Chapter 8: Caught in A War

Your POV

I finally arrived and I saw lots and lots of Egg Creatures with numbers in the back of their heads. I saw a bomb thrown to one of the groups and it killed every single one of them. I looked to the direction to where the bomb came from and I saw a demon girl with messy hair with tattered-ish clothes with one eye with an X mark in her eyes and she wears a wide ass grin.

Cherri Bomb: What's a fucktard in power armor doing here in a middle of a turf war?

Y/N: Stay out of my way, you don't want to fight me.

I started walking towards the portal again and by instinct I caught the bomb she threw towards me and crushed it before it even blew up making her stare in shock at how I wasn't affected by the bomb.

Y/N: Like I said, don't get in my way.

I started walking away only to be blocked by a demon spider which I assume is Angel Dust the gay pornstar. I tried to walk around him but he shot me with his Tommy Guns only for the bullets to bounce off of me. I aimed my Super Shotgun in his face and he was sweating bullets.

Y/N: Shoot me again and I will blast your head off with my gun. I came here to fend off an attack. Don't. Stand. In. My. Way.

Then I started walking away and this time there aren't anyone or anything stopping me. I finally got out of their sight and Angel Dust blew out the breathe he was holding.

Angel: Phew! Who was that guy?

Cherri: That armor......he reminds me of someone. Nah, it can't be. Let's get back in having fun!

Back in the Station

Charlie: Oh, shit.

Angel Dust (in the background): I'm a bad person!

Katie Killjoy: "Oh, shit" indeed! It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than *feigns a gasp* porn actor, Angel Dust! *turns to Charlie as she shakes her fist* What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid right now.

Killjoy and Trench proceed to laugh at Charlie.

Killjoy and Trench: *does Jazz hands* Ratings!

Charlie: *stares at the live feed in distress and attempts to block it from the audience's view* Don't look at this!

Katie Killjoy: Well, it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival. *looms over Charlie* Tell us, how does it feel to be a total failure? Nyahahahahahaha!

Charlie: *tries to think of a comeback* Yeah, well... *looks around* How does it feel that I got your pen, huh?! *grabs Killjoy's ball pen* Bitch!

Everything goes dead silent for a split second as Trench runs off.

Charlie: *nervously* Ehehe... *puts pen back down* oops.

Killjoy's demonic form reveals itself as she looms over Charlie from the shadows.

Back to the Turf War

Red smoke is seen everywhere.

Cherri Bomb: Heyyy, thanks for the backup, Angie!

Angel Dust: Hahaha! *throws grenade* You kiddin'? This is the best action I've seen in ages! *puts hands behind his head*

Cherri Bomb: *launching another cherry bomb* Where've you been, anyway? I thought you up and died or some shit.

Angel Dust: *lighting a bomb and handing it to her* Oh, I wish! I've been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town. Some broads are lettin' me stay rent-free if I play nice.

They both cover their heads as the explosion sets off behind them, then grin at each other as they jump into the field.

Angel Dust: *continues to shoot The Egg Bois alongside Cherri as he sighs* Y'know, no fights, no pranks, no "problematic language"... Her words, not mine. *steps on a broken tile, launching an Egg Boi airborne and shoots him from behind as he sighs again* These crazy bitches are no fun! I've been clean for two weeks!

Cherri Bomb: *in disbelief, smiling* Holy shit!

Angel Dust: *looks at the leftover smudge on his finger* Well, sorta clean. *destroys an incoming Egg Boi* Just clean as you can get from a shitload of Bolivian marching powder! *gets chained and thrown aside by Sir Pentious*

Angel Dust: *jokingly* Ohh~, harder, daddy!

Sir Pentious: *taking it seriously as he gasps* Son?!

(Angel raises an eyebrow as Cherri kicks Sir Pentious to the side.)

Sir Pentious: *hood flares open* Grr! You whores have no classss! In war, The side remembered is the side with the most ssstyle! *adjusts tie*

Cherri Bomb: Or the side that ain't dead! *decapitates an Egg Boi*

Angel Dust: *stands up and removes the chains restricting him* Speakin' a style, is your hat like, alive or something?

Sir Pentious: Oh! Well, that's none of your GOD DAMN BUSSSSINESS! Now, is it?

Angel Dust: Hah, would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?

A sign that says "Loser" can be seen in the background pointing at Sir Pentious as an Egg Boi acknowledges the roast.

Egg Boi: *cups hands* Oooooh! *gets pebble thrown at him by Sir Pentious*

Sir Pentious: *enraged* I'm going to blow you to bitssss!

