Chapter 16 Kid in the Drain

Back and forth, back and forth, that's all today had been since after court. You swear you're getting sick of it but there not too much you can do about it now. You sighed as you dragged your feet behind you making your way to the employee area dreading it with so much emotion.

"Wow! I can't believe we've gotten to see so much studio in two days!" Maya was ahead of you and Phoenix still looking around with wide eyes and a wide smile, forgetting about Manella and how much of a creep he had been.

"Hmm yeah" you sighed a bit wincing as you took another step feeling as if a thousand needles had just entered your foot, okay now it's official you need new heels, you've never walked this much in a case!

"Isn't this great!" Maya was slightly spinning looking around more and you honestly wished you had her energy. You thought about sitting down but you stopped your self wanting to make a face, you knew that the moment you sit down you'd officially be labeled as "old" even if you were still young!(But then again maybe saying that made it more realistic...).

"Did she really forget about how creepy Mr.Manella had been?" Phoenix looked at you as your body slouched walking only to straighten up when his gaze was on you.

"I wish I could forget...I've never been so violated!" You shuddered in disgust. "I mean I've had men look at me but he was like....I don't even want to go into it" You pinched the bridge of your nose closing your eyes exhaling loudly.

"I won't let him look at you like that again..." Phoenix grumbled under his breath his eyes narrowing. "Maya too" he huffed rolling his eyes. "I mean I have a friend who likes to check out girls but Mr.Manella is a new level" Phoenix groaned himself. You turned to look at him and smile a bit, you wondered if he was talking about that guy from the very first case he took. Mia mentioned it to you before she...

"Do you check out girls too then Phoenix?" You peered up at him with a playful smile as you met his gaze and his face began to flare up with a deep red.

"Well!-" he looked like he was on the spot and you laughed a little.

"Don't be so embarrassed everyone stares at some one! I don't see how anyone couldn't stare, I'm only's almost too easy to make you blush" you laughed a little trying to keep it at bay even if you wanted to laugh more.

"Well in that case do you check out men?" Phoenix finally retaliated making your heart skip in your chest and your face now a red to match his as you tensed up.( You wouldn't say it aloud but a vision of Phoenix coming out of the shower entered your mind, you've only seen that once but it's a sight you'll never forget. His spiky hair slicked down almost spikes against his forehead dripping with water, the towel around his waist and his eyes so focused. You had seen it when you both started living together, he had forgotten you were there and walked out of his room to the living room/kitchen to grab something. It was quite the sight you didn't even realize he was as lean as he looked. You're getting distracted!). "(Y/N)?" Phoenix's voice snapped you out of thought as you tensed again.

"I-I!- well who doesn't! I just I!-" You felt like you were over heating stumbling over your words as you refused to meet his eyes staring at the ground with a flustered expression. It was his turn to laugh. (Part of him hoped you had been thinking about him...who was he kidding all of him hoped). He couldn't stop laughing now at how cute you looked. "Phoenix stop laughing!!!" You gasped out shaking your head as you pressed a hand to your face. "You can't just ask a woman if she stares! Oh my gosh!" You groaned into your hand a bit your eyes wide.

"Hey! What are you two talking about!" Maya had finally come back over to you and Phoenix smiling after she ran ahead a bit, it seemed she got bored waiting for you and Phoenix. She looked between the two of you seeing Phoenix still laughing a little and you looking flustered with a deeper blush on your face.

"Nothing let's just go see if that creep is gone" you mumbled walking past maya as she stared after you confused Phoenix following after you calming down his laughter, what had you two been talking about?! Maya just didn't know...

You swung open the door to the employee area walking inside waiting for maya and Phoenix as you looked around for Manella again. You really hoped he wasn't here! Your eyes caught sight of movement in the drain gate and you feared it was an animal of some sort seeing something moving until finally seeing it was a kid sneaking through. He looked so proud of himself fixing his hat clutching his camera before he saw you his eyes wide before he dashed away.

"Hey wait!" You called out just as Phoenix and maya walked in. The kid stopped in his track walking over to you with his head low before he looked up. You ignored Maya's and Phoenix's chatter behind you as you knelt to the kids level. "Well hello sweetie!" You smiled kindly to the kid who seemed shocked at your kindness, and well you hadn't called him kiddo or kid. But before you could say anything else maya bounded to your side smiling and clasping her hands together.

