(Male gem's names will be in bold.)
[Third Person Pov]
~~~Male Amethyst Kindergarten
An Amethyst gem came out of their hole, and of course said gem was you. You dusted yourself off and noticed all the other holes around.
Y/n: Huh, guess I'm a late bloomer. Maybe they aren't far, I could catch up to them. You what'll make me get to them faster? Actually going instead of talking about going.
You ran as fast as your little legs could carry you. You didn't really know much of what was going on, but you did know you had to see Yellow Diamond immediately. You didn't know much other than that though, hopefully another Amethyst can fill you in. After running for a while, you finally found a group of male Amethyst, and you quickened your pace.
Y/n: Hey guys! Wait up!
They either ignored you or didn't hear you or didn't care. You called out again, same result. You didn't even bother trying again, so just followed them at a distance, them slowly getting ahead of you. You get the feeling your whole life's gonna be like this.
~~~A Building
???: Ok, listen up. I know you all were expecting Yellow Diamond, but she had business to attend to, which is why-
Y/n: Scuse me!
You started cutting through the crowd trying to get to the front.
Y/n: Scuse me, sorry, kinda hard to see, I'm vertically challenged. Sorry I'm late my di-you aren't Yellow.
???: ...You're late.
Y/n: Holy...uh, sorry, I uh....had trouble keeping up.
Jasper: Well lucky for you, you didn't want important information. Now everyone listen up! As per protocol, you'll all be tested on your strengths. Yellow Diamond only wants the best soldiers, and if you're less that that? You be shattered, as you're no use to her.
Hearing that made you gulp. Already being defective made you less likely to pass these test.
Jasper: Once you leave, you'll each be given a task to do, and you'll do them no questions asked. Any questions?
Y/n: I have several-
Jasper: GET MOVING!!!
Everyone ran out the building, and you followed. Once outside, a Peridot handed you a tablet. You looked at it and saw what looked like a ranking board with a red line at the bottom with the word "worthless" on it. Your cut number was at the very bottom.
Y/n: Of course it is, *sigh* of course it is. Ok, so I just gotta do task and get higher right? Ok, so what's first? Catch gems attempting to rebel? Gems are still rebelling? Uh, ok.
You stored the tablet on your gem, and started looking for any suspicious gems. You started thinking however, why are gems still trying to rebel? More importantly, who in their right mind would be crazy enough to? Your thoughts were cutoff when someone grabbed your shoulder. You looked at the hand and saw it belonged to a male Amethyst.
Amethyst1: Well hey there pipsqueak.
Y/n: Uh....
Amethyst1: You're..kinda short a Amethyst huh?
You stayed silent.
Amethyst1: What's the matter, am I scaring you?
He smiled widely.
Y/n: Ok, huh, I'm faltered but I don't swing that way so if you'll excuse me I have some gems to capture.
He tightened his grip.
Amethyst1: I'm not flirting, I just don't like your kind.
Y/n: My kind? We're same type of gem pal. Geez, I know we're suppose to be dumber but sheesh.
Suddenly, he grabbed you by the collar and pulled you up to eye level.
Amethyst1: No, your defective, a waste. Yet you think you have a chance to be useful? If you think I'm gonna get shown up by you, you've got another thing coming.
???: Knock it off man.
A male Amethyst came up to him.
Amethyst2: Shouldn't you be doing task anyway?
Amethyst1: Heh....yeah, I am.
He tossed you to the ground.
Amethyst1: See you around pipsqueak.
He walked away chuckling.
Y/n: ......Asshole.
Amethyst2: You alright pal?
He offered his hand and helped you up.
Y/n: Yeah, just glad he didn't hit.
Amethyst2: Don't worry about him, male Amethyst just tend to be more aggressive, looking for the smallest of reasons to fight.
Y/n: Oh really? I couldn't tell. Thanks for the help, but I need to start doing these tasks or I'm gonna get shattered.
Amethyst2: Oh I remember that. You want some help? It's not against the rules.
Y/n: As cliche as this may sound, I want to do this on my own to prove myself. Thanks for the offer though.
You waved and began to leave but them he put a hand on your shoulder.
Amethyst2: Hey, if you're ever in a jam, you can count on me to help. Just yell.
Y/n: Thanks man, I'll keep that in mind.
He smiled, gave you head pats, and walked off. You rubbed the top of your head.
Y/n: Heh, nice guy. Ok, let's find these gems.
You started walking and thinking about where these gems may be hiding. Your thoughts were interrupted when someome bumped into you, they didn't even acknowledge you.
