Once A Year - Part 1
It was only once a year that a person's birthday is celebrated. Everyone celebrates their birthday, even egos!
Well . . . there's some that don't celebrate their birthdays. Maybe someone just doesn't remember when they were born or their birth certificate was lost or the family just can't afford it.
Other times . . . the specific person might just be an asshole who no one cares about to remember their birthday so it's not celebrated with others.
And then other times . . . . nobody cares and that specific person is just left out.
Anti didn't care. What was the point of birthdays anyway!?
His just passed on by every year and HE never celebrated HIS. Or well . . . no one wanted to celebrate WITH him. Was there a difference? What was the point?
It wasn't like he didn't know what a birthday was. All the Septic egos celebrated theirs and even the Ipliers, too. Anti was subjugated to even go to the Iplier birthdays with the Septics. Or he used to, anyway. They stopped going but he assumed it was too chaotic for them.
Participating in the Septic birthdays, however, that was a completely different story. He wasn't allowed to celebrate THEIR birthdays with them ever since he had destroyed Chase's cake and burnt his new cap he got from Sean.
That was about four years ago. Now every time someone in the house had a birthday, they'd go OUT to celebrate.
Without him.
Not that he CARED!
It was nice and quiet in the house without all of them being loud and obnoxious. When they came back, however, they'd be half ass drunk talking about how great it was and that he wouldn't understand since he wasn't there.
Okay, he'd admit, it kind of hurt.
And now it was coming up on Jameson's birthday on Halloween night. His own birthday was October 10th but of course they didn't say or do anything for him like always.
Nobody did.
"Stupid fucking mute bastard" he mumbled to himself, "Everyone's so fucking extra happy all of a sudden . . . until I fucking walk in the room and then I get death glares!"
Anti was pouting in his room and it was the day before Jameson's birthday but already everyone was so excited. Jameson wasn't doing another video this time with Sean but everyone seemed even more . . .. happy for some reason.
It pissed him off.
Suddenly his phone buzzed and he looked down at the notification.
It was Dark.
Now . . . they didn't like each other but they came to a mild truce a while ago. They. . . . tolerated one another and Dark had forced them to exchange phone numbers in case of any emergency or whatever.
'The fuck does that emo prick want? Someone fucking die again?'
Darkipoo (Anti had his name saved like this in his phone to amuse himself)
'You are coming with the other Septics to celebrate Jameson and Google's birthday tomorrow, I assume? I need to remind you to not start any arguments with either of the androids. See you tomorrow.
Anti's eye twitched.
"I ain't fucking going to any 'gathering'. The fuck is he talking about?" he mumbled to himself but since this message, he decided he had better reply back.
'I have no idea wtf you're talking about. Nobody told me about no fucking party or any of that bullshite'
'I see'
There was nothing for a few moments until he texted Anti again.
'Well I'd appreciate it if you came anyway. Bing's censors are messing up again and you're the only one that can fix that apparently. Google refuses to. Not to mention you could keep those Septic buffoons in check. I'd prefer they didn't swoop in and break anything again this time'
Anti squinted, trying to piece together what he was saying, 'THIS time? Have they been going to the Ipliers for birthday parties without me and just lied about it?'
Once again, his heart sort of panged again but he sighed heavily, texting Dark back.
'Fine, but if I don't show up, you can blame the 'Septic buffoons'. They don't like me 'celebrating' with them and I can't say I blame 'em'
'I will see you tomorrow.'
And that seemed to be the end of that conversation.
Anti bit his lip and swallowed heavily but decided he should tell the idiots downstairs before they left without him the next day.
'This is gonna be a bitch'
When he moped downstairs, he could see it clearly, though.
Each Septic was packing their own things getting ready so they can leave tomorrow morning without a big hassle. Henrik already had a couple of presents in the living room as did Chase and even Jameson had a bright blue wrapped one for Google.
Jackie was in the process of wrapping up a transformer toy in silver paper laughing to himself the whole time, "This is for gifting me that fucking Spiderman action figure on MY birthday, you broken piece of shit metal"
Anti would have found it funny if he wasn't so pissed.
