Chapter 9 Oldbag Complications
"You saw the defendant, then? Hmm..." the judge looked thoughtful at Oldbag's testimony a silence over the court room until he turned to Phoenix. "Very well, let's begin the cross-examination. Mr. Wright?"
"Yes, your honor" Phoenix turned towards Oldbag who just scowled in the slightest at him as he thought about where to even begin.
"So Miss Oldbag you say you were "running errands" what kind of errands were you running?" Phoenix pressed a finger to his chin thoughtfully rubbing it. Oldbag looked a bit flustered and huffed.
"Oh well you know!" She seemed to narrow her eyes, this time you spoke afraid Phoenix would have her start screaming.
"Please Answer the question Miss Oldbag" you smiled knowing you couldn't get in trouble for this. Oldbag looked at you her eyes narrowing a bit before she sighed reluctantly.
"Actually... I was watching poor Hammer and Powers. Observing, you know?" She looked at you and you nodded a bit, well that was easier than you thought it would be. But you can't say you blamed her for watching them, you were sure it was a sight.
"O-observing? Weren't you supposed to be at the guard station?" Phoenix made a face now at Oldbag, she looked upset, or was angry a better word?
"Whippersnapper! I told you I locked the gate, didn't I? I did my job!" Oldbag snapped and you just had to look away, you don't think her boss would agree with that statement. "Anyway! I always watch Hammer's run-throughts. Always! Never missed one in all my years!"
"Hmm some dedication, maybe I should become a security guard" you muttered jokingly under your breath looking at Phoenix as he suppressed a laugh.
"You could quit being a lawyer and go get the job" he looked at you and you smiled playfully nudging him.
"Not a bad idea" you tried not to laugh, this was a court room no time for jokes! Even if you liked joking with Phoenix.
"Ahem" Phoenix cleared his throat now turning back to look at Oldbag. "So you say you were at the guard station that after noon...are you sure you were watching there the WHOLE time? No breaks? Not even a second?" Phoenix raised a brow. That seemed to strike a cord in Oldbag.
"O-of course! I am a professional, you know! Are you criticizing how I do my job!? Whippersnapper!" Oldbag began to huff and puff a bit.
"No, it's just, after seeing you eating those donuts in the guard station yesterday..." Phoenix trailed off in thought.
"I can watch the gate and eat donuts at the same time! Snipperwhapper!" Oldbag looked scarily angry again and you just lightly made sure to hide a bit behind Phoenix.
"Seems like she's loosing it! I've never heard her call you a snipperwhapper" you looked at Phoenix as he looked back at you.
"Should we raise an objection?" He raised a brow.
"Not yet" you moved away from behind him as he seemed to think again.
"So you say you saw Mr.Powers?" Phoenix pressed his hands against the table as Oldbag calmed down.
"That's what I said! Got wax in your ears, sonny?" Oldbag seemed amused.
"OBJECTION!!" Phoenix slammed his hands down on the table. "Let me get this straight, old bag! Er, Ms. Oldbag! You've been saying since yesterday that you "saw Mr. Powers," correct? But you're talking about the man in this photo, aren't you!" Phoenix raised the photo you, Maya, and him had collected yesterday holding it up to the court after you handed it to him.
"J-just a moment, Mr. Wright. Let me see that photo! ... What is this, exactly?" The judge beckoned Phoenix to present the picture to him, which Phoenix gladly did walking back to the desk after doing so.
"None other than the Steel Samurai, defender of Neo Olde Tokyo. Ms. Oldbag! Is this the "Mr. Powers" that you saw!?" Phoenix slammed his hands down on the table once again caught up in the moment. Oldbag visibly flinched her eyes wide like she hadn't expected him to pull the picture out.
"Of course! Didn't your momma teach you any sense, sonny? Anyone can plainly see that's Powers!...Right?" She started to seem unsure of her self.
"Um, yeah....Umm...well. I wonder?.." you've never heard Edgeworth stammer like that his eyes looking at you with a silent message but you couldn't tell what he wanted to say. Was he trying not to say much because of the last trial that you both were against each other in?
"True, Mr. Powers does play the role of the Steel Samurai! But that doesn't mean Mr. Powers IS the Steel Samurai!" Phoenix didn't seem to notice Edgeworth as he looked at Oldbag with a fire in his eyes.
"I... I know that! I wasn't born yesterday!" Oldbag snarled But seems unsure of her self.
"No one in this court is accusing you of that, Ms... er, witness." The judge seemed o have a hard time calling her by her last name. "However, you do not have proof that the person in this photo is Mr. Will Powers, do you?" Oldbag scoffed at the judge.
"Humph! Nosy old man! Of course I have proof!" Oldbag began to grind her teeth.
"What?!" Both you and Phoenix gasped together.
"Huh!?" Even Edgeworth was surprised, you wondered if she hadn't told him anything. "The prosecution would like to ask the old... the witness. Please make known all the information in your possession ahead of time!" This time he slammed his hands down again.
