Chapter 1
The ninja is a cruel world. Some people learn that early on, or later in life.
The Tominaka Clan is well known for its plasma nature, along with some of the members being born with a dragon inside them, though it doesn't happen to every member and can skip several generations.
In the Land of Fire, then past four sets of mountains was the Hidden Village of Night, the Village came to life a few years after the Leaf Village was formed. Chai Tominaka used to fight constantly with the Uchiha and Senju clans, at some point the fighting ceased, leading to the creation of the Leaf Village. Chai ended up attracting both Tobirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. One night in the Hokage's office, Tobirama and Chai and fooled around leading to Chai getting pregnant. Even though she was pregnant with his child, Tobirama would flirt with another girl, which led to Madara being the one to date and propose to her. But on the night before the wedding, Madara left the village, not too long after that Chai gave birth to a baby boy named Kenma. The Tobirama and Chai got into such a bad argument resulting in Chai leaving the village as well, taking Kenma with her. She traveled through the land of fire. Chai started up her own village, just past four mountains, calling it the Hidden Village of Night. Before his battle with Hashirama, Madara showed up in the village, that was the only time he allowed himself to be beaten to a pulp without fighting back, he did leave Chai the night before the wedding after all.
Kenma would go on to marry and have a boy named Rei, he would take over as ruler, he would marry and have a girl named Lina. Just like the ones before her, Lina took her father's place in ruling over the Night Village, she barred a baby girl, calling her Azula. The little girl was born with a dragon inside her, a night fury to be exact. The village was happy, this meant luck would be coming their way. Azula has snow-white hair and red eyes, just like Tobirama.
Five-year-old Princess Azula wore a simple dress, she running down a path with a dragon (A baby version of Toothless).
"We are we going today, Azzie?" the dragon asked.
"We are going to do what we do every day, Monty," Azula giggled. "We are going to go play with the other kids."
" Princess Azzie!" voices called as they got closer to the pond where the other kids were playing. "It's your turn to start off kick the can!"
"Okay!" Azula chimed as they ran over to them. Up on a hill, Lina smiled down at the kids with her grandfather.
"It's good that Azula gets along with the others," Rei stated. "I was afraid they would turn their backs and call her a monster due to Monty."
"Nonsense Daddy," Lina shook her head. "Children only react to how adults react, if adults viewed her as a monster then perhaps the children would. But the children just see her as another person to play with, a friend, the same goes with Monty."
"They would have if this was any other village," Rei stated. "I heard of the Kazekage placing the One-Tail in his youngest son. Through whispers I heard of the Nine-Tails being placed in a small boy, both are viewed as outsiders and monsters in their own village."
"Daddy, their names are Shukaku and Kurama," Lina corrected.
"Right," Rei smiled. "How is Azzie's training going? Have you tried peaking into her plasma abilities?"
"It's there, but since she has Monty as well, they will have to work on synchronizing those moves to be more efficient," Lina answered. "Though I have faith she'll be able to fulfill my place and make a great leader for the Village of Night.
"I used to say that about you," Rei laughed. "My father said that to me as well." Both of them laughed even more. "For as small as our village is, we do pretty well for ourselves, even the Leaf Village has seemed to acknowledge it." Night came, Lina was tucking Azula into bed, next to her bed Monty was curled up on a pillow, a blanket was placed over him.
"Azzie," Lina stated. "Do you like our village?"
"Of course mommy," Azula answered.
"Good cause one day you will be taking my place, the same way I took grandpa's place," Lina answered. "You need to be strong enough to lead your people through the good and the bad times."
"I'm only 5," Azula stated. "Why are you telling me this?"
"At twenty you will be taking my place," Lina informed her. "It's a tradition if the current ruler doesn't die first."
"I'll focus on it when I'm ten," Azula stated. "For now I just want to have fun and go to school with my friends, plus Monty." Lina smiled, she kissed her daughter's head. "What's your ability?"
"I inherited grandma's Jutsu," Lina answered as she held up a hand sign, her fingers turned into leaves, they float all around, grabbed a stuffed animal, then brought it over to the bed,
"You are so cool," Azula gushed. "Where's Daddy?"