Y/n: Uh...rude-hey!
Another gem bumped into you, and another and another. This obviously annoyed you.
Y/n: Can you at least say excuse me?!
Not letting this get to you, you just let it slide and started searching. You saw a Ruby do a double take before breaking off from her squad. That's a little suspicious, so, you followed her.
~~~Yellow Diamond's Room
Jasper: You wanted to see me?
Yellow Diamond: Yes, did the new batch of male Amethyst emerge yet?
Jasper: Yes, and they are non the wiser to our plan.
Yellow Diamond: Good. The more gems we have for research the better.
Jasper: We do have one defective gem though, he's short and doesn't seem as confident as other Amethyst.
Yellow Diamond: Well, let's hope he doesn't get above the line, I don't want another defective Amethyst working for me again. Thank you for your time, you are dismissed.
Jasper gave her the Diamond salute and left. Yellow Diamond pulled up a communication device.
Yellow Diamond: Report.
Peridot1: The test are going well, at this rate well be able to make machines from gem DNA.
Yellow Diamond: Good, inform me when you've made significant progress.
Peridot1: Yes my Diamond. Peridot, out.
~~~Back With You
Y/n: You guys really suck at this.
You were in what you assumed to be a rebel base fighting 10 gems.
Ruby: How did you find us?!
Y/n: I followed you.
Pearl: You said you weren't followed?!
You used your whip to grab the Ruby and threw her into other gems. You then rolled into a ball and crashed into the gems like a bowling ball, poofing them all.
Y/n: Really? Heh, talk about fragile.
You turned your attention to the last gem.
Pearl: W-Wait! There's a reason we started rebelling!
Y/n: Oh really? Does it look like I have any fucks to give?
Pearl: We started this beacuse of what we found put what they did to male Amethyst! Do you know what they do to you?
Y/n: Uh yeah? They'll shatter me if I don't do my job, which is why o need to take you down.
Pearl: No, they do dat worse than shatter you, they experiment on you.
You raised an eyebrow. The Pearl pulled out a device form her gem and handed it to you.
Pearl: Look, everything you need to know is on that.
You kept your guard up but still read the file. It read something about taking gem DNA and transferring it into machines.
Y/n: What the f....this doesn't even make sense! You're just making it up!
Pearl: No, you don't get it. Once they've done it with the Amethyst, there gonna-
Jasper: REBEL SCUM!!!!!
Y/n: What the-
Jasper came out of nowhere and crushed the Pearl.
Jasper: Heh, I just say I'm a little impressed. You're the first to find the rebels.
Y/n: Uh, thanks.
He looked down at the device and saw what you were looking at.
Jasper: ...But unfourtunanly, I can't let you leave here alive.
Y/n: What the? Why?
Jasper: You know too much.
Your eyes went wide.
Y/n:'s true?
Jasper: Yes. We plan on having the most powerful machines we've ever had. I almost pity you really, you haven't been alive for more than an hour. Oh well.
He grabbed you by the collar and lifted you up.
Y/n: Woah woah hey you don't have to do this, we can just kiss and make up ok? Well not literally but....y-y-you know what I mean.
Jasper: Sorry, I have specific orders from Yellow Diamond to shatter any gems that found out. Now then, shut up and accept your fate defect.
He raised his fist to punch you and you flinched. Your body suddenly started to glow, and went into your gem, causing it to fall to the ground.
Jasper: What the?
You then came out your gem, still flinching. When you opened your eyes, you realized you were ok. Thinking fast, you kick Jasper's leg bringing him to a knee and you stood up and ran as fast as you could. This just pissed off Jasper to an insane degree, and he chased after you.
Y/n: Shit! Fuck! Ass! Etcetera!
Several Amethyst blocked your path and you screeched to a halt. You turned around only to see Jasper running at you at full speed. It looked like you had no optipns, then the male Amethyst that helped you out earlier came took care of the Amethyst.
Amethyst2: I got your back man, GO!
Not wasting anytime, you ran off as he starting fighting Jasper, a fight you don't think he'll win. Your mind was racing, you haven't been alive for an hour and your already on death row.
Y/n: Fuck I'll have to hide forever, but where can I go? Think...think...Earth! That's my best option right now. I need a ship.
You ran into a ship docking bay.
Y/n: Huh, thank you main character plot convenience.
As a ruby squad came out their ship, you ran past them and went inside.
Y/n: Ok how do I fly this thing? Uh...boop.
You pressed a random button and,the ship started to fly.
Ruby1: Hey! Get back here with out ship!
Y/n: No! Beep beep boop. See ya never nerds!
The ship took off just as Jasper got there. He narrowed his angrily at the ship.
Jasper: Grr......AMETHYST!!!!!!!
Y/n: Ha! That was way easier than I thought it was! .......Wait how do I get to Earth? Well pushing random buttons worked before, boop.
The ship went into hyper speed.
Y/n: M-M-M-Might not have b-b-been the best button to p-p-push!
~~~Earth In A Forest
A light skinned boy sat in a forest looking at the stars. A dark skinned girl with an eyepacth approached him.
???: Hey Tom, you good out here bro?
Tom: Yeah. You of all people should know I like the starts Emily.
*arf arf*
A brown dog ran up to them.
Emily: Star, hey girl! Did you follow me all the way from home?
Tom: Look! A shooting star! Make a wish!
Emily squinted.
Emily: ...That's not a shooting star.
The ship crash landed near by. Emily and Tom stared at each other with shock more a moment before running to the crash site. When they entered, they saw A massive crater with your stolen ship inside. You opened the door and crawled out.
Tom: What is that?
Emily: Is that an Alien.
You stood up a little wobbly.
Y/n: Hello...I'm a gem, first of all....
Tom: A gem? Those things Steven hangs out with all the time?
Emily: Yeah, he made a manual for us. W-W-What are you doing here?
Y/n: I sort of ran from my home planet you know, no biggie.
Emily: Why did you come here?
Y/n: It's the only place I could think of to hide.
Tom: Whya are you having a casual conversation with him?
???: Emily?! Tom?!
You panicked and hid behind the ship.
Steven: Guys?! Oh! There you are!
Emily: Oh! Uh, hey Steven!
Steven: Are you guys ok? We heard a loud explosion and came to check.
The gems came up behind Steven.
Pearl: Is that a ship? It looks like it's been busted open, nothing is inside it.
Garnet: Do you two know what was inside of it?
Amethyst: Maybe it's one of Peridot's?
Pearl: Maybe. If it is we'll catch her, right Garnet?
She stayed silent.
Steven: It's kinda dangerous out here, you should move to the city!
Tom: For the last time Steven, we like it in the forest.
Steven: But you guys only come out to eat food.
Emily: Sorry Steven, we don't plan on going out any time soon.
Steven looked down sadly.
Steven: Oh...ok.....
Garnet: Well, it looks like everything is ok over here. Let's not waste-
Pearl: Yes! Let's not waste anymore time! Let's go gems!
Garnet frowned a bit before the gems left.
Steven: Bye guys!
Steven followed them. You poked your head out.
Y/n: Are they gone?
Emily: Yeah....
Y/n: Thanks for keeping me hidden.
Tom: You know, the gems aren't bad.
Y/n: I ain't taking any chances.
Emily: Hey, why don't you stay with us?
Tom: Woah hey uh, Emily can we talk for a sec?
Tom smiled and pulled Emily into a small huddle.
Tom: Are you crazy? We can't just let him into our house!
Emily: Well yeah but, come on Tom. Don't you remember how hard it was to find a home when we where running from the police?
Tom: Yes, I do. But we're humans, not a short purple alien.
Y/n: Vertically challenged!
Tom: Listen, he can find somewhere else.
Emily: Come on, it'll be fun! Please?
She have him puppy dog eyes.
Tom: Oh, don't look at me like that. Seriously, stop! .....Ok fine!
Emily: Thank you hun.
Tom: *sigh* Ok purple dude. Even though we haven't known you for more than 5 minutes, for some reason we're gonna let you crash with us.
Y/n: Wait really? You literally just met me!
Tom: See?! Even he thinks it doesn't make sense!
Emily: Psh. Come on, we'll show you our place. Star, here girl.
Y/n: Well ok I guess, lead the way.
Tom: I hate everything about this.
Emily: Oh! You got a name?
Y/n: Amethyst, but I prefer Y/n.
Emily: Y/n huh? That's a nice name. I'm Emily, and this bundle of joy is Tom.
Tom: Sup.
Emily: Alright, enough talking, let's go.
Tom: Where are we gonna keep him?
Emily: He can chill in the attic.
Y/n: (Ok, let's just recap a bit. I was born, given tasks to do, I did said tasks, found out we're being used for experiments, got chased, fled the planet, crashed here, and now I'm just gonna be chilling with some random humans.......on the bright side it can't get worse-I jinxed it didn't I?)
[A/n Pov]
If this feels rushed it's beacuse it kinda is. I've been having some problems with Wattpad recently but they seem to be going away. Kay, lataaaaaaaaa!
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