Chapter 9: The Happy Hotel
Charlie's POV
The Magne Family Limousine can be seen driving back to the hotel. Charlie can be seen hugging her knees and looking out the window, while Vaggie sits next to her, glaring furiously at Angel Dust.
Charlie: *sighs*
Vaggie: *eye twitches*
Angel Dust can be seen amusing himself by playing with the car window button repeatedly.
Vaggie: *scrunches up her face*
Angel Dust: *taking notice* ...What?
Vaggie: "What?", "WHAT?"?! What were you DOING?! *rips off her hair*
Angel Dust: *sighs* I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a "redeeming quality"? Helping friends with stuff? *rolls eyes*
Vaggie: Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!
Angel Dust: Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. Ehahahahahah! *proceeds to play with the car window button* It wasn't that bad, anyway. *almost gets hit with a knife thrown his way* Aw, come on! I had to! *brushes back hair* My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean? It just throws out my entire persona! *suggestively wiggles chest floof*
Vaggie: Your credibility? What about the hotel's?! *gestures at Charlie* Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke! *combusts*
Angel Dust: *scoffs* No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! *camera pans to Charlie* And pathetic! Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria! *camera focuses back on him* Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it! *starts looking around the limousine* This thing have any liquor?
Vaggie: Can you please just try to take this seriously?
Angel Dust: *flicks off a dust bunny* Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist, baby! *snaps finger at her while smiling*
Vaggie: Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?!
Angel Dust: *groans* Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?!
Vaggie: *returns to sit next to Charlie as she crosses her arms* I'm gonna kill 'em.
Angel Dust: Too late, toots. Wait! Would that make me double dead? Hah, and where exactly do I go? To Double Hell? Hahahaha! Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it *folds arms confidently*.
Vaggie: *angrily, as she grits her teeth* Come mierda malparido!
Angel Dust: Listen, who cares if some jack-offs got hurt? Most of 'em are ugly freaks. Look around! *looks out the limousine window, smirking* You got a bunch a fuckin' harlequin-looking babies down here!
Vaggie: You're one to talk. *smiles smugly*
Angel Dust: Hey! *motions to his body* This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me, *jiggles chest fluff and takes out a letter* and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!
Fan letter with a picture of a dirty naked middle-aged man, who ironically has a "No Angel Dust" tattoo, licking an Angel Dust body pillow attached with the message saying "Show me you feet!! -Bryrin, #1 Fan Critic" is shown onscreen.
Vaggie: Grrr...
Charlie: That was really uncool, y'know, Angel.
Vaggie: "Uncool"? After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel! *looks toward Angel Dust* All thanks to *points at him* you and your selfish bullshit!
Angel Dust: Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?
Vaggie: *motions "What do you think?"*
Angel Dust: *snaps finger* Ah, well shucks.
Charlie: Hey, come on. *takes off jacket* We don't know if things are over yet! Try to relax, Vaggie. *puts a hand on Vaggie's shoulder* I-it'll be okay! I just hope that he doesn't show up...
Vaggie: Who is it, Charlie?
Charlie: Remember that guy in the news where he killed almost every demon he just saw? The one with the power armor?
Vaggie: Yeah? What about him?
Charlie: Remember the stories that dad used to tell us that a human went to hell and wiped out it's population? The one that came here over millions of years ago?
Vaggie: Yeah?
Charlie: I..........I think that was the Doom Slayer.
Vaggie: What?! Mijo De Puta! He's gonna kill us all!
Charlie: W-wait, if he is, why did he let us be and killed only those that tried to invade us? I think there's a reason why he's here. And he won't be killing anyone anytim soon. I promise.
Then sighed and relaxed herself at the seat. The limousine arrives at the hotel as the hotel door opens, revealing a very old and dirty establishment.
Vaggie: *throws herself on the couch, facing the wall* Ugh!
Angel Dust *rummages through the fridge leaning by the wall and grabbing a box of Popsies.*
Angel Dust: Eh, it's probably a good idea to get some actual food in this place. Y'know, to feed all the wayward souls you got in here! Ahahaha! Ahaha...! eh... ah... * he closes the fridge door as he tries to comfort Charlie but decides to back off*
Charlie exits the hotel and tries to contact her mother.
