Chapter 14 Penny For Your Thoughts?
The incident on the stairs was now long forgotten as you walked to the employee area again looking around seeing, still, nothing had been picked up since the day of the murder. You wondered if that was because the police had asked for everything to stay as it was until the investigation was all over. Your eyes looked around at the familiar room now noticing some wood and duck tape covering the drain.
"Hey! Nick, (Y/N)! It's that assistant girl!" Maya pointed her out to both you and Phoenix making your head turn to look at penny as she looked at something in her hand looking a little frantic. "Hey!" Maya tried to get her attention with a wide smile. Penny looked up slowly her eyes wide before they relaxed and she walked over to where all three of you were standing. She seemed a little tired.
"Hi...WP's lawyers, right? I heard about the trial! Great job, guys!" Penny seemed to beam at you and Phoenix and you just waved your hand in dismissal.
"Oh no no it's nothing super!" Even if you played it off it was always nice to hear people praise you.
"Oh?" Phoenix blinked before laughing a little, did he sound a little smug? "Don't mention it." Phoenix smirked broadly and you found your self staring until maya elbowed you with a slight smile making you look away from Phoenix with a shake to your head at her.
"Is it true they caught the security lady!?" Penny looked between you and Phoenix with wide eyes, this only made Phoenix laugh a little more seeming to be lost in his thoughts. "Actually, she just called me. She told me to cover up that drain..." Penny seemed thoughtful and you looked to the drain with a sigh.
"You mean this one?" You pointed to the drain that was badly covered up before turning to look at penny again, she tried but it was quite the mess.
"I... I know... I'm not so good with handiwork. Some assistant, right?" Penny didn't look to happy looking away a little disappointed.
"No, no it's just fine for keeping things out! Don't be so hard on your self, you tried right?" You sighed a bit.
"Besides you work on props and backdrops right?!" Maya clapped her hands together a bit, she's been doing that an awful lot lately.
"R-right. Just... lots of times they end up looking worse than they did before I fixed them." Penny looked like she was about to cry and you looked at maya with a shared worried look.
"Oh? Oh! Well, I'm sure these things happen. Nothing to worry yourself about!" Maya tried to be optimistic now as she looked at penny who slowly sniffled looking at you and maya.
"You tried your best and that's all anyone can ever ask of you!" You smiled a bit. "Nothing to worry about you'll get the hang of it"
"You're both right! I won't worry too much about it!" Penny nodded happily at your words and seemed more energetic. You could almost feel Phoenix looking at you and you didn't want to know what he was thinking. "Um, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the guard station. I'm supposed to fill in for Ms. Oldbag."
"Right! See you later, then!" Maya called after penny as she left in a hurry Both you and maya waving goodbye as penny called back to you all.
"Good luck with your investigation!" She waved a hasty goodbye before she was out of sight leaving all three of you in silence. You shifted on your feet and walked over to the drain gate inspecting it with narrowed eyes.
"So That fanboy came in through here..." You mused over the thought looking down at the drain in thought.
"So it seems. I guess they covered it up in a hurry." Phoenix was at your side looking down at the drain with a thoughtful expression hands in his pockets.
"Hey... Hey, Nick! (Y/N)! If that drain's covered, the boy won't be able to get in!" Maya gasped a little making you and Phoenix look at her, isn't that the point of covering the drain?
"Uh, yeah. I think that was the idea...?" Phoenix raised an eyebrow.
"I feel kinda sorry for him, though. Don't you guys?" Maya frowned looking down at the drain gate with her hands pressing against one another.
"What, you want to rip the grate off?" You laughed a little gently kicking it with the front of your heel. Maya's eyes lit up.
"Really! (Y/N)! Can we??!!" She seemed so serious you were a bit taken back. You took a step away from the gate looking at Phoenix with wide shocked eyes. Phoenix seemed to think his eyes looking at you before looking at maya and back and forth until he gave in.
"I guess some things are just made to be broken" he gave into maya and you can't say you blamed him.
"Yay! You know, Nick, you're pretty swell sometimes!" Maya looked at Phoenix before she looked at you. "You both are the best!"
"Sometimes...?" Phoenix muttered under his breath with wide eyes at first. Suddenly maya kicked in the covered gate with a yell leaving her lips before she stood flat on her feet brushing off her skirt.
"There. That should make the kids happy!" Maya bounced away to go look at something else and you just looked at Phoenix quirking a smile at him.
"The things we do" you laughed a little walking away to follow where maya had gone with Phoenix sighing behind you.
"No kidding" Phoenix groaned from behind you as you both walked to maya seeing her trying to look into Powers dressing room. You tried the door handle to see it was still unlocked, and that immediately sent maya over to your side.
"Lets go in! Maybe there's something else to steal!" Maya spoke from beside you and you and Phoenix looked at her like she was crazy.
