Chapter 1 One Month Later
You groaned reaching for the pillow as it was pushed away from you, your head resting against it with a Hmm leaving your lips. You should of been up by now but you wanted to sleep in, enjoy the crisp morning with no care in the world. That was until your alarm rang startling you out of your relaxing sleep. You sat up your hair messily framing your face as you groaned reaching for your phone to shut it off.
"Stupid!-" you grumbled under your breath before sighing rubbing your eyes. Slowly you swung your legs from around the bed to the edge making your way to the bathroom for a shower. This was pretty routine now, wake up, get a shower, get dress, make breakfast for your self and Phoenix, and head down to the office before him. It's only been a month since the death of your best friend and you had no where else to turn.
You had broken up with your boyfriend before the trial of Phoenix Wright, and had been living with Phoenix for the month searching for an apartment still. It was hard to find one in the city like you preferred, and you didn't want to go cheap, a woman living alone wasn't exactly safe. Phoenix didn't mind you staying with him for the time being letting you sleep in your own room.
The steam cleared from the shower as you stepped out putting on your clothes before drying your hair. Yes this past month hadn't been as eventful as the first days you had known Phoenix, people talked about the trials for a few days but no attention was drawn to Wright & (L/N) law offices, and you knew that wasn't good. Rent was getting closer and you feared the worst, but you had to say you were surprised no one turned up for you at least! You're a known lawyer! But good things come to those who wait.
You walked out to the living room where the open kitchen was, Phoenix's apartment wasn't as spacious as your old one with Edgeworth had been but if you were being honest you liked the smaller space.
"Mmm-morning-..." a grumble to your left jerked you from your thoughts as you now began to cook breakfast.(Ah you say cook but really you just heated up some things in the microwave for you both, neither you or Phoenix took much time to cook and you both hated doing the dishes).
"Good morning" you yawned rubbing your eyes as a very sleepy and not fully awake Phoenix plopped down on the couch, still in his pj's.
"Hmm I'm starving-" his words slurred together as the microwaved beeped.
"I know" you took the plate out walking over to hand it to Phoenix who gladly took it. You hated to admit it, but there's been this thing between you both as of lately.(meaning the past 3 weeks). You didn't know what to call it but an attraction was there neither of you wanted to speak of. What it was from was most likely the thing you had when you first met, the kisses the hand holding, it would make sense. You hadn't done that since living with him, but to anyone else it just looked like you both were a couple now. In fact you weren't even sure you were ready to move on form Edgeworth! You remember after hanging with maya and getting dinner the moment you got back to Phoenix's you cried and cried and cried.(He had cried too but not for as many reasons as you).
"Thanmks!" Phoenix scarfed down his good again not taking the time to swallow to thank you for giving him his first as you walked back over to prepare your breakfast. You smiled a bit blushing as you rolled your eyes.
"You're welcome" you laughed a bit. "One of these days you're gonna choke on your food!" You grabbed your food walking over to sit with him in your suit as you looked at the tv to see him watching a tv show.(He liked court room dramas, sometimes for the strange cases, sometimes for the romance, sometimes just because he wanted something to argue at...) Phoenix looked at you swallowing down his chewed food to take a sip of his drink.
"Well that's not today!" He smiled back at you and from then on you were sitting in silence. You left after finishing your breakfast leaving him to go about his routine while you walked to the offices. You couldn't believe where you were now, if you had a chance to talk to your past self she wouldn't believe the things you had been through. You could imagine, as you walked down the sidewalk with clicking heels, the things past you would say to present you.
"What do you mean Mia gets murder!" "Phoenix? What a weird name! Why him we have Miles!" "Wright and (L/N) Law offices?!"
It was funny really thinking about it, but at the same time, if you had a chance to go back. To do this all over again, you wouldn't trade this for the world. You were happy, the happiest you've ever been even if things were complicated now. Life wasn't going to be planned out for you like you had hoped, it was surprising and unpredictable and you had to work with that! Life waited for no one!
A breathy sigh fell from your lips as you walked into the office building making your way to the elevators to go up until reaching your floor. The lights were all on and the atmosphere was different than it used to be. There weren't many people working in the office space anymore, what happened to them you honestly don't know but it was safe to say they all quit. It was just you, Maya, and Phoenix and it was nothing to complain about. Opening the door you dropped your purse on the couch walking to what was now Phoenix's office to check and see if you both had gotten any calls only to stop hearing commotion inside.
"That rocked! "See you in Hell, Evil Magistrate!!!"" Maya exclaimed the sound of her jumping around echoing into the receptionist lobby, you bit your lip to keep your self from laughing. You opened the door to come face to face with the sight of Maya waving around a broom as she talked making fight sounds.
"Hmm, watching "The Steel Samurai" again, maya?" You suppressed a snicker walking into the room.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" Maya stumbled catching the broom after she lost hold of it. "I didn't see you there!"
"I only just walked in" you walked past her to Phoenix's desk to check the phone. "How was the new episode? As exciting as the last one?" You glanced up after sitting down in the big chair.(after all he was much bigger than you and Mia had been, of course he needed a bigger chair!).
"It was amazing you totally missed it! You should call Nick and have him come over here too! Is he up yet?!" Maya bounced excitedly to the desk as you reached for the phone laughing a little.
"He's up but I don't think he'll be here for another 10 minutes...if we don't get any calls today I'm sure we can sit and watch it with you" you sighed as you heard no new messages putting the phone down after having it to your ear. Maya clapped her hands.
"Yay!! Honestly I'm so happy Nick put a tv and couch in here!" Maya pointed to the couch that was pressed up against the wall with the window masking the spot where Mia had been found a month ago with a tv pressed up against the other wall, there was a coffee table in front of the couch and tv to complete the look. It was really quaint you wondered why he put a tv in here honestly. You weren't going to question it though.
