinned mischievously as he struggled to keep the adult down.
The called male scratched his forehead, "All right, all right," though a grin appears on his face, "Your promise for a bare hand, one on one was all BS huh?" He yelled as he started to run, the rest following behind him.
I watched in disbelief as all of my classmates all ran forward, jumping onto 'Grip', making the wind get knocked out of the man's lung as they pinned him down while duct taping him.
"Be careful when you tie him down. You need to watch out for his superhuman strength, even when he is paralyzed," Tada-san warned, "Pay attention especially to his palms because you can get caught in his grip."
Karma was grinned mischievously, horn appearing on his head, "I swiped the leftover that the poison-man didn't use. I thought it would be a waste to just throw it away," the red head spoke as he threw the device, up and down in his hand.
Grip gritted his teeth as he glared at Karma, "How... My gas attack.... You didn't breathe it in because you saw it coming. I only showed you my bare hands... So how...."
"Isn't it obvious? I was looking out for everything other than your bare hand. I'm sure you really did want to have a barehanded fight, but in this situation a pro wouldn't continue to use their bare hands. In order to stop us here, you would need to use any means necessary," the red head closed his eyes as he sat in front of the man, "If I were in your shoes, that's what I would do. I believed in your conscious as a pro. Because I believed that, I was on alert."
"Nurufufu~ the Karma-kun who has never experienced a huge defeat.... Once he became a loser after the final exam, he must have realized. 'Losers are the same as me. They're human beings living with various thoughts in their minds....' How excellent! Learning from your mistakes!" Koro-sensei praised looking extremely pleased.
'Grip' closed his eye and smiled, "You're really something, young warrior. Although I lost, I had a fun time-nu. It sure-"
"Eh? What are you talking about?" Karma interrupted 'Grip', smiling innocently, "The fun is just about to start!!!"
"W-What is that-nu? What the hell are you holding?!" Grip yelled as he stared at the tubes Karma somehow pulled out his black pant's pockets.
Horns started to sprout from the red haired male's head as his devil's tail swished behind him, "Wasabi and Karashi mustard of course! I'm going to stick them up your nose, old man nu!"
'Grip's' eyes widen in fear as he wiggled around, trying to escape the smiling male.
Karma only evilly smiled, "It was no fun having to be on guard the whole time I was fighting you. Now it's my time to enjoy this. I'll plug your nose with a special clip, then I'll shove some of these ghost peppers which are 1000 times spicier than chili peppers into your mouth. And finally, I'll gag your mouth and then the punishment will be complete!" Karma smiled as he stuffed them into the crying man's lips, "Come on! Nows the time to show me the spirit of being a pro hm?!"
I slowly walked to the red head and gripped the back of his shirt in my hand.
At the corner of my eye, I could see Kaede-chan pushing everyone ahead. Yada-chan and Fuwa-chan following her lead as they pushed the others who looked confused.
The halls became quite, the only noise escaping from Grip who was wiggling on the floor in pain.
"You idiot...." I mumbled as I placed my forehead on the male's back. I felt him stiffen slightly.
He slowly stood up and took my hand into his, pulling me away so we weren't near Grip anymore. I followed obediently, my bangs covering my eyes.
He stopped at the corner and pulled me into a hug, pushing the head to the corner of his neck, "Hey, I'm alright aren't I?"
I nodded but gripped his shirt into my hand, squeezing it tightly.
Karma's chuckle vibrated to my body but even that seemed comfortable to me.
"I was scared."
"I know."
"I thought you actually breathed in the gas."
"I know."
"I thought you were actually beaten. I got so scared I thought I stopped breathing."
"Well, I'm fine right here right? Don't worry about it."
"Are you really okay?"
"Yeah, promise..."
I hugged the male, the scent of his cologne entering my nose as I took a deep breath.
Karma placed his hand on my head, bringing my bangs up as we pulled away from each other.
His mercury eyes were gentler than usual as he stared me down. He gave me one smile before he placed his lips on my forehead, giving it a chaste kiss.
