Chapter 25 Trials And Tribulations

You paced out in the defendants lobby as soon as you were aloud out of the court room. Your heels clicked against the floor as you crossed your arms chewing on your thumbnail twisting it between your teeth as you walked back and forth. Phoenix was sitting on the bench looking lost as both of you waited for Mia to walk over from the stands. Powers didn't look too happy himself sniffling heavily.

"Phoenix. (Y/N)." Mia called for you and Phoenix finally pulling you from your thoughts to turn and look at her furrowing your brows into a look of concern.

"Mia! We're getting chewed out!" You released your nail from your harsh teeth only to bit your lip.

"What do we do now?" Phoenix was on his feet next to you looking at Mia for help. She stayed silent before she looked away rubbing her upper arms while they were crossed.

"I'm sorry....I guess I was wrong.." Mia sighed out looking defeated, you don't think you've ever seen her like this. You wondered if she felt like she's lost her touch...

"M-Mia! Don't tell me you're giving up!" You clenched your hands into fists looking determined. "He's innocent we know it!! We just need a new angle come on can't we think of something? All three of us?" You turned to look at Phoenix with hope only to see him looking beaten.

"If you give up, what hope do we have?" Phoenix pressed his lips together. Mia just looked at you both dropping her arms to her sides.

"Don't get me wrong. I've never given up on a trial before, not while there was a chance. Only one thing became clear in your cross-examination. The people in the trailer could not have gone to Studio One. I thought there was more to it than that... But I was wrong. That's all there is." Mia shook her head.

"You're thinking too inside the box, you can do a lot in 15 minutes and Phoenix and I know the walk to studio one isn't more than 3 minutes, by the sound of it the murder was quick there's just!- just something we're missing!" You didn't want to give up, even if you felt as defeated as everyone else. You never wanted to give up again after a month ago, there was no chance you were giving up. If you had given up on Phoenix he'd of been long gone and now you cant bare the thought. Giving up was not an option.

"I don't know.." Mia shook her head at you but Phoenix was thinking about your words, you could be right.

"Umm...Er...excuse me...But what's going to happen to me? It kinda seems like everyone in that courtroom thinks I did it...They think I'm a murderer!" Powers suddenly spoke up behind you and Phoenix making you both turn around to face him. If you were being honest you forgot he was there.

"Don't worry, Mr. Powers. If you are innocent, we will prove it. I guarantee it. Leave it to us, and... be yourself. Be strong. You are the Steel Samurai, hero to children everywhere, after all." Mia suddenly nodded turning to look at you. "Cody is going on trial next, be careful and don't press too hard just on what we can get him on. You're right (Y/N) there's something we've over looked" Mia stared at you with soft eyes and you realized it was you this time who fired her up. Normally it's her firing you up.

"I... You... Thanks." Powers sniffled blowing his nose into his tissue from Mia's words. You smiled relieved feeling Phoenix taking your hand again, Mia noticed you two seemed very close today.

"For the kids?" You let an amused smile cross your face.

"Yes for the kids, let's make this one for them, let's do it!" Mia looked at Phoenix who nodded. It was time to go back in.

The gavel hit the "stand" with a heavy sound echoing through the court room a couple of times as you took your place beside Phoenix.

"Court is back in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers." The Judge seemed thoughtful even as he spoke.

"The prosecution has a concern. As our witness is a grade schooler of tender years, and this is a murder case... We worry that the defense might cause unnecessary trauma with their cruel questioning!" Edgeworth stared at the judge and you felt your lips twitch to a frown, why was he taking such a moral high ground you knew how to control your self! "However, we have no choice. The prosecution calls Cody Hackins to the stand." Edgeworth sighed and soon Cody was walking up to the witness stand.

Cody carried his camera with him again but didn't take any pictures holding it close to his chest with watery eyes even if he had a scowl on his face. The scowl shifted when he saw you giving you a childish wave which you gently returned as he walked to the witness stand. He was much shorted than the railings only his hat peeked out from behind it. You sort of wanted to laugh, poor thing.

"Your Honor. Perhaps you could arrange a box for him to stand on?" Edgeworth sighed as the judge nodded hastily.

"Oh, r-right. Guard, please bring him a box. One of those donut crates should do." The judge nodded to an officer in the room who got a box and let Cody stand on top of it, now you could see Cody much clearer.

