The not-date and party time

I'm in such a good mood writing this... Listening to nicotine P!ATD :)))
Plus idk if you guys can see the pic or not.... But it goes good with the first scene

Dean POV

It's Saturday already and Cas was in Dean's bedroom ,all ready for the party. Cas was so hot , he wore dark blue skinny jeans and a creamish-light brown collar shirt. He wore a beanie , and Dean thought it was super fucking sexy .

But Dean shook the thought out of his head and started on his hair , making sure every strand is perfectly straight up.

As minutes past by, Cas became quite bored , so he came up behind Deanand ran his hand through Dean's bare back . At the moment, Dean hasn't chose out a shirt yet. Dean turned around surprised but aroused at the feelings Cas gave him each time they touched . What really got Dean was Cas's big blue Caribbean Sea eyes. Damn ,did he love those eyes. If he could choose how to spend every sending if the rest of his life , he would just stare into Cas's eyes and get lost in them . They loved the way they took him away from reality .But then Dean glanced down to look at those perfect pink lips(which were an awesome touch to the eyes)  , and saw a cigarette hanging out of Castiel's mouth . Dean involuntarily scoffed at the sight and Cas raised his eyebrows.

"You shouldn't smoke in my room", said Dean.

"You shouldn't tell me what to do", said Cas smirking.

"You shouldn't be smoking in general ", said Dean , taking the cigarette out of Cas's mouth and plopping it in a cup of water by his desk.

"What the fuck dude ", grimaced Cas , sitting back down on Dean's bed.

Dean rolled his eyes and decided to continued with his hair, which was almost done.

Then all of a sudden , Cas walks up to Dean again and whispers ," you know I would have to punish you right?"

Dean felt shivers down his spine . He loved it when Cas talked dirty...

"Oh really", said Dean , trying not showing any sign on how much Cas was turning him on .

"Yes , really ", said Cas moving his hands down Dean's lower back and squeezed his ass.

Dean tensed up a bit and while Cas's other hand which wasn't on Dean's ass, moved down and palmed Dean's erection. Bolts of pleasure shot up Dean's body.

"Cas", Dean moaned.

Cas pressed harder making Dean moan again. Cas rubbed his palm in circles , grinding his hand harder on Dean's covered erection. Then Cas got on his knees and started to mouth Dean's cock through the fabric. Dean whining for mo-

"CAN YOU GUYS HURRY THE FUCK UP . YOU AREN'T THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE PLANS", shouted Gabe , barging into Dean's room .Gabe narrowed his eyes  at Cas's position and then looked at Dean in a annoyingly tired way .


" Alright , alright you annoying shit. Let's go ", said Cas , getting up.

Dean frowened as Cas got up , leaving Dean's dick half-hard.

"Hey ,it's not my fault my brother is a major cockblock ", said Castiel smirking and then leaving the room, leaving Dean for a lust for more.


"I can't do this " , thought Sam ,putting on his shirt. "I can't be someone's side piece anymore. I want a real relationship, with someone who really wants to be with me. I have to break it off."




"Can I come in ?" asked Gabe , peeping his head from the door.

"Umm sure", said Sam .

"Oooh Sammmmmmy ", said Gabe his eyes darting up and down Sam  . "You clean up well".

"Not so bad yourself ... ", said Sam looking down and blushing.

Gabe started to walk closer and closer to Sam but Sam backed up a bit.

"So where we going on our not-date", said Gabe narrowing his eyes and scooting up closer.

"It's a surprise ", said Sam , making him back up again.

"Oh", said Gabe stepping closer again. Sam backed up again , close to the open window.

"Sam your gon-", said Gabe but it was too late. Sam backed up to far and fell out the window ,sliding across the roof.

"AHHHHH", screamed Sam , shutting his eyes , but then he felt a hand gripping his.

Gabe POV

"Fuck Sammy you're heavy", said Gabe as he had pulled the dangling moose to saftey. Something was wrong with him... Why would he be backing away ? Was something wrong ? Does he smell ?

"Are you okay Sam ?" , said Gabe eying him up and down but this time with concern.

"Yeah ...I'm.. Fine ", said Sam taking a breath in between each word.

He decides not to ask anything just yet. He just wanted to enjoy the not-date and let loose for a while . You see Balthazar and him never did dates, they usually just fooled around at each other's house . It was nice Sam was taking him out for a change .


Cas and Dean decided to drop Gabe and Sam off at a family homey diner (special request from Sam ) . Gabe looked at Sam with a heartfelt and slightly surprised look.

"You remembered?" , said Gabe softly ... A tear willing up in his eyes.

"Of course I remember where the place where you told me took father took you", said Sam wiping the tear with her thumb. Gabe's , Lucifer's, and Castiel's father had died last year and their mom , Anna moved after a week of his death to Barcelona with her new boyfriend . Gabe resented his mom for it .  For moving on so quickly , his dad was a good guy and he didn't deserve Anna . But anyway , the fact Sammy remembered was just amazing. Sam was an amazing guy, and didn't deserve Gabe at all.

Gabe shook his thoughts from his mind and let Sam lead him to the entrance .



Thirty minutes later, after dropping off Sam and Gabe off , Cas and Dean arrived to the party . (They might have done some things first to make up for earlier ,if ya know what I mean  ;) )

They walked up to the average looking house and rang the door bell . An already drunk Lisa opened it and said ," DeAnnn , yOu maDe It ".

"Yup, can we come in", said Dean , trying to hold back a laugh as Castiel looked rather disgusted.

A few minutes in to the party , Dean and Cas just stood off by some corner. Castiel kept an eye out for Meg , but he didn't see her at all. "Why would she miss her own best friends birthday party" , thought Cas .

