Chapter 3: Successor
Doom Slayer's POV
It's been a few years since Angelina passed away giving birth to Y/N. Twenty years to be exact. He acquired his mother's healing power and her demonic flames and even developed a few of his own abilities.
For the last twenty years I have been training Y/N with everything I know, and a few help from the Sentinels training him, I spent all the spare time I had with him because I don't want it to be like my last son.
I was always away on tours and I barely see my son back then, so I'll spend my time with him always. I finally repaired the Preator Suit and I let him use it.
His strength is just as strong as mine and at such a young age he already is 6'0". I found the Gauss Cannon, the Old Chaingun, the Heavy Assault Rifle, and the Plasma Pistol and lended them to Y/N. Including the old Combat Shotgun.
We were about to go on another mission and we were preparing, magazines fully loaded, guns cocked. I went to the console and we are heading to the Super Gore Nest to get rid of the demons infesting the whole area.
Then I heared Y/N whistle and I turned my attention towards him and he threw me a box of shotgun shells and ammunition for both the Chaingun and the Heavy Cannon.
Y/N: So old man, where we headed?
Doom Slayer: To the Super Gore Nest.
Y/N: The whaaaaat?
Doom Slayer: You heared me, and I'm not that old.
Y/N: Mmmmmmmmmm...yeah your are. You're over eons while I'm twenty.
Doom Slayer: *chuckles* The only reason I'm eons old is because I've been fighting in dimension that has a different time flow and I've been inside a sarcophagus for thousands of years and I've been in Hell for a few thousand and because of my immortality.
Y/N: *chuckles* Whatever you're still old.
Then I just laughed it off and loaded shotgun shells to the Super Shotgun and actiavted the portal. The console went down and I looked to my side and saw Y/N and he lifted his fist and I did a fist pump with him as he went through the portal. He's always a headstrong kid. I cracked my knuckles and went through the portal.
Your POV
As I went through the portal, I saw lots and lots of blood streams, flesh hanging off walls, bulbous and pulsating flesh and lots and lots of demons.
I saw dad went through the portal and pulled out his Super Shotgun. I pulled out my Combat Shotgun and I shot a few Imps I saw, some of them tried to flee.
I saw a Cacodemon and I saw it opened it's mouth and shot a sticky bomb towards it making it swallow the bomb and my hud covered the demon in a flashing blue and orange light. I dashed forward it and I pulled out it's eye and I jumped back down. A Hell Knight was about to lunge at me but I dashed back and I pulled out the Chaingun and kept on shooting on the thing until the hud indicates the demon for a Glory kill.
I kicked it's knees and it was on it's fours and I pulled out it's head along with the spine, I encountered a Marauder and it won't stop talking about my dad being a false idol.
So when he was talking I took the chance and ripped out his mask and aimed the Gauss Cannon barrel to the Marauder and splattered his brains everyehere, fucking blabber mouth. Me and my dad would count our total kills every mission and whoever has the highest gets dibs in the computer.
I killed a total of twenty already and I saw him take down a Doom Hunter. He drew his Doom Blade and sliced the Doom Hunter's face in half and jumped off and the demon blew up. And I saw him smiling under his visor.
Y/N: That still counts as one! Come here you bastards!
I said as I was chasing an Imp so I could get my kill count higher. I borrowed dad's chainsaw and cut the Imp in half and my ammunition is full again.
I saw a Revenant about to shoot dad so I pulled out the Gauss Cannon and pointed it towards dad. He immediately moved out of the way since he knew what I was doing. I pulled the trigger and the blue beam of light went through the Revenant's skull.
Come to think of it, a Revenant is just a Possesed with Rockets. Then a Baron of Hell was dashing towards me and I pulled out the Heavy Assault Rifle and fired six micro missiles exploding in contact of the demon.
I shifted to my Chaingun and activated it's mobile turret mode and it kept on spitting hot lead and the demon was covered by a blue and orange light. I dashed towards it and I punched in the face breaking it horns, I grabbed it's broken horn and slit it's throat.
An Arachnatron went behind me and blasted me with it's Plasma Cannon attached to it. I was sent flying through a building and I was gritting my teeth and I was turning red under my armor...literally.
I tore myself away from the wall and a Hell Knight was about to lunge at me but I raised my hand and a flaming hand bursted out of the ground crushing the demon with it's immense grip.
It threw the demon to the side and I sent a flaming wave towards a horde of demons coming at me leaving only ashes and burnt flesh and burnt bones.
I saw more demons coming at me and I made a blade made of flames and sliced through the entire horde. I was breathing heavily but I immediately calmed down and grabbed my shotgun.
Me and dad went to the main controls of the whole facility to jumpstart the generator to kill the demons infesting the whole area. The generator was down so we had to manually reattach the power supply.
Vega opened the door to the right and we easily turned it on. The left one was a different story though. I searched for another way and Vega calculated an alternative route.
I was running around the facilty killing demons and avoiding spilled radioactive wastes, I was about to jump down the vent when a Hell Knight went in front of me.