"Will the witness state his name and grade in school." Edgeworth readjusted his neck piece, he had told you what it was called once before when you called it something silly but you honestly couldn't remember the name of it, before he pressed his hands down on the desk. Cody was quite, looking pouty. Edgeworth quickly got impatient. "Witness!" He snapped and you wanted to scoff, who was being cruel to the young witness now?

"What!? Just 'cause you're all grown-up don't mean you can push me around!" Cody stuck his tongue out at Edgeworth who scowled slamming a hand down on the table. You cleared your throat.

"Cody? Could you please just answer his question? This is for the steel samurai!" You smiled at Cody who met your gaze and he beamed.

"Right! Whizzam! For the steel samurai!" Cody looked quite happy and Edgeworth looked at you surprised, he didn't know how you got the kid to talk. "I'm Cody Hackins. I'm in 2nd grade!" Cody beamed as he spoke. This already felt like a long day, some how it felt longer.

"Mr. Edgeworth. Please remember that you're speaking to a child. Try to be gentle." The judge shook his head sighing with a slight frown. Edgeworth grunted in response and merely pierced his lips. You knew this wasn't going to be easy for him.

"Witness! Er, I mean, Cody." Edgeworth cleared his throat. "You were present, er, you were at Global Studios on the day of the, er, incident?" Edgeworth scowled.

"You got a problem with that!?" Cody got defensive staring at Edgeworth with as harden of a glare as he could muster. You were surprised cody liked you sometimes.

"Please tell us what you saw that day." Edgeworth was having a hard time containing himself.

"What, pops? You want me to tell you and gramps with the beard over there?" Cody shot back at Edgeworth and you had to repress a look. If you had met Cody in court you'd of been shocked but honestly after yesterday you're really not.

"Just.. Mr. Edgeworth will be fine." Edgeworth looked annoyed his eye twitching as he pressed his lips into a tight thin line. The judge stroked his bread smiling a little.

"I prefer "bearded gentleman" myself." The judge hummed and you and Phoenix shared a look. This was going to be a very very long day indeed. Suddenly the judge looked at Cody seeming to notice his new camera. "Incidentally, photographic equipment is strictly forbidden in this courtroom." The judge frowned now.

"M-my apologies, Your Honor. He said he wouldn't testify if he couldn't bring it... I'd like special permission, if that's possible." Edgeworth looked humiliated as he spoke hanging his head down as the judge looked at him.

"Wait, so you're saying you had to bargain terms with a kid... and you LOST?" Phoenix couldn't help himself he had to blurt that out and it finally made you burst into laughter. You had tried to calm it down but you couldn't stop. It was just so funny imagining serious Edgeworth trying to bargain with a kid and LOOSE! You laughed a little more not noticing Phoenix smiling at you with a blush.

"Hey! I just got this new camera! Don't really know how to use it all that good yet! But I bring it with me wherever I go!" Cody huffed suddenly shaking his head. Finally you calmed down swallowing any more laughter that rose to your throat.

"You done?" Phoenix looked at you whispering so only you could hear.

"Yes" you laughed breathlessly. "Okay I'm serious now" you waved a hand over your face acting like you were erasing your smile to replace it with a more narrowed look. "Though I wonder if Cody had that camera on the day of the murder..." you trailed off before all attention was on the judge.

"Very well, Cody. Please testify to the court about what you saw the day of the incident." The judge waved his hand letting Cody start. Cody shifted on his feet looking nervous clutching his camera close to his chest. It really must of been a security blanket for him.

"I wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehearsal, just once. I found a map on the Internet, and went to the studios that day. I went through the woods off the path, so that old lady wouldn't catch me. I was going for the studio.
I got kinda lost on the way, though. For about 30 minutes. When I came out by the studio, there was the Steel Samurai!
It totally rocked! Right before my eyes, out came the bad guy! Of course, the Steel Samurai took him down! Pow! If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the time for a shot, I tell you!" Cody had been very animated while he talked pumping his fist like he was going to punch wanting to spin on his heel as he spoke. He wasn't as detailed when he spoke to you, Phoenix, and wondered why that was. "Anyway, I couldn't get into the studio, so I went home." Cody stood still now.

"Hmm... Very well. The defense may begin its cross-examination. And, be gentle. Remember you're talking to a child." The judge nodded to Phoenix who nodded back to him. You knew that Cody was still a kid but he was so much tougher than most adults you see in the court room.

"So Cody, did you happen to see anything unusual that day?" Phoenix raised a brow pressing his hand against the desk the other on his hip. Sweeping back his blue suit jacket, you stared before heading Mia clear her throat in the stand behind you. Hastily you looked away to stare at Cody.

