Chapter 24
The young couple managed to return to the castle safely, though Brooklyn still had some leftover burns from being hit by Castaway's hammer. At one point, he nearly lost his balance since the shocking made him dizzy, starting to fall.
"Brooklyn! I got you!" Kita called out, flying down to grab her lover and steady him. Brook shook his head. "I'm ok. Just a little dizzy," he muttered, hoping sunrise would be there by the time they got home.
She smiled gently at Brooklyn, a hand on his cheek while they glided. "Thanks for protecting me from the... what were they?"
Brooklyn frowned, feeling anger at that group of humans coursing through him. "They're called the Quarrymen, led by a man named Jon Castaway who hates us, and wants our kind to go extinct. And now that he saw you, I'm afraid for your safety, Kita. Castaway is a dangerous human since you saw him hurt me."
The beaked female gazed at Brooklyn with concern but determination. "You know I can take care of myself, but it is very sweet of you to care," Kita replied with a wink at Brooklyn as well as another kiss right as they managed to make it back to the castle. The rest of the clan were back, and Brooklyn spotted his smaller brother, Lexington holding hands with the other female, Kaori, making him smirk a little. Those two clearly had something going on.
Goliath stepped forward when they landed. "What happened, Brooklyn? You were cutting it a little close."
Brooklyn lowered his head. "W-We were attacked by the Quarrymen, Goliath. And he knows now about Kita."
The lavender leader frowned, but at least they would now have more allies when going against these madmen. He put a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder, who winced a little from the burns he received. "I'm glad you were able to defend her, Brooklyn. But you need to rest; those burns don't look pretty."
Brooklyn nodded, rubbing his sides, while Kita brought him in to rest. Deep down, he knew he soon wanted to propose to Kita. Everything he had been through with her so far made him realize how much he wanted to be with her as a mate. But Brook had to wait for the right moment to drop the proposal to Kita.
Kita sat him down on the living room couch, and Brooklyn smiled while he relaxed on the cushions to rest until the sun came up. He saw his brothers coming in to see him. "Hey, bro," Broadway greeted, Lex waved, Kaori giving him a friendly smile too. "How are ya doin'?" Brook cringed but managed to look cheerful.
"A little bit burned up but will make it to sunrise. How did it go with Kaori, Lex?" asked Brooklyn to the olive gargoyle.
That made Lexington blush again from Kaori giving him another grin. "We had a great time with each other," Lexington admitted, somewhat shy but didn't want to embarrass himself in front of her.
Kita looked at her sister teasingly. "I think you like him, Sister," she said, nudging her. Kaori blinked slightly. "Uh, why would you say that?"
Brooklyn rolled his eyes. "It's obvious. And you guys should go on another date," he suggested to them. "But be careful if uou guys run into the Quarrymen, I don't want to risk Kaori too."
That made Lexington all the more nervous, swishing his tail but at this point, now he would do anything for his new friend. He glanced at her after nodding to his red brother. "W-would you like to see Alex again before sunrise?"
Kaori liked that idea. "Oh, yes! I'll see you later, Sister." She went to follow Lex into the nursery while Kita sat down to snuggle with Brooklyn for a while until dawn, enjoying every second with each other.
Upon reaching the nursery, Lexington began to feel memories resurface of past faults that he knew he would have to come clean to Kaori too, while they settled down with Alex for a while. He watched Kaori nervously as she had her playtime with the kid. Soon, Lex couldn't handle it anymore.
"K-Kaori... I... I wanna tell you something," Lexington muttered, scratching the floor slightly. Kaori turned, looking curious. "What is it?" She asked, holding the child in her arms.
Lexington flushed in shame. "I may not be all happy and eager with electronics. Like Brooklyn, I had my fair share of hating someone who betrayed me. Make that a whole group of humans. They were known as the Pack, who were a famous group on tv."
Kaori's face was filled with concern. "Oh, what happened?"
Lexington gazed into the female's gentle eyes, helping him ease his nerves when he told his story. "When I first met the Pack that included Fox, they seemed to be trustworthy to be our allies. But, they lured me and Goliath into a gargoyle hunt, where they tried to kill us. It made me not want to trust anybody, and especially not get into any relationships with others like Kita and Brooklyn are. I vowed never to trust anybody again."