Charlie: *sighs* Hey, mom. I know I keep calling and you must be busy... Really busy... But, um, the interview didn't go well, *shrinks to her knees* and... I don't know if I'm ever going to make a difference *starts tearing up as she wipes it off her face*. I don't know what I'm doing. I could really use some advice, mom. I... I think dad was right about me... Ahah, oof, eh, anyway... *wipes her face once more* I'll stop talking before this gets long. *stands up* Love you, bye...
Charlie walks back in and leans by the door in defeat as a sudden knock can be heard from the other side of the door, surprising Charlie.
Charlie: *contemplates on whether or not to open the door but decides to open it anyway*
An Imp can be seen standing before her.
Charlie: Oh........shit!
The Imp tried to lunge at her but was dragged back outside by an armor covered hand and starts to beat up the Imp, then a gunshot was made. Charlie opened her eyes and saw the Slayer in front of her.
Charlie started backing away from the Slayer and she covered her eyes.
Charlie: P-please don't kill me!
Y/N: Woah! Okay, I'm not here to kill anyone!
Charlie: Y-you're not?
Y/N: I won't I promise. Let me just...
Your POV
I put my Super Shotgun away so that I wouldn't scare her. And for a princess of Hell she's nice.
Y/N: You know who I am right?
Charlie:'re the Doom Slayer. You're the one who went to Hell itself and came back unscathed. You killed the Queen of Hell.
Y/N: The honor of killing the Queen of Hell would go to my father.
Charlie: W-wait, I didn't know he had a son?
Y/N: I'm his son, and he gave me the title and the responsibility of being the Doom Slayer. He died of a Marauder ambush.
Charlie: I-I'm sorry for your loss. It must have been hard for you.
Y/N: Well, it did...but at least he can rest in peace now.
Charlie: Are you not sad that he died? He's your dad.
Y/N: I am sad...and at the same time I'm happy that he can finally rest.
Charlie: That's cool and all but why are you here?
Y/N: I entered a portal which led me here. I came to the Hotel so I could have a place to stay. And as for the redemption-
Charlie: Oh, go ahead, laugh...I don't care anymore.
Y/N: Actually, it might work and it's a great idea.
I sat down cross legged in front of her and she pulled her hair behind her ear.
Charlie: Y-you think so?
Y/N: Well...yeah. It's nice thag you would want to help make a difference here and help everyone. I tried to do that once when I was a kid.
Charlie: What did you do?
Y/N: I wanted to do something about the bullying in our school and help the school itself with it's problems. I didn't get a lot of support from anyone back then, but I still managed to do it. I stopped the bullying by making them feel what being bullied is like. I worked hard in earning enough cash to help the school renovate and fix the problems there.
Charlie: Where did you attend school?
Y/N: Well the states were overrun by demons, so I studied in Australia when I was Elementary and High School. And I studied at Russia for Collage. But those things aside, if you want to make a difference or you want to help everyone around you, you have to keep going and let nothing stop you, you gotta stand for what you believe in, even if you stand alone. Don't give up.
Charlie: You really think it would work?
Y/N: We could try, it's worth a shot. Sure I love killing demons but I also love peaceful areas. So I'll help.
She then smiled brightly and she stood up cheering, I chuckled at her reaction and I stood up. As I stand up, I saw her kiss my helmet making me rise an eyebrow under my helmet and she blushed at what she just did.
Charlie: S-sorry, I just didn't expect that someone would actually agree to help me, especially the Slayer himself.
Y/N: Happy to help, oh by the way. I forgot to introduce myself.
I lightly bowed to show some respect.
Y/N: Y/N Blazkowicz, Princess.
Charlie: And I am Charlotte Magne, princess of Hell and heir to the throne, and you can call me-
Y/N: Charlie, great name too. Shall we?
Charlie: *clears throat* We shall.
She entered the Hotel and I followed her, this place looks good, just needs a few cleaning.
Charlie: What do you think?
Y/N: The place is spacious and nice, just needs cleaning but it'll do.
Vaggie: Hey Charlie who you talking to?
Then the same girl that I saw earlier with the spear and an eye patch, she immediately grabbed her spear and threw it towards me. I caught the spear when it was right in front of my face.
Y/N: And if you want to attract more customers, you should start with Missy McSpearThrow over here and work on her issues.
