Why does life have to be so damn hard?
Guys I changed Gabe into a softmore. Enjoy...
Both POV
"So what do you got ?" asked officer Watson , eating a pink frosted donut with rainbow sprinkles .
"Okay so ", started Cas carefully.
He knew he needed to explain this as carefully as possible so he can get every minor detail out.
" We figured out who placed the drugs by my dresser. It was my ", Cas said and Dean noticed he paused for a second so officer Watson can wipe the frosting of his face. "It was my ex ... Her name is Meg Masters".
" M'm you got proof?" asked officer Watson .
"Yes, this tape from my video camera recorded everything ", said Cas ,handing officer Watson the tape.
"Okay we would take this under consideration , for now you boys head on home . We will tell you if you have enough evidence to conduct an investigation ", said officer Watson , licking the sprinkles off his lips.
"Aren't you going to at least watch it now?" Cas sassed .
"After my lunch , I told you boys I would call okay?", said officer Watson .
Cas rolled his eyes and was about to say something but then Dean cut him off before he can.
"Thank you for your time officer ", Dean said politely standing up , holding his hand out.
Officer Watson shook it and then Dean grabbed Cas's hand , dragging him out him .
Four days has past and officer Watson hasn't called yet.
"I think we should just go back to the station and demand a damn response ", said Cas as Dean wolfed down his slice of piping hot cherry pie. They were at a diner but Cas was too pissed to eat.
Every day that officer Watson didn't call , was another day Cas grew even more agitated than the day before .
"If they said they would call then they would call. Just wait ", said Dean talking with his mouth full with he second slice of pie.
"Well the longer we wait, the longer those bitches aren't on a fucking leash ", growled Cas.
Dean stayed quiet because he knew better than to respond to Cas when he's like this.
All of a sudden , Cas's phone rang an unfamiliar number and he picked it up as fast as Dean ate his pie.
"Officer Watson? ", Cas asked , with a glimpse hope in his eyes.
"Who ? No ,it's Gabe", said Castiel's younger brother. "I'm calling from the pay phone at the payphone "
"Ughhhhh", groaned Cas out of frustration . "Wait , why are you at the hospital?!"
"Lucifer ", Gabe pauses a moment as his voice breaks . "He was in a car accident. We need you to come to the hospital", said Gabe wearily .
Cas dropped the phone and dashed up off of his seat,
"Dean ,we have to go the hospital ", said Cas .
Worry struck Cas's heart as Cas thought about his brother, picturing him lying there , his lifeless body on the hospital bed with 100 different machines hooked up to him.
"What happened ?" Dean asked dropping a 20 dollar bill on the table.
" I'll explain it to you in the car but for now we have to go ", Cas said , rushing out of the diner , Dean running after him .
"Wait Cas I have to pick up Sammy, I have to watch him this afternoon", said Dean , as he climbed into the impala.
"Err that's fine , we'll pick him up on the way ", said Cas .
Sammy POV
Sam got in the car and his brother greeted him with a ,"hey Sammy".
"My name is Sam , Sammy is a chubby 12 year old", huffed Sam annoyed .
Sam looked over at the attractive guy sitting in the passenger seat. " Oh Sam this is Castiel ", said Dean with love in his eyes.
Welp , either Castiel and Dean are dating or he has a major crush on him. I wonder what their ship name should be? DeanCas , Casdean ?" , thought Sam . "None of those sound right "
"Hey Sam , call me Cas ", said Castiel.
" Hi Cas ", said Sam quietly.
"Oh my god DEASTIEL", squealed Sam in his mind.
Sam ships it the most.
As they drove , Sam let's his thoughts cloud him again.
"Okay so let's get this straight .I'm in the impala driving too god knows where with the most popular dude in school ", thought Sam .
Castiel. Sam has heard quite a lot about Cas , all the rumors and all the dumb shit he does.He knew has an younger brother who was a softmore and nicknamed the trickster. All the popular parties and girls he had dated and rumors has fucked,before. All the times Cas got detention or bullied a freshman like himself . Sam felt like roadkill but he knew Dean would protect him.
Sam decided to stay quiet and just observe . He mainly watched the body language between the two. He noticed Cas put his hand on Dean's but Dean pulled away saying , " Not in front of Sammy ".
"Not infront of Sammy?" , he thought . " I already know you guys are fucking"
Cas turned around wide eyed and Dean's face turned beat red yelling ," SAMMY!!!"
Oh... So Sam wasn't just thinking that last thought.
But to confirm things Cas just chuckled , and Dean grabbed his hand rubbing small circles on it with his thumb.
All of a sudden , things started to click for Sam . Dean hasn't been at home much lately and when he was he was texting his "friend". Dean was annoying happy all the time but Sam suspected it to be a girl or something. But it wasn't ... IT WAS CASTIEL.
"Dean is bi", thought Sam squealing inside.
The reason Sam was so happy about his new prediction because the thing was... Him himself was bi. He discovered this in his 8th grade year when he kissed his first guy. Sam felt so glad he wasn't the only one in his family that was bi .
He would have a chat with Dean later about that.
A few moments later , they pulled up to what looked like an hospital.
"Why are we at a hospital ", asked Sam as all three of them got out of the car.
"I'll tell you later", said Dean.
Cas walked in to the front desk and demanded to see Lucifer.
"Family only ", the lady said .
"I'm his fucking brother ", snarled Cas.
The lady grimaced and gave him the room number, while Dean and Sam went to the waiting room.
He quickly found the room with Gabriel and Michael already in there . Gabe was sitting and Michael was clutching Lucifers hand.
"Michael?" , Castiel said in a question form.
"Hello Castiel ", said Michael ,walking over to give Cas a hug.
Cas hugged back and asked", What happened? When did you get here? Was I the last one to know ? ".
Castiel rambled on and on but Michael shushed him.
"Cas it's okay, he's okay. He's just unconscious from all the medication they put him under. He was in a car accident, I don't know all the details. I got here as soon as Gabe called me this morning. Luci fractured his right femur and has a bunch of cuts all over his body from the broken glass . He also has a minor concussion", explained Michael .
"THIS HAPPENED THIS MORNING AND NO ONE FELT THE NEED TO CALL ME", shouted Cas , tears now streaming down his face. Why didn't his family confide him in anything? Was Castiel not good enough food this family?
"Castiel calm down please!", said Michael sternly holding Cas to comfort him.
"Actually it happened last night and I called Michael first because it would take longer for him to get here . I called you 20 minutes after he got here because I didn't want to worry you for the time being ", said Gabe quietly still sitting in the same chair next to Lucifer's bed.
Castiel slowly walked up and knelt infront of Gabe , facing his little brother.
"Gabe, you don't have to be afraid to talk to me , about anything. Trust me I would never get mad or judge you . Especially for events like these ", Cas said softly.
Gabe's face lit up and he pulled out an red sucker.
"I'm dating a guy and he's PANSEXUAL", blurted Gabe proudly.
"He's what? " , Cas and Michael asked confused at the same time.
Cas tilted his head a bit in confusion .
"He's pansexual , He only likes you if they have a deep connection with you . Can be girl , boy , unicorn or whatever . He doesn't like people based on there looks", said Gabe proudly.
"Aww Gabe that's awesome . So are you pan too?" asked Michael .
" No just bi", said Gabe .
"So if he's pan and is only dating you for the connection ... He doesn't mind the fact that you look 12 and smell like dirty socks ", said Cas , teasing his brother playfully.
"Oh shut up", Gabe said rolling his eyes.
"Cas , I have too talk to you alone for a minute ", said Michael smiling but still sounding serious.
" Umm okay... Gabe here's a dollar , go get some candy from the vending machine or something ", said Cas.
"Okay", said Gabe.
Gabe left quietly and now it was Cas's turn to be the responsible one .
Hey guys so...
What does Michael want?
Will officer Watson ever call?
Hope you guys are enjoying the story...
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