Chapter 6 Picture Perfect Samurai

You stood at studio one's entrance resisting the urge to look embarrassed, you didn't mention it out loud but you thought before you were at studio one only an extension! But that just proves how little you knew about studios, it wasn't like the office, easy to navigate! This was the studio they found Jack Hammers body.

"Well! Are we gonna try the cardkey?" Maya rocked on her heels as you fished it from your purse holding it up with a sigh.

"Yeah hopefully it'll work" you slid it across the panel on the wall waiting with anxious breath to see if the red light would flash green. There was a pause.


The color turned green releasing the locks on the doors. You released a breath opening them to let Phoenix and maya walk in first. The studio was dark, it was hard to make out what was all around but you saw a few cameras and lights around, the floor wasn't anything special until you noticed the tape on the ground. It got so very quite as you stepped in the door closing behind you to stare at the tape that outlined a body, Hmm was it just you or did the way the tape looked was wrong. If you were thinking about it being struck with a spear you'd of stumbled back, then fallen... maybe you were looking too much at it but it seemed like the body was just thrown there.

"What is it?" Phoenix seemed to notice your thoughtful stare. You broke it with the floor to look at him.

"It's nothing" You decided not to mention it thinking you were over thinking it as you waved your hand in dismissal.

"Doesn't this just give you both shivers!" Maya walked around looking at a chair you failed to notice, you wondered if the director sat there sometimes. "The white tape! It's!....its so real!" She was really enjoying her self here wasn't she? You were glad some one was.

"You'd think being stabbed would leave a few blood stains" Phoenix knelt down to look closer at the floor with out touching it you approached him. He had a point!

"Maybe the costume absorbed most of it? I hear those things are heavy?" You mused over the thought as Phoenix nodded a bit.

"I guess" he shrugged looking up at you and you found your self staring. There was a silence as he stood up neither of you saying anything to the other and then, you flicked the stray strand of hair away from his face. "Hey!" He smiled amused as you went to walk over to maya.

"It's bugging me!" You joked looking back at him.

"I like it like that!" He was fixing his hair as he walked up to you and maya who was now looking at a camera.

"Wow look at this camera!!" Maya beamed as she reached a hand out to touch it. "This must cost a ton!"

"Wait don't touch it!" You went to stop her but it was too late she had it in her arms with a wide smile. She was more of a handful this time around you guessed because she was so excited. You couldn't take that away from her.

"Hey! Put it back!" Phoenix was frantic trying to take the camera from her all three of you almost fighting over the camera.

"Hey! You three! No touching!" You jumped at the new voice hastily putting the camera back with maya as Phoenix turned around with a nervous smile. It was a young looking girl standing there with her hair in a pony tail holding a clip board.

", sorry my youngest partner is kind of...y'know" Phoenix seemed on the spot only to make a face as maya lightly hit his shoulder.

"No I don't know!" She seemed upset with him and you tried not to laugh, the way you've all been bickering lately you all sounded like family!(not that you minded, in fact you liked the idea of all three of you being a family!). You had to stop those two before they started to fight, if anyone was gonna fight it would be Phoenix and maya.

"We're sorry about this, who might you be though?" You flashed a smile trying to hint at Phoenix and maya to drop their little argument.

"Who me? I'm an assistant here. I help with props and stuff. Moving them around, ordering new ones, et cetera." The girl shrugged. "My name's penny"

"We're lawyers representing Mr.Will Powers!" Maya seemed to break away from the argument to look at penny.

"Oh, you're WP's people." Penny glanced down at her clip board.

""WP"...? Oh! Will Powers WP! I get it!" Maya seemed to have a bit of a moment and you let it slide sighing a little.(You felt like you've been sighing a lot lately).

"I don't envy you guys one bit! But... do what you can for WP, okay? He'd never hurt a fly! He has to be innocent." Penny looked up at all three of you.

"Don't worry we'll try our best" you released a breath before Phoenix interrupted.

"Could you tell me anything about the day of the murder?" Phoenix tilted his head to the side as he spoke.(would he stop being so cute?!)

"Yes. I was in the studio the whole day. I was the only assistant on staff that day, you see." Penny readjusted her glasses.

"Only ONE assistant!!!" Maya seemed shocked.

"Yes, well, the studios aren't doing so well right now. And yesterday was only rehearsal for our action sequences." Penny shrugged before continuing. "In the morning we went through the action sequences in the employee area. WP and Hammer were there, along with everyone else." Everyone else?

"The employee area--that's where Powers's dressing room is, right?" Phoenix was asking the obvious but you weren't about to stop him, sure he had a few strange ways of asking questions but they worked! If it worked you wouldn't say anything.

"Yes, that's the place. After eating lunch there, Mr. Hammer went to Studio One. Then I saw WP go into his dressing room. But I didn't see either of them after that." Penny nodded her head a bit.

