Chapter 34
Nasha could feel her heart pounding as she tried to contemplate what just happened. She growled, she actually growled at someone and it wasn't like an annoyed or temperamental grunt it was like an actual animal.
"Did that come out of me?" She asked herself. She then glanced over at a mirror in the hall and saw something that made her heart rate pound even faster. Her eyes, they were changing again. Flipping back and fourth between regular brown and gold with those slits. "What the-"
"Hi Nasha!" Greige said from behind which caused her to scream.
"Oh God! Don't sneak up on me like that!" She said. "Are you trying to kill me?!"
"No. Sorry, I didn't mean to." He said. "What's wrong with you?"
She looked back into the mirror and was relieved to see that her eyes were completely normal.
"Nothing." She said. "Nothing at all."
"Are you sure? You look like you've something that spooked ya."
"Yeah. You sneaking up on me."
He looked at her skeptically.
"Hmmm...No it was something else wasn't it?"
"No. Now if you'll excuse me I have some mail to deliver."
She walked into the kitchen and laid the mail on the counter top for Elkis. Later they went to school and once again Lusha found herself spying on a child from a distance. But this time she was being extra careful not to be seen and she was spying on a different child. This time she was watching Nasha.
"You know stalking a child is very questionable behavior." Much like Nasha earlier, Lusha was startled by a voice from behind and she was irritated to see that the voice belonged to Gren.
"I've told you a thousand times not just sneak up on me like that." She said. "It's creepy."
"Funny words coming from a woman who spies on children. If I didn't know you so well I would arrest you for harassment."
"Arrest me? You wouldn't dare."
"I think we both know I would. After all I don't work for you and despite you having a higher position of power, I outrank you."
"How the hell do you outrank me?"
"Well you're a politician and well let's face it, how many people do you know trust politicians one hundred percent? I on the other hand am a law enforcer. Someone who is supposed to protect and to serve the people. Someone who makes the people feel safe and as far as they know gains nothing out of helping them."
"Oh please." She said with an eye role. "As if everyone in this town trusts you a hundred percent."
"Oh no that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying they trust me more than you."
"And what gave you that ridiculous idea?"
"How about the fact that I've never lied to anyone?"
"It's true. I admit I do some underhanded tactics and I'm no saint but unlike you I'm always honest."
"You never lie? That's impossible. No one can go through life without lying."
"So you think. But I haven't told a single lie since my mother died. Lies ruined her life so I swore to her on her grave that I'd never tell a lie again."
"How interesting. I didn't think someone like you was a capable of love or that even a mother could love you."
"Ha-ha. That's another reason why people trust me more than you."
"You think you're the only one who feels. You only consider your own pain and misery. You never stop to consider that maybe there's someone else who feels just as bad as you do or maybe even worse. You don't allow yourself to empathize with anyone because if you did then you'd have to feel guilt and acknowledge that you've done terrible things."
Lusha looked at him stunned and slightly worried. He smirked at her in a triumphant manner.
"I told you I know you very well."
"Yes but that's a little too well." She said suddenly suspicious. "And how you described your reasons for not lying, that whole swearing by your mother's grave. That's awfully specific."
"Well you don't think I'd forget something like that do you?"
"Actually I do."
"But why would I forget something like that?" He asked still smirking. "It's not like I automatically know who my mother is but can't recall any part of her. I mean something like that would just...Make no sense. Might even raise a few questions."
Now she was beyond suspicious and worried.
"You say you know me very well. How well?"
"Well enough to know that while you're twisted enough to stalk a child you don't have it in you to hurt one."
"And what makes you so sure of that?"
"Again because I know you. I know that you could never ever bring yourself to hurt a child because you're one of those people who understands just how painful it is for a mother to have her child ripped from her."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" She cried getting upset.
"Why so upset? I meant it as a complement. I was implying that even you had standards."
She looked like she was going to scream or something but then a thought crossed her mind. One that told her to keep calm and focus on something that might be more important than her anger.
"You say you don't lie Gren." She said.
"Yes that is correct I do not."
"So if I ask you a question you'll answer me truthfully right?"
"If I choose to give you an answer then yes it'll be an honest one."
"Then answer me this. What's your name?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. What's your name?"
"Forgive me for seeming a bit dull minded Madame Mayor but I thought you knew my name."
"Humor me, won't you?"
"Very well. The name I was given is Gren Fullbuster."
"Has that always been your name?"
"It's been my name for a very long time."
"Yes but has it always been your name. When you were born into the world was that the name your mother gave you?"
"What is the point of these questions?"
"I just want to know if as far as you know, Gren Fullbuster has always been your name."
"Why do you want to know that?"
"Why are you deflecting my question?"
"Sounds like you're suspicious of me."
"Should I be?"
"That depends."
"On what?"
"What is it exactly you're suspicious about me?"
"I'm suspicious that maybe you know a lot more about some things then I had originally thought."
"What things?"
"I think you know."
