Chapter 10 On Going Trial

There was a pause in the court room as all eyes laid on Oldbag, she shifted in the witness stand.

"O-of course your honor" why did she seem so nervous? You drummed your fingers against the desk after leaning a little against it your feet hurting from the heels all over again. "Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do. I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them. I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see. Come to think of it, now I remember throwing out one photo that day!" Oldbag shifted in her stand with a nervous laugh waving her hand in dismissal her red lips thinning out into a worried line.

"M-Ms. Oldbag! This is the first I've heard of this!" Edgeworth slammed a fist down to the table hunching over with his other arm draped against it seeing rather distraught, you couldn't help but smirk in the slightest. It was sort of nice seeing him so unprepared(but then again you wondered if he was unprepared because he knew who he was going against and was suffering in silence like you were still).

"Well, of course, sonny! I've only just remembered it." Oldbag released her lips to look at Edgeworth with a scoff.

"Right... anyway, Mr. Wright, please begin the cross-examination." The judge turned back to Phoenix with a sigh as he nodded.

"I'd say this was unexpected but part of me sort of thought she'd be this way in court" you muttered under your breath to Phoenix who nodded with an amused smile surpassing a wide grin that would of turned into a laugh.

"HOLD IT!" Phoenix slammed his hands down again and you flinched wondering how red they were now. "I have a question! How exactly do you determine what isn't "suspicious lookin'"?" He has a point, it was hard to believe Phoenix was only just a month into being a lawyer and has only been in the court room only a handful of times. He was good, sometimes dare you think, better than you.

"Oh, you can tell by looking at their faces. For the most part." Oldbag seemed disinterested, but you don't think you could determine if some ones up to no good just by looking at them sometimes! The ones who wear innocent smiles are normally the ones who have potential to do the worse!

"F-for the most part? This is a murder trial, Ms. Oldbag!" Phoenix sighed as Oldbag laughed a little, was that a nervously?

"Well, I didn't touch that suspicious lookin' Will Powers's photo, did I?!" You think she's missing the point.

"No I suppose not..." Phoenix made a face before he shook his head. "Then who in the heck was in that photo you erased?!" You almost wanted to laugh as Phoenix said heck wondering if he was trying not to cuss in the court room, it was sort of cute. (Haven't you thought this before? Everything he does is cute! Most of the time..)

"Humph. A fanboy." Oldbag crossed her arms shaking her head with an eye roll, a fan boy? Why didn't she mention before! There was another person there the day of the murder that wasn't staff!!

"F-fanboy?" Phoenix looked like that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"Steel Samurai fanboys. Real freaks, if you ask me. They get information about the rehearsals from gosh-knows-where. They're always hanging about. One was there that day." Oldbag scoffed again and you slammed your hands down on the desk, a mistake after you felt the burning sensation of prickly pain from impact but you didn't let that stop you.

"OBJECTION!" You felt like you were just something pretty to look at in the court room if you didn't ask a few things here and there or even raise an objection, you knew not to switch places until Phoenix needed it. He was fairing very well right now but you just needed to say something! To at least be useful! "Didn't you just say no one else could get in!? "I locked the main gate so no one could get in"... Those were your words!" In your haste you began to shout a little. Oldbag didn't seem to pleased you said that but only narrowed her eyes.

"Well! If you must know, there's a drain that goes into the Employee Area. The grate has been loose for a while. It leads outside, and well, that's where they come in." Oldbag turned her head with a dramatic sort of breath. You knew it! That drain! Some one came in from the drain! And penny, that assistant girl, she said she thought some one was in the area that day that wasn't apart of the staff! Could it of been the murderer?!

"They come in through the drain?" Phoenix seemed shocked anyone would even do that.

"I told you they were freaks. Oh, and..." Oldbag began to tap her lips crossing her arms in the slightest.

"And What Ms.Oldbag?" You tilted your head to the side a bit trying to nurse your hurt hands back to feeling better. Honestly you needed to stop slamming your hands down on the table! But you couldn't help it something about being in the court room with Phoenix fueled you with fire! A fire you didn't want put out.

"They're kids. Children. Whippersnappers." Oldbag crossed her arms now looking displeased.

"K-kids!? So, on the photo that you erased...?" Phoenix spoke now both of you shocked beyond words that it was actually a kid. If it had been, you just had been jumping to conclusions in your thoughts a moment ago.

"It was a boy. Probably 2nd or 3rd grade." Oldbag waved her hand again.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" Both you and Phoenix spoke at once your jaws dropping together at getting a grade. There's no way you could bring this kid to court! If he saw anything that was...

"O-order! Order!" It wasn't until the judge slammed his gavel that you notice the rest of the court was muttering amongst themselves. "Let me get this straight. You saw two people pass by the gate on their way to the studios that day? One was the Steel Samurai, dragging his leg. The other was a boy who looked to be in about 2nd or 3rd grade?"

"Oh yes, well we see his type there every day. Can't stop 'em. Can't catch 'em." Oldbag shrugged.