"How was I to know everyone would be so nosy! You should be ashamed, all of you! Anyway, I showed that photo to the young detective. He told me "this isn't any good as evidence, pal." He didn't even give it a second look!" Oldbag began snarling with such a vicious look in her eyes.
"Let's hear about your proof then.." the judge trailed off a bit.
"I never say anything I don't mean, mind you! That morning, during the run-through of the action scene...I saw Powers trip and fall! He broke one of the props, it was a big mess. Apparently, he sprained his ankle pretty bad. Now, look at that picture!
You can see he's dragging his leg! See? Clear as day! That's how I knew it was Powers. Happy?" Oldbag talked fast but you were able to keep up with her this time. You peered over Phoenix's shoulder to get a look at the picture, and sure enough Oldbag was right. There was the steel Samurai dragging his foot along behind him, but that left a question in your mind. Either it really was Powers or some one in the studio at that time who knew Powers had injured himself...
"Hmm. So he had sprained his ankle...?" The judge seemed to stroke his beard in thought. "Very well, Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness." The judge nodded. Phoenix seemed to be thinking until at long last finally thought about something.
"HOLD IT!" There was a pause before Phoenix continued. "Who else was there at rehearsal that day?"
"Well, let's see... There was Powers, he's the Steel Samurai... Then poor old Hammer, the Evil Magistrate. And... me." Oldbag nodded.
"What about the assistant! Ms.Penny!" You spoke up suddenly not caring for a moment about how sudden it was.
"Oh, she was off moving backdrops around and such." Oldbag waved her hand in dismissal and you found yourself looking thoughtful. You guessed she didn't see the rehearsal, damn.
"And what exactly were you doing?" The judge quirked a brow seeming curious now.
"Observing! Just... observing!" Oldbag blushed and you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes as the judge just nodded.
"You say you saw Mr.Powers "Trip and Fall?"" Phoenix narrowed his eyes leaning forward.
"Yes! And to think, he's supposed to be the Steel Samurai! What a laugh! So Powers sprained his ankle. I helped make it better for him, of course." Oldbag waved her hand in dismissal. She made it better? What did she mean by that?
"You... helped make it better?" The judge even seemed curious.
"I kissed it where it hurt." Oldbag said it like it was the simplest thing in the world an you found your self rubbing your temples with your fingers fighting back a groan. This woman!
"L-let's just skip over that part, shall we?" The judge seemed a little flustered.
"Where was the assistant then?" Phoenix tried again on the assistant wondering just as you were if she witnessed that.
"Oh, her again? She was cleaning up backdrops still, I think. She didn't know about Powers's ankle." Oldbag shrugged leaving both you and Phoenix leaning back with sighs.
"He broke a prop at the same time he sprained his ankle right?" Phoenix leaned forward hands flush against the table.
"Sure did! His own Samurai Spear!" Oldbag laughed a little. The murder weapon? "Luckily I was there with my duct tape to fix it." Duck tape? Then how would the spear be able to lodge through both a costume and a body with out breaking again? That strikes you as odd, you began to scribble down the detail on a piece of paper not caring if Phoenix was eyeing you curiously. You just didn't want to forget this!
"Was Mr.Powers ankle badly sprained?" Phoenix began to tap his finger against his lip.
"Not so bad that he couldn't walk around. He went to his dressing room to rest up after lunch.." Oldbag nodded a bit and you seemed to nod to your self as well, there was the nap you suppose. You only wished some one had witnessed him actually taking a nap at the time of the murder... "Anyway, I saw him dragging his foot when he walked."
"Dragging his foot?...okay.." Phoenix was thinking aloud again but on the bright side only you had heard. Your eyes glanced up to check on maya seeing her at the edge of her seat watching with such intensity. Then you brought your eyes back to Phoenix.
"Even if the person in the steel Samurai suit was dragging their foot its still impossible to tell it was Mr.Powers himself!" Phoenix waved the photo a bit and you agreed with him.
"OBJECTION!" Edgeworth slammed his hands down again. "Yes, but only Mr. Powers would have been dragging his leg!"
"OBJECTION!" You shouted with a narrowed look. "We don't know that! It could of been anyone in that suit!"
"OBJECTION!" Edgeworth narrowed his eyes at you. "That suit is too heavy for a woman! And not big enough for the average man! Only Mr.Powers could wear the suit!" This could of gone on but the sound of the gavel rang through the air.
"Order Order, defense, prosecution, please calm down" the judge sighed a bit shaking his head. "All objections will be over ruled, defense has a point how ever prosecution has the best point objections over ruled" you sighed unhappily as Phoenix had in the moment.
"I think we've heard enough! Haven't we, Your Honor?" Edgeworth looked at you from across the way.
"Hm...yes quite but there's one thing that's bothering me" the judge made a face.
"Which is?" Edgeworth looked to the judge.
"All this talk of the steel Samurai suit I can't help but wonder...where is it now?" The judge looked rather thoughtful. Actually you were curious your self, you don't remember hearing Gumshoe mention the suit.