But before he could make himself known, Marvin tapped his shoulder behind him on the stairs, "What are YOU up to with that knot in your pants? Not planning on setting fire to the kitchen again, are you?"
Anti snarled at him, "Fuck off, queeny." he shoved him off and stomped into the living room where everyone was, including Marvin now, "So . . . you fucks have been sneaking off to the Iplier birthday parties, huh? THAT'S where you've been going? That your version of 'out'?"
They all seemed to sort of freeze but Chase was the first to come out of it.
"Dude, what's it matter? You hate going to the Iplier place anyway"
"Yeah well . . ." he didn't really have an answer for that so he decided to just retaliate, "Well I don't even have a fucking choice THIS time! Dark just texted me saying that he's fucking expecting me there! So I guess you fucks are gonna have to deal with me this time" he sort of smirked at the thought but the others were anything but pleased.
Jackie groaned, "Oh for fucks sake! Why? What, you and Dark secretly-"
"Do NOT even finish that sentence, red hiding hood" Anti spat at him.
"Oh fuck off, ya fucking glitch-bitch!" he snapped back at him.
"Okay, that's enough!" Henrik butt in, "Zhis is not a problem . . .. Anti can come but he has to promise to behave. Can you do zhat?" he gave him a stern look and Anti's chest actually started to hurt.
'I'm sure he'll be fine!' Jameson signed, 'It'll be fun for everyone, I'm sure!'
'Fucking mute goody-two shoes' Anti growled in his head, 'Sometimes I just wanna fucking snap his damn neck. Always acting so fucking nice. He's gotta be faking it sometimes, I swear'
"Dude, just promise you'll be good, alright?" Chase pressured him, "Not that hard"
"What's the bipolar freak want with you anyway?" Jackie asked, "He need someone to yank that stick out of his ass? Is he gonna help with yours, too, while you're at it?" he chuckled
Anti wanted nothing more than to dig his knife right into Jackie's throat but he . .. restrained himself.
"Fuck off . . . I don't need to tell you everything. If you wanna know, you can call him yourself" he started to stomp his way back upstairs, "And I don't need to promise a fucking thing. You can all go fuck yourselves. . . .I'll be back down tomorrow morning to go . . . not that I fucking want to, either, assholes"
He could hear them mumbling about him even as he made his way to his room but he tried to shut them out.
It was always like this.
They tolerated him, just like everyone else did.
'I fucking hate them . . . . . I fucking hate this . . . . .why am I even fucking here? Who cares?'
His chest still hurt but he tried to ignore it, going back on his phone to flip through tiktok.
No matter how hard he tried, though, the endless distraction didn't help his growing anxiety and depression. Of which he was even still in denial over, of course.
The next morning, Anti stomped his way downstairs, noticing everyone was waiting on him, ready to go. Sean apparently was already in L.A. for a video with friends and was just going to meet them there later in the day.
'Sean's never come to see ME for MY birthday . . . .' the intrusive thought echoed in his head, making him feel worse.
Not that he'd expect him to, given their relationship. It was practically like a restraining order, really. Anti knew Sean didn't want to be anywhere NEAR him and it was a silently respected rule.
Another stab in his chest he tried to ignore.
Marvin grinned, having already shrunk down all the gifts and potluck food and desserts in his bag, "Alright! Everyone ready? Anti, did you get anything you want me to put in my bag?"
Anti glared at him, "No? Why the fuck would I?"
"Yeah, why would he?" Chase snorted, "Guy doesn't think about anyone but himself anyway"
"Schiesse, let's just go!" Henrik cursed, "We're going to be late and you KNOW Dark doesn't appreciate tardiness!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Marvin just laughed it off.
Marvin teleported them and they appeared in front of the the Raspy Hill mansion.
All the while, Anti was groaning in his head, 'This is gonna suck, this is gonna suck, this is gonna suck'
He HATED social events. If Dark hadn't texted him asking for him to be there, he'd still be in bed sleeping the day away! Maybe even ordering out food using Chase's credit card.
