Chapter 25: Snot is disgusting

Once Upon an Assassin

Chapter 25


"Aw, you really don't mean that do you? You'll miss be too much if I stayed away from you," Karma teased as he poked my cheeks.

I growled and grabbed his arm, flipping him over my shoulder. But before he landed on a nearby desk he twisted his body and landed on it while crouching down.

My classmates all took a step back in safe distance as they watched in glee.

It seemed like Karma and I became their entertainment these day. I've become very comfortable with the red haired devil's presence now that I don't feel any guilt when I hurt him. 

Both of us got ready to have a mock fight as our classmates pulled the desk and chair away.

But as the last chair was pulled out of the way, the door of the classroom slammed open revealing Okajima-kun  who was out of breath.

The male with the buzzcut panted as he leaned on his knee.


The male calmed down slightly as he stood up straighter.

His hand pointed to the window, "You guys have to come look at this! The pool! Something happened to the pool!!!!"

My eyes met with Karma's golden orbs before I sighed. I cracked my neck before walking out of the circle to get out of the class to follow the rest of my classmates.

What the hell happened to the pool?


I frowned as I eyed the trashed pool. Bottles and bags floated in the water while the lane lines and summer chairs were obviously destroyed.

Looking at the damage, few faces immediately popped in my mind as I connected the dots. And it seemed like I'm not the only one who thought of names.

"Konomi-chan.... Did Terasaka-kun and...."

I turned my attention to the blue haired teen who looked shocked and patted his back as I nod in understanding.

"Most likely," I whispered as my lilac eyes slyly looked at three particular males.

Nagisa-kun on the other hand openly stared at the males, making him catch attention.

"What the hell are you looking at, Nagisa?" Terasaka questioned as he walked up to the sky blue haired teen with his hands stuffed into his pocket.

I sigh and shake my head as the male beside me took a wary step back, moving away from the larger teen.

Terasaka grabbed Nagisa-kun's collar, lifting him up slightly, "Do you think that we're the culprit or something? That's not going to get you anywhere."

Stepping forward, my hands squeeze Terasaka's wrist while a large smile graced my face.

"Now, Ryo-chan, you say that this won't get us anywhere but, do you really think that....? I'm pretty sure they are few people who have reasons to destroy the pool, no? Like someone who despises Koro-sensei?" I questioned as my grip tightened around his wrist, "And it's rather suspicious how defensive you've became. Nagisa-kun was just looking at you because you were smiling so widely. He didn't even say anything."

Terasaka's nose flared in anger at the little nickname I created out of the top of my mind.

Over the months of going to Kunugigaoka junior high and being one of the class E students, I learned few useful things about each of my classmates.

Now for Terasaka, I learned few interesting things and made use of that something, making it my routine of my day to aggravate the male..

I found it extremely entertaining annoying and getting under the large teen's skin.

Of course, there was a certain red haired male who taught me that... But that'll be my little secret for now.

Now to annoy and anger Terasaka? That's extremely easy. Just insult him a bit and he'll be chasing after you.

A little joke of his intelligence should rile him up.

"Nurufufufu, that's enough Konomi-San, unnecessary fighting isn't something I like."

I bit my lip and sheepishly smiled, letting Terasaka's wrist go.  Placing my hand in front of me, I mockingly smirk at Terasaka who winced as he rubbed his wrist.

"Anyways, searching for the culprit wouldn't do anything good," Koro-sensei smiled as he wiggled his yellow tentacles in the air.

Terasaka's eyes widened as Koro-sensei only became a blur to us.

"Nurufufufu, with Mach speed, sensei can fix these all up!!!"

My classmates cheered as the trio who caused this mess looked gobsmacked.

My eyebrows scrunched together as I silently watched the males angrily stomp off.


I sat at my desk with one of my headphones plugged in my ear.

My eyes filled in amusement as I watched my classmates plus teacher excitedly talk while I propped my cheek in my hand.

Out of all of them, Yoshida-kun seemed the most thrilled as he gawked at the motorcycle model Koro-sensei brought.

"Awesome! It's just like the real thing!" The dreadlocks haired male excitedly yelled as his eyes shined brightly.

At that moment my lilac eyes moved to the door as I heard it slide open with a bang.

Terasaka's eyes grew into dots as he stared at Yoshida-kun who was heatedly talking to Koro-sensei.

The large teen's body twitched as a vein popped on his face. At first he stayed silent, trying to comprehend what he was seeing before he breathed out angrily.