"He fell asleep downstairs," Lina answered. "I can wake him if you want."
"No, Daddy works extremely hard as a ninja, he needs to rest," Azula stated. "I will talk to him in the morning, night mommy."
"Good night Azzie," Lina stated."I love you."
"I love you more," Azule smiled up at her. Lina left her daughter's room with a smile, feeling as if nothing could work. All the happiness in the village ended a month later, a man named Pain attacked the village for the last dragon Jutsu user, looking for Azula. Pain ravaged the whole village, through tears Azula and Monty were forced out of the village for their own safety as Pain destroyed it. Azula was forced to have Monty go inside her, as she was placed on a boat and sent away from the village. Not even twenty feet away from the shore, she watched Pain completely destroying the village with a powerful god-like Jutsu....everyone dead. That blast from the Jutsu was so powerful that it sent Azula's boat flying, into a storm in the ocean. Days later Azula woke up in a hospital room, she sat up, to her left she saw a boy staring down at her, the boy had dark brown eyes, dark hair. "Oh good, you are still alive." Azula stared at him, soon everything came back to her and she just started crying. "My name is Remi, I am a samurai, I found you on a beach."
"That's enough Remi," a man ordered as he walked into the room, many samurai stood at the door. "It's clear this child has been something horrific, she may not want to talk." Four days passed, Azula learned that she was in the Land of Iron, a place of Samurai instead of the ninja. She didn't say a single word, her hands constantly clasped around the locket around her neck, and Monty seemed to not want to leave Azula's body. One day Azula was walking down the halls with a samurai next to her with Remi and Mifune, they were giving her a room outside of the hospital.
"That's it!" the man snapped. "You better start speaking!" He raised his hand to hit her. Then Monty lept out of Azula's body and got in front of her protectively.
"Lay a hand on Azzie and I will tear you to pieces," Monty growled as bore his teeth.
"D-Dragon," the samurai stuttered as he stepped back. "My Lord." He looked over. Mifune stared at the dragon along with Azula.
"Azzie," Remi smiled. "We finally have your name, it is very pretty."
"It's Azula," Azula stated. "Please, please don't hurt Monty."
"Azula, may we talk in private?" Mifune asked. Monty turned his attention. "Monty can come as well."
"Remi has to come as well," Azula stated.
Mifune and Remi took Azula and Monty to a private room to talk. Mifune asked her many questions, she answered them all honestly. Remi sat in the corner, he was crying.
'No child or no person or anybody should have had to go through that,' Remi thought to himself.
"I understand that a shinobi should never interfere with Samaraui," Azula brought up.
"Don't worry about it," Mifune stated. "We are all in charge of our paths, if you wish to become a ninja, if you want to join the samurai life you may, you can also choice neither or both." Azula stared at them. For the next year, Azula spent it growing up around Samurai, they were all wary of Monty. Remi and Mifune took it upon themselves to teach Azula sword techniques. They even taught Monty how to use a sword. At seven Azula awakened her mother's ability but only at the hands.
"Azula, we are going out," Remi stated. "Me and you are being sent out."
"Where to?" Azula asked, she was very attached to Remi, he never seemed to mind.
"We are heading to the Hidden Sand Village," Remi answered. "My birthplace."
"That's a ninja village," Azula pointed out. "You are a samurai."
"Remember what Mifune said, we all get to choose our own paths," Remi stated. "I chose to be a samurai instead of a ninja. Now, we are going to the sand village to try to find you a ninjutsu teacher, it's clear you are meant to be a ninja, we can't hold you back from the potential held within you, and Monty."
"You mean, you are leaving me?" Azula asked.
"No, of course not," Remi denied as he shook his head. "We are just finding a teacher. How would you like to travel? Land--"
"Let's fly," Azula answered as she smiled a little.
"Go call on Monty," Remi ordered. Azula lit up, she went over to the window of her room, she opened the door, there was a large balcony outside the window. Azula put her fingers to her lips and whistled, instantly Monty flew over, he had gotten bigger over the year. Monty has also gained back his love of being outside of her body.
"Where are we going?" Monty asked as they both climbed on him.