"Forgive me but I'm not a mind reader. You may have to be more specific."
"Why? You're never specific."
"Touche. You almost know me as well as I know you."
"Just answer the question."
"No I don't think I will."
"You just said that you would answer my questions truthfully."
"I said that if I choose to give you answer it will be an honest one. It means I'll never lie to you but I won't always answer you."
"You may not lie but you definitely deceive don't you?"
"Possibly. Deceive can have many definitions Mayor Heartfilia. There are ways to deceive others while still being completely honest."
"Especially when you know how to twist words to where what you say is not a lie but it still hides the truth. Or at least parts of it."
"I'm not perfect Mayor Heartfilia. I am a terrible man but an honest one."
"So easy for you to admit that you're terrible. As if you have no shame toward what kind of man you really are."
"Well I don't really see the point in lying about who I am. After all it's not like what I say will change who and what I am."
"And what are you?"
"Edolas's chief detective of course."
"But are you completely human?"
"Completely human? I look completely human don't I?"
"Things aren't always how they appear. Especially when it comes to you."
"You've definitely learned a lot over the years. A lot but still not enough."
"Enough for what?"
"Sorry but I can't stay to answer because I have some flies I need to look into. So I bid you a good morning Mayor Heartfilia and I do hope you get over stalking this obsession of yours. It's not very healthy you know."
"I'm not done talking to you."
"Well I'm done talking to you so let me be on my way. Please."
She bit her lip in irritation when he said that last word. Please. She never thought that word would make her so annoyed. She watched him walk away still wearing that triumphant smirk on his face but then he stopped for a moment and turned back.
"You seem extremely tense. I recommend you do a little exercising to get that frustration out. Take a hike in the woods. Like Nakku is doing with the Miss Scarlet's kids."
"They're going in the woods?"
"Yes I overheard it from Greige as he was walking to school. They'll be hiking along toward the old well and creek and mine after school."
Her brown eyes became the size of oranges when he said the word mine.
"Wonder if they'll find anything interesting."
He was gone after that and now Lusha was in a panic.
Having grown up a princess, Lucy was not used to being around peasants much and she didn't enjoy what she saw in that village. So many of them dirty, poorly dressed, and having a ghastly appearance. Did the peasantry have no pride in their appearance? Just because they were poor and didn't mean they had to be unhygienic.
"And to think I once almost agreed to live like a peasant." She mumbled to herself.
She turned her attention from the peasants and began trying to think of what kind of story she'd have to make up. It had to be good and convincing, something that would tarnish Natsu's reputation and get the fools to finally see him for what he really was. But what? Theft wouldn't be awful enough to get them to turn on him. Hell some of these peasants actually praised thieves. Why? She was sure she would never understand.
Unfortunately her process of concocting a good story was interrupted by her sudden hunger. She really should have eaten before leaving the castle. If there was one thing she could bring herself to agree with Natsu is that you can't get anything done on an empty stomach. She spotted a nearby stand that was selling fruit and decided to help herself to a few pears. Pears had always been her favorite fruit. She remembered how her grandfather would spare no expense, buying her the finest and freshly grown pears for her to snack on. And some times for breakfast he'd have the servants make her pancakes with pear butter. That was her favorite thing to eat as a child and her grandfather always made sure she would enjoy them at least once a month regardless of her father's protests.
"Hey what do you think you're doing?" The owner of the stand asked her when she started putting a few pears into her satchel.
"I was hungry. I wanted a few pears. Is that problem?"
"Of course not. If you intend to pay for them that is."
"Pay? Why should I have to pay for these?"
"Lady I don't know if you realize how things work around here but you have to pay for my fruit. Only ones excluded to that policy are members of royalty like the princess."
"Are you blind? I am the prin-" For a moment she had forgotten that she was in disguise. Forgotten that she didn't look anything like herself. In other words she was just another peasant to everyone which means in case she wanted her cover blown, she was going to have to pay for food like everyone else. Problem was she forgot to bring money.
"Sorry." She said returning the pears. "My bad."
Oh how stupid could she be? She disguises herself as a peasant and doesn't even think to bring money for things like food or a place to sleep. What was she going to do for all that until she completed her plan? Summon Gray to change her back so she could get money this time? No because knowing him he would charge her double for disguising her twice. Beg for food then? No way! She wouldn't degrade herself to that. Disguised or not she still had her dignity.
"Hello." A little girl approached her. She was about twelve years old and had long dark blue hair that she kept in pig tails. A precious child wearing a cloak of the prettiest shade of red velvet that had ever been seen.
"May I help you?" She asked.
"No I just wanted to say hello."
"Because that's the polite thing to do when you see someone. Isn't it?"
"I suppose."
"You're not from here are you?"
"What makes you say that?"
"I know everyone who lives here but I've never seen you before. Did you just move here or are you passing through?"
"Passing through."
"Where are you going?"
"Not to be rude but that's none of your concern." She said in an irritated voice. "Also you shouldn't be speaking to someone you don't know. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk to strangers?"