I blushed slightly, looking away from him as he snickered.
"Hey, Konomi."
"You actually really care about me huh...? I've never seen you get that mad before!" Karma teased, returning back to his usual self.
I blushed at his question, jumping back, "Huh?! What are you saying! I don't!"
Karma filled his eyes, a small smile on his lips, "Oh really? But you yelled my name didn't you?"
"I-I would have yelled the name of any of our classmate if they were in the same situation!" I stuttered, trying to sound convincing.
The red head pouted slightly and looked disappointed, "Fine. But let me tell you a small secret Konomi."
Karma leaned forward, his nose touching mine as his eyes filled with mischief, "You calling my name like that made my heart skip. I liked it."
I flinched as he kissed my nose and pulled back, humming happily.
I on the other hand held my nose with both of my hand, my cheeks flushing a bright red.
I popped my bubbles gum, trying to look as bitchy as I can as I walked behind the girls, staying close to Nagisa-kun.
"You okay there?" I whispered, feeling extremely bad for the male.
"...Ugh.... Konomi-chan, if you were going to feel pity, I wish you could have stopped Karma-kun and the girls....." The blue haired teen showed tears running down his face.
I sweat dropped and took the male's hand into mine, "Ahaha.... Sorry about that.... If I was to intervene, his attention would have went to me..." I sheepishly smile, making the boy cry harder.
We had to get through a club but with our large number it'll be too unusual. So we decided to let just the female go in to unlock a door for the males who waited.
Girls were less suspicious than guys so even Tada-San agreed to the plan. But poor Nagisa was forced into clothes we found on the floor because of his 'feminine' features. But of course after Karma took multiple pictures.
Fuwa-chan turned around, smiling widely, "Come on Nagisa-kun, you're a man right?! You need to walk in front and protect us!!"
Poor Nagisa-kun blushed as he wobbled in his heals, "I can't.... I definitely can't walk in the front..."
Hayami-chan looked slightly taken back as she stared at the male forced into a dress, "You look too natural. Just like a pure maiden...."
"I don't want to look like that!!!" Nagisa-kun cried looking ashamed, tugging on the dress he was forcefully dressed into.
I pulled Nagisa-kun's hand so we can continue to walk but a small gasp escaping his lips stopped me.
"Hey, where are you guys from?" A male in a cap questioned grinning pervertedly at the poor male, "Wanna have a drink over there? I have money so I'll pay for whatever you guys want."
My eyes moved to the blue haired male before connecting with Megu-chan.
"Alright~ Nagisa-chan, you keep him company and go with him okay?" I sweetly smiled, giving my poor friend a kiss on the cheek, "We need to go to the restroom," I smiled at the male giving him a wink, "Treat her gently okay? It's her first time coming to these things, she's so innocent."
Poor Nagisa-kun looked shocked as he gapped at me, "Eh?!"
Megu-chan placed a hand on our classmate's shoulder, whispering the plan into his ear as I kept the other male distracted, placing a hand on his chest.
"I'll love to have a proper conversation with you later. But right now, we girls need to go to the restroom to fix a bit of our makeup," I purred, drawing patterns on the male's chest.
He became flustered as he weakly nodded his head.
I sent him last flirtatious smile before wiggling my fingers, quickly leading the rest of us away.
"Jeez, you're a god, Konomi-chan," Fuwa-chan whistled, looking impressed.
I rolled my eyes but sent her a small flying kiss, acting like how I did earlier, "You need to learn how to act like this when you go to a lot of gatherings like this. Guys get persistent real quickly."
At that moment we were stopped again.
"Yo ladies, just you girls? Why don't you guys come and hang out with us tonight?"
A small sigh escaped my lips before I placed a smile on my lips.
Yada-chan suddenly hooked her arms with me. I was confused slightly but when I felt her slid something into my hands I quickly understood.
Unnoticed, I looked at the small round button like thing she gave me.
My eyes moved to Yada-chan, rather impressed.