"Umm... hmm. Actually, well... We couldn't find it. We're looking, though." Edgeworth straightened himself out. So they couldn't find it? "Anyway, that's not important! The witness did see the Steel Samurai, yes. And it is clear that the person in the Steel Samurai suit was Mr. Will Powers!"
"Hmm I suppose you're right" the judge just nodded and you looked to Phoenix hastily with a look that read "do something!".
"OBJECTION!" Phoenix slammed his hands down making you wince, all this hand slamming was making your hands start to hurt and you weren't even the one doing it! "Hold it right there! We keep talking possibilities, but we have to agree that this photo shows the Steel Samurai! As (Y/N)-I mean Ms.(L/N) stated before nowhere in this photo can we see Mr. Will Powers!"
"Hmm... The defense has a point. I also wonder if someone else not caught on camera could have killed Mr. Hammer. We have to consider that possibility, also." The judge nodded in the slightest.
"Then allow me to remove that doubt from your mind, Your Honor..." Edgeworth smirked and you found your heart beginning to drop in fear. "Will the witness continue her testimony, please?"
"No need to ask twice dearie!" Why did you have a bad feeling about this? "The time of poor Hammer's death was 2:30 PM, true? The only person I saw go to the studio before then was Will Powers!
No one else went there! If they had, I would have seen them!"she did have a point...
"Hmm... So, if no one else went to the studio... Then it would have to be this "Steel Samurai" who did it..." the judge seemed thoughtful before nodding. "Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness."
"OBJECTION!" Phoenix seemed to catch something you didn't. "Hold on! Look at this photograph one more time. This photo was taken by the camera at the gate for the studios, correct?" There was a pause.
"Yesiree, sonny" oldbag seemed so certain of her self.
"So, whenever anyone passes by here, it automatically takes a picture?" Phoenix leaned forward narrowing his eyes curiously.
"And here I thought you didn't know your head from a hole in the ground." Oldbag scoffed in the slightest bit at that.
"Right... Anyway! It's also true that the computer in the guard station records all security cam data." Phoenix pointed his finger at her and she scoffed again with a laugh.
"Ooh! You know, if you wanted to work at the studio, we might have an opening." She spit out sarcastically at Phoenix and you didn't seem amused at all. That's the meanest she's ever been!
"That very computer printed out this photo. Note that on the back of the photo are printed the words:Oct. 15, 2:00 PM, Photo #2!" Phoenix smirked before it lowered as she laughed again.
"Even I know that means it was taken at 2:00 PM on October the 15th! Really, sonny!" She seemed quite amused.
"Actually, I knew that too. The issure here is the bit at the end where it says: "Photo #2"..." Phoenix seemed a bit done with her now, not that you blamed him.
""Photo #2"...?" Oldbag now seemed to quite down her eyes wide and her body slightly pushing away from the witness stand. Did he have her now?!
"The computer only held data for one photo on that day. Don't you think that's odd? Shouldn't this photo be "Photo #1" if it really was the ONLY photo!?" Phoenix slammed his hands down and the court erupted in hasty whispers. Your eyes looked over to maya as she cheered silently wiggling in her seat pumping her fists, you could almost hear her.
"Go Nick! Go (Y/N)! Get her where it hurts!" Maya was quite enthusiastic today. The judge slammed down his gavel.
"Order! Order! Please tell the court what you mean by this, Mr. Wright!" The judge looked down at Phoenix with wide eyes.
"Actually, that's what I want to ask the witness. This evidence shows that not one, but two people went to the studio that day. Yet there is only data for one of the photos! Who could have erased the data for the other photo? Only someone with access... the security lady herself!" Phoenix pointed at Oldbag and even you found your self on edge.
"Eh!? You watch your mouth, whippersnapper! The only person I saw that day was Will Powers!" Oldbag seemed unamused and angry again.
"But Ms.Oldbag the camera on the gate fired twice! That means two people went by!" You spoke up with your hands on your hips.
"Umm... well, yes... that's what it would seem to mean..." she seemed put on the spot now.
"Can the witness explain this to the court?" The judge raised a brow again.
"Umm... ahem. I-I don't understand these new-fangled computer things... Umm... E-Edgey-boy! Help!" Oldbag seemed to call to Edgeworth for help and you slightly made a face feeling amused. Edgey boy?
"Huh!? B-believe me, I want to, but I don't know what this means either..." Edgeworth wasn't too keen on getting her out of this mess and you wondered if it was because she dried his patients.
"Humph! Some help you are! You're a whippersnapper too..." she paused and seemed a bit unsure of her self suddenly. "Whippersnapper...?"
"Something the matter, Ms. Oldbag?" The judge peered down at her.
"Ah! That's right! I...I just remembered something!" She seemed to come up with something fast.
"Let me guess... Someone else passed by the gate... someone other than the Steel Samurai?" The judge looked tired now.
"Er... well, yes, I suppose you could put it that way." Oldbag looked thoughtful as she said that.
"I see. Your testimony, please." The judge sighed and you didn't quite blame him, this felt like it was taking all day with her.
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