"Did you happen to know Will Powers fell asleep in his dressing room?" You pressed a finger to your lips.

"No! I wouldn't go in there unless I had some urgent message for him... I mean, it's his private...What kind of a girl do you think I am!?" She seemed flustered.

"Oh! I didn't mean like!-" you flushed thinking about Phoenix, you'd die if you had to walk into his bedroom uninvited! Sure you've been tempted to look around, but you wouldn't ever! It was private! "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that!" You stammered a little. Well so much for getting confirmation on Power's alibi!

"What do we do, Nick! (Y/N)! We haven't found anything! If WP was the only one who came to the studio... Then he has to be the killer! They even have a photograph..." Maya seemed worried as she whispered to you both even with penny standing there still.

"Hmm" you were about to speak until penny cleared her throat.

"Umm... Sorry... I know you're all busy..." penny trailed off.

"Not really" Phoenix sighed shaking his head.

"there's been something bothering me." Penny frowned a bit.

"Ah hah! That's what I'm talking about! A clue! A lead!" Maya clapped her hands together happily and you had to shush her.

"Well, I don't know about that, but that day, just after noon, I sensed someone was here..." Penny seemed worried now.

"You "sensed"?" Phoenix looked suspicious, was he thinking about the way she worded that?

"Yes, several times" penny seemed so sure but were you all?

"Some other studio employees, maybe?" Phoenix was trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for her to of sensed some one. You knew the feeling of "sensing" another person, but yours was different driven from anxiety and over thinking feeling as if some one was staring at you or was right behind you. You were glad you lived with Phoenix right now, other wise you're certain you'd have a break down once every week. It was hard moving on from your best friends death, but a month later you're a month stronger!

"No, I don't think so. The only thing we had scheduled was an action scene run-through. I was the only assistant here that day. I have a feeling it was someone from... outside." Penny shuddered and you found your self slightly backing closer to Phoenix at the thought.

"R-really?!" He seemed just as startled.

"But wait, if someone had come in here... Wouldn't that security lady have noticed them?" Maya looked to you and Phoenix.

"Yeah you're right..." you bit your lip too paranoid at the moment to mention that drain gate in the wall big enough for a child.

"I'm sorry I don't have any better information than that..." Penny looked at maya.

"No, thanks! That helps us a lot. Anything helps. Let's go put that security lady on the spot and ask her about the photo!" Maya seemed so certain of her self making you smile in the slightest. Penny waved goodbye leaving all three of you alone to walk out.

"You don't think it was the murder do you? Sneaking around?" You pondered over the thought you let into the air as you all followed along the path back to the main gate.

"Could be but we can't be certain" Phoenix stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"What if it was!! Watching the day of the murder!! Oh my!" Maya was lost in dream land for a moment as you all made your way back to the front gate walking out to the security booth. Upon arriving you saw Oldbag stuffing donuts in her face again.

"Nick! (Y/N)! Look! That security lady is in the guard station stuffing her face with donuts! I guess all cops like their donuts!" Maya pointed at the window and you had to bite back a laugh. She didn't need to point out the obvious.

"Yeah, and they're soft enough she doesn't need teeth to chew them..." Phoenix muttered under his breath earning a slight smack on the arm from you.

"Lot of talk coming from a man who breaths in his food!" You smiled at him as he said "hey!" With a wide smile on his face. Suddenly Oldbag seemed to notice all three of you standing there, nearly choking on a donut she stood to her feet wiping her face before walking out.

"Hey, you! Well? Are you satisfied Powers is guilty yet?" She looked at Phoenix as she spoke. She really made your jobs harder by giving Gumshoe a picture.

"Why didn't you tell us about the security photo ma'am?" You decided to be the one to ask ignoring her bold words about being satisfied about poor Powers guilt.

"Hmm? Oh, that? I just thought it would be more thrilling to talk with the detective himself! These things are important, you know. Oh, just to the left from here is the gate with the camera that took that photo. It's my job to check the photos every day, you see." Oldbag smiles a bit at you and you just smiled back, well you guessed she was trying to worm her way out of the question but you weren't gonna ask why, you were afraid one wrong question and she'd be angry at you!

"The security camera?" Phoenix tilted his head glancing at you as Oldbag brought her attention to him.

"Oh yes, the camera. It's automatic. It can tell when someone walks through that gate, see? Then it snaps a photo! Apparently, it records the time when it takes a picture too. But I don't bother myself with those details. I just view all the photos on the computer over in the security guard station. I check 'em every day before going home, I do." Oldbag waved her hand in dismissal at the end of her words and you found your self thinking, the time then huh? Maybe you should ask about getting another picture she gave to Gumshoe but held your breath instead.