It made the olive gargoyle growl a little at what he said, and it made Alex coo in worry. Kaori felt instant pity, as well as a desire to help him. Lex glanced at Kaori again. "But when you and Angela came along later, it triggered the lonely feeling inside me, and made me want to find the special someone I could trust. And I think it is you." He held out his hand, taking hers. Kaori felt her heart melt from his words, her eyes shining. "I've been feeling something for you too, Lex. And maybe, you can show me one of those games you told me you like to play."
Lex smiled, feeling eager to show off his gaming skills to Kaori, happy to have a girl to impress himself to. After playing with Alex for a while longer, they left him to Fox so he and Kaori could go and try out his videogames before eventually the clan went out to turn to stone.
The next night, Brooklyn had a feeling this would be the night he would propose to Kita. She and him had been together for quite a while now, and he really wanted to get into a bigger relationship with Kita. He decided to have the proposal be on the beach, him and Kita gliding out towards the way after Goliath told them to be careful.
The two lovers smiled at each other while gliding, enjoying each other's company, looking forward to splashing in the surf, and Brooklyn felt quite nervous about finally making the big step forward. Brooklyn at first had brought her to a nice Japanese food stand where it made Kita feel at home while they ate the great food before going to the beach.
Upon arriving at the beach, the couple landed, the sand soft on their feet. They gazed out towards the crashing waves, feeling the fresh breeze on their faces. It was a nice change from the big city air. Brooklyn had somewhat missed traveling in parts like this.
Brooklyn and Kita for a time just splashed around in the surf and glided over the sand. They laughed and smiled all the time. Brooklyn was thinking hard about what he wanted to say to Kita.
After a while, they landed on the beach again and just went to sit down and enjoy the scenery. Being outside the city just a bit, they could just barely see the sight of the stars. Usually, the lights of New York were so bright you couldn't see the stars.
"The stars sure are beautiful." Kita admitted. "I noticed that I can't hardly see them in this big city of light."
"Yeah, they are pretty. When my clan was first transported here and the first night that my brothers and I went out to explore the city, we said that the lights were so bright they turned the night into day. Probably the closest thing we will get to that." Brooklyn explained.
"I can agree with you there." Kita said.
"And I can say... that you have beautiful stars in your eyes as well." Brooklyn was nervous but he wanted to say it.
"Thanks, Brooklyn." Kita smiled at him.
Brooklyn felt like his heart had slipped from his chest into his stomach. He felt butterflies in his belly too. He was so nervous about what he wanted to tell her this night. It was the perfect moment.
"Uh, Kita, I have something I want to tell you." Brook declared.
He turned to look at her directly. "Kita, we've known each other for a little while now, but I feel like I've known you forever. You were the one I saw when I first woke up after coming to Japan. I knew I was going to be looking and supposedly finding the clan that Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx met, but I didn't expect to find a female like yourself there." Brooklyn explained.
"You were the main one that was willing to be around me when I didn't want to get close with anyone much due to what happened when I was traumatized and when they killed Sasha. You didn't object to be around me like other females have before. Over time, the more I spent getting to know you, the more I found I wanted to be with you. I love you, Kita." Brooklyn declared.
Tears came to Kita's eyes. "That was beautiful, Brooklyn." She started to cry happily. "I love you too."
"That's not all. Kita, I have looked for a female for a long time to complete me. Most others rejected me or just became friends with me while choosing other males as their mates. But you never did that to me. Kita, will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?" Brooklyn asked.
Kita looked into the red male's eyes. They were so kind and gentle. She was glad she had been able to help him transform from that scared gargoyle she had first met in Japan after getting away from his abusers to the openly friendly male right in front of her now.
"Yes. Yes, I will be thrilled to become your mate, Brooklyn-San!" Kita replied to his proposal. She then moved off the sand and moved over to kiss him on the beak. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He in turn also put his hands on her face, closing his eyes. This was a breathtaking moment.
When they let go to catch their breaths, Kita said, "Brooklyn, I have always loved doing what I liked doing in Japan, being a healer and looking after others, and being a warrior when I have to be. But there was never any male from my own clan that got my interests. Your feelings of being scared got my attention that I wanted to help you overcome those feelings and I have seen how you've overcome your fears very much since I've known you. You also helped save my life from Taro and Mr. Castaway last night."