"Hmm," I hummed and puckered my lips slightly as I took a step closer to the two males, "You guys are pretty handsome...." Not true...
"Yeah, you guys look pretty cool, and we wanna hang out, but.... We're with our Daddies tonight....." Yada-chan cutely smiled, looking innocent.
I nodded in agreement, "Daddy doesn't like me playing around too much at night, he gets pretty scary, y'know...." I rolled the button in my finger, making it visible to them.
"He can't be too scary..."
I made eye contact with my friend and held the button in my hand to show it clearly to the males, Yada-chan doing the same.
"Then, should we introduce you to our Daddy?"
The men quickly paled and walked off, looking frightened.
I smirked and winked at the other girls who looked shock, "It's an Yakuza emblem," I explained, tossing my hair over my shoulder.
Yada-chan looked equally amused as I felt, "I received it from Bitch-sensei. It's amazing how much she has. She keeps all kind of badges saying they come in handy at different jobs!"
I sighed as I cracked my neck, okay... So now going back to plan...
I need to act quick since I need to rescue Nagisa-kun as well...
"You guys stay here and dance, I'm going to go check...." I whispered to them and maneuvered though the dancing bodies.
My eyebrows furrowed as I reached my goal, seeing that there was a guard at the back door.
Since we want to open the back door to let the guys in, I'll have to somehow get the guard away..... Forcing our way through doesn't work so.....
I slipped back to my friends who were casually dancing, melting in with their surrounding.
They all gave me a nod of acknowledgment, "Fuwa-chan, can you go get Nagisa-kun?"
I was pleased at how quickly they returned but I noticed how the boy who was with Nagisa followed them.
"H-Hey, girls hold a sec! This is a major service, I'll show you my specialty dance!!!"
I sweat dropped, stopping myself from face palming at his horrible dancing. Jeez, after seeing the Phantom, his kid's dance make makes me cringe.
Even my friends looked annoyed at his persistence.
Though my mouth dropped open in shock as the boy knocked a drink out of a large man's hand, getting his clothes wet.
Uh oh...
"What the hell brat!!!" The man yelled, gripping the boys shirt, "This is a million dollar jacket!!! I need you to pay up!! Hey, write down your address.....!"
Feeling a hand tug on my arm I see Okano-chan motioning with her hand.
Oh.... I get it.
Just as the man grabbed the boy's face, Okano-chan's feet slammed into the man's jaw while my fist slammed into his sternum, knocking the air out of him before he fell unconscious.
"Excuse me employee!!!" Yada-chan cutely called, a look of worry filling her eyes, "Looks like that person passed out.... Can you please carry him out???"
"Y-Yes... Did he overdose again...." The guard whispered as he dragged the man away.
I smirked in victory as I made the girls quickly follow the plan.
I stayed behind for a second, helping the boy off the ground, Nagisa-kun standing next to me.
"Now, you should go back to the dance floor too, keep this a secret okay...?" I winked.
At that moment a look of realization appeared in his eyes as he pointed at me.
"Y-You're Roya-"
"Shh...." I hushed sending him a smile, "A secret between us."
I sent him one last look before following the girls. Few seconds later, Nagisa-kun came as well, looking exhausted.
A small sigh of relief escaped my lips as I wiped the lipstick off as we regrouped with the boys.
"You got us though a dangerous area," Koro-sensei grinned as he praised the girls and Nagisa-Kun.
Poor Nagisa-Kun was running away from Karma as the red head snapped multiple picture of him as he grinned.
I sweat dropped before becoming serious and pulling my phone out.
We don't have much time left.
I think the next chapter is going to be intense. I wrote it a while ago so I actually don't remember what happens next....
Anyways, I'm freaking out about my APUSH exam tomorrow yet I'm doing this so I guess I'm a lost cause.
Anyways Karma and Konomi are getting closer and I loooove it!!!
What do you thinks going to happen in the next chapters?
Happy Kids/Children's day in Japan!!
6:02 pm
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