Chapter 3 Will Powers

Silence swept over all three of you as Will Powers was brought out, he was a lot bigger than you thought he'd be. He was taller than Phoenix(maybe by an extra few inches). And lean too, clearly from all the stunts he'd have to do for the show, he seemed to have soft eyes but that was all you could say about him. Maya was cowering behind you and Phoenix while you both sat in the plastic chairs.

"What's wrong maya?" You broke your stare with the sniffling man to look back at your best friends sister. "That's him, Mr.Will Powers I thought you were excited!" You failed to notice Phoenix staring off at Powers with narrowed eyes.(Unknown to you if you had noticed he was trying to make sure Powers didn't look at you "the wrong way").

" that guy really him?" Maya seemed hesitant as she stared at him. You didn't want to admit it but Powers did seem a little rough looking.

"Whaddya mean "that guy"? Of course it's him! Will Powers, our client! That's him." Phoenix over heard maya glancing at her for a moment as he spoke.

"Um, maybe I shouldn't be saying this... But he definitely did it. Murder. At least once. Maybe twice..." maya pressed her lips together clutching the back of your chair with a scared expression.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Isn't that going a little far?!" You turned your head to look at her shocked she'd even say that, but maybe she was just afraid of him he looked like a giant compared to all three of you!

"Um..." powers decided to speak lowering his head not realizing why Phoenix eyed him funnily. "Something wrong?....all that whispering has me worried!" Powers sniffled looking up at you all again. Maya seemed shocked.

"N-no! No!" She waved her hands. You and Phoenix just shared a look knowing just what the other was thinking. This was getting off to a great start.(Note the sarcasm!).

"I know, I know. You're disappointed, aren't you?" Powers lowered his head. Disappointed?

"D-disappointed! No! No of course not!" Maya gasped out coming out of her shell.

"No, it's okay....I understand...This is the real me. When I got the part of the Steel Samurai, with that mask... I decided I would never show my face in public until the job was over. It's the kids, you know? I didn't want to wreck their dreams..." Powers sighed as he sniffled and you knew you had read him right. Kind eyes, he had kindness to him. Honestly it made your heart break at how sweet the idea was! Phoenix didn't seem to pleased as both you and maya tried to comfort him.

"Mr.Powers it's alright! We understand! We aren't disappointed! Honest!" You tried to speak as maya did.

"Not disappointed at all!" Maya gasped out.

"I guess it didn't matter. So much for dreams. I wonder what they think of the Steel Samurai now..." Suddenly Powers sobbed covering his nose with a tissue to blow loudly into it causing Phoenix to slightly roll his eyes as you and maya continued to try and comfort him.

"Phoenix" you turned to him as he looked at you.

"What?"Phoenix kept his attention to only you now while Maya continued to try and soothe powers as you both spoke.

"Let's take the case, I don't think he did it" you bit your lip.

"What makes you so sure?" He narrowed his eyes a bit at you curiously.

"He seems too soft to want to hurt anyone, besides we need the money! And well Maya's right helping a celebrity will boost our client numbers" You pressed your lips together now. Phoenix looked back to powers before he sighed a bit.

"Alright, we'll take the case for sure now!" There was a silence as powers looked at you and Phoenix now.

"Really!" He was almost like a kid blowing his nose.

"Of course Mr.Powers" you smiled as you leaned against the table.

"Thank you both so much!" Powers blew his nose again.

"We should start by having you tell us what happened the day of the murder" Phoenix peered up a little at Powers.

"Y-yes. Of course. It seems like it was only yesterday. Actually, it was only yesterday. The cast had come down to Global Studios for a run-through. We went through a few action sequences at 10:00 that morning. There was a rehearsal scheduled for 5:00 in the afternoon. But when 5:00 came around, and the staff gathered at the studio... The Evil Magistrate was found lying in a crumpled heap near the set. They took off his mask... And discovered that it was Jack Hammer... dead! He had been expertly skewered with the Samurai Spear!" Powers sniffled again.

"The samurai spear?" Phoenix made a face.

"That's the steel samurai's weapon in the show" you sighed out to Phoenix.
"Now where were you on the day of the murder?" You turned your attention back to Powers who scratched his head.

"Well, that morning I came to studios at 9:00. We worked through some action scenes until noon....Rehearsal was to begin at 5:00, but I was a little tired. So after lunch, I took a nap in my dressing room. When I woke up, it was after 5:00! I was late for the rehearsal! I hurried to the studio... and found everyone looking shocked. They arrested me on the spot, and brought me here." hummed in thought after powers finished thinking a lost expression on your face. If he slept the whole time you'd hardly say he had too much of an alibi... this wasn't going to be good!