"The sand village," Remi answered. Remi grabbed on to Azula tightly as Monty took off without training, flying on a dragon frightened him, he wasn't scared of Monty...the dragon was just lightning fast. "Warning next time!"
"Maybe you should learn to just be prepared for take-off!" Azula stated as they flew high through the clouds. Soon they landed outside the borders of the sand village, the ninja were clearly in shock from what they were laying their eyes on. Once they landed, Remi slid off, he was holding his stomach as he hunched over.
"Monty, maybe it's best you reduce your size," Azula suggested.
"Got it," Monty stated right after a sneeze. Monty made himself small enough to be able to sit on her head. "Remi?"
"I'm fine," Remi wheezed.
"Remi?" a voice asked. Azula looked to see that there was numerous ninja. "Is that really you?"
"Good to see you, Baki," Remi grunted as he looked up, he didn't seem so happy.
"Sick of the Samarui life?" Baki smirked.
"Not at all," Remi answered. "I am here to visit the Kazekage"
"The Kazekage is very busy," Baki informed as Remi finally got to his feet.
"I have a favor," Remi said. "I need a sword."
"What's wrong with yours?" Baki asked.
"Not for me," Remi shook his head. "For her." He pointed at the small child with the dragon.
"Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't that dragon bigger?" Baki answered.
"I reduced my size," Monty answered. "So are you going to let us in or no?"
"Why should I let some outsiders in?" Baki asked.
"We are looking for a teacher for Azula," Remi stated as he got closer. He whispered into Baki's ear, the man's eyes widened.
"I understand," Baki said. "Come with me, his meeting should be over when you arrive," Baki answered as he frowned. "She is your responsibility." A few ninjas left them through the village, Azula couldn't help but notice a ton of eyes staring at them.
'He's back,'
'Wonder why?'
'A child is with him'
'That's no surprise, always knew he would become one'
'No, I heard she's an outsider'
'Why would Remi bring an outsider? This villager already has its own problems, no need to take on another.'
'Is that a dragon?'
'Another monster'.
Soon they walked inside a building, Baki led them to a door.
"Come in," a voice stated after Baki knocked.
"Remi has returned," Baki revealed as he opened the door. "He says he's not sick of the samurai life."
"Then why is he?" the man asked.
"For a sword," Baki answered. "And a teacher."
"You gotta be joking," the man groaned. "Come in." They all worked in, Azula looked up to see a man with dark auburn hair, and brown eyes at the desk. "Remi."
"Lord Kazekage," Remi bowed his head a little. He put his hand on Azula's head, tilting it forward a little. "I need to get in contact with that sword maker, the best way to do it is going through you, also a ninjutsu teacher."
"Why should I help you out?" the Kazekage asked.
"It's not for me," Remi stated. "For her." The Kazekage looked over the desk at the seven-year-old.
"Why should I?" the Kazekage asked.
"The child has amazing skills, including the samurai skills taught to her," Remi answered. "Just trust me on this." The Kazekage squinted his eyes at her. "Now would be a good time, Azula." He nudged her.
"Father," a voice said darkly before anything could happen. "What is taking you so long?" They all looked back to see a boy with light auburn hair, that looks basically red, seafoam eyes, a scar on his forehead. "Who are these people?" Azula noticed a gourd on the boy's back.
"Gaara, this Remi he used to be a villager before turning to be a samurai," the Kazekage answered.
"And her?" Gaara asked as his eyes landed on Azula, Monty seemed to have hidden behind Azula's hair at this point, Azula could feel his breathing.
"The name is Azula," Remi answered. "I am here for a sword and a ninjutsu teacher"
"Azula" The Kazekage repeated. "Remi, why have you brought her."
"My lord," Remi stated. He looked back. "Azula go play with Gaara for a bit and let me work my magic."
"Alright," Azula smiled as she turned the other boy.
"I do not want to play," Gaara stated angrily.
"A kid like you has no interest in playtime?" Monty asked as his head poked out.
"What is that?" the Kazekage asked.
"Come on, I will train with you," Azula stated as she walked past Gaara.
"You don't even know that much ninjutsu," Remi reminded her.
"Then maybe I can learn something," Azula stated.