"H-hey! We're not thieves!" Phoenix looked shocked maya had even said that.
"But we did take that cardkey..." Maya looked thoughtful.
"We borrowed! T-there's a difference!" You gasped out suddenly looking at maya with your hand falling to your side.
"But we haven't given it back!" Maya was trying to make her point but all you did was shake your head.
"Because we still need it!" You sighed opening the door looking inside, everything was untouched as you entered with maya and phoenix behind you.
"This is where the Steel Samurai costume was, on the day of the murder." Maya wandered over to a spot in the dressing room looking at where the steal samurai costume would of been hanging up.
"That's what Mr. Powers says, at least. I guess they snuck in and took it while he was sleeping." Phoenix walked over to her with you following after him.
"But what if Mr.Powers hadn't been asleep then? What would of the murderer done if that was the case?" You pondered aloud earning stares in your direction.
"Huh..." Phoenix seemed to think over that but nothing came to mind for him. The room was pretty much the same nothing new to look at here, everything was just, as you kept repeating, the same.
"Hey look! Mr.Powers bag is still here! Let's look inside!" maya was quick to kneel down and start looking through before you had stopped her. "Super market tabloids! Honestly I'm kinda shocked!"
"Maya leave those alone!" You took them from her to look at the cover trying not to laugh, Wolf men found on mars, how silly. You placed the tabloids back into the bag having maya stand up. "There's nothing new here maybe we should go talk to penny" you looked at Phoenix and maya for approval. Phoenix was on board with the idea nodding while maya gasped a little.
"But we're missing so much evidence here!" She seems like she really wanted to stay.
"And that is?" You raised a brow just curious what she was talking about.
"Um..." Maya looked around until Phoenix gently took her by the arm to walk out.
"Let's go" he huffed a bit and you just smiled walking out behind him and the complaining maya to make your way to the security booth again.
Finally after walking outside she was able to walk on her own the air a pleasant quite between all of you now. Walking to the security booth again Penny was standing there trying to figure out how to use the computer her eyes looking down at it before she jumped seeing people in the window.
"Eek!" She jumped turning to see you, Phoenix, and maya standing there. "Oh...hello" penny straightened her self out now.
"You look a little out of place." Maya had giggled a little bit.
"It's the clothes, isn't it? I thought my camo vest might do the trick... Kind of an "alternative guard fashion" thing." Penny shrugged in the slightest as she played with her vest now. Well you guessed she needed more of a uniform, she didn't look bad just very out of place as maya mentioned.
"So, how are the studios doing?" Phoenix decided to change the subject as he peered down to look at penny who sighed a bit. She looked a little agitated.
"There's police wandering around everywhere, it's terrible. They won't even let me clean up. Don't want me "disturbing evidence." I haven't even cleaned up our lunch plates from the day of the murder!" Penny scoffed in the slightest and you found your self nodding. So you were right that's why nothings been touched.
"Speaking of the studios" you crossed your arms a bit as you looked thoughtful. "Do kids sneak in here a lot?"
"Well... I don't think there's that many of them, but I do see one in particular a bunch. He's always gawking at the sets, or snapping pictures. You should see Old Windbag's eyes flash when she sees him. She has a bit of trouble catching him though..." Penny looked thoughtful as she spoke and you just nodded again, so Oldbag had a problem catching one of them, interesting maybe that was the one in the studio on the day of the murder!
"I heard something at the trial today..." Phoenix started with a raise eyebrow. "They said that the director and producer were here the day of the murder..." he trailed off leaving his words hanging in the air. Penny looked at him thinking before she shrugged again, she seemed to do that a lot.
"Oh, sorry...I was in the prop storage room, so I didn't see them. I guess they were here, though. The studio head seemed pretty eager to keep us quiet." Penny sighed a bit.
"You mean they're trying to protect the director!" Maya looked curious, if you were being honest for a moment you forgot she was standing there. That was the most quite she's ever been!
"More the producer, really. The producer's our real star here. She saved these studios from the brink of disaster and kept them running. I don't think we'd still be in business if it weren't for that producer!" Penny gasped a bit as she spoke looking as if she thought a lot about the producer. That was interesting though, they wanted to protect the producer but if she's innocent why hide?
"Thank you for your time penny I hope you manage to juggle all this running back and forth around!" You smiled waving goodbye as you grabbed Phoenix's hand, linking your arm with Maya's you walked back inside the studio gates seeming thoughtful. "Right so if I was a director where would I be?"
" day a movie set!" Maya looked up at you in the slightest. "But...I don't think he'd be there right now..."
"Let's check the employee area again, maybe he's there" Phoenix hummed and you found your self agreeing smiling up at him.
"Right then let's go" you pulled them both with you a sigh falling from your lips, oh how you wished you'd stop wearing these heels!
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