" say you slept the whole time?" You pierced your lips.

"Y-Yes that's right! I-I wish I hadn't! But I was so tired my body felt like a brick!" Powers rubbed his nose with his tissue.

"I think we should take a look around Global studios" Phoenix rubbed his chin in thought.

"I'll draw you a map" Powers sniffled a bit and you didn't have the heart to tell him that you all just could of just taken a cab there with no problem. Ah well...the map was slipped through a slot in the wall just below the glass and you took it gently putting it in your purse.(which you hated carrying around still).

"Wow!" Maya gasped with wide eyes. "Let's go!" She smiled happily.

"Right" you sighed pushing your chair back to stand. "We'll be back soon Mr.Powers" you flashed a smile before walking out with maya as Phoenix stayed behind to stare only to turn on his heel leaving with you both.

"H-hey! Wait up you two!"

You never imagined your self here in front of a big studio lot before, sure you thought about it as a kid, being a movie star having fans. But now you didn't think much about those things let alone ending up here on a murder case no less.(You didn't even think you'd get celebrity clients as an attorney!). You stared up at the entrance gate not noticing the security booth just to the left now.

"Wow! So this is where they make the Steel Samurai show! Awesome! Aren't you both excited!?" Maya clasped her hands together and you swore you saw stars in her eyes.

"I never thought I'd be here" you sighed shaking your head only to jump as a shout rang through. Instinctively you clung to Phoenix's arm with wide eyes.(ever since Mia's murder you've always been jumpy to certain noises, and for good reasons).

"Hey! You there! You want in, you gotta go through me!" Suddenly an old woman stood at the gate making sure to keep maya away from the entrance. She looked so angry! You wanted to cling to Phoenix more but let go instead to approach her.

"We're terribly sorry, we didn't mean to loiter, we're lawyers here on a case" you tried to play it calm pulling maya away from the woman with a strained smile.

"Oh yeah? Lawyers Huh?! Well that's great. I'm security! And it's my job to make sure that gawkers like you stay OUT." Gawkers? You don't think you looked that star struck! Maybe maya had but you knew you and Phoenix certainly hadn't!

"G-gawkers!" Maya seemed a little offended and confused, did she not know what that meant?

"Gawkers! Sightseers! Tourists!!! I know the type. You heard about the incident and came to snoop around. Youths today! Something horrible happens and all you can think of is sightseeing. Wasting your time at a place like this. Don't you have jobs you should be doing? Or do lawyers not work like the rest of us? Maybe I should become a lawyer too. Sounds like a life of ease to me no work just loafing around all day as you please. Well when I was young things were a mite different, mind you we didn't prance around in strange hippie clothes. What are the youths coming to these days my own son hasn't called in..."

That woman seemed to talk a mile a minute being so angry as she just talked, talked, talked You hardly understood half of what she was saying. But you managed to catch most of it unlike maya had(call it a perk of being a lawyer).

"Ma'am I'm sorry we aren't trying to be that way, we are here on a case honestly! We wouldn't be here if we weren't!" You we're trying to be nice while Maya and Phoenix talked behind you ignoring the lady as she went on again angrily.

"Umm...nick please tell me when I grow up I won't be like that!" Maya turned her head to look at you and the older woman talking, she was angry you tried to be level headed.

"I dunno! It's possible..." Phoenix shrugged and maya gasped out until jumping as the woman turned to point a finger at them.

"Hey! You two! Listen when you're being spoken too! Youths today!" The lady huffed and you just smiled apologetically. Had you gotten on her good side was that why she wasn't shouting at you now?!

"Gah! Sorry!" Phoenix looked to you as maya hid behind him.

"Hmph! Be more like your friend here!" The lady pointed to you as you just stood there, Phoenix couldn't help but look so shocked! He didn't think you'd get on this lady good side but then again, you seemed to have some sort of way with people he didn't have.

"Would you willing to answer some of our questions?" Phoenix crinkled his nose as he talked walking closer to you as the lady scoffed a bit.

"Well if you're friends with this nice dear then fine! But don't expect much!" She was just a ray full of sunshine!(you didn't even know why she liked you, you just tried to calm her down and tell her you weren't sight seeing but casually mentioned you liked a movie with Mr.Hammers in it!).

"So, What do you do here at the studios?" Phoenix readjusted his tie.

"At Global Studios, we make children's dreams come true! In fact, in my younger days..." the lady smiled a bit at a fond memory playing in her head.

"No! You were a star!" Maya looked amazed now as the lady sighed a bit.

"Only a little twinkle between the stars here, I'm afraid, dearie." The lady shook her head now.

"!" Maya looked amazed.