"A boy in 2nd or 3rd grade? Hmm... I assume it would be hard, if not impossible for a young boy to wield the Samurai Spear?" Edgeworth finally said something lifting himself up and straightening himself out just staring with a narrowed gaze.

"Impossible, I'd think. It's quite heavy." The judge seemed to agree with him, you couldn't say you disagreed. But then no a child couldn't possibly kill a man! You were just being silly!

"Right! As I said, I didn't pay him much mind. That's why I erased the data." Oldbag looked pleased with her self now.

"PSSST!!" You and Phoenix turned your heads to look at the stands behind you both seeing maya leaning over the railing while the judge, Oldbag, and Edgeworth were a bit distracted. "What's going on?! I mean the boy was there! That makes him a suspect!" Maya whispered to you both.

"Yeah and they're already trying to "un-suspect" him..." Phoenix whispered back with a shake to his head.

"Yes but he's a kid!...though I think he'd be a key witness" you whispered back to them only to turn around hastily when you caught the judges eye. Maya leaned back as fast as she could making you and Phoenix face the judge with nervous smiles.

"Something the matter Mr.Wright? Ms.(L/N)?" The judge raised an eyebrow and both you and Phoenix shook your heads. "Good, Please don't converse with the crowd" the judge nodded his head again and you felt like a kid being told off by your parent(s). Honestly you've been feeling a lot like a kid again lately(maybe it was because you felt so helpless as of lately). "I'd like to take a five minute recess. I want the defense and the prosecution to consider this new information... And no forgetting vital information this time!" The judge slammed down his gavel and then the room was dismissed your mind was on other things though as you followed Phoenix out of the room with Powers sniffling behind you both.

The defendant lobby was silent but the sound of press just outside the building was loud leaving you shifting on your feet as you took a seat on the bench, crossing your legs you attempted to fix your heels as maya rushed into the room to talk with you all.

"Mr.Will Powers?" Phoenix turned to look at Powers.

"Y-Yes?" Powers brought his tissue to his eyes trying to rub away tears.

"Tell me straight: were you really in your dressing room? You didn't go to the studio?" Phoenix sounded so serious and you found your eyes looking at him as he faced Powers with narrowed eyes.

"I-I didn't go to the studio! I was s-sleeping, honest!" Powers seemed so upset but if what he said was the truth... you guessed the best you could do was believe him.

"So then who was the "Steel Samurai" in that security photo?" You spoke up from the beach drawing eyes to you. "I don't think a woman could fit into that suit, even if I don't want to agree with prosecution, it has to be a man of some sort."

"How should I know? The Steel Samurai costume was off in the corner of the dressing room! Anyone could have walked in and taken it, really!" Powers blew his nose now with shaky breaths blinking away more tears.

"What!? You should take better care of that stuff!" Maya gasped from beside you as she spoke.

"I couldn't imagine anyone would want to steal a Steel Samurai costume! So... where does this leave me?" Powers blew his nose and you pressed a hand to your mouth to think.

"Well...this isn't looking good at all..." you bit your lip moving your hand away. "You're the only likely suspect right now and if we aren't careful that could be bad" you rested your chin in the palm of your hand moving your elbow to have it sit on the benches arm rest.

"T-then What are we gonna do?!" Maya looked at you with wide eyes.

"First, we play for more time. We'll start targeting someone else that could conceivably have done this!" Phoenix was quick with a plan and you found your self nodding in agreement.

"Right! And it'll take them so long to shoot us down that we can get another day!" Maya clasped her hands together with a nod.

"Right, but if we pick the wrong person, we might lose on the spot." You pointed your index finger out a bit in your thought.

"You... don't sound very optimistic..." powers muttered a bit looking at you. You didn't have the heart to tell Powers you weren't.

"We're not optimistic at all, actually..." Phoenix decided to speak and you made a face at him.

"Hey, Nick, (Y/N), it's time" maya looked back into the hall before she nodded. "I'll see you two in the court room good luck!" Maya ran ahead to get to the stands where she had been sitting at leaving you, Phoenix, and Powers alone.

"Okay, let's go" Phoenix walked over to you as you stood up a long sigh leaving his lips.

"What does that mean... Please don't sigh like that!" Powers sniffled rushing behind you both.

"The court will now reconvene for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Mr. Edgeworth, will you present the prosecution's thoughts on this matter?" The judge had slammed his gavel down restarting the trial only to turn his head attention now on Edgeworth.

"The prosecution's thoughts are simple. Nothing has changed. The other person who went to the studios was a boy of roughly 10 years of age. The photo we do have may not be hard evidence... But there is still no one else that could have committed this crime! I call for a verdict of "guilty" for the defendant, Mr. Will Powers!" Edgeworth looked at you and you found your self releasing an uneasy breath. This was bad, this was really bad.

"Hmm... Very well. Mr. Wright, your thoughts?" The judge looked at Phoenix who shook his head a bit.