I dashed back and launched a sticky bomb towards it and shot a three burst attack from the shotgun killing it. I saw a Pinkie was about to ram me to the wall but I jumped out of the way and I shot it's head with the Gauss Cannon covering the demon in a blue and orange light.
I dashed forward it and I tore open the Pinkie demon and the guts fell out of it's dead body. I mowed down a horde of Imps using the Chaingun and killed a Doom Hunter along the way.
I jumped down the vents and I reached the switch and I turned it on and the jammed door was now fixed, I went through and saw that dad already pressed the button and Vega immediately told us that the self destruct will initiate shortly so we ran outside the facility while holding to our dear butt hoping to get out quickly.
The whole facility blew up killing all the demons in the area. Then Vega opened the portal and we went through it and we reached the fortress.
Y/N: HA! Jokes on you cause I got dibs on the computer!
Doom Slayer: Yeah, yeah I just went easy on you this time.
Then we both listened to the ARC Resistance Network, the spokesperson said that the Slayer or my dad was responsible for the destruction at the Super Gore Nest.
ARC Spokesperson: It is also sighted that the Slayer seems to have assistance. Who is this person that assisted the Slayer? A close friend? A family member? We may never know. Stay tuned for any updates.
Then the ARC Spokesperson went off the mic and me and dad went to the workshop.
Y/N: Hey, Dad?
Doom Slayer: What is it, kid?
Y/N: Do you still remember Olivia Pierce? The one who made a deal with the Mastermind?
Doom Slayer: Why would I forget about that bitch?
Y/N: Well, I think the ARC Spokesperson and might also be the leader of the resistance, might be her daughter. Maybe after what she heared about what her mother has done she went back to Earth and gave them the weapon blueprints made by the UAC and started a resistance against the forces of Hell.
Doom Slayer: How do you know this?
Y/N: Back in the ARC Complex where we got rid of some demons, I heared a lot of data log saying that she was the daughter of Olivia Peirce and saying that she provided the ARC with weapon blueprints and designs. They said that she warned everyone at ARC that an invasion will come. She left Mars just the day before the invasion happened in Mars. She tried to stop her motherbut she couldn't do anything.
Vega: If I may, Juvia Pierce is a talented young scientist, one of our very best. She helped in designing Dr Hayden's chassis and she was willing and was determined to help Hayden for the betterment of humanity.
Samuel: After she knew what her mother was attempting, she tried to stop her but her mother wouldn't listen, before she left she warned me for the incoming attack. But I didn't listen, she got on a ship and went back to Earth, she took blueprints of the weapons of the UAC, Ion Cannon, UAC Militant Armor, Plasma Rifles, UAC Turrets and many more. I should have listened to her when I had the chance.
Vega: And it seems that Y/N is correct. Juvia IS the leader of the Resistance.
Samuel: I knew she would do better than her mother ever did.
Y/N: See what I mean? I might have a talk with her, I want humanity back to it's normal state, I want to help them.
Doom Slayer: I won't stop you.
Y/N: Thanks dad.
Doom Slayer: You know, you can go now if you want. I'm not stopping you. I'm taking a day off. But before you go, take Old Reliable and the Chainsaw, you don't know when shit starts getting worse.
Y/N: Thanks. Vega activate the portal.
Vega: Preparing portal now.
Then I went to my table and took a chip that gives Samuel a holographic body. I grabbed the Super Shotgun and the Chainsaw and put them in the Warp Pack.
I went nearer to where Samuel's chassis was and I threw the chip towards it and it started floating midair. It was suddenly covered by electricity before I grabbed it and put it on my helmet's chip slot.
Dad's armor is the only one that can allow Samuel to communicate with him. My armor has no direct connection so I made a chip and Samuel now has a connection to the chip. Not only that I also made him a holographic body.
The portal was ready and I went to the console and activated it. I pulled out my Combat Shotgun and I cocked it and ran through the portal leaving dad in the fortress.
As I was taken to the ARC Complex I already teleported in front of the elevator and I put the Super Shotgun in my Warp Pack. I pressed the button and the elevator rose and I was waiting patiently.
Y/N: I swear to God, if this has a elevator music I'll-
Then a elevator music started playing.
Y/N: Fuckin' Hell!
Then the elevator went to a halt and the doors opened revealing two ARC Scientist. I walked out and the one with a shaved head approached me.
ARC Scientist: Y-you're back! What brings you here?
Y/N: I'd like to have a word with Juvia.
ARC Scientist: This way.
Then I followed the scientist and I saw the other one eyeing me. As we were walking the one leading the way kept on talking.
ARC Scientist: I know that you already heared this but, it's an honor meeting you, sir.
Y/N: It's nice to meet you too but you got it wrong, I'm not exactly the Slayer, I'm his son, Y/N.
ARC Scientist: O-oh, no wonder why you look shorter.
ARC Scientist: I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to be offensive!
Y/N: *sigh* