This isn't a musical ...OR IS IT?

Okay guys I'm feeling musical so Idek what I'm doing with life.
I stayed up all night writing this part so I hope you enjoy... Or like it at least.

*warning drug uses in the chapter

(*I'm leaving off at the part where Dean and Lisa say bye to each other...)

Cas turns away and grimaced after watching Lisa peck Dean on the lips, then walking away.

Okay Cas was 'watching ' them a little ... He was just walking out of class and the hallway just happens to only have Lisa & Dean . He didn't want to go the other way because this was the quickest way to his car . If he would've walked out there, that would be super awkward and Cas is awkward enough as it is at times. So he decided to wait them out ... And watch them.

They looked happy?¿

Cas knew how Dean looked like when he was truly happy. And he didn't look anything like that.

"Maybe we should talk"

"No he's a douche cheater"


"Go eat some Cookie dough ice cream and cry"

"That sounds like a good idea brain ... Let's go"


Cas came home , raged his fridge for the ice cream , and grabbed a orange big spoon . He then ran up to his room& locked the door , ignoring everyone in his path.

Cas was now locked in a pool of his own thoughts ... His hurting mind .

"I long for those lips on mine again but Lisa can kiss Dean any time she wanted. Dean was hers now and Dean chose her. He left me... He left me broken ", Cas thought to himself as a tear slid down his face. He wiped it quickly , trying to stay strong for at least a few more minutes.

This is usually what happened every night this week... He would cry himself to sleep. It was really unhealthy for him to continue on like this , his brothers would say , but he didn't care .

A/N Impossible year just came on ... This is really depressing

He decided that he didn't want to think anymore. So he grabbed headphones , blasted and started to sing along to the music.

"I hate you"

*sniffles *

"I love you"

*voice cracks *

"I hate that I love you"

*more tears*

"Don't want to , but I can't put anything above you"

*breaks out into a full blown sob*

All of a sudden , Cas here's the faintest knock on the door.

"C-come innn "


Gabe POV

Gabe was lounging in his room bored as ever when he heard it again. He heard the quiet sobs coming from Castiel's bedroom. He felt a lot of sorry for his older brother... He didn't deserved to be so hurt . Gabe has never seen Cas broken before.

Gabe decides to knock on the door... What's the worst that can possibly happen?


Castiel POV

Cas sees a golden haired boy pop his head by the corner of the door frame.

"Cassie " ,he said softly .

"Gabriel", Cas replied with a sniffle.

"Cas , I know your hurt over this butthead and you have the right to be", started Gabe, putting a comforting arm around his fallen brother. "But dude ... You have to get back out there. Go have some fun... Live a little"

"But I don't want anyone but Dean, plus I just don't like people ", sobbed Cas.

"Well at least come with me to a party tonight ", Gabe said . He heard Castiel sigh so he added ", Dean might be there. You should get the pretty boy jeallllous".

"I would do no such thing ", said Cas ,looking genuinely hurt that Gabe would think that he would stoop that low.

"Whatever Cas ", Gabe rolled his eyes.

"Plus Lisa is gonna be the and he inlove with Lisa now", Cas said trailing off.

"Inlove? Cas if you call looking freaking miserable everyday being inlove ", said Gabe. "When Dean was with you he was inlove Cas "

"It's not my fault he fucked Lisa ", said Cas angrily .

"Yeah but he doesn't even remember. How much of the story do you really know Castiel ? You know Dean would never done it while sober ", said Gabe .


"Well are you coming ?"

"UGHH fine , but if I see Dean and Lisa making out I'm ditching you "


(What happened after the talk)
(Gabe's phone)

Balthazar - Aye babe ... Send me some nudes ;)

Gabe - no

Balthazar- wtf did you just say

Gabe- no ... I'm breaking up with you... You big bag of dicks
*gabe left the chat *

Balthazar - Babe? BABE?! Come one gabey ... Let's talk at least .


Gabe POV

Castiel and Gabe pile in the car around 8 , trying not to be too early because they were probably leaving at 2 in the morning.

Gabe felt bad for Cas and the way he was hurting over pretty boy Winchester. The only reason Gabe was going to this party because Sam and Jess was gonna be there. We all know the trickster has a few tricks up his sleeve, but what he was gonna do was gonna probably ruin his life or make it even better . Depends on Sammy's decision... But you know what, Gabe would rather tell Sam his real feelings than not telling him at all and constantly having the twisted knot in his stomach .

"Gabe" , said Castiel snapping his fingers in his face .

"What", said Gave, shooing the fingers away .

"We're here"

The faith of Gabe's world rested in a moose's hands... Oh Chuck.


Cas walks into the party with Gabe. Cas was wearing his black trench coat and some black pants he found on the floor... He was pretty sure they were clean.

Gabe and him instantly separate , pretending they didn't just walk in with eachother. Cas sighed once more , thinking about how Gabe only brought him here to drive him home while Gabe gets stoned .

Castiel rolled his eyes at the thought .

All of a sudden ,Castiel was pushed back , nearly toppling over ...Someone bumped into him...

"Hey dude I'm sorry", said the man with piercing green eyes and the familiar voice.

"Oh god.. Please tell me lord ,it's not him . Right? You wouldn't do that to me right?", thought Cas who broke into a prayer about this man.

"Cas", said Dean .

"Awww jfc ", thought Cas .

"Dean", Cas nodded his head shortly , acknowledging his ex boyfriend.

"DEAN COME DANCE WITH ME", said another cringe-worthy voice.

All of a sudden a body was flung onto Dean , almost knocking him down.


Lisa looked at Dean and then Cas , and for once she was the one flushed. Dean's arms looped around her , holding her up by her waist.

"Castiel ", said Lisa briefly.

"Uh hi ", Cas said awkwardly .

She placed a kiss on Dean's cheek and Cas cleared his throat at the life ending tension .

"Uh I'm gonna... Yeah", said Cas walking away.

"cAs "

He heard Dean call after him a couple times , but he didn't turn back . Tonight he wasn't going to think about Dean ,and how much it hurt to see him put his arms around another person. Castiel was actually wishing to be Lisa , to be as close to Dean again. But that was obviously not gonna happen so what the fuck right? Might as well go hard or go home.

"Aye Castiel", called Crowley.

"Hey Crowley ", said Castiel walking over to him and his little gang.

"I've noticed you've been stressed over Dean and stuff... So you Wanna snort some", said Crowley .

Cas sighed.

"Go hard or go home right Crowley", said Cas .

"That's my boy", grinned Crowley ,patting him hard in the back.


"hEhEhE", Castiel giggled after his 2nd round.

"That's enough for you big boy ", said Crowley laughing.

"I NEED A DRINK", said Castiel laughing uncontrollably .

Castiel made his way through the crowed pushing and almost falling over. Damn it felt so good . He never wanted to let go the feeling . It helped him forget him. Who was he . Who he liked . Who he missed. Who he loves...

Castiel made his way through the kitchen and put mixed vodka and what seemed like kool-aid or grape juice together. He walked around holding the red cup and taking sips every now and then. Honestly wasn't a drinker, he liked to smoke.

(And yes I enjoyed writing this paragraph )
Nicotine. That is what Dean is. No he's even worst than the troubling substance . At least you can quit nicotine ... Not Dean . He would never quit being inlove with Dean . Before Cas could think even more about Dean , his drunk/high state took over and he started to sing 'nicotine ' .

He stood up on the couch and just broke into song...





"Hey Clarence ", said an interrupting voice that Cas promised to himself he wouldn't want to here again .

"Ohhhh MeGGy ... MuSt YOu RUin mY LiFE ", said Cas sarcastically getting off the couch to face her ,rolling his eyes. What a fucking mood killer...

"What's wrong with you... Are you drunk?", said Meg .

"HeLL yeAH woMAn... AnD eveN someWhaT hIGH ", Cas replied getting back the giggles .

"Oh Clarence ,you are cute when you giggle ", chuckled Meg . "Plus I had some drinks to ".

"WhAT dO you WAnt Meg ", asked Cas going into a sudden seriousness.

"You", replied Meg smirking.



"No Meg. I knOw you... The 'megSter' . (Drunk Cas actually motioned quotations with his hands ) All wE do is ChEAT and LiE in this (Cas puts his foot down by stomping it*) rElaTionShip"

"We wouldn't do that this time. It would just be you and me Cassie", said Meg getting closer.

Cas did the same making their lips brush apart.

"I would never get back to this hell of an relationship , so forget and move on ", whispered Cas grazing her lips with his as he turned away to walk away.

"One dance?" , Meg called to him

"What", said Castiel confused.

"One more dance Castiel . That's all I want from you and I'll leave you alone forever", she said a tear rolling down her cheek.

Cas stepped closer to Meg again and wiped the tear with his thumb.



Meg held her hand up and Cas took it as they headed to the dance floor. Dean and Lisa was already there , grinding . (Inserts eye role emoji here now *)

Meg must've saw Castiel's wandering eyes so she snapped him back to attention.

"Ready Clarence ", she smirked .

"Hell.... Yeah", he said taking a deep breathe between the words.

Uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh

I eat my dinner in my bathtub

Then I go to sex clubs

Watching freaky people getting it on

It doesn't make me nervous

*cas's hands swoop around Meg

If anything I'm restless

Yeah I've been around and I've seen it all

I get home, I got the munchies

*cas notices Dean staring as Meg swayed her hips against Castiel , swaying with her in a good rhythm

Binge on all my Twinkie

Throw up in the tub, then I go to sleep

And I drank up all my money

Days kind of lonely

You're gone and I got to stay high

All the time to keep you off my mind, ooh ooh

*cas looked over to Dean who was now hard core making out with Lisa

High all the time to keep you off my mind, ooh ooh

Spend my days locked in a haze

Trying to forget you babe, I fall back down

*a tear falls down his face but Meg got his attention once more

Gotta stay high all my life to forget I'm missing you

"hey", Meg said softly. "It's okay Castiel ... You don't need him. You don't need anyone... You are perfect".

(A/N Skips big part of song because I can*)

Cas whispers into Meg's ears... The lyrics.

