
I'm using the terms "black " and "white" only for description . Thank you for reading this story :)


" Oh shit", said Cas , running towards the front of his house.

Dean reluctantly ran behind him .

"He runs like a squirrel ", thought Cas ,looking back at Dean .

Cas smiled ,despite of everything that was actually going on in that moment.

Cas watched the three cop cars parked in Castiel's huge drive way. 

Cas nervously watched the cops talking to Luci.

Castile hurried his way over when a cop confronted him , " Are you Castiel Novak? "

"Yes sir", said Cas.

Cas's head began to pound overwhelmingly from the situation and the booze he had earlier . Nothing like this ever happened in one of his parties before . Hell he had louder crazier parties than this , yet no one ever complained because in this street everyone has parties .

The cop looked at Lucifer and asked him to leave so he could talk to Cas alone.

Lucifer looked at Cas and Cas nodded at him to let him know it was okay.

"Fuck" , Cas thought as he saw lucifer hesitantly walk away.

"Well sir, someone reported your house to have illegal drug use . This looks like a highschool party so y'all are minors ?" , asked the cop ,eyeing Cas .

"Yes sir", Cas said.

The cop then lectured Cas on drugs and alcohol and what they did to minors like he was Cas's father. Cas found himself bored after 5 minutes of the never ending safety advice .

"Anyway ", said the officer , finally shutting up about the drugs. " I'm ordered to shut this party down and I have a search warrant . Do you know of any drugs uses at this party".

"Uhh, No sir. The only thing that was allowed was tobacco and alcohol", said Cas unsurely.

Cas himself was more of a hard liquor guy.

"Yeah , well then you wouldn't have a problem with us checking the house,"said the cop sarcastically , barging into Cas's house with a dog.

After a few minutes , the dog came out  barking loudly .

Another cop came out of the house holding a bag of cocaine and said

"Castiel Novak , I'm arresting you for the uses of illegal drugs. Anything you do or say will be held against you in a court of law--", said the cop clearly .

Everything was happening so fast and Cas cut the police man off, stammering," Wait , I don't ev-even do drugs". 

"HEY I SAID DON'T YOU TALK OR I WILL TAZE YOU", yelled the cop , pinning Cas down on the grass making him whimper in pain.


Dean POV

I followed Cas to the cop car and I watched him approach the cop. Dean had to admit Cas had guts . If that was him ,he would be running half the block by now.

Then Dean saw lucifer go and Dean thought , "Dammit Cas".

After a few minutes ,Dean heard the police man yell harshly at Cas, putting him down and Cas whimpered like a hurt puppy dog.

Before Dean knew it , his legs started to take him to protect Cas before his mind knew what he was doing .

He sprinted as fast as longing and  tackled the cop catching him by surprise .

The cop was stunned while the other cop who was talking to Cas before tried to claw Dean off.

Finally , another cop who was really buff ,tasered Dean from behind .

Dean fell to the floor , twitching in the worst pain he'd ever experienced in his life .

The rest of what happened was kind of a blur to Deam since he Dean kind of blacked out from the pain.

All he knew that someone binded his hands behind his back and he was being lifted onto the buff cops shoulder into a cop car.


They took both Cas and Dean to a community jail. Dean and Cas being seniors and 18 , they had to go to an actual jail.

Dean opened his eyes and blinked a few times to look up at a crying Cas . Dean's face immediately soften and wanted to comfort him .

He looked scared and confused .

Cas was siting down on a bench in the huge cell that could must've hold up to 20 people and Dean had been passed out , on his lap.

Dean looked at his hands and it seemed that they had taken the cuffs off but his
wrist was red and sore from the cuffs being so tight.

"Sonofabitch", Dean muttered to himself.

He sat himself up and looked at Cas in the directly in the eye , but Cas immediately looked down mostly because he couldn't  . Cas felt like Dean must've hated him now. After all ,he was the one who had gotten Dean into this mess.

But Dean did the unexpected , he lifted Cas's chin up and pressed a soft kiss on his lips and pulled Cas towards him.

Dean held Cas like a baby while Cas buried his face in the crook of Dean's warm neck.

The moment was soon ruined by a man with a deep, rugged voice shouted at them , " WE GOT FAGGOTS IN THE CELL TONIGHT BOYS".

Dean hadn't realized people were in the large cell with them. He quickly scanned the room and saw about 10 people .

" I hope they don't try to suck my dick ", said a white man ,who looked like he could be thirty years old.

I hope they try to suck my dick ," said a black guy ,with a creepy smile etched across his face .

This man looked dirty , and a lot older than the white man. Maybe 50 ...even 60 years old.

"Hey , you pretty boy!"

Dean looked around and he realized he was talking to him.

"Come over here and suck my friends dick ", the white male said with a dirty smile.

The black guy smiled to mischievously his teeth were rotten .

Dean made a face and said in confidence ," and why the fuck I would do that "

"Oh so you gotta mouth? Looks like you need to be punished anyway", said the white male. "This is my jail. You've entered my home. And I am the ruler of my little kingdom . So what I say... You do little bitch"

The man then snapped his fingers and Dean was being pulled up and man handled by yet another buff guy. But this time thee was one on either side of him

Castiel shouted," NO STOP YOU PIGS".

"Shut up !", said the white male , slapping Cas hard and held him down so he wouldn't try anything.

"Don't you dare touch him you son of a bitch!!", yelled Dean .

"Don't worry next it's your little sluts turn", smiled the black guy.

Cas starting to shout even louder but the white male just clasped his filthy hand on his mouth. Muffled sounds came from Cas , as the guy started to unbutton his pants.

Dean could've fought back harder if but he had just been tazed, so he was as strong as he could've been.

Dean was pulled and push to kneel down . A man held him in his place so he wouldnt escape.

"C'mon open up fag", said the black guy.

One inmate grabbed Dean's face and pried his mouth open.

The man stuck the head of his dick in his mouth . It was the nastiest thing he ever tasted.

Then Dean felt his head being pushed up and down the man's small length . Tears streamed down his face as Dean felt like he was becoming numb.

All of a sudden , the door flung open and everyone scattered and let go of Dean , but the black guy still had his hand on the back of Dean's head.

It turned out to be the cop that Dean tackled , Bobby , and Lucifer who entered the room.

Bobby's eyes widened and filled with pure rage when his eyes had focused on the positioned Dean was in. He immediately flipped out and took out his spare knife that he hides in his belt buckle.



The cop quickly opened the cell and grabbed Cas and Dean out of there. They went back to the front of the station where Bobby and lucifer were supposed to pay bail.

" Okay first Cas , I am so sorry for the inconvenience but your not being charged because the bag doesn't have any of your finger prints on it. It was on the side of your bed when they found it. We are letting you out Scott free . But you understand procedures right?", said the cop.

"Your friggin system sucks assbutt", grumbled Cas .

"But Dean , you had tackled an officer so that doesn't leave you off the hook. We are going to file a ca-", said the cop , but he was being cut off by a very angry Bobby.

"Okay mister ,listen here and you better listen good. I can file a lawsuit for what horrific events I witnessed my son having, he's gonna have goddamn nightmares. Not only you took his innocence away , you officially traumatized him and now I may have to take him to damn therapy . First I promise you I will have you fired for not watching the inmates and next I will have this place SHUT DOWN!" , Bobby said ,with determination.

Dean had never seen Bobby so raged .

" Okay okay I'll leave Dean off with a warning", said the cop quietly.

Then they all left quietly after that, the last thing mumbled by Bobby.

"Idjits "

I hoped you enjoying this :)

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