Angel Dust: *eyes him up and down* Hm, kinky!

Sir Pentious: Oh, not like that! *hood flares open as a sign that says "Pussy" can be seen pointing at him in the background* Pervert! *knocks over an Egg Boi*

An Egg Boi with a gun that releases arm-shaped shadows with eyes aims at Angel and Cherri as Angel quickly shoves Cherri aside.

Sir Pentious: Not so cocky now, are we?!

Angel Dust: *unamused* Y'know, you really gotta watch what comes outta ya mouth. I've been making these sex jokes the whole *limbs gets pulled on as Sir Pentious reveals a drill which jump starts* TIME! *reveals his third pair of arms carrying a gun* And it's obvious ya ain't catchin' on. I mean, it's just *shoots Sir Pentious offscreen* sad!

Cherri Bomb: So, think you're gonna get in a lotta trouble for this?

Angel Dust: Eh, *retracts his third set of arms* what's one little brawl gonna cause?

Charlie and Killjoy can be seen duking it out in the news station as the fire alarm goes off in the background with Trench entering the scene, covered in flames.


Cherri Bomb: Glad you haven't changed! *slugs him on the arm* You know you're my favorite guy to party with!

Angel Dust: You know it, sugar tits!

Cherri Bomb: *takes out one last bomb* You ready to finish this?

Angel Dust: *cocks gun* Born ready, baby!

(Angel and Cherri pounce onto Sir Pentious and his army as they prepare to clash, Charlie and Killjoy are still at each other's throats screaming, Trench is still on fire, screaming in agony. The camera shows all the characters present. Then all of them stopped screaming when they heared a loud roar in the Turf War.

The camera revealed demons that they have never seen before, one demon was about to lunge at the camera only to be grabbed in the neck and started to be brutally beaten to death by a man in power armor that Charlie seems to be afraid of. Not the demons, she wasn't afraid of was the man in armor. She knew who it was...the Doom Slayer.

Your POV

Both Cherri and Angel along with the Cameraman hid behind the debris that they caused and watched me massacre every single demon I see. I dropped the Imp and threw it towards the incoming horde and planted a bomb on the demon and when it reached the incoming horde, it blew up leaving nothing but a bloody pile of flesh.

I looked back and saw all of the three demons hiding behind the rubble with derpy faces, I gestured them to move back and they did. I pulled out the Chaingun with it's Mobile Turret Module and I pressed the trigger sending hundred of bullets fly towards every demon I see.

I saw a Pain Elemental and I when it opened it's mouth I immediately switched to the Combat Shotgun and sent a sticky bomb towards it and it swallowed the bomb and my hud covered the demon in an orange and blue hue, I dashed forward it and I jimped and drew the Doomblade and stabbed it's eye and pulled the blade out with the eye still stuck on the blade.

Then I looked back and saw a Doom Hunter roaring at me and so I removed the eye and I started walking towards it with my Doomblade still draw and blood still dripping from it.

I ran towards it and I chose the powerup Berserk and Haste in my hud and then I was covered in a hue of red and yellow light. It was about to hit me with it's own saw but I immediately dodged and went behind it and grabbed it's head along with it's bloody spine.

I saw an Imp and I crushed it's skull with my bare hands, took down a Tyrant and brutally punched it's face over and over. Rode a Revenant across the area while it was shooting rockets, I chased after a Cacodemon and I jumped and grabbed onto it and I pulled out it's eye.

The same Marauder that I saw last time tried to get me from behind, I caught his axe and took it away from him and cut his head off with it. Then I ran towards where Cherri, Angel, and the Cameraman was and I asked Cherri for a bomb.

Y/N: Give me a bomb.

Cherri: W-what?

Y/N: Ignite a bomb and give it to me!

She immediately lit up a bomb and gave it to me.

Y/N: Thanks.

I ran back towards the Mancubus and I jumped and dashed in mid air and grabbed it's head and put it down on the ground, I forvefully opened it's mouth and shoved the grenade into it's mouth. I backed away from the demon and it blew up. The effect of Berserk and Haste should wear off any second now. Then a few seconds later, it did and I saw that there was still lots of demons to kill.

I pulled out the Plasma Gun and started shooting at a Prowler, Goddammit they're such a problem.

Then I saw a Revenant show up and fired it's rockets towards me, I easily dodged it and pulled out the Super Shotgun and used the Meathook to launch myself towards the don and when I finally close enough, I pulled the trigger for a devastating blast ans the demon was now ready foe a Glory Kill. I went behind and stabbed it's rockets and it was glowing indicating that it will blow up.

