Chapter 5- The Generation of Miracles
A.N. Hey everyone...sorry for the looong wait...don't worry, I'm not dead, and I will try to update, but school is starting and I'm dead tired...and mom's been really stressing...homework kills...anyways, all the main actors are on the stage...what now? Find out!
Chapter 5- The Generation of Miracles
3rd person POV
The gym doors creaked open again and finally, Midorima, Murasakibara, and Kuroko stepped in. Kuroko had a bandage wrapped abound his wrist with his wristband on.
"Tetsuya...what are you doing back in here? Weren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" Akashi spoke up again first.
"I know Akashi-kun....but I felt like I have to be here still." Kuroko replied back in his signiture monotone voice."
"Ahem." Hyuuga coughed. "Anyways, I'm really disappointed in all of you. What was with that shitty game? And Kuroko isn't an object dammit! Stop being so stupid!" Hyuuga started to rant on.
"S-scary..." A random freshman whimpered. "Captain is in clutch mode again..."
"Not cool at all guys..." Kyoushi had a rare frown on his usually smiling face. "Is that what you all think now? That you can do and accomplish anything now your the Winter Cup Champions?"
"Hmmm...but Kuro-chin wanted to stay and yeah..." Murasakibara lazily spoke up.
"Well, I convinced Kuroko to go to the Hospital...but he didn't listen..not that that I care, of course, but..." Midorima sniffed.
"So...ah...wait a minute here!" Ogiwara cried out. "I don't really have ANY idea what is going on right now...but I can totally tell that now who's right and wrong. I thought Kuroko found a great new team disappointing...ah, come on, I may not like to admit it, but now the 'Generation of Miracles' now are so much better than you, who you are now." Ogiwara mocked.
Riko blinked, seeemingly not understanding.
"Hyuuga, Kyoushi, what are you guys talking about? We are Kuroko's team and future now, so why shouldn't he be and stay with us?" Riko's voice was sickly sweet and sent a slight chill down everyone's spines.
"Your all wrong." Ogiwara interruped her. "Kuroko..may have led you to the Winter Cup Championships and helped you defeat every 'miracle' along the way, and I can't deny your obvious efforts...but Kuroko ended up doing mostly everything, from encouraging you all with his words to him learning to shoot and becoming more of a 'light' just so you could get more of an advantage...he put everything on the line, and this is how you treat him? A tool? A toy for you to play with, and now your here, it's all your call? He's yours? How low can you all truly fall?" Former Winter Cup Champions!
A.N. Aaaaand BAM.
I did it guys. Finally, I got time to update...sorrry guysss...but yeah, GO OGIWARA. He's like totally saying everything that I wanted to say...haha hence his whole script and lines...I feel like there's too less of that...ahh, this is, what I feel like something to make up to the Ogiwara mistreatment.
Ogiwara- Ah, thank you Angela!
Me- Oh, no are Kuroko-kun's best friend, and you were hurt because of the generation of deserve as much...right guys? **Akashi evil aura pressing down on them**
Akashi- even if you are the author, bring it on **replies with evil aura**
This idiot...should this still be AkaKuro??? I don't know now~ Bakashi~
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