"What are you doing Yoshida?" Terasaka's hissed out as he fisted his hand into a tight ball.

Noticing Terasaka for the first time, Yoshida-kun sheepishly looked back, seeming a bit nervous.

With a blush, Yoshida-kun pointed his thumb at Koro-sensei who was dressed in a bike racer's uniform, "W-Well, I kinda got all fired up talking with him about bikes. There's no one in our class who's into those stuff in class right?"

My lips twitched as my blond father's face popped into my mind, "Actually my dad has few bikes, I can ask him to take you out for a ride next time," I spoke out loud raising my hand lazily to catch his attention.

Yoshida-kun's eyes widen as he looked at me as if I was a holy god.

"Maji de?! You would do that for me?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. My dad likes bikes as well and he has a slightly bad obsession of collecting them. It's be better for someone who shares the same passions as him to listen to him talk than I pretend to listen."

"Nurufufu, sensei might join as well! Sensei is an adult and a man. I tend to dabble in this sort of hobby too," Koro-sensei happily stated as he grinned widely.

Throwing his costume aside Koro-sensei stood beside the bike and Yoshida-kun examine the motorcycle.

As the two excitedly chatted about the speed of the bike, a strong kicked smashed into the model making it topple over onto the floor, many of the pieces breaking.


With a frown I watched as the class erupted into chaos.

Koro-sensei sobbing out his eyes as he held his destroyed piece of the motorcycle.

Yoshida-kun and the rest at my classmates glaring at Terasaka, angrily yelling at him.

My eyebrows scrunched as I moved away from the group who cornered Terasaka.

"Shut up with all of your buzzing and droning. You're like a bunch of bugs, so how about I do some pest control!" Terasaka laughed.

Suddenly grabbing something from his desk, he swung it to the floor making the classroom explode with white, cloudy fogs.

I jumped up from my seat in surprise and slammed open one of the windows of the classroom in instinct.

My classmates and I coughed as we inhales the unknown smoke.


"W-What is that?!"


Our yellow, octopus like teacher appeared behind the male who caused this chemical cloud that killed bugs, looking rather annoyed.

"Terasaka-kun! Even pranks have their limit!" Koro-sensei grabbed the teen's shoulder with his tentacle.

But as he did, Terasaka slapped it with his hand as he glared at our teacher with hatred, "Don't fucking touch me monster, it's sickening."

I scowled as the unusual taste from the cloud didn't leave my mouth even when I stood neared the open window. Tears pooled at the corner of my eyes as I hacked, trying to get it out of my lungs.

Though my lilac colored eyes wouldn't leave Terasaka.

With my arms crossed, I curiously stared at the scene as it unfolded in front of me.

A teacher who we have to kill and a student who finds everything in life an annoyance.

"It's sickening, him... And all the rest of you manipulated into acting all buddy-buddy with that monster!" Terasaka spat as he angrily glared at all of us.

My head snapped to my right as I heard a small, amused chuckle.

A certain red head leaned against the wall with his hands tucked in his black school pants. His chin was jutted forward as he looked at Terasaka with a mocking smile.

I eyed the red head as I brushed a piece a hair behind my ear. I've noticed another habit of Karma.

When he's mocking and underestimating him opponent, he juts his chin out.

Underestimating a opponent is never good, I should know this the most since I-

"So you're that disgusted huh?" Karma's words snapped out of my haunting thought, "If you don't like it, Terasaka, why don't you kill him? This classroom has expressed permission to do that after all."

With my arms crossed over my chest I walk to the red head to stand beside him, "Karma's right. If you don't like what we're doing, stop us by killing Koro-sensei instead of taking out your anger on us," I state the obvious, "And you say all buddy-buddy? Have you ever thought that it was a technique we were using? Acting like we trust the teacher but in truth we were plotting a good time to kill him when he lets his guard down? We're ten times better than you who does nothing but mope and complain how stupid everything in your life is. Grow up Terasaka, we aren't really innocent kids anymore, we already considered adults in some country, and we have a job as an assassin," I blabbed, my tone harsher than anytime I spoke.

My classmates, including Terasaka gapped at me, probably shocked by my rather harsh wake up call.

They all need to realize that the assassination of Koro-sensei is no joke. We didn't have much time left until the Earth will get destroyed.

Terasaka who snapped out of his hesitation snarled and he stomped up to both Karma and I.