Vaggie: Charlie get away from him!
Charlie: No, Vaggie it's okay. He's here to help!
Vaggie: I don't trust him!
Charlie: It's okay, he's actually willing to help.
Vaggie: What are planning, Slayer? You gain our trust and then kill us? Speak up!
Y/N: Jesus! You have trust issues! To answer that, I needed a place to stay because my A.I. still has to pinpoint the exact location of where I am at. And I'm actually interested in what you're doing, so I want to help. That answer good enough?
Vaggie:............Yeah, still keeping an eye on you!
Y/N: Pun intended?
Vaggie: ¡Maldito hijo de puta!
Y/N: Hey! I was kidding! You don't have to call me son of a bitch!
Angel: Hey what's with all the yelling?!
Then entered the same gay spider I saw earlier today and he stared to have a lustrous look in his eyes and came closer to me.
Angel: Hey baby~ Wanna have some fun-
I cut him off by pointing him the drawn Doomblade and he started sweating bullets and both Charlie and Vaggie started laughing at him.
Y/N: One, I am not interested in you sucking my dick. Two, you're a dude. Three, I don't do this shit. Four, you're a dude...and yes I am aware I said that you're a dude twice.
Vaggie: I gotta hand it to you for scaring the shit out of him.
Charlie: Hey, Y/N? Can you take off your helmet?
Y/N: Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy???
Charlie: I just wanna see what you look like.
Vaggie: We need to know if you can trust us, so we can trust you too.
I sighed heavily and removed my helmet making a click and hissing sound. I removed it and it revealed my deep E/C eyes, H/L H/C hair. When both Vaggie and Charlie saw me they suddenly look red as a tomato.
Y/N: Now that you seen my face, I don't want any of you going around telling what I look like, it's going to be my choice to tell them what I look like.
Vaggie: G-got it.
Charlie: Mmmhmm.
Angel: Noted.
Then a loud knock was heared and we all turned our attention towards the door, I went to open it before Charlie could even get to it. Vaggie went back to the couch and Angel was eating a melted popsicle.
Y/N: I'll get it, Charlie. You can rest for now.
Charlie: Thanks, Y/N.
Then as I was finally at the door, I opened the door and it revealed a female demon with red hair and a cane wearing a red tuxedo which looks like way back from the early 1900's. She had a wide grin plastered across her face and her eyes staring into mine.
She was about to say something when I slammed the door in front of her and went back inside and slowly backing away from the door, then Charlie checked up on me.
Charlie: Who was that?
Y/N: Check for yourself...
She looked at me confused and she walked towards the door and she opened it and the same female demon was still there.
Allison: Hel- *gets door slammed on her*
Charlie: *looks to the side for a brief moment before opening the door again*
Allison: -lo!
Charlie: *slams door against her face once more* Hey, Vaggie?
Vaggie: *annoyed* Whaaaat?
Charlie: The Radio Demon is at the door!
Vaggie: *sits up* What?!
Angel Dust: *takes out the popsicle from his mouth* Uh... who?
Charlie: What should I do?!
Vaggie: Uh, well, don't let her in!
Y/N: A sensed a killing intent coming from her when she stared into my eyes.
Charlie decides to disregard Vaggie's advice once more and opens the door for Allison.
( This is what Allison looks like, look at that SMILE!!! )
Allison: May I speak now?
Charlie: You may.
Allison: *reaches hand out* Allison! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart! *pulls Charlie towards her* Quite a pleasure! *lets herself in* Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on a picture show, and I just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929! Hahahahaha, *plays with her mic staff* sooo many orphans...*sees me* Ah! Slayer, it's quite nice to see you here. That was quite a show you put up.
Y/N: Glad you enjoyed it........wait.........Allison? You're the Radio Demon back in the 1920 Massacre?!
Allison: I see you have done your research.
Vaggie: *holds a harpoon towards her chest* Stop right there! Cabrón hija de perra, I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy *Angel's head pops in* talkshow shitlord!
Allison: *uses finger to move the harpoon away* Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here... *turns into her demonic form* I would've done so already!
The screen distorts as Charlie and Vaggie stare at her in fear while I just looked at her with killing intent in my eyes.
Allison: *snaps back to reality* No! I'm here because I want to help!
Charlie: Say what now?
Allison: *repeats herself* Help! Hahaha, hello? Is this thing on? *taps on her mic* Testing, testing!
Allison's Mic: *opens its eye* Well I heard you loud and clear!
Charlie: Um, you want to help? With...?
Allison: *teleports behind the two with her shadow* This ridiculous thing you're trying to do! This hotel! I want to help you run it.
Charlie: Buuut... why?
Allison: Hahaha, why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom! I've lacked inspuration for decades. My work became mundane, lacking focus, *shoves Vaggie offscreen* aimless! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment! Hahaha!
Charlie: Does getting into a fistfight with a reporter count as entertainment...?
Y/N: How about killing every single demon that was the cause of my father's death and responsible of millions of deaths?
Allison: Hahaha! It's the purest kind, my dears: Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage and the stage is a world of entertainment.
Charlie: So does this mean you think it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?
Allison: Hahahahaha! *shakes hand in front of her* Of course not! That's wacky nonsense! *shakes head back and forth* Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! No no no no, I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners! *looks over to Vaggie who is offended and Angel who just shrugs* The chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this! *puts her arms out, gesturing the entirety of Hell* There is no undoing what is done!
Y/N: You're here to help for a different reason, you only want to entertain yourself and watch the demons that come here do anything that they could do only for them to miserably fail. I can see through your excuse, Allison.
Charlie: So then, why do you wanna help me if you don't believe in my cause?
Allison: Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself! *pulls Charlie close to her and twirls her* I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure!
Y/N: See?
Charlie: *removes her hand from her back* Riiiight.
Allison: Yes, indeedy! *grabs her by the waist and drags her offscreen* I see big things coming your way and who better to help you than I? *trails off*
Angel: Uh, so... uh, what's the deal with Smiles over there?
Vaggie: Wait, you've never heard of her before? You've been here longer than me!
Angel: *shrugs*
Vaggie: The Radio Demon. One of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen?
Angel: *shrugs a second time* Eh, not big on politics.
Vaggie: Ugh! *leans in on Angel Dust as she begins her story* Decades ago, Allison manifested in Hell,
Scene changes to a visual presentation of Vaggie's story regarding Allison.
Vaggie: seemingly overnight. She began to topple Overlords who have been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, she broadcast her carnage all throughout Hell just so everyone could witness her ability. Sinners started calling her "The Radio Demon" (as lazy as that is). Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled her to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing's for sure: She's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased!
Angel: Ya done? *Laughs dryly* She looks like a 1900's prostitute.
Vaggie: Well, I don't trust her! Or him! *gestures to Y/N*
Angel: To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men? Men?
Vaggie: *grabs Charlie by the shoulder* Charlie, listen to me. You can't believe this creep! She isn't just a happy face! She's a deal maker! Pure evil! She can't be redeemed! ...And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we're trying to do!
Charlie: I... *sighs* we don't know that! Look, I know she's bad, and I know she probably doesn't wanna change, but the whole point of this is to give people a chance!
Allison inspects a portrait of The Magne Family.
Charlie: To have faith things will be better! How can I turn someone away? I can't. It goes against everything I'm trying to do. Everything I believe in. *puts hands on Vaggie's shoulders* Just... trust me. I can take care of myself!
Vaggie: Charlie, whatever you do, do not make a deal with her!
Allison makes a gesture with her hand, seemingly focusing on Vaggie.
Charlie: Don't worry, I picked up one thing from my dad! *imitating her dad's voice* "You don't take shit from other demons!" *walks off to where Allison is*
Charlie: Okay, so, Al. You're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke.
As Charlie turns away, glowing red symbols start to appear beside Allison which quickly disappear after Charlie turns back to Allison.
Charlie: But I don't. And he doesn't too. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So I'm taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no... *makes gestures with hands* tricks or voodoo strings attached.
As Allison rolls her eyes at that last statement, she twirls her mic staff and presents her hand for a handshake as green energy bursts throughout the hotel.
Allison: So, it's a deal, then?
Charlie: *refusing her handshake* Nope! No shaking! No deals! I... hmm... As princess of Hell and heir to the throne, I, uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel. For as long as you desire.
A howling wolf can be heard in the background as Charlie looks over to Vaggie for approval.
Charlie: Sound fair?
Allison: *rubs her chin* Hmm... *retracts her mic staff* Fair enough!
Charlie: *sighs in relief* Cool beans.
Allison: Hmm hm hmm hmm... *hums while looking around as he stops in front of Vaggie*. Smile, my dear! *tickles the underside of her chin* You know you're never fully dressed without one! *Walks away as she continues humming* So where is your hotel staff?
Charlie: Uh, well-
Camera pans to Vaggie who's staring at Allison dead in the eyes.
Allison: *adjusts monocle* Ohohoho, you're going to need more than that. *walks towards Angel Dust* And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?
Angel: I can lick your pussy!
Sounds of a mic can be heard in the background as Allison tries to process what she was just offered.
Allison: Hah! No.
Angel Dust: *scoffs* Your loss.
Allison: Well, this just won't do! *takes out her mic staff* I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up.
At the snap of her finger, a new fireplace has replaced the hotel's worn down one as she approaches it and picks up the mysterious figure covered in soot, which then opens its eye and stares at the trio behind her. I pulled out the Combat Shotgun.
Niffty: *poofs off the soot from her body*
Allison: This beautiful darling is Niffty!
( Also, she will be the same height as Cherri Bomb, which is the same as Charlie and Vaggie. )
Niffty: *drops to the floor* Hi, I'm Niffty! It's nice to meet you! It's been a while since I've made new friends! *eyes the three* Why're you all women? *lifts Charlie* Are there any men here?! *puts Charlie down* I'm sorry, that's rude. *looks around* Oooh man, this place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch! *grabs a spider and crushes it* Which is weird because you're all ladies, no offense. *stares offscreen as she takes out a feather duster* Oh my gosh, this is awful! *she speed cleans throughout the hotel* Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! *spots a cockroach and stabs it with a pin* Nope! *notices me* A MAN!
I was tackled to the floor by Nifty making a loud thud, how can she tackle me?! Then she won't stop drooling over my armor. What the fuck?! I pried her off me and I stood back up and she continued cleaning.
The four stare at Niffty as I put away the Shotgun and then a voice coming from an unknown demon can be heard nearby.
Husks: *lays his cards down the table* Hah! Read 'em and weep, boys. Full Ho- *demonic illusions and voices distort the surroundings temporarily* -tel? What the fuck is this? *looks around and spots Allison, eliciting an angry purr as he points at him* You!
Allison: Ah, Husker, my good friend! Glad you could make it!
Husk: Don't you "Husker" me, you bitch! I was about to win the whole damn pot! *the jackpot virtualizes into nothingness*
Allison: Good to see you too!
Husk: *facepalms angrily* What the hell do you want with me this time...?
Allison: My friend, I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that's okay!
Husk: Are you shittin' me?!
Allison: Hmm... No, I don't think so!
Husk: *shoves Allison off* You thought it'd be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! *camera pans to Allisom dusting herself off* You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?!
Allison: *grins as if she's about to laugh* Maybe!
Husk: I ain't doing no fucking charity job.
Allison: *teleports behind him through her shadow* Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment! *gestures towards the bar she made out of her magic* With your charming smile *pulls Husks's lips into a forced smile* and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! Don't worry my friend, *walks over to the bar, revealing the soles of her heels to have deer prints* I can make this more welcoming! ...If you wish. *makes a bottle of "Cheap Booze" appear out of nowhere*
Husk: *stares at the booze for a second* What? You think you can buy me with a wink *winks sarcastically* and some cheap booze?! *grabs the booze and looks at it* ...Well, you can! *downs the booze*
Vaggie: Hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! No! No bar, no alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of mouth, brothel, man cave!
Angel: *disappears offscreen only to come back launching himself onto Vaggie* SHUT UP! SHUT! UP! We *points to the bar with all his fingers* are keeping this!
Angel: *flirting with Husk* Hey~
Husk: Go fuck yourself.
Angel: *holds Husk's face* Only if you watch me!
Charlie: Oh my gosh! Welcome to The Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here! *tries to go for a handshake*
Husk: *reaches for his booze* I lost the ability to love years ago. *continues to down his booze*
Allison: So, whaddaya think?
Charlie: This is amazing! *rubs her cheeks excitedly*
Vaggie: *with crossed arms* It's... okay.
Allison: *reels the two towards her* Hahaha! This is going to be very entertaining!
She then lets go of Vaggie and summons a fireball, launching it to the hotel ceiling just so she could distract Charlie fast enough for her to shove Vaggie offscreen. She dresses herself in a tux and matching top hat, my armor was replaced with a tuxedo.
Allison: ♫ You have a dream! *twirls Charlie and dresses her up* You wish to tell! *turns to Vaggie who's now on the floor* And it's just laughable *turns back to Charlie and tosses her mid-air*. But, hey, kid, what the hell? ♫
The background behind Charlie changes to neon colored lights featuring two apples and a skull.
Allison: ♫ *catches Charlie by the hand as they both tap dance* 'Cause you're one-of-a-kind! A charming demon belle! *The two slide down the railing of the stairs* ♫
Allison: ♫ Now, let's give these burning fools a place to dwell! *dresses up the rest of the hotel staff* Take it, boys! ♫
Shadow demons appear from the floor boards and begin playing their instruments as Vaggie tries to talk to Charlie who is having too much fun. Allison pulls her in with her and the others as her shadow demons surround them.
Shadow Demons: Boo!
Allison: ♫ Haha! Inside of every demon is a lost cause! *puts a fedora on Angel's head as he snaps his fingers back at Allison* But we'll dress 'em up for now, with just a smile! *slaps Vaggie's butt* ♫
Shadow Demons: ♫ With a smile! ♫
Allison pulled me into the dance floor and we both started dancing and I gave her a twirl and spin towards the red carpet and eventually stopped and started walking along the carpet.
Allison: ♫ And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair! *kicks off skull which Niffty rushes in and cleans off* And show these simpletons some proper class and style! *summons a shadow clone of herself* ♫
Shadow Demons: ♫ Class and style! ♫
Alastor: ♫ *snaps away her shadow* Oh! Here below the ground, *pinches Charlie's cheeks* I'm sure your plan is sound! *holds hands with Charlie as they both twirl* They'll spend a little time, down at this Hazbin Ho-
The hotel door explodes, knocking Niffty offscreen as Me, Charlie, Allison, Angel Dust and Vaggie look outside.
Sir Pentious' war ship has made an appearance outside the hotel.
Sir Pentious: Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet yet again, Allison!
Allison: Do I know you?
Sir Pentious: *ego deflates* Oh, yes you do! *Hood flares open* And this time, I have the element of- *pulls a lever* SURPRISE! Ahaha! I'm so evil!
With a snap of a finger, an otherwordly dimensional portal opens with tentacles and shadow demons emerging from it, destroying Sir Pentious' ship while he is inside. I pulled out the Rocket Launcher with the
Lock-On Burst Module and it shot a burst of three rockets twice destroying the ship's thrusters. Allison can then be seen finishing it off as she clenches her fist with a few drops of blood dripping off her hand. Allison. is then shown grinning menacingly in satisfaction for a moment as the others look at him in shock and horror, I just looked at her with a smile. I liked what she just did.
Allison: *breaking the tension* ...Well, I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now...
Allison uses her magic for the last time today to change the sign atop the hotel from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel".
Allison: *sinisterly* ...Stay tuned. Hahaha...!
I was about to follow them but I looked back and pulled out the BFG and shot down the hole to make sure nothing really survives. I put it away and I walked back inside the Hotel.
Charlie was leading me to the room that she provided. It was currently night-time and I am a bit tired.
Charlie: Thanks again for helping me with the Hotel. I feel so happy I can sing all night.
I just chuckled at what she just did. We finally reached the room and she gave me the key.
Charlie: Don't lose this key, and keep the door locked at all times. Goodnight, Y/N.
Y/N: Goodnight, Charlie.
I entered the room and locked it as soon as I got inside. I took off my helmet and I put it on the table, and I started taking off all of my armor leaving me only with my shoes and shirt and my cargo pants. I took a shower first in the bathroom then I slept.
Wonder what tommorow does this Hell bring?
And Finished.
5,320 words
Like I said, I will publish a chapter. This has been fun. Now that five chapters are published I will work on my other stories.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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