Chase went to knock on the door but it opened before he could to reveal Host, "Host knew you all would be arriving. Come on in"
Yancy snorted somewhere behind the blind narrator, "Yeah, youse totally wasn't listening to Yan saying they could see them coming from the window"
"The Host ignored this silly accusation and welcomed the guests"
"And the Jims got everything on camera!" the Jim twins both exclaimed in sync.
'Hello Host! It's good to see you again, chap!' Jameson tried to sign to him.
Host raised a brow underneath his blindfold, "Hm . . . .. The Host sensed someone was trying to communicate with him and assumed it to be Jameson. Happy birthday and Halloween Mr. Jackson"
Jameson just smiled bright, knowing he couldn't see his response anyway. Instead, he signed to Yandere who skulked in the corner, 'Where's Google? I would like to tell him happy birthday as well!'
Their mood changed quickly and bolted over to them, katana in hand, "I'LL TAKE YOU TO HIM! THIS WAY!"
Jameson was swept off immediately but no one was concerned.
Anti snorted gruffly and glanced around, 'They even decorated the place for the android that doesn't give a shit either way. This is stupid. Why am I here again?'
"So where's Dark?" Jackie asked Host and Yancy, "He told Anti he wanted him to come for some reason?"
Yancy narrowed his eyes, a bit confused but nodded his head to motion upstairs, "The sad bat's upstairs. Probably telling Google not to attack any of youse while you're here. Just don't start no trouble. He's been . . .. glitchy lately"
"Nothing new to me" Anti shrugged, "Isn't it Trick or Treat night tonight, too, though? How the fuck to do you guys deal with brats coming here with Wilford around?"
"Oh he's surprisingly really good around kids" Bim popped in before walking out again.
"Wish I could just stay home" Anti grumbled, "I'd rather scare the kids walking around than be here"
Jackie glared at him, "Good thing you ARE here, then, I guess."
"What? You'd prefer the brats vandalize our fucking house?!"
"Tee-peeing isn't really vandalism" Jackie rolled his eyes, "But terrorizing little children could be a crime"
Anti rolled his eyes, "Oh so you're only a hero when it benefits you?"
Marvin sighed, "Just go find Dark, Anti. Arguing over Halloween and kids is pointless right now"
"Whatever. Fuck off" Anti pouted again and stomped his way up the stairs.
"Hm" Yancy hummed, "What's HIS problem?"
'Halloween, Jameson's birthday, Google's fucking birthday, it's all so stupid. Maybe if I can just fix Bing, then Marvin could get me back home so I won't have to deal with this bullshit'
He got to Dark's door on the top floor and knocked. He heard a soft few words and he assumed he was being invited in.
Anti looked around as he opened the door but saw Dark at his desk, his back to the window. He seemed to be writing something on a piece of paper.
"Hey . . . where's Bing?"
Dark glanced up at him, "He's updating really quick with Google in their room"
Anti huffed, "How long will THAT take?"
Dark shrugged lightly, "I don't know. Maybe about an hour or so. You lot got here earlier than I expected"
"Henrik was worried you'd disapprove of tardiness"
"I sort of counted on it but it's alright. They can mingle together until preparations are complete"
'This is bullshit' Anti rolled his eyes but didn't leave the room.
Dark put his pen down and looked up at Anti, "So . . .the Septics didn't tell you of the . . . party?"
Anti snorted, "No . . . apparently they've been lying about coming here for other parties, too, and didn't tell me. Doesn't matter, though. I don't give a shit"
"Apparently you do, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it"
"Fuck off. I'm talkative in the mornings . . . I guess"
"Sure . . ." Dark looked to be in thought for a moment before standing up and situating the papers, "So how did YOUR birthday go? Have a good time?"
Anti didn't know how to respond and instead of saying anything, he just glitched out of the room. He DID kind of regret it, though. Now Dark will know something is up.
