Chapter 6: To Hell And Hell Again
Your POV
I was running around the Super Gore Nest because of the sudden rise of demonic activity and strong demonic presence reported to me by Juvia. I chainsawed an Imp because I was running low on ammo.
I pulled out the Super Shotgun and killed a Mancubus with it and I grabbed onto it and forcefully opened it's mouth and shot a grenade form my Shoulder Cannon ( Equipment Launcher ). I jumped back and the demon blew into tiny pieces.
I saw a horde of Imps and Cacodemons and I pulled out the Chaingun in it's Mobile Turret Mode, I pressed the trigger and it spit hundred of hot lead towards the motherfuckers killing almost all of them. I saw two Mancubuses again and I pulled out the Ballista with the Destroyer Blade Module.
I hold the trigger and the mechanism of the weapon is preparing to release a wide energy projectile in the form of a horizontal blade. As it collided with the demons, the bodies of the two fat fucks were cut in half and they both dropped dead into the ground.
I heard a distant roar and I turned around and saw a Tyrant. I smiled under my helmet and ran towards it with my Super Shotgun and The Crucible in my hands. I shot the hook towards the Tyrant and it dug deep into the demon's flesh. The chain launched me towards the demon.
I reared back my hand and decapitated the demon. This is for you, Dad. The demon hit the ground making a loud thud and the demons that are remaining tried to run away but I made a wall made out of flames that not even could pass through. I cracked my knuckles and the demons looked like they were about to shit themselves.
I pulled out the BFG-9000 and I pressed the trigger and it shot out a ball of energy with a green hue and everything that comes near it or anything that comes in contact with it, will die.
The name of the gun is Bio Force Generator, but I'd prefer BIG FUCKING GUN!!! All of the demons that were standing in front of me are now turned into nothing but a bloody paste in the floor.
I moved to another area and I saw a Doom Hunter and it shot rockets towards me, so I pullrd out the Chaingun in it's Energy Shield Modul and pulled up the shield preventing them from hitting me.
I switchced to the Rocket Launcher with the Lock-On Burst Module. I aimed it towards the Hunter and it shot three rocket burst twice hitting it's thrusters making them go offline and forcing the Doom Hunter to ditch it's lower body part. Big mistake.
I pullled out the Combat Shotgun with it's Full Auto Module and started blasting the demon cyborg with endless rounds of shotgun shells, I kept shooting and shooting until my hud covered the Hunter with a flashing hue of orange and blue light. I dashed forward and I jumped on and drew the Doomblade and sliced it's head making it spil into two. I jumped off and started walking away as the Doom Hunter blows up behind me.
I moved to another area and saw a Marauder, he readies his axe and I pulled out the Crucible and we started circling each other. Not braking the gaze from each other, with our guards still up.
Marauder: Your father was never one of us!
Then he started dragging his axe across the ground as we kept staring down at each other.
Marauder: He was nothing but a usurper, a false idol! My eyes have been opened, let me help you to see, Son of The Slayer.
Y/N: If my father, is a userper, a false idol, what does that make you? A symbol to all demons? A saviour of demons? Ha! Nein! You are merely one, of millions or billions of demons he have fought and killed, the demons that WE have killed! We have killed bigger and much worse than you! You are trash! Compared to the Titans! The Icon Of Sin! No one would care about you for you are merely one demon in the legion of Hell! NOW COME, TRASH!!! LET US SEE WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF!!!
Then I dashed forward and we were both in a power struggle but with our weapons and I was dominating the demon, then he started gaining more and more strength until I was the one that was being overpowered. Little did he know that I was letting him beat me, I bet this bitch doesn't know that I can still win the power struggle using only one hand.Big mistake is that he was too focus on keeping me down, he has an opening right in front of him and it was a big mistake. I pulled out the Super Shotgun while still in the weapon lock and I aimed the weapon under it's mask.
Y/N: Surprise, mothafucka!
I pressed the trigger and his mask was tore away from the blast and his head brutally destroyed from the shot leaving a few pellets in his face. I walked towards him and put away the Crucible. I held the Super Shotgun in my hands and I stared at the dead body of the demon. Then I removed my helmet and spit on the demon.
