Chapter 2 The Steel Samurai

You hummed shifting in your bed, your eyes closed and the intention of sleeping in definitely in your mind as you curled up against your warm pillow.(Wait warm?). Shifting you felt your leg almost fall over the edge of the bed and a thought entered your hazy mind, why was the bed so small?

Ring! Ring!

You jumped your phone vibrating on the table with your ringtone blaring loudly in the darken room and you lifted your head up lazily reaching for your phone. What time was it? It was then you realized why your pillow was so warm and why the bed was so small. It wasn't a bed at all but the couch and your pillow had been none other than Phoenix. You shrieked hastily siting up holding the phone to your chest as he began to stir looking a little upset he was woken up.

You had forgotten when you both had returned back home that you made dinner and ate on the couch watching a show Phoenix actually liked. You guessed you both must of fallen asleep, it would explain why you were still in your suit as he was.

"Hmm who's calling?" He clearly wasn't fully awake now as you looked at your phone fighting off your large blush.

"Maya" you bit your lip answering the phone now sitting where his legs weren't on the couch staring away from Phoenix as he rubbed his eyes sitting up before it hit him.

"Is she okay?!" You had to shush him as you answered the phone.

"(Y-Y/N)!!!" Maya seemed frantic on the other end out of breath and you found your hands clutching your phone.

"Maya what's wrong!" You wanted to rub your eyes at being so startled awake, what time was it? Was it still early?

"I-it's the Steel Samurai! The Steel Samurai got arrested!" Maya sounded like she was shaking after you put her on speaker, Phoenix relaxed visibly leaning back on the couch with a yawn.

"Huh? You mean the guy on that show?" He seemed unbothered.

"Yes!!!! They're saying the steel Samurai killed a villain!" Maya sounded as if she was ready to weep, you knew he was her favorite hero.

"Um....isn't that what he's supposed to do?" Phoenix looked at you as you narrowed your eyes a bit.

"He got arrested Phoenix" you sighed brushing your messy hair back.

"ON TV!!" Maya gasped out on the phone only hearing Phoenix at the moment.

"Yeah, on tv!" Phoenix crossed his arms a bit still half awake, he wasn't getting the full picture just yet was he?

"No! I mean, he actually did it! In real life! He skewered a villain with his Samurai Spear!" You could almost hear her bouncing around.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about" Phoenix rubbed his eyes again stretching with a yawn causing maya to huff.

"(Y/N) can tell you! Just get down here! Both of you!" And with that maya hung up leaving you to put your phone down in your lap with a tried grumble. You stood up to change leaving a confused Phoenix, you didn't except maya to call you so early in the morning! You thought something bad had happened to her! You were just relieved that nothing had as you changed into clean clothes.

Walking out of your room you noticed Phoenix was no where insight and decided to just get a snack for the road thinking to your self. Life was really different living with Phoenix, part of you didn't want to find an apartment(while the other part insisted saying if you stayed any longer with him you'd surely fall more for him). You just weren't sure what you wanted...

After all living with him was much different than living with Edgeworth, for one Phoenix was messier. Not that you minded you can't say you're cleaner than he is(well on some levels you are). Another was that Phoenix liked to sleep in, Edgeworth had liked to get up early and insist you get up with him.

"Wake up...I know you don't want to but it's good for you, I'll be sure to get us breakfast"

You frowned hearing Edgeworth's voice in your mind again. You had your back to Phoenix as he walked in looking at you as you stood in the kitchen lost in thought. Phoenix liked to sit around, avoid paper work, sometimes even joke around with you. Edgeworth was always in some sort of paper work, leaving kisses on your cheek when you sat next to him and nothing else. You don't even think you laughed nearly as much with him as you did with Phoenix.

" ready?" Phoenix snapped you out of your dazed and lost state your eyes wide as you turned to face him breathing a little heavily. A blush rose to you face.

"Oh!- yeah! Of course I am!" You laughed nervously. "Are you ready?" You felt like a kid.

"For Maya's energy no" Phoenix stuffed his hands in his pockets and you found a laugh leaving your lips for a moment your eyes shifting away.

"Is anyone?" You bit your lip making your way to the front door.

"Id like to meet the person who can keep up with her!" Phoenix was behind you as you opened the door and you just laughed your thoughts of feelings washing away.

"Me too"

Waking into the office you could hear the television from the reception lobby, both you and Phoenix shared a look upon hearing the tv only to walk to his office. Opening the door maya was seen sitting on the couch clutching a decretive pillow in her hands. You could almost hear the seams popping from how hard she was holding it. Then the tv caught your attention.

"Now for the morning news. The actor Will Powers was arrested yesterday. Powers plays the lead role in the popular kid's show "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo." He was arrested on suspicion of murder. The victim was Jack Hammer, who plays the villain known as the "Evil Magistrate." His body was found still inside the Evil Magistrate costume. The "Samurai Spear" was also found stuck through the body. Police believe this was the murder weapon, and are investigating further." Samurai spear, evil magistrate, it was like one of the episodes only the villain doesn't survive and come back another episode...