"Why? So you can watch "The Steel Samurai" during work hours?" You laughed. Maya gasped shaking her head.
"No! Well-um-Yes!" Maya sighed as she rounded from the front of the desk to come stand beside you as you leaned back in the large chair. "Speaking Of Nick, how are things with you two! You seem closer than when I had first seen you both!" Maya leaned against the desk looking at you with a smile and a thoughtful gaze. You avoided her eyes looking to the window blushing deeply, your heart slammed against your ribs, and there was no way you were telling her about your emotional problems.
"We've been fine, why do you ask?" You finally met her gaze. Maya narrowed her eyes a playful smile against her lips.
"Oh come on! It doesn't take a genius to know that you both like each other! And if I know you and if I know nick you're both so easy to read! Just like a book!" Maya pressed her hands together with a laugh.
"Like a book huh?" You groaned covering your face with one hand. "Am I that obvious?!"
"Hmm.." maya pressed a hand to her face curling it to a fist resting her chin in the palm of her hand to think. "Well maybe not to Nick, but let's face it sometimes he's not the brightest to obvious things!" So you are that obvious.
"Oh great" you groaned into your hand a bit.
"But don't worry! You can win him over! He likes you too!" Likes? You guessed that's what she'd still call it, she's still a kid!(but you didn't have a "Crush" no, no,you knew you were in love you just didn't want to admit it...).
"Can I ask why both of you are at my desk like that?" Phoenix stood in the doorway rubbing his eye with one hand a yawn escaping his lips as both you and maya looked at him.
"Nick!" She bounded to her feet moving her back away from the desk but you made no effort to get up from his chair. "I didn't know you were here!" Maya glanced at you after she said that, he hadn't heard the conversation right?!
"Of course I'm here!" Phoenix huffed a bit walking into the room more. "What were you two talking about anyways?"
"We were talking about yo-" maya tried to talk but you stood up from the chair slamming your hands down against the wooden desk.
"ABOUT THE STEEL SAMURAI!" You flushed at how loud you had shouted suddenly. "I just mean!- it's a good show maya got me into it!" You cleared your throat looking away embarrassed, at least he hadn't heard you talking about him. Phoenix made a face shaking his head.
""The Steel Samurai"? What's that?" He just asked the wrong question. Maya gasped loudly.
"What!? Nick, you mean, you don't know "the Steel Samurai"!? He's only the most popular TV hero for young people!" Maya looked offended.
"Young?" Phoenix tilted his head to the side. " how young?"
"10 years old" you sighed from the desk after taking a seat back in his chair.
"Then what the heck are YOU BOTH getting all excited about?!" Phoenix made a face.
"Hey! I'm only 17! That's seven-"teen." See? I'm a teen! Not like you, Nick" you covered your mouth to stifle a laughter.
"Then what about (Y/N)! We're the same age!" Phoenix made another face this time with a crinkled nose.
"I'm just hip with the kids as they say" you joked a bit. "Besides maya likes the show! It's not terrible!"
"See! Even (Y/N) likes it!" Maya pointed at you.
"Hey! Don't talk to me like I'm your grandpa or something! I'm only 24!" Phoenix crossed his arms.
"Then watch it with us! He's really cool!'s really popular! When they asked grade school kids what they wanted to be, "Steel Samurai" was no.1!" Maya walked over to the couch sitting down clutching the remote in her hand.
"I really worry about kids these days..." Phoenix trailed off and you laughed standing up.
"Come on "old man" just watch it with us" you laughed a bit as you walked over to sit with maya patting a space for Phoenix to sit down at.
"Why do I do this to my self?!"
You hummed as your eyes barely stayed open wanting to slowly shut every time a fight scene was displayed before you all. The day had flown by fast after maya insisted you all watched season 1 to the current season and where the time had gone you honestly didn't know. Lunch still sat not thrown away on the coffee table and what episode you were on let alone what season now was a mystery to you. Your head rested more on Phoenix's shoulder while he had his arm around the back of the couch, intentionally, almost around your shoulders as you both dozed off with maya watching intently. You both didn't realize the episode had stopped nearly fully asleep.
"Well!" Maya's loud out burst jerked both you and Phoenix awake. You hastily sat straight pulling your head away from resting comfortably on his shoulder whilst he stretched working out the knots in his shoulders. "I guess it's time to close up the office! Looks like that's it for now!" Maya stood up bouncing in her step again and you really wished you had that energy.
"Hmm yeah" you rubbed your eyes with a yawn. Well another waste of a day you guessed.
"Wish we had some clients" Phoenix groaned a bit trying to stand up and push his back to work out his sore muscles from being in one position all day. You decided to start cleaning up the lunch mess. "I mean how are we gonna pay rent this month?" Phoenix frowned.
"It's okay! I'm sure a big client is just around the corner!" Maya smiled clasping her hands together.
"Wish the steel Samurai would come to our rescue" you joked throwing away the trash making your way back over to Phoenix who laughed. You shivered at how low his voice always sounded when he was sleepy.(Maybe you were being a little something, but the rasp of his tired voice was certainly something you liked).
"Do you need us to walk you home maya?" Phoenix stuffed his hands in his pockets to stare at maya.
"I'll be okay! I think I'm gonna crash here for tonight! It's too late for me to make it back to the mountain now anyway" maya shook her head and you and Phoenix just nodded sleepily.
"Well you just call us if you need us okay?" You sighed as maya saluted at you.
"Of course!" She laughed. "You two just get home and get some well deserved sleep! See you tomorrow!" Maya waved goodbye as Phoenix took you by the hand leading you out his office when you both had said your goodbyes. You just hoped she'd be safe, you weren't expecting to get a call tonight.
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