Y/N: Know your fucking place, trash!
I put my helmet back on and started walking away. As I was walking towards another areaportal with a red hue. And so I entered it. Little did I know that the portal...led to Hell itself. It was a trap, but I still didn't knew that.
I went through and saw that I was in Hell, the real Hell. I started walking around scanning everything I can see. For a place where all of evil goes to, this place doesn't seem to have a lot of demons around this place. And this place seems to be like some sort of...temple? And an abandoned one it seems. I walked inside until I felt my leg pass through something, I looked down and saw that it was a...a laser? And then an explosion was made just right beside me, the explosion blew the entire pillar off, then I realized what I just walked into. This was a trap devised by the Hell Priests. Then every single one of the pillars blew up and I was buried alive by the debris..................I blacked out. Am I dead yet?
Your POV
Darkness, is all I see. Have I finally succumbed? Is this the real end of the Slayer? I failed everyone, my dad, Juvia, everyone...I've failed. Then I saw a blinding light in the distance, I covered my eyes and I saw a group of people walking towards me, I couldn't tell who they are because of the light.
Then I opened my eyes as soon as the lighting soften, not too bright for my eyes. I opened them and saw a man wearing a...some sort of 80's/90's space helmet. The other one was brown haired and was wearing a jacket and he has some sort of Jewish or Polish accent....or both. Then the two females were wearing some fashion trend like way back in the 80's. And both of them has brown and chin length hair, and one has a blonde short hair.
??? (Blonde): Daddy, is this the one that Keen's kid was talking about? What do you think, Jess?
??? (Brown Hair) : Calm down Soph, he looks confused and scared.
??? (Helmet): He look pretty......shaken up...
??? (Jacket): Of course he'll be shaken up, he was buried alive by the debris of the temple. I mean, I'm still having nightmares about Engle being under my bed and cuts my head off again.
Y/N: Okay, I'm confused...who are all of you?
???: *chuckles* Calm down, Y/N. They're good.
When I heared that voice, I can't believe what I just heard. He walked out from behind of the group and that man was non other........than my father.
Y/N: D.............D-dad?
Dad: How you doing, kid?
I walked towards him and gave him a hug, he returned the hug and gave me a few pat on the back.
Dad: I missed you, kid. How you doing?
Y/N: I'm doing great, even though I had a temple fallen on top of me.
Dad: Ah Shit! This is bad!
Y/N: Why is that bad? I can break out of that place, it just happened a few seconds ago.'s been twenty thousand years you've been stuck in there.
Y/N:..................What?! Y-you have to be messing with me...........are you?
??? (Jacket): *inhales sharply through his teeth* About that...
??? (Helmet): He's not lying, kid.
??? (Blonde): Your daddy ain't lying.
??? (Brown Hair): Twenty thousand years has passed in Hell.
Dad: Two months has passed in overworld......two months in the equivalent to twenty thousand years in Hell.
??? (Jacket): You need to get up kid!
Y/N: Wait a minute...who....are you people? Dad are they your friends?
Dad: *chuckles* They're your family, kid.
Y/N: Wait.....are they-
Dad: Yeah...the entire Blazkowicz Bloodline. Now wake up! You gotta get up, kid!
Suddenly I was pulled back into the darkness and I saw nothing. I opened my eyes and saw that I was still inside. I saw the Slayer's Marking engraved on the sarcophagus cover. I looked down and I didn't have my armor on, at least they left me with my pants and my shirt. I reared back my hand and punched the cover of the sarcophagus off.
I climbed out of the sarcophagus and I scanned my area, I need to find my armor. And so I started looking for the armor, I went across a few Imps but they still have no match for me. After hours of searching I finally found it. It was put in some sort of casing made out of stone, I put it on, make sure it's intact and operational. I drew the Doomblade and inspected it. And then for my weapons and them being idiots they put all of them in one place.
I put them all inside the Warp Pack and left the Super Shotgun out for me to use. I opened it and two shotgun shells ejected from the weapon and I put in two new ones. And ran outside killing everything in my path. Then Vega's systems went online and started recovering data.
Vega: Welcome back, Y/N. After Twenty Thousand years in Hell trapped in a sarcophagus you finally managed to wake up.