You stared at the tv knowing maya now saw you and Phoenix standing up and watching in shock.

"This...has to be some kind of joke" Phoenix made a face.

"Or maybe some sort of publicity stunt!" You didn't want to believe some one could just do something like this, but should you be surprised? You met some one who killed your best friend in cold blood not too long ago...

"No, no, no! It's a nightmare! The Steel Samurai is over! The world is over!" Maya sobbed into the pillow putting it over her face as she weeped openly. You and Phoenix exchanged looks with one another as she sobbed her heart out. Slowly you approached her taking a seat on the couch to rub her back.

"Oh maya it'll be okay...I'm sure they'll make a new show and it'll be even better than the steel Samurai!" You tired cheering her up but it got no where, she only wailed.

"No!! This is a disaster! A disaster!!!! No more steel Samurai!!!"

You just looked at Phoenix making a pleading face.

"Uh-I'm sure it's not that bad it's probably just a publicity stunt! Just like (Y/N) said!" Phoenix shifted on his feet. Maya seems to sniffle a bit.

Ring! Ring!

The phone! You jumped off the couch to answer it clearing your throat as you placed the phone to your ear.

"Wright & (L/N) law offices, this is (Y/N) speaking" you sighed hearing a grown man sniffle on the other side.

"M-Ms.(L/N)! I-is that you!" The man sniffled again and you pressed a hand to the desk noticing eyes on you.

"Yes this is she, how may I help you" you pressed your lips together.

"M-my Name is Will Powers, and-and I've been accused of a murder I didn't commit! I've heard about you! You and that M-Mr.Wright! P-please come and help me!" Mr.Powers sounded like he blew his nose and you were just stunned, Will powers?

"Mr.Powers I'm going to have to ask you to specify what you mean" you looked at Phoenix and maya with wide eyes. Maya stood up hastily throwing the wet pillow down to rub her eyes and rush over to you.

"WILL POWERS??!" She seemed excited now nearly shouting even if she tried to keep her words to a whisper.

"A-Ah y-yes um" Powers on the other end cleared his throat. "I-I've been accused of M-Murdering m-mr. Hammer! B-but I didn't do it! I swear! A-all I ask is if you would bring Mr.Wright with you down here and speak to me in person!- I-i didn't do it!" Powers sobbed again and you had to hold the phone away from your ears, for a grown man he sure cried a lot and too loud! Slowly you brought the phone to your ear again.

"Of course we'd be happy to speak to you, give us an hour" you sighed a bit looking up to see Phoenix in front of you.

"O-oh Thank you! Thank you!" Mr.Powers blew his nose.

"You're very welcome good bye Mr.Powers" you hung up the phone to gaze at Phoenix and maya.

"THAT WAS THE WILL POWERS!!!!" Maya gasped out jumping at first. "We have to take his case! He came to us in his time of need! We have to help the steel Samurai!!! N-nick! (Y-Y/N)! We have to take this case!" Maya was just talking a mile a minute staring you and Phoenix down with wide eyes. Phoenix just made a face.

"W-what?!" He seemed so confused.

"Mr.Powers did request us, we must of left an impression on him last month, I don't see the harm in talking to him" You shrugged in the slightest. "Besides isn't this the big client Maya was talking about being just around the corner?" You smiled a bit.

"Yeah but-" Phoenix seemed skeptical.

"But what nick!" Maya threw her hands to her sides puffing out her cheeks in a pout. "This is our chance! And you said it your self how can we afford rent this month! Simple we go talk to Mr.Powers!!! Take his case!!! Help the steal samurai!!" Maya threw her hands up again as she talked and you just sighed with a smile.

"Well? What's the harm "Nick"?" You tilted your head with a raised eyebrow. You rarely called Phoenix by his nickname, not because you didn't like it but you just preferred to say his real name. So every time you said it to him it sent shivers down his spine.(Though why? Phoenix was clueless, maybe it was because hearing you say it was like listening to an angel say it, no wait he shouldn't be thinking that!).

"Hmm..." Phoenix slumped his shoulders as maya clasped her hands together now in front of you looking up at Phoenix with big puppy dog eyes.

"Please nick! Oh please please please! This is a big client!!!" Maya tried to sway him. "We could get our names known! Wright & (L/N) law offices! The lawyers who cleared the steel Samurais name!!!!" She was being a bit dramatic and if you were being honest you don't think you wanted to be known just for that.

"But-" Phoenix still seemed reluctant, finally you decided to just link your arm with his offering him a, in his opinion, breath taking smile.

"Ah-Ah-Ah, no more buts unless you want us to start calling you Larry" you joked waving your finger out at Phoenix. "Come on let's go down to the detention center, what's the harm?" You smiled and didn't notice Phoenix blush horribly. Maya linked his other arm with hers and you both pulled him out of the room, maya cheering with excitement while you all left.

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