Phoenix seemed to be thinking his eyes narrowing almost in his thought. You'd say you were starting to stare but then again no one called it out and you weren't about to look away(you liked it when he had that thoughtful expression).

"What? I saw that suspicious look on your face!" Oldbag wasn't happy with the look on Phoenix's face, you happened to disagree it was more than pleasing. But you looked away quickly before he caught your stare lasting longer than it should.

"I wanted to ask you again about yesterday... You came here at 1:00 PM, correct? And the estimated time of Hammer's death was 2:30. Are you sure that Powers was the only one to go through here between those times?" Phoenix rubbed his chin with his finger again.

"Sure as can be!" Oldbag narrowed her eyes pressing her hands to her hips.

"But we have a witness who thinks there was "someone from outside" here that day!" Maya decided to speak seeming to smile only to cower behind you and Phoenix when Oldbag got angry.

"WHAT?!" She was starting to pant heavily.

"Are you absolutely sure you were here watching the whole time?" You decided to speak up. She didn't answer still panting. "Ma'am?" You bit your lip, she was starting to look scary.

"Who was it? Who told you that? Who dares question ME!?" Now it was your turn to cower in the slightest worried that she was about to lash out and kill you! You clung to Phoenix's arm only for a moment feeling so silly for how often you've done that today. "Alright you better tell me and tell me quick, you spiky-haired cretin! Someone's been complaining about the work I do, eh!?" Her attention was on Phoenix now. Spiky haired cretin? What an odd insult(why did everyone attack his hair? You liked it...).

"Uh... um, we were just talking to the assistant in Studio One." Maya spoke from behind you and Phoenix trying not to get too involved.

"All you young'uns are like that nowadays, running your mouths like there was no tomorrow saying this that and the other thing. Well when I was young let me tell you we knew a thing or two about respecting our elders. Back then we did and it's a crying shame that you youths today just say what you please about poor old ladies!!" Suddenly Oldbag screamed out before she stormed away leaving her booth empty. Your eyes widened clinging more to Phoenix never hearing some one talk as fast or as harshly as that woman could. She was something else. You almost didn't understand what she had said with how much she had been talking!

"I guess we could look at the computer our selves now" you sighed slowly releasing Phoenix's arm blushing a bit at how much you had clung to him.(though if you knew what he thought about it you'd of done it more, he liked it when you wanted him to protect you even if you were mad about how childish you were being!).

"Right, Let's give it a try!" Phoenix walked into the booth you and maya following behind him. He started up the computer.

"You know how these thinks work, Nick?" Maya looked over Phoenix's shoulder standing on her toes in an attempt to see what he was doing as you leaned against the desk the computer was on. Phoenix didn't seem to answer her muttering to himself.

"Looks like I just have to enter in a few numbers. Let's see..." he seemed to be thinking aloud again.

"Try the date of the murder" you watched him nod typing in something only for nothing to happen. You sighed pushing him away from the computer typing into it. These sorts of computers were strange, and even though you didn't know too much about computers you took a gamble in typing: ST1307. Suddenly the printer whirled to life.

"Hey! It's printing out the data for that day!" Maya walked to the printer as a picture pumped out of it before handing it to you and Phoenix to look over. The paper was warm from the printer and all you saw was the back with was labeled "Oct. 15, 2:00 PM, Photo #2". Number 2?!

"Is it a picture of Will Powers?!" Maya seemed like she was dying to know as Phoenix flipped the picture over. You looked confused seeing someone inside the steel samurai suit, but who it wasn't easy to tell.

"You can't tell" you bit your lip. "It's only some one in the costume"

"Maybe she assumed because he's the only one who wears it" Phoenix shrugged a bit.

"What about the number on the picture? Number 2?" You pointed to it with a slight frown.

"There must of been another one taken that day" Phoenix rubbed his chin again.

"You mean that there's another picture! That was the only one there!!" Maya looked shocked. "Are we going to use this picture as evidence for court tomorrow?!" Maya seems excited to go back.

"Yeah" Phoenix answered before you could.

"We'll put that security lady in her place with this!" Maya was getting to excited.

"Right, we'll put her in her place..." he seemed to just be repeating what was being said, he was thinking wasn't he?

"Hey, that's what I said! Anyway... Let's show her this photo and see what she says!" Maya was about to march out but you stopped her.

"I don't think that's a good idea!" You let her walk out with you and Phoenix standing at the entrance.

"Why not?!" Maya puffed her cheeks a bit.

"We could have the upper hand with this let's just hold off okay?" You smiled a bit.

"Hmm alright!" Maya sighed as you all made your way to the side walk. "So we're done for today?!" Maya tilted her head to the side.

"Yeah looks like it there's not too much else we can do" you sighed as a cab pulled up all three of you getting inside it. You just hoped you'd all fair well in court tomorrow, you only wished you had a better idea who the murder couldn't be that security lady could it?...

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