Y/N: Good to be back Vega. Although it felt more like minutes than years. Is the portal ready yet?
Vega: Just a moment. Dr. Hayden has been unable to contact us due to some difficulties. We can re-establish the connection when we return to the Fortress. I suggest that you exercise after you have been in a Twenty Thousand year slumber.
Y/N: Oh I'm going to kill everything in my path today for burying me under the rouble.
I ran outside and saw hordes of demons in front of me and lots and lots of skulls and bones. I saw a Cacodemon and shot it with the Super Shotgun and I walked away again, I crushed one of the skulls and I saw demons getting ready to fight me and so I reloaded the weapon and readied it and ran towards the horde. The Slayer is back and you fuckers made a big mistake in putting me to sleep because I am now awake and beyond pissed.
A portal opened in the Fortress of Doom and I am the one that went through the portal and it immediately closed. I looked around and saw that nothing changed around here even if I have been gone for Twenty thousand years. Then I saw a loading screen pop up in my hud and said "Re-establishing the connection...please wait". After it finished loading, Samuel's holographic body was shown in the top right corner of my hud.
Hayden: I am glad you managed to get out as soon as you can, the Khan Maykr has been busy reconstructing the Icon Of Sin.
Y/N: How long was I gone?
Hayden: Two months which is Twenty Thousand years in Hell.
Y/N: Looks like dad wasn't lying after all.
Then a hologram started forming in front of me and took shape of the Khan Maykr herself, I just shot a glare towards her and she knew that I was looking at her with a killing intent.
Khan Maykr: You couldn't stay put, can you? Just like your father.
Y/N: Seeing people die while I let you all take over the Earth is not something that I would just tolerate. It's because of you my dad died and his home was destroyed! His friends and family all gone! I swore that I will kill every demon I can see, and you can try to stop me but I will always come back! You better wish that I don't find you because I keep my promises!
Khan Maykr: You cannot resist the will of the Khan Maykr!
I removed my helmet and I swear that I can see her face have with a light yellow tint in her face every time I make eye contact with her without my helmet. I just kept looking at her and raised my hand and put out my middle finger, only for her to tilt her head in confusion.
Khan Maykr: What is that hand gesture?
Y/N:................................................................................It's better that you don't know what it means. But you better hope that I won't find you because I keep my promises and I will beat you up into a pulp!
Then she turned around like she heared someone call her, I heared that voice too, it was a distant female voice, like a wise and collected voice saying "Cut the feed, he has said enough". Then the hologram faded and I was confused to who said that, it couldn't have been a Maykr Angel. Maybe I was just hearing things. I did just wake up.
I put my helmet back on and resupplied the ammo because am going for a demon extermination. I opened the portal and I pulled out the Combat Shotgun and cocked it and ran towards the portal. As I got through, the location was a destroyed anyways I started shooting.
I ran after an Imp with the Chainsaw in my hands and I eventually caught up to it. Then I saw a Marauder and I smiled. It immediately summoned it's dog but I easily got rid of it using the Super Shotgun and I quickly put in another pair of shotgun shells. Then he summoned another dog so I decided to summon my own, I used my power bestowed by Mom and formed a flaming lion.
The Marauder's dog whimpered and the Argent Energy Axe drooped. The Marauder ran away towards a portal and I chased after him. You're not going anywhere! I ran after him and I went through the portal while still holding the Super Shotgun and the Lion faded into nothing. Little did I know that the portal was changing it's location from time to time. I went through hoping that I could kill the fucking coward only to find myself in another city..........................wait...........................what the fuck?!
The sky has a giant pentagram and there are signs saying Hell. But this Hell is different because Vega can't detect any Argent Energy signals anywhere except for the portal, this place is a fucking city! I didn't even know that there were more than one Hell. I was about to leave when the portal closed and Vega suddenly started glitching out and Hayden was working on where we are and tries to put Vega back online. I looked back to the new Hell that I was in and I am already pissed because I just got back and I'll get stuck again.
And Finished.
Finally I got this one done. I've bee wanting to write this for a long time and I finally did it. Sorry again that I didn't upload any chapters in this book for a while.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter.
Mcflly signing off
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