"Let's go Gaara," Monty ordered. Gaara reluctantly followed, his eyes glued on the head sticking out of Azula's hair.
"If you value your life, you wouldn't train with me," Gaara stated. "Not that I value yours." Azula looked at him, her eyes were filled with determination. "Why are you looking for a ninjutsu teacher?"
"Because she destined to be a ninja," Monty answered. "I heard the villagers speak of a monster, who is that?" Gaara's eyes squinted, a wave of anger washed over him.
"Monty, you were called a monster in the beginning when we started living with Samauri's remember?" Azula stated as she put her hand on his head. "You shouldn't go around asking that question."
"A monster," Gaara repeated as his voice got angrier. "For something as little and pathetic as you." He led them into a training area, nobody was there, the place was spacious.
"Say that again browless," Monty ordered as he slithered his tongue.
"Monty we didn't come here to get in a fight," Azula reminded him as they walked in, the door closed. Azula looked behind her to see sand rising up, Gaara made a hand sign, the sand shot towards them.
"We are just training, remember?" Monty reminded her. He opened his mouth, then spat out plasma, it collided with the sand causing it to get super smoky and sandy. The smoke clear, Gaara stood where he was before, he blinked in surprise.
"I thought you said you needed a teacher," Gaara brought up.
"We still do," Azula stated. "I can teach you how to use a sword."
"How can Monty shot out a ball of fire that big?" Gaara asked.
"It's plasma," Monty stated as he got off of Azula, he landed in the middle, stretching his legs. "And I'm a dragon." Gaara stared at the creature. "And this Azula, my person."
"You love her?" Gaara asked.
"Of course I do," Monty stated. "Why wouldn't?"
"She hasn't tried to kill you?" Gaara asked.
"Only if she wants to kill herself," Monty stated. "Watch." He turned to Azula, he pounced at her, Azula didn't move. Gaara's eyes went wide as he watched Monty go right into Azula's body, disappearing from.
"It's a Jutsu I was born with," Azula stated before Gaara could say anything else as she took out her sword.
"You are here for a sword, but you have one," Gaara said.
"Remi wants me to be able to use two swords at once," Azula stated as Monty lept out of Azula, he had a sword on his mouth. "Monty."
"I'm offering him mine," Monty stated as he placed it down. Gaara trained with them for a bit, it was hard since sand kept rising up. They didn't really speak much as they trained.
"Azula," a voice said as the doors opened. "I have the sword for you." They looked to see Remi. "Oh, I see you are training."
"I was teaching him how to use a sword," Azula stated as Remi walked over. Remi held out a sword.
"This sword will be able to sustain your chakra better," Remi stated.
"And the teacher?" Azula asked.
"Uh, everyone isn't sure about training a girl with a dragon," Remi stated. "Sorry, kid."
"We will just have to keep looking," Azula said.
"How can you stay so positive after a comment like that?" Gaara asked. "Does it not make you angry?"
"Being angry won't make anyone want to train with you," Azula stated. "Remi can teach me Samurai techniques, not so much ninjutsu."
"It's not about anger, it's about people avoiding you," Gaara stated.
"Gaara has a point, Azzie," Monty stated from the spot he laid. "This isn't the first village to say no and our selection of villages is getting small."
"We will head back to the Land of Iron tomorrow and then look for a new place for help," Remi stated. "Get some rest."
"We will back home in no time, I'm a fast flyer," Monty stated.
"I got some catching up to do," Remi laughed. "Don't go around causing trouble."
"We won't," Azula and Monty stated at the same time. After Remi left, Azula went back to training, after that she sat on top of a building with Gaara.
"Why are you training to be a ninja, when you live in the land of samurais?" Gaara asked, Azula's expression grew sad.
"I'm originally from Hidden Village of Night," Azula answered softly as Monty was curled up on her lap.
"Never heard of it," Gaara stated.
"It wasn't a big village like yours, but we did well," Azula stated. "But we were not strong enough to take on Pain."
"You speak in the past tense," Gaara pointed out. Monty lifted his head, he and Azula both looked at each other.
"I'm going to bed," Azula said as she got up and left.
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