Castiel decided to just aim for Lisa tonight who was currently trying ! trying to have a type of eye sex with Dean . Cas saw this and glanced at Dean who was in some type of trance .He hit Dean to bring him back and for even staring back at that hoe.

"Owwwwwww", whined Dean , rubbing his arm, blinking back to reality.

"I'm gonna go get a drink ", Castiel grumbled .

Castiel broke free from the music and excitement , and he went to the kitchen. He bent down and looked in the mini fridge for a beer. He then felt an arm hold him tightly and pin him to the wall.

"What's up Cassie ", growled Gadreel holding both of Cas's arms down with all of his strength , leaving bruises on his delicate skin.

"Gadreel get off ", said Cas, wincing at the tight pain in his arms.

"No I didn't get my kiss on Monday ", said Gadreel. You could tell he was really drunk , his breath reeked of vodka and cigarettes. Gadreel moved one hand to jerk Castiel's neck , to make room for him.

"I'm gonna suck you dry", growled Gadreel.

"What th-", started Cas before he let out an painful groan , as Gadreel sucked his neck hard.

"You see Cassie , I want to taste you. I want to feel you squirm . I want you ", whispered Gadreel harshly in his ear and then carrying on.

The music pounded at Cas's head while Gadreel bit down his neck like a vampire. Castiel squirmed and tried to escape but he couldn't . He was too weak. But he did have a big ass mouth God blessed him with .

"DEEEEEEAAAAAAN! DEEEEEAN ! DEEEEAN ! DEEEEEEAN! BABY HELP DEEEEAN! ", he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Gadreel bit harder at his neck that made him whimper and tears started to streak his face.

Dean POV

Dean watched as Lisa made her way over to where he was . This was it, the time to make his move.

"Hey Dean ", said Lisa twirling her hair.

"Hey Lisa ... Umm so I was wondering if we can play a little ... Game", said Dean.

"OoOOOoOoo what type of game ", she said excitedly.

Dean pulled out a pen and said ," Where you are a baby and I'm the Doctor ".

"Kinky", she said winking.

"You hurt your finger so I have to ... Examine it", said Dean.

"Okay", she said a little to excitedly , basically handing Dean her finger .

Dean started to scribble all over her finger as the ink seeped through it. Lisa squirmed and giggled through it .He pulled out some random business card and pressed Lisa's finger hard , just enough for her finger could print onto the card. Then he gave Lisa's finger back and said ," Here all better now baby".

"It is not", said Lisa in a baby voice.

"What", said Dean .

"Kiss my boo boo", she said.

Dean looked at her and bit his lip . "Another time birthday girl", he said and left her standing there frowning .

After all this time , he remembered Castiel had left for a drink ... 10 minutes ago. Where was he? Dean moved his way to the kitchen and his jaw dropped when he saw Gadreel holding Cas down , sucking his neck ,while Castiel screams his name .

" GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM YOU SON OF A BITCH", screamed Dean , prying Gadreel off and throwing him to the floor. He glanced at Cas and saw his neck was practically throbbing , which made him even more mad.


Gadreel stumbled on the floor and Dean crawled on top of him and punched him in the face until his nose was dripping blood and eye was twitchy & purple . Castiel had to get Dean off of him before he actually killed Gadreel .

Dean got off of him and grabbed Cas's hand . He walked right out of the kitchen and headed to the door , but Lisa stopped him right in his tracks to the door.

"Out of my way Lisa ", Dean said harshly.

"Are you leaving? The parrrtyyy just gott starrrted ", slurred/whined Lisa.

"Lisa of you don't move I swe-", started Dean but he was interrupted. Castiel let go of Dean's hand and...

"MOVE BITCH! " said Cas , pushing Lisa down .

Dean smiled at Cas and grabbed his hand again making his way out of that damn party. Cas looked back at Lisa and flipped her off while she just stared shocked.


"And then whAt ", said Sam laughing his lungs out.

"Then Castiel came running out screaming , with no clothes on! My grandmother has never been so terrified ", said Gabe , tearing up.

"Oh that's great ", said Sam taking a bite of his cake .

"Yup", said Gabe , watching him and then biting his lip.

Sam caught on and said ," come on ... Let's get out of here".

Gabe smirked and Sam slapped money on the table. Dean and Cas wouldn't be back any time soon so they ran behind the building and started to make out intensively . Gabe trailed his hands , wondering around Sam's body. When he got to his cock area , he felt Sam tense up and then pull away.

"What", said Gabe .

"I haven't ... Done it", said Sam .

"You haven't ...", said Gabe confused .

"I'm a Virgin ", blurted Sam .

"Oh... That's umm not a problem ", said Gabe , putting his hand down Sam's pants. Sam got startled and pushed Gabe away again . Okay... Maybe he wasn't ready. Maybe he wanted to do this with someone who wanted to be in an actual relationship with.

"Gabe... I", said Sam pausing to see if Gabe was listening . "I want to date you Gabe . I don't want to have random make out sessions behind buildings or in my room. I want to be with you ."

Sam watched Gabe for a few minutes grit his teeth , Sam still waiting for a reply.

"Sam... I can't choose ", said Gabe finally . "You are being unfair , making me choose".

"Unfair ? Gabe ,I'm not the one being unfair. I just want to be able to call you mine . To kiss and hold hands in public. What can Balthazar do that I can't ?" , said Sam .

"I'm not doing this... Not here . Not now", said Gabe.

"Fine Gabe . If that's how you want it then so be it. Just don't expect me to be your little bitch anymore. This ... Or watever we have is over , unless you choose me. I'm not going to be your little slut for you anymore ," said Sam angrily.

And with that... Sam walked away ... With . Zero. Fucks. Given .

Aye how about that? Sam is actually done with Gabe's shit. Ha

Hope you are enjoying the story so far :)

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