"What the hell, Karma? Konomi?" The large male growled as he pointed a finger at us, "Lecturing me and all, you want to pick a fight with me? Fine! I've had a problem with both of from the start, I-"

Before I could really understand what was occurring, Karma moved from besides me, his hand griping Terasaka's face.

As the red head squeezed, he calmly brought his finger to his mouth and hushed, "That's no good at all, Terasaka. If you're going to fight you need to shoot first and then ask questions later."

Terasaka's eyes widen as he slapped Karma's hand away as he avoided eye contact with anyone, "Kuh! Hands off! This is all bullshit!!!"

After scowling at all of us he stormed out of the classroom, slamming the sliding door that made the whole building rattle.

The class broke into murmurs as we all stared at the door he left from.

"What's wrong with him?" Maehara-Kun scoffed as he nudged Yūma-kun who was tossing his hair around.

The dark haired male looked confused and troubled as well, "I guess he can't coexist peacefully with everyone."

I on the other hand went back to my seat pulling out my novel I was reading.

"Something is off about him, huh?"

A small sigh escaped my lips as I realized there was no point for me to take out my book. Of course someone was going to interrupt me.

"I don't know, Terasaka has always been like that from what I know. He's just pissed off more than usual. I don't know what crawled up his butt and died," nonchalantly answering, I prop my cheek in my hand while eyeing Karma who sat on my table.

The red head had his eyebrows furrowed as he looked out the window with a thoughtful expression.

"What do you think? Terasaka's acting strange for sure but is he just being Terasaka that's pms-ing or do you think he's actually planning something?" I questioned, tapping my fingers on the desk, making my nails make clicking noises.

Karma looked at me, his golden orbs filled with mischief as he observed my face, "Terasaka can never plan something, he always follows~"

At that statement, my eye brows furrowed much like how Karma's was moments ago.

I tilt my head to the side in confusion as I thought. But deciding it didn't mean much, I pushed it out of my mind.

It doesn't mean much does it?


My eyes twitched as I slammed my bento box on my table.

At the sudden noise all my classmates looked at me in shock and confusion.

Angrily standing up, I stomp my way to the front of my classroom before slamming a box of tissue into Koro-sensei's face.

"Sensei! Stop your sniffling please! The noise is so disgusting, I can't! My appetite is decreasing as well!" I hissed making the paper box grind into the yellow octopus's face.

The class broke out into agreements, even Irina-sensei looking disturbed from where she ate her lunch.

"What's with you? You've been crying  for no reason this whole time," the busty blonde questions as she placed her chopsticks down.

Koro-sensei took the tissue box, his tentacles grabbing some of the kleenex and pressing it to his running face, "No, these aren't tears! But rather a leaky nose."

My eyes widen as I took a step back, my nose scrunching in disgust, "That's even worst, Koro-Sensei! Go outside, we're eating in here!"

Koro-sensei pressed more of the kleenex into his face, "I don't understand why but sensei's body has felt a bit off since yesterday for some reason. Maybe I caught a summer cold...?" The yellow octopus muttered to himself, looking rather confused.

At that moment the door of the classroom slid open revealing Terasaka.

Koro-sensei immediately lung forwards, grabbing the male by his shoulder with his tentacle.

"Ooh!!! Terasaka-kun!!!! I was concerned you might not come today!" Koro-sensei yelled as his running nose dropped onto Terasaka's face.

For once I felt pity for the male. My nose scrunched up in disgust as I looked away.

"You were so angry yesterday, but don't worry! Everyone has gotten over it, right?? Right?" Koro-sensei seemed like he was clueless to his dripping nose as it kept leaking onto Teraska.

The class didn't seemed to know what to say but they all nodded, muttering 'yeahs' and 'sure'.

As Koro-sensei continued to leak, he smiled, "I thought about it all yesterday, but in the end, it really is best to talk to the person himself. If there's anything bothering you, won't you let me hear it after this?"

Teraska was silent for a moment before he grabbed Koro-sensei's necktie, wiping his face.

"Oi, octopus," Terasaka loudly called, pointing his finger at him, "It's about time I get serious and beat the shot out of you. Come to the pool after school. You're weak against water ain't cha?"

Raising an eyebrow of surprise, I return to my seat where Nagisa-kun, Kaede-chan, and Karma were sitting.

As I got comfortable in my seat, Terasaka turned his attention to all of us.

"You lot help out too! I'm going to knock this fucker into the water!"

I rolled my lilac colored eyes and bit into an octopus sausage.

Seriously? He's openly stating his plan when he's right there?