"You are a very brave, compassionate, loyal, and honorable warrior, Brooklyn-San. I was also so happy to come here to New York with you to be with you too, not just be an ambassador. And I know Sasha would love to see you have found love. You complete me too." Kita explained her thoughts to him.
"That's also beautiful, Kita." He smiled at her, also thinking about his lost friend. Then they kissed again.
Then they got up and went for a nice walk on the beach, holding hands. They would return to the castle before dawn.
The clan was all waiting out on the battlements when Brooklyn and Kita returned to the castle a few hours later. They were also holding hands.
Brooklyn was finally beyond thrilled to have found his special soulmate. The one who completed him and loved him for who he was, not just because she felt sorry for what had happened to him. Their relationship could only get better. Now, they just needed Goliath and the clan's blessing.
They finally landed on the battlements where the clan was. They both hoped as leader that Goliath would accept their decision. They stood there before him with hands intertwined.
"Uh, Goliath, we have some news for the whole clan." Brooklyn announced.
"What's that, Lad?" Hudson asked.
Broadway and Lex probably thought they had an idea. Angela was watching with interest too.
"Everyone, Brooklyn asked me to become his mate." Kita announced, smiling. "But we seek your blessing, Goliath-Sama." She bowed in respect to him as her new leader.
Goliath wasn't too surprised by what he had just heard. But he was happy for his Second in Command. He knew Brooklyn had been unhappy way before he had been kidnapped. Now he seemed a lot happier since he had returned. He wasn't moping about the castle or looking sad or angry whenever he saw Broadway and Angela go off together.
"I am very happy for you both. You have my blessing to become mates, you two. I see how happy you make one another." Goliath smiled at them.
"Congratulations, you two." Hudson stated happily.
"I am so glad Brooklyn found someone to complete him so he wouldn't be sad over me anymore. You'll be an awesome mate for him." Angela commended Kita.
"Thank you, Angela." Kita replied.
"Good going, Brooklyn. I know you'll make her happy." Broadway stated.
"I see how happy you are together, and also, thanks for bringing Kaori to me as well. We're still working on getting to know one another." Lex said, smiling at his new girlfriend.
"Thanks, you guys. I'm glad you've accepted our decision." Brooklyn smiled at them in pure happiness and joy.
"But have you set a date yet?" Kaori asked.
"Not yet. We'll let you know, Sister." Kita smirked.
This was the best news the clan could have given the newly engaged couple. The clan now had a wedding to plan. For now, they could only wish the couple much love and support.
Elisa and the Xanatos family were told the next night.
"That is so awesome, Brooklyn. I so happy for you and Kita. After all you went through, you deserve true happiness and love." Elisa gave him a big hug.
"Thanks, Elisa." Brooklyn hugged her back.
Elisa let go and hugged Kita too. "Thanks, Elisa." Kita said.
"I only wish you the best in the future." Elisa stated.
"We can help you have your ceremony here too." David said. "We can have inside or outside, depending on what you want."
"We still need to decide all that stuff yet." Kita declared. "Don't get too far ahead, and yes, we'll decide what we want to do."
"But how are gargoyle weddings had?" Fox asked.
"They're much different than human weddings." Goliath said. "Usually, the clan's leader blesses them in front of the clan and they take a mating flight. Or wedding flight. Then the couple go off and have a private time for a while."
"In Japan, it's quite different in our clan." Kaori said.
"How so?" Angela asked.
"Because of how much our lives were so close to the humans we lived with, we had much more formal weddings like how humans did it in Japan." Kita explained.
Brooklyn knew that he would be willing to do anything for the female that he loved, even if it included some of Japanese tradition in their ceremony too. "We could probably include some Japanese wedding stuff into our ceremony if you want." He proclaimed.
"That can all be arranged. When do you think on having it?" David asked.
"We still haven't decided yet." Brook stated. "We just need more time to get things in order."
Hudson and Goliath knew this wasn't going to be the simple couple blessing that had been in their clan generations ago. They would be willing to respect Kita's decisions as long as Brooklyn was okay with it too. It would certainly be something exciting to look forward to.
The clan eventually got into their positions for sunrise, Brooklyn's heart feeling light and overjoyed for having done his proposal. He took Kita's hand, the two gazing at each other lovingly before turning.
Brooklyn finally proposes to Kita and Lex is slowly seeing his connection to Kaori more and more!
But all won't be peaceful if Yegor is still trying to hunt down Brooklyn.
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