"I suppose she never got the chance to. She died when I was very little."
Lucy looked at her sympathetically.
"Oh...I'm...I'm so sorry." She said her voice now a little more softer. "What about your father?"
"He's gone too. They both died of the plague when I was three so I've been living with my granny ever since."
"Well at least you have her to look after you."
Just then Lucy's stomach began to growl.
"Sounds like you're hungry." The red hooded girl said. "It's harvest season so the market should have plenty of good things to eat. Why not buy something?"
"Good idea except I don't have any money."
"You don't?"
"And if you're just passing through then you don't really have anywhere to stay do you?"
"Not really."
"Huh...Why don't you come home with me? I'm sure my granny wouldn't mind giving you something to eat and letting you stay over for the night."
"That's nice of you to offer but again you don't know me and I have no way of paying your granny for her hospitality."
"She won't mind. She's a little cranky but she likes to help people."
"Alright if you insist."
"Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Wendy."
"I'm Lu...Lusha. My name is Lusha."
"Nice to meet you."
Lucy was surprised by how inviting this child was. It was sweet but not wise. She only knew her for two seconds and she was already inviting her over to her house. Didn't she understand how dangerous that was? Not that Lucy would ever harm a child but Wendy didn't know that. Nevertheless she was starving so she took the child up on her offer.
She followed Wendy down a small path that led to a little house at the edge of the forest. A quaint and cute little home, the exact kind of place where one would expect a sweet little girl to live.
"Now I should probably warn you about my granny. She's a little on the cautious side."
"Considering her granddaughter regularly invites strangers over I can't say I blame her." Lucy thought.
Wendy knocked on the door to the little house.
"Granny it's me Wendy. I'm back and I brought a friend. She's new in the village and doesn't have any money or a place to sleep. Can she stay the night?"
The door opened and an old woman with pink hair quickly grabbed Wendy and pulled her inside before pointing loaded crossbow straight at Lucy. She froze with fear and confusion.
"What's your name girl?" The old woman asked.
"Lusha." She answered nervously.
"What are you doing here? Why did you follow my granddaughter? What's your business?"
"Granny I invited her over." Wendy said.
"Wendy how many times have I told you not to bring strangers home? Strangers can be dangerous. Did you learn nothing from that incident with the wolf?"
"To be fair I didn't bring him home."
"But you told him where we lived which is basically the same thing and one hour later I'm in his stomach, praying to God that I don't get digested."
"I'm sorry what?" Lucy said. "Digested?"
"But she's not a wolf or a creepy man. She's just a girl who's hungry and homeless." Wendy said. "I wanted to be kind."
"I understand dear but there's always a limit to how much kindness you can give." Her grandmother said.
"Ma'am I promise you I don't mean you or your granddaughter any harm." Lucy said.
"How do I know that for sure?"
"Well I'm unarmed. I don't have anything save for the clothes on my back."
"Then you won't mind if I search you right?"
"I suppose not."
"Wendy take my crossbow and keep it aimed at her head until I say otherwise."
She gave Wendy her weapon and started to search Lucy's satchel and dress. When she found nothing she relented.
"Alright you can stay the night but keep in mind that I sleep with an axe and my granddaughter sleeps with a dagger. So don't get any ideas Missy."
"Yes ma'am. I mean no ma'am. I mean I won't try anything."
"You better not. But that aside my name is Porlyusica. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too...I think." She mumbled quietly on the last part.
"You're welcome to join us for dinner but I hope you're not too picky."
"I'm not."
"Good. Wendy I'm going to the chicken coop to get dinner, while I'm gone make up the guest room."
"Yes Granny." The little girl replied.
She took the crossbow from her and went around the back a little ways. Leaving Lucy feeling a little shaken.
"I'm sorry about her." Wendy said. "She doesn't want to be rude but she says that because she's an old woman and I'm a little girl that makes us a target for a lot of bad things. Also we kind of had a little near death incident because of me so now she's more cautious than ever."
"Oh no need to apologize I understand. Although for an old woman she seems quite...Uh...What's the word?"
"Yeah she's probably the scariest old woman in all of Fiore but luckily we've never been robbed or attacked by any bandits or thugs. Of course we don't get many visitors either."
"Can't imagine why." she said sarcastically.
"But once you get to know you Granny you'll see that she's very nice and has a good heart."
"Is it made of stone by any chance?"
Wendy giggled at her comment.
"You're funny. Almost as funny as my friend Natsu."
"Natsu?" Lucy inquired. "As in the knight Natsu? Who goes around performing good deeds?"
"Yes that's him. You know him?"
"In a way. You say that he's your friend."
"Does that mean he comes here often?"
"Do you know if he'll be coming by anytime soon?"
"I think he's supposed to visit tomorrow."
"Interesting. Very interesting." She mumbled quietly to herself again. "Choosing to stay here for awhile might just work out in my favor."
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