"This place has really gone downhill, you know? But 10 years ago, now that was a studio of dreams! Hammer was a big star back then too, he was..." You looked at her curiously as she spoke, you knew he had been a big star! You liked one of his movies and thought he was a good actor! Even if you've actually only seen one movie with him in it and him in the steel samurai.

"Hammer?" Was Phoenix even paying attention? Your head looked to him as he repeated the last name thrown off.

"The victim, dummy! The Evil Magistrate! He's been reduced to playing villains now. Not exactly the best material to work with..." the lady didn't seem to happy Phoenix didn't even know who hammer had been.

"Ah-moving away from this, could you tell us about Mr. Powers?" You sighed taking your place beside Phoenix who just followed with the conversation more now.

"He's not a bad kid, but don't be fooled by his mask! You wouldn't want him on the silver screen without it, believe me. Little old ladies watching would lose their lunch! That's probably why he thought that the Steel Samurai was his "big chance." No one thought he was capable of doing what he did to poor Jack Hammer..." the older woman looked away from the three of you.

"Well we don't know for certain that mr powers did it!" You wanted to be sympathetic but hadn't she heard of the phrase innocent until proven guilty?

"Powers? Of course he's guilty! How do I know? I know everything! That's my job." Well from what you gathered you knew that wasn't her job, but if that's what she wanted to believe! You just smiled apologetically to her as she looked back at you quickly. Phoenix sensing the tension decided to hastily change the topic.

"What kind of person was jack hammers?" It was a strange transition but one you were thankful for.

"What "kind of person"? Oh... if you only knew! Jack Hammer will live on in many hearts as the ultimate action hero! He was simply dashing in the Dynamite Samurai series!" The lady gasped out and you gasped with her. You didn't know hammers was in that movie! But then again you watched it when you were in grand school you guessed the actors all sort of looked the same.

"Oh! He certainly was! What a series!" You flushed causing Phoenix to make a bit of a jealous expression as you and the lady started talking about it. Maya just stared up at him with a knowing smile.

"W-What!" He looked down at her blushing embarrassed.

"Hmm nothing!" Maya smiled innocently looking away. Finally you and the lady seemed to calm your talk letting her continue.

"But... there was an accident during filming five years ago...He got an unlucky break after that. Reduced to playing the villain on a children's program! What's more, I heard they were paying him peanuts. It's enough to make you cry!" That did sound awful! Your face fell a bit but you had to move away from the topic.

"That does sound really horrible... but I have a question my self, why are you so certain Mr.Powers did it?" You titled your head to the side as the woman looked at you with a huff. She looked annoyed again.

"I was standing right here yesterday, I was! I was here from 1:00 in the afternoon, to 5:00, when they found the body! Now the studio where the murder took place is to the left here...So if you want to go to the studio, you have to pass by me! Only one person went by here between 1:00 and 2:30, when the murder took place!" The lady huffed at the end and now Phoenix looked curious.

"And...that person was Mr.Powers?" He spoke up eyes on him.

"Yes I saw him!" The lady crossed her arms.

"But Mr. Powers says he was sleeping in his dressing room!" You bit your lip as she turned to look at you.

"Oh, I'm sure he would say that. He's no fool! But he was the only one that walked by. He's the killer, you can bet your biscuits on it!" She seemed so sure Powers had done it but if you were being honest you don't think he did. Something wasn't adding up but just what yet you couldn't possibly tell. "Isn't it time for you all to be heading home? We've been chatting long enough! Move along!" Uh oh did you get on her bad side?

"Um, actually, we're here at Mr. Powers's request..." Phoenix rubbed He nape of his neck.

"Hmph! I thought you were suspicious lookin'! Show me a "letter of request." And maybe I'll just let you in!" The lady stared at Phoenix and maya before turning to look at you with just narrowed eyes instead of a huffy angry look. "Sorry dearie that means you too! But you're welcome to stay and talk with me about poor Hammers! You aren't as suspicious as those other two!" Well at least you were on her good side.

"Hey!" Phoenix and maya both didn't look happy she said that about them.

"I'm sorry, I'd love to but we've got to get the letter you've requested, maybe another time! I'd love to talk about it with you!" You smiled at her and she smiled at you with a respectful nod. You walked with Phoenix and maya back to the side walk to catch another cab.

"That lady obviously thinks she owns the place!" Maya huffed as you all tried to wave one down.

"Yeah no kidding! How did you manage to get on her good side (Y/N)?" Phoenix looked to you as you just smiled almost teasingly pressing a hand to your hip.

"A magician never reveals her secrets" you winked as the cab pulled up to the curb making Phoenix blush furiously as you all slid inside to make your way to the detention center. It was time to have another talk with Will Powers and so soon!

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