I walked away from it and it blew up. I pulled out the Ballista with the Destroyer Blade Module and hold the trigger and the power was building up and when it can't build up anymore, I released the trigger sending a energy horizontal blade towards hordes of demons.

I saw an Arachnatron and pulled out the Plasma Gun and kept shooting it's main gun and when it was finally destroyed, I tore off one of it's legs and stabbed it's eye with it's own leg and the sharp leg dug deep into the brain of the demon killing it.

I was shot in the back by a Mancubus and I gritted my teeth, I looked back and saw that there were even more demons last time. I pulle out the Rocket Launcher and I kept shooting at everything I see, from Imps, Prowlers, Mancubuses and even Revenants and Arachnatrons. Then at the bad time I ran out of rockets so I switched to the Unmaykr and I pressed the trigger, it mowed down every demon that was standing and it killed everything easily, I kept shooting and shooting until the Unmaykr itself ran out of ammunition, the only gun I have bullets left is the Super Shotgun.

I saw another Marauder and sent a horizontal attack that came from his axe. I easily dodged it and pull out the Crucible and I drew the Doomblade and stabbed it's gut and used the Crucible to cut it's head off with ease.

Then I heared heavy footsteps and a very loud roar in the distance, in the smoke, revealed the final Tyrant today.

I ran towards it and I pulled out the Crucible and tried to cut off it's head. Then it dodged and backhanded me with it's cannon and I was an Empowered demon. I was sent flying to a nearby building and I busted through the wall. I shook my head and saw lots and lots of demons inside, the real citizens of Hell. I noticed that there was one demon in front of me with a blonfe hair and white skintone wearing a red tux. She waved at me.

I looked to the side and saw a girl with an eyepatch holding a speat and she looks ay me with killing intent. I just looked at her and she was obviously scared of me because she was forcing a smile and sweating bullets. Then I pointed back to where the Tyrant was.

Y/N: Don't go near that place unless the threat is gone.

Then I turned around and walked out and jumped down, I found a single BFG Bullet and I picked it up.

Back with Charlie

I saw the Doom Slayer get hit by the large demon and was sent flying towards a nearby building and that building happened to be the 666 News building. He went through the wall and he shook his head, he looked around and scanned his surroundings.

Then he turned his attention to me and I tried my best to not make him mad and keep a
non-threatening way of greeting him, he just looked at me not making any sound or movement. Oh my God just by being in front of him is scary enough. I noticed Vaggie at the corner of my eye holding a spear and the Slayer noticed it too. Oh Shit!

Then he looked back towards me and pointed to where he was fighting.

Y/N: Don't go near that place unless the threat is gone.

I just nodded rapidly and he turned around and jumped off the building and back to the battlefield. I let out a breathe and I almost fell to the groumd but I quickly recomposed myself.

Katie Killjoy: Who......was that?

Charlie:....................The Doom Slayer.

Back to you

I ran as fast as I could so the Tyrant doesn't go running around the place. When I saw the Tyrant I immediately pulled out the BFG and the demon's cannon was already charging up and at the same time the BFG and the Tyrant's Cannon fired at the same time, both projectiles collided and blew up leaving smoke in the area. 

It fell silent, the Tyrant was about to walk away but I shot the Meathook and attached it onto the Tyrant's flesh and the chain launched me towards the demon and I was covered in a red hue again indicating that I picked the power-up Berserk again. I reared back my hand and it glowed a yellow hue as I was sent flying towards the Tyrant.

I punched the Tyrant causing it to fall on the ground, I went on top of it and started punching it brutally over and over again until it's face was covered in blood. I drew the Doomblade and stabbed the Tyrant's head a few multiple times finally killing it. But just to make sure, I pulled out the Crucible and decapitated the Tyrant.

Vega: No Argent Energy signals detected, you have successfully fended off an attack.

Then I walked over the large pile of dead demons that I have killed today while the Doomblade and the Crucible still draw, the light of the Crucible illuminating a red light on my armor.

I drew the Crucible and the Doomblade and jumped down. I used the Flame Belch to burn the bodies and the entire pile was set aflame. Along the way I found loads of ammunition for all of my weapons. I collected all of them and I started walking away in the distance while the camera was still panned at me. Leaving every demin that watched...stare in awe and they now know............the Doom here.

And Finished.

Whew! Another chapter done, expect another chapter today in a few hours again. I am on a writing frenzy today.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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