"Hey, um, kiddy-o! What's yer name, sport?" Maya looked like she slipped up a bit her face giving it away as she looked down at the kid. He looked angry at her.

"I'm not a kid, so don't talk to me like that!" He huffed a bit and you just smiled nervously, this kid had an attitude!

"H-huh!? But you... You are a kid! What a rude little brat. That's no way to talk to an adult!" Maya looked shocked before she looked a little angry, she thought she was an adult? Well she had one more year but legally she was still a kid too.

"I only see one adult here! Hippie fashion chick!" The kid looked to you before he noticed Phoenix and now he looked as if he was scowling at him as Phoenix loomed behind you a bit.

"H-hippie fashion...? Nick...(Y/N)... I think I'm being mocked." Maya crossed her arms narrowing her eyes to scowl at the kid.

"Would you mind telling us your name?" You decided to change the subject all eyes on you now.

"I'm Cody! Cody Hackins." Cody smiles at you proudly and you just stuck your hand out to shake his.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Cody shook your hand after you spoke, Phoenix was just watching with slightly wide eyes and he couldn't help but let his mind trail off.(you were good with kids...he didn't think you'd of been!).

"It's nice to meet you miss!" Cody blushed a bit with a toothy grin.

"(Y/N)" you nodded your head releasing his, little, hand from yours to drape your arm over your leg. Cody looked at maya now scowling at her as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Hey! call me "kiddy-o" again and I'll cut you down where you stand, evildoer!" Cody seemed dead serious trying to get his plastic sword from his backpack struggling with it before he gave up. Maya just stuck her tongue out at him.

"So, you're a fan of the Steel Samurai?" Phoenix finally said something looking down at Cody who looked up at him with wide eyes before they narrowed.

"How dare you utter that name, evildoer!" Cody pointed his finger at Phoenix with a slight scowl. Phoenix looked shocked not expecting him to be that way with him, what was it about you that he liked?!(maybe it was because you were pretty, no beautiful, if that was the case Phoenix would have to agree with the kid you were beautiful).

"What do you mean? We're on the Steel Samurai's side!" Maya puffed out her cheeks a bit as she slammed her hands to her sides clenching her fingers into fists. Cody just laughed like he didn't believe maya and Phoenix were on the side of the steel samurai.

"You can't fool me!" Cody huffed after he laughed. "She might be but you two aren't!" Cody had pointed to you before pointing to maya and Phoenix, seriously what was with this kid?!

"Okay...then what's the last line said by the innkeeper in Episode 8!" Maya crossed her arms with a scowl matching Cody's on her face.

"Hah! Easy! "Like some fries with that?"" Cody looked proud as he said that and you found your eyes widening a bit, honestly you don't even know which episode they were talking about!

"Hmph... not bad, kiddy-o." Maya looked away with a pout that he got it right her eyes narrowed now.

"Watch it!" Cody didn't look happy she had called him that again. You couldn't help but turn your head to look at Phoenix only to see his gaze on you an expression reading "what are they doing?!" Across his face and you bit back a laugh shrugging in response as you turned back to face Cody to see him staring down with maya.

"Well Cody I can assure you we are on the steel samurai's side, but if we want to defeat the evildoers we need your help" you smiled choosing your words carefully.

"What can I do to help you Miss (Y/N)!" Cody looked so ready to help you and you wondered what it was about you now that made him like you.(What was with everyone at this studio it felt like they were all taking a liking to you! Maybe you should of ditched being a lawyer and become an actor like you wanted to do when you were little...)

"Have you heard anything about the....incident the other day?" You made sure not to say murder, even if you knew some kids knew what it meant you didn't want to make Cody upset. He was silent clutching his camera.

"You were here, weren't you?" Maya spoke up now slightly leaning over your shoulder.

"Did you see anything...?" Phoenix raised an eyebrow as he spoke now. Cody looked upset.

"He...he..." there was a pause after Cody began to speak his eyes watering before he hastily scrubbed them clean of his tears to shout. "He... always... The Steel Samurai always wins! Always! Yeah, I saw 'em! I saw everything!"