""Unusual"?" Cody looked confused.

"Did you see this monkey by any chance?" Phoenix held up a picture of Mr.Monkey on the tour guide map you three had picked up from the beginning. Cody squinted his eyes leaning forward to see the picture before he nodded.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Monkey? Yeah I saw him, but his head wasn't busted!" Cody huffed a bit and suddenly a spark went off inside you. It wasn't busted? Could it be that it was broken AFTER the murder? What a thought indeed, you kept it to your self for a moment pressing your lips together staring at Phoenix.

"You say you saw a bad guy, could you describe who you saw to the court?" Phoenix raised a brow. You tried desperately not to look at him, he kept quirking up that eyebrow of his every time he let it fall to a rest.

"A guy. A person. Kinda tall. Skinny." Cody thought back to what he saw making your eyes narrow. Kinda tall and skinny? There's no man you've met at the studio that was tall or skinny, Powers and Hammer both were built and Manella wasn't exactly skinny. Only the women at the studio were slightly tall and skinny...

"Are you sure it was a guy?" As if Phoenix read your mind he spoke your question pressing his lips together with a breath leaving through his nose. Cody was silent for a moment.

"I dunno. He was kinda far away." Cody shrugged at long last. Your eyes shifted to look at Phoenix with a face, Cody was being awfully vague.

"You didn't have your camera at all that day?" Phoenix pressed suddenly both hands were on the table. He must of caught something you didn't for a second.

"N-no I didn't! I-it's not like I have it all the time!" Cody looked nervous suddenly.

"OBJECTION!" Suddenly Phoenix slammed his hands on the table, he had the look in his eyes a smirk traced his lips. "Cody, what you just said seems, well, a little strange. Didn't you say before that you always bring your digital camera wherever you go? You were quite clear about that." Phoenix smirked fully when he got his point across gazing at your amazed face in the corner of his eye. Why hadn't you caught that?

"Huh?!" Cody looked shocked.

"Cody, you shouldn't lie here. You understand that, right?" Phoenix looked serious as he spoke and the tone was chilling to you.(Or maybe everything he said was chilling to you, you liked his voice.)

"Mr. Wright! A word with you..." the judge sounded unhappy, you wondered if Phoenix was putting the pressure on too much, you didn't think so but fate always found a way to mess with you.

"Your honor?" Phoenix swallowed thickly.

"What is this "digital" camera contraption you're talking about?" The judge looked curious, did he not know what a camera was? You found that odd but then again some people don't keep up with the latest tech, Maya had a flip phone still!

"It's umm... a digital camera, Your Honor. It's kind of a new sort of camera." Phoenix wasn't sure how to describe it looking a little on the spot.

"I see" the judge nodded so very slowly. Phoenix brought his attention back to the nervous Cody.

"Anyway, Cody... I can't believe you wouldn't bring your camera on a trip to the studios! You did bring it, didn't you?" Phoenix slammed his hands down on the desk, you both were getting some where.

"OBJECTION!!" Edgeworth shouted across the way. "Mr. Wright! How cruel you are, to terrorize a poor child so!" Powerful words coming from a man who was almost shouting at a child a minute ago, you didn't want to let Phoenix answer.

"No one should lie in court! Child or a prosecuting attorney!" You narrowed your eyes.

"What do you mean "or a prosecuting attorney"!?" Edgeworth looked mildly offended.

"Well, Cody?" Phoenix pressed again.

"Wh-what! Yeah, so I had my camera. So what!? You got a problem with that!?" Cody scoffed at Phoenix again.

"So, you did have a camera? And did you use this camera?" Now the judge was intervening.

"W-why would I use it? I... I was too busy watching." Cody looked even more nervous than before.

"Hmm... Very well. Please testify to the court about what you were so busy watching." The judge nodded after a while seeming lost in his train of thought. Cody shifted on his feet sucking in a breath.

"Y-yeah, I had my camera with me.
But I was glued to the action! I couldn't take my eyes off it! The Steel Samurai, he goes for the bad guy... wham! Then... then the bad guy stopped moving! He's so strong! The Steel Samurai rules!" Cody pumped his fist trying to hold back tears, suddenly you don't think that's what he saw.

"Hmm... Ah? Is that all? Well, that was brief. Mr. Wright, your cross-examination." The judge looked at Phoenix and both you and Phoenix looked at one another. This wasn't going to be easy.

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