"Can't got home alone again... Need someone to numb the pain"

And with that Meg and him shared their first ... Real... Sweet... Kiss. It lasted about 4 seconds before Cas pulled away quickly ,looking back at Meg standing there confused on why he pulled away, and then to the watchful Dean who's eyes were filled with rage , jealousy , and horror .

So Castiel did what he always did.

He ran...

Gabe POV

"Oh shit . Oh shit. Oh shit . Oh shittttt. I can't do this . "

"Yes you can"

"No I can't , I didn't think he'd really be here"

"Well he is ,with Jess just like you expected".

"I can't do that to Jess , look how happy she makes him"

"You can make him happier "

"Okay I'm gonna do it"

Gabe walked nervously to the dj ... He gave him a little hand signal and all the music just stopped. Some "what the fucks" & "turn the music back on" came from the crowd.

"Fuck I'm gonna do it", murmured Gabe.

The dj walked over and handed the microphone to Gabe .

"H-hello", said Gabe into the mic.

"WHO LET THIS MIDGIT ON THE STAGE", shouted a random guy.

"STFU AND LET HIM SPEAK ", said a firey redhead.

Gabe felt all eyes on his scanned the room for the eyes that actually mattered. Gabe found him and Sam was staring at him wide eyed.

Gabe smirked and gathered up all his confidence.

"This is for you Sammy ", said Gabe as the music came up ... Yes Gabe was gonna actual do the 'karaoke '.

"Take your clothes and rip 'em rip 'em off"

An extreme red blushed came onto Sam's face.

Call these hoes and tip 'em, tip 'em off

You can tell them you are mine

Everyone stared .

I'm sick of, sick of games

No more time, you lit the, lit the flame, yeah

We live in an age where everything is staged

Where all we do is fake our feelings

I've been scared to put myself so out there

Time is running out, yeah

Need to let you know that

Then something happened that Gabe thought would never have... People started to dance .

Last night I woke the fuck up

*dj took care of the sound effects with the breath

I realized I need you here, as desperate as that sounds, yeah-eh

Last night I woke the fuck up

I realized I need you here, as desperate as that sounds, yeah-eh

Gabe couldn't read Sam's face anymore , so he started to point straight at him. A path went straight to him , all drunk teenagers parting. He looked straight into Sam's eyes as Sam's eyes grew even more wide and his face was extremely red.

Take these walls and rip 'em, rip 'em down

Take my (uh) and snip 'em, snip 'em now

*gabe smirked at that part ... Imagining what Sam would do to him as he 'sniped' it down

I will tell them I am yours and very, very proud

I am forced to give in, give in now cause

We live in an age where everything is staged

Where all we do is fake our feelings

I've been scared to put myself so out there

Time is running out, yeah

Need to let you know that

Last night I woke the fuck up

I realized I need you here, as desperate as that sounds, yeah-eh

Last night I woke the fuck up

I realized I need you here, as desperate as that sounds, yeah-eh


Gabe starts to walk off the stage , walking right up too Sam & Jess . Gabe and Sam looked at Jess and Jess politely nodded and smiled then she walked away .Gabe took that as permission and grabbed Sam's hands. Everything went quiet and 'aww' filled the room. The lights dimmed and the fairest light were pointed at Gabe and Sam . Gabe sang slowly

"We live in an agggge where"

*hand moves to cup Sam's face

" everything is staggged and"

*sam leans in a little closer

"All we do is fake our "

*sam moved hand on Gabe's waist

"Feelings I've been scared to"

*gabe leans closer

"Put myself so out there"

"Time is running ouuuuut yeah "

"Need to let you knooooooooow"

Gabriel whispered into Sam's ear

"Last night I woke the fuck up Sammy"

*finally Gabe's lips and Sam's were now on each other's kissing softly , so very slowly. It was everything Gabe imagined and more . His mouth was electrified as Sam's tongue trailed along his bottom lip. He forgot about the 100 people in the room watching them make out... Then Gabe heard a cough and pulled away.



*Gabe made his way back to the DJ stage*




*sam flashes a smile ... Bigger than any Gabe has seen before




A loud applause erupted in the crowd... As Gabe climbed down he got pats on the back and high fives. People said "that took real balls man" and "aww you too are so cute " to Gabe as he made his way back to Sam.

As soon as they are back next to each other , Sam crashed his lips against his, lifting Gabe up a little by his ass.

"Sammy ,what's got into you", said Gabe micheviously .

"I think you did Gabe ", winked Sam .

They kissed deeply again ...enjoying the taste of each other's lips as there hands roamed freely on each other's body.

"Would you ... Samuel Tristan Winchester be mine "

"Gabriel", Sam blushed. "Are you asking me out"

"I think I am Samwhich "

"Of course I will ", said Sam smiling wide.

Gabe kissed those sweet lips again

"I love you", said Gabe .

"I love you too", said Sam .

Okay idk why but I love this chapter and all the songs I used... Don't judge at my musical mood . Don't hate on it because I feel like this chapter is super sweet... Especially the ending with SABRIEL <3


I hate you, I love you ~gnash

Nicotine ~ panic! At The Disco

Stay high~ To Love

Woke the fuck up ~ Jon bellion

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