"The defense disagrees with the prosecution's claim. There IS another person who could have committed this crime!" The crowd was suddenly very talkative after what Phoenix had said. The judge slammed his gavel down again.

"Order! Interesting... Let us hear who you have in mind! However... Be aware that this court does not look kindly on accusing the innocent. If you accuse someone who is obviously innocent, you will be penalized...Ms.(L/N) included..."The judge looked at Phoenix with a sort of look in his eyes and you felt your self feeling faint. As if the stakes weren't high enough! "So, who was this person other than Mr. Powers that could have committed murder?" Phoenix seemed to think for a moment about this.

"It was the security lady! Wendy Oldbag!" Phoenix slammed a hand down and you felt your self wanting to get sick, you just said that it had to be a man in the suit! But then again, anything to get you both(all three of you) another day.

"W-who!?" The judge seems so shocked by the accusation that he just said who aloud in shock.

"The Steel Samurai is dragging his leg in this picture. That means whoever was in the suit knew about that morning's injury. Maybe because... they had been watching the action scene run-through! There was only one person other than Powers and Hammer who knew about the injury. The security lady, Oldbag!" Phoenix pointed to the witness stand after Oldbag had been brought back out her eyes wide and an anger to them.

"W-what!? Whippersnapper!" It seemed to be all she could get out. The crowd began to mutter again.

"Order! Order! I-is this true, Oldbag!?" Now the judge didn't seem to have any problem saying her name. She scoffed turning to face the judge anger clear in her eyes.

"Oldbag!? That's Ms. Oldbag to you!" She slammed her foot down to the ground.

"Ms. Oldbag was standing guard alone at the main gate. She was by herself... in other words, she has no alibi! She could have briefly left her post to steal the the Steel Samurai costume... Then slipped into Studio One, the scene of the murder!" Phoenix pointed at her as he spoke.

"W-why would she go through the trouble of wearing the Steel Samurai costume!?" The judge still seemed so shocked.

"Simple, Your Honor. She knew the camera at the gate would take her picture. If she was in his costume, she could point the finger at Mr. Powers!" Phoenix placed his hands on his hips leaning his head down with a rather smug expression on his face. Oldbag didn't seem as pleased.

"I see! Excellent deductive reasoning, Mr. Wright!" The judge nodded a bit at Phoenix and you could see it in his eyes he was mentally celebrating.

"Oooh yeah, right here! Sherlock Holmes 2 baby!" Phoenix muttered to himself and you had to cover your mouth looking away unable to fight back the snort that left your lips. What a dork.(A dork you wouldn't take any other way). But Edgeworth was unusually silent, he normally took the opportunity to object...

"Well, Mr. Edgeworth? Does the prosecution have an opinion on this matter?" The judge turned to Edgeworth who just stared. His eyes were a bit heavy and you frowned a bit. He was silent for a while

"The prosecution has no meaningful objections at this time..." Edgeworth trailed off.

"W-w-what!? What's that supposed to mean!? Oh, so you all think I did it? Is that it!? Edgey-boy! Don't just sit there, do something!!!" Oldbag slammed her hands down baring her teeth at Edgeworth who seemed disinterested in her sudden demand.

"The very same reasoning that makes Mr. Powers a suspect in this case... can be used to cast doubt on Ms. Oldbag's actions on that day!" Phoenix pressed a hand to the desk again looking at Oldbag who's eyes widen considerably.

"B-but why would I do something so horrible to poor Hammer!?" Oldbag looked to you for help but your eyes never caught hers stuck in a silent staring content with Edgeworth.

"You forget that Mr. Powers lacks a clear motive, too!" Phoenix's shout drew you from your staring contest looking back at him with wide startled eyes only to relax.

"Hmm... Indeed.." the judge nodded with a thoughtful look, that seemed to do it! Phoenix smirked a bit pleased that he was able to make Oldbag a suspect, you just hoped there were no hard feelings...

"Wait just a minute! What about the other person who went to the studio!? The boy! The one whose photo I erased!" Oldbag looked frantic almost foaming at the mouth as her eyes darted every which way.

"He's only a grade schooler though, as you said. 2nd or 3rd grade, was it?" The judge made a face.

"Th-that doesn't matter! When I was that age, I could pin my old man in 10 seconds, tops!" Oldbag looked frantic and you couldn't help but look at her like she was crazy, why would she even...never mind you don't think you wanted to know.

"Hmm... Your thoughts, Mr. Wright or how about you Ms.(L/N)?" The judge seemed so thoughtful about it now.

"That boy is not a killer!" You spoke up at the same time as Phoenix both of you looking at each other with such wide eyes before looking away hastily. That was new, you've both never been so in sync( that you've been able to notice anyway).

"What!? How can you be so sure! Oh, or is it be nice to the kids and mean to your elders day? Whippersnapper!" Oldbags attention was purely on Phoenix.

"I have proof." Phoenix spoke with a smirk to his lips, he did? What was his proof?! Your heart was racing in your chest as the court room fell silent, one of these days that eerie silence was going to be the death of you!

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