"You did?!"


You and maya had gasped out together your words almost mixing together as you stared at Cody.

"But... but no way am I telling those two losers what happened!" Cody looked emotional as he pointed to Phoenix and maya trying to run away until you gently grasped his wrist.

"Cody it's okay if it's hard to talk about don't worry about it, but we will need to know soon okay?" You wanted to make sure he heard you as he turned around tears slightly in his eyes before he sniffles rubbing them.

"L-lemme go miss..." he was quite now and you gently released his wrist he looked thankful before he ran away bumping into the table making something fall off it.

"Well so much for that...poor thing..." you stood up brushing off your dress (pants/skirt) as you rose standing beside Phoenix and maya.

"Poor thing?! That kid had an attitude!" Maya huffed a bit before her eyes fell onto what fell to the floor after Cody bumped into the table. "Hey! Something fell off the table when he bumped into it on his way out!" Maya pointed to a pill sized bottle, you grabbed an unused napkin from the table to pick it up noticing it was glass your eyebrow quirked. It was empty.

"A... bottle? Why was this sitting there, I wonder?" Phoenix looked at it as you presented it to him and maya before he gently took it from you being careful not to touch the glass. He folded it up to slip into his pocket now.

"I guess we should go see if old windbag will talk to us! Maybe (Y/N) can work her charm and get us that trailer key!" Maya looked at you hopefully leaving you to just sigh again.

"I don't think she likes me now after what Phoenix and I did to her in court" you groaned as all three of you began another back and forth walk. You walked out into the open beginning to wonder what time it was.

"Well...Maya's right it wouldn't hurt to ask" Phoenix had slipped his hands into his pockets now as he looked at you with a slight shrug.

"I guess" you sighed a bit before smiling a little at him. "I'm beat honestly" you sighed a bit shaking your head.

"Why don't you lean your head on Nick's shoulder!" Maya looked at you with a knowing smile as you looked at her a deep blush on your face.

"W-WHAT?!" Phoenix had nearly screamed that out looking so embarrassed before he looked away pressing his lips together to fight his flustered expression. "I-I mean you're welcome too! But-" Phoenix just seemed so shocked maya would even say that, did she know how he felt about you?!

"I-I'm okay right now! B-but thanks!" You felt like a high school girl with a crush that she couldn't shake. This was almost embarrassing!

"Huh? Where's the old windbag!" Maya looked shocked as you all came to a stop the the security booth out of the studios. There was no Oldbag in sight and you began to look around only to spot her chasing around Cody looking like she was out of breath.

"There she is" you pointed to her as she chased the boy around more looking too violent.

"Y-yeah. Sounds like she's chasing after that boy." Phoenix was still embarrassed from the talk on the way here his heart still leaping in his chest as he glanced down at you. Suddenly Oldbag let out a noise falling into the dirt with a thud almost flat on her face.

"Uh oh, she tripped!" Maya had clasped her hands together again but instead of how worried her words sounded she was smiling, she was quite happy Oldbag had tripped. You turned away feeling bad for the poor woman.

"Maybe we should take the opportunity to see if we can find a key for that trailer we couldn't get into...the one I almost died at?" You laughed a little walking to the security booth to walk inside with Phoenix and maya walking behind you. You almost heard Phoenix mutter "don't remind me" behind you.

"Good idea." This time he was much louder as he spoke looking around as you had for the key. Maya was watching Oldbag only to turn around finding a key. She picked it up to look at it curiously before she held it up triumphantly.

"This is it, Nick! (Y/N)! The "Trailer Key"!" Maya looked pleased with her self. You gently took it from her with a wide smile.

"The key to that trailer in Studio Two!" Phoenix couldn't help but repeat himself as he reached to take the key from you.

"We'll be borrowing this too, right you guys?" Maya smirked a bit as she tilted her head to the side. Phoenix had slipped the key into his pocket all three of you rushing out of the booth before Oldbag caught you all.

"Isn't it obvious?" You joked a bit as you all walked back inside the studios, finally you got to know what was in that trailer! You just would be sure not to almost fall this time, you wondered if the producer her self was there now... you guessed there was only one way to find out! To the studio two trailer!

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