All my other classmates also looked unsure as they shared eye contacts.

Maehara-Kun was the one who broke the silence by standing up, "Terasaka, you've never worked with us with our assassination attempts, you know," the orange haired teen looked slightly annoyed as he eyed the larger male hesitantly, "Suddenly going bs ordering us around at your convenience. Do you think we'll say, 'yes, of course!' And follow you around?"

Terasaka smirked as he walked to the door, half of his body out of the classroom as he looked back at us.

"It doesn't matter to me if you don't come. When he's through, I'll just take the reward money all to myself."

As Terasaka left the classroom, it broke into hushed whispers.

"What the hell crawled up his ass and died...?"

"I'm seriously done following him....."

Both of Terasaka's lackey muttered as they stared at the door.

My eyes widen as I noticed something was spreading on the floor.

Instinctively I brought my legs up to my chest, placing my feet on my chair so they weren't touching the floor.

Is that....?

My classmates stayed clueless as they ate lunch.

"I'm not going!" Kurahashi-chan loudly stated as she popped a piece of her lunch into her lunch.


Chiba-Kun leaned back into his chair as he looked at the ceiling, "I'm passing this time as well."

As similar answers were shouted out, Koro-sensei spoke up catching attention. 

"Let us all go! Everyone!"

At that moment everyone realized that their feet, an exception of me were covered by what seemed to be leaking out of Koro-Sensei.

They all yelled in shock as they stood up, trying move away and at least get out of the goo.

"What?! The snot is hardening around our legs! I can't move!!!" Sugino-kun yelled as he struggled to stand up straight.

My stomach twisted in disgust as I packed my lunch, moving onto the top of the desk.

"Ah! How unfair!" Kaede-chan exclaimed as she continued to be stuck to the floor while pointing at me.

"Ahahaha, sorry Kaede-chan, but I'm not touching any of that. And Karma and Nagisa left as well! Now adieu!" I exclaim as I jumped into the air, kicking a window and escaping outside.

As I escape making sure Koro-Sensei wasn't following me, I look around searching for Nagisa-kun.

The blue haired teen immediately went out of the classroom to follow Terasaka as he left.

Karma on the other hand seemed to notice Koro-sensei's snot around the same time I did as well, escaping after gathering his things up.

I need to find either of them....

"The hell Nagisa?"


I followed the voice and noticed Terasaka talking to Nagisa-kun.

The blue haired teen was looking up at Terasaka's face seeming to be serious, "Terasaka-kun are you seriously thinking of going all out?"

"Huh? 'Course I am," the male scoffed looking annoyed at the petite boy.

"Then, you should talk it over with everyone so there's a complete plan. If there's a mistake the first time around, you won't be able to use the same trick twice," Nagisa-Kun stated, obviously thinking over it seriously.

With his hands stuffed in his pocket, Terasaka answered, "If it's a concrete plan we're taking about, those two...." The male broke into coughs.

My eyes narrowed suspiciously. 'Those two....?'

Although Nagisa-kun seemed to miss it, I didn't.


"Anyways shut up already!" Terasaka grabbed Nagisa-kun's shirt's collar, rattling him up, "Guys who're weak, crowd together not having any vision to seriously kill!"

"Really do you think that? Cause I'm pretty sure I could kill you now when I crowd together with my teammates," I leave my hiding spot, pointing a real pocket knife to Terasaka's neck.


I gave the male a closed eyed smile, placing my blade to Terasaka's neck, "Okay, you had your fun Ryo-chan. Now place Nagisa-kun gently onto his feet and step back, or I'm really going to kills you," a shocking amount of bloodlust escaped my body, the malicious aura spreading around us.

I was in a foul mood. I didn't finish lunch and Koro-Sensei's sniffling was disgusting me to no limit today.

Terasaka gulped nervously and placed Nagisa-kun back to the ground and moved away, his hands up in surrender.

I smiled and nodded, "If you're saying working together is wrong, let's see your successful assassination later today okay????" I gleefully state, eyeing a nervous Terasaka as if he was my prey. 

Game on.



I'm posting this as my mum taking me to UCLA to go take the ap Lang readiness class!


And I need to go to Japanese school after this.... Hah.....

Anyways.... I need opinions. Should I continue to follow more of the manga or add more action? Like Konomi's experience in America???

Please leave comments! Those really help me motivate me! And I might not post next week because I haven't written a chapter yet! Another thing is next Saturday is my birthday so I may be busy the whole day!!!!


9:07 pm

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