'Not that there IS anything up . . . . . I just didn't want to . . be around the prick for too long. He's too prying'
Anti glitched to Google and Bing's door. He wanted to get this over and done with so he could just go home but the more he thought about it, they probably couldn't even come to the door if they were updating their software.
He turned away and grumpily trudged through the hall, ' Jameson's in there, though, too, isn't he? . . . . . I don't really feel like running into him so soon again . . . just might lose it. How do they even stand staying in the same room together? I get they're brothers pretty much but I'd never be able to stand living in the same room as any one of the Septics . . . especially not Jackie. I bet his rooms wreaks like a gym. And Chase moping all the time and talking about his damn kids. . . . Henrik leaving the lights on all the time working day and night . . Marvin would probably make me his guinea pig with new potions and spells . . . and Jameson . . .. than fucking goody goody little bitch . . . I swear . . . .No one is ever THAT nice all the time'
While Anti ranted in his own mind, he didn't even pay attention to where he was going. But soon, he found himself going down a hall he was pretty sure Dark had told them NEVER to go down under any circumstance.
'Hm . . . ' he looked around where he was now at the strange paintings and . . . . oddly 'rich' looking decor, 'I wonder why Dark doesn't let any of us down over here. If he REALLY didn't want us wandering, though, then he shouldn't have the area wide open. At least have the hallway door locked.'
Curiosity got the better of him and he wandered in deeper.
There was gold or what Anti assumed to be at least something similar lining the walls and flooring. Fancy steps he had never seen before leading upstairs, the beautiful wallpaper and-
'Wait a second. I've seen this room before . . in a scene? Is this . . ' then it clicked, 'Oh, this is . . or WAS Actor's mansion. Dark must have built off of it for the other egos. Why doesn't he want anyone over here, though?'
He could understand not letting Wilford over here. Hell, he'd totally understand not letting the Septics anywhere near the area. One of them would probably break something.
But to never say anything about this part of the house? How did he never know about this area?
Anti glanced up the stairs, 'I wonder . . . . it's not like anyone will be looking for me . . . '
He swallowed down his anxiety and started to walk up the stairs. The curled around all fancy-like and at first he was a bit dizzy with the height but he made it to the top without a problem.
The carpet under him was red and embroidered with a delicate design. The wood floor were a rich dark brown almost like dark chocolate. Hell, even the damn curtains looked expensive. But there was one problem with everything.
It looked like nothing had been cleaned in here for a good few years. Not to mention it was kind of dark and drafty. No mice or bugs, though, so that part was nice.
"Poor soul" it was soft but oddly menacing.
Anti flinched at the sudden voice, "The FUCK!? Who's there?!"
A soft but deep chuckle rang throughout the hall and yet . . . it almost sounded like it was coming from NEXT to him, too.
Anti's heart suddenly started to race, "I don't know who the fuck is there but you better fucking show yourself! I'm not known to give a warning TWICE!"
"Silly glitch . . . As if you could really harm me"
Anti whirled around and found himself looking at a mirror but he still flinched.
"The hell . . .. This place fucking haunted or something?"
Suddenly someone ELSE'S body and face appeared in the mirror and Anti glitched a couple of feet away with a short yelp.
He'd deny it, though.
Instead, he focused his eyes on the person in the mirror and his breathing evened out again, "Fucking hell . . . huh . . . so this is what happened to ya"
The man in the mirror snorted, "Tch . . . . I see Dark has kept his dirty little secret from outside the Iplier family . . .well until now, that is." he snickered, "Didn't think anyone would ever come up here. Others can only see me through THIS mirror . . . but I can see everyone else from all the other mirrors in the house . . . ."
"I'm gonna ignore that creepy statement for a moment" Anti snorted, "Actor . . . You look like shit for someone trapped in a fucking mirror"
"Yeah, well you look horribly depressed for someone who constantly claims he hates everyone and everyone around him and is happy about it"
Anti glared at him, "The fuck do YOU know? You're nothing but breakable glass now, asshole"
Actor leaned in, although keeping inside of the mirror, "I may be contained . . . but that doesn't mean I don't know things. I'm not just locked away in THIS mirror, dear Anti. Did you not hear me? . . . although we might want to keep that knowledge away from Dark."
"Why would I NOT tell him?" Anti smirked, "You haven't exactly given me a reason NOT to. Besides, at least I know Dark somewhat more than you"
"And what would you like?" Actor grinned deviously, "A birthday present? I hear the Septics don't celebrate yours. Isn't that right?"
Anti blinked, taken a bit off guard, "How . . how did you know that?"
"Well it IS pretty obvious. I heard your conversation with Dark earlier. Not to mention the other Septics DO talk about you when they come without you"
"They . . . they do?" Anti knew they probably talked about him behind his back but to hear confirmation about it . . . it somewhat hurt even worse.
"Poor soul" Actor sighed with a small smile, "Anyway . . . . It's not like you don't deserve to be cast aside. That's where we're alike, you know. We're both . . mistrusted. We're people that others refuse to give a second chance to"
Anti crossed his arms, "That's bullshit. I at least live comfortably enough with the Septics. Dark doesn't even let you out of the mirror!"
"DO you live comfortably, though?" Actor tilted his head at him, "They don't trust you . . . in fact, it's clear that they hate you. They won't even bother to TELL you happy birthday when the day rolls around. Hell I bet, they don't even celebrate Christmas with you"
"I . . . . it doesn't matter!" Anti shouted at him, getting angry suddenly, "I don't like holidays anyway! They're stupid!"
"Is that what you tell yourself?" he laughed at him again, "Or are you secretly just terrified of admitting your own feelings to yourself? That deep down inside, you want to just curl up in a ball in a corner and CRY about how no one gives a fuck about you and wouldn't even notice if you killed yourself"
Anti felt like something was caught in his throat. His breathe felt like it was stripped away from him.
He . . .
'I . . . I have to get out of here'
Without another word to Actor, Anti bolted, running and glitching down the stairs and out of the hall, trying his best to ignore Actor's laughing.
Actor snickered to himself, watching as Anti glitched frantically, running to get away from him, "Well . . . that was fun . . . now what should I do? Hm . . . . maybe I shouldn't have made him leave so quickly. Kind of bored all of sudden . . . . "
When Anti got far enough away where he couldn't hear him, Anti took a deep breathe and wiped his face, not even realizing that there were tears in his eyes he was wiping away.
'The hell? Why am I crying? This is bullshit . . I'm Antisepticeye for fucksake . . . I don't care about anyone! I don't have those kinds of feelings! Birthdays and holidays are stupid and a waste of time!'
For some reason, though, he couldn't stop the tears from building more and more and soon he was sobbing and he couldn't keep walking. He stopped himself and at this point, he didn't even care if someone walked up on him.
Actor was right . ..
Everything he said . . . .
He just slid down on the wall and huddled in a tight ball. Actor's words rang in his head. . . no . ..his truth.
Everything he said was the truth. Anti just didn't want to ever think about it.
His heart hurt like it was being crushed and set on fire.
His eyes burned and were sore from all the tears forcibly making their way out.
He started to shake, the sobs wracking his body.
'No one gives a shit . . . they don't care about what I feel . . . . they . . they're supposed to be my brothers . . right? So why . . .. I mean I know why but . . . I've been better . . . right?'
Anti felt like he'd throw up.
'They couldn't even pretend . . . once a year, they can't even pretend to give a fuck about me. Since when did I care? Did I always . . .' but he knew the answer.
But just to have it spelled out for him like Actor did.
It was more than what he could take.
And now, it was finally coming up close to noon and Sean, Mark and Amy had arrived to the manor, greeting everyone and wishing Jameson and Google a happy birthday.
It was time for the party.
I've decided this book will be two chapters instead of a one-shot 😈 I hope you've enjoyed this first chapter. Let me know what you guys think so far and what your predictions might be for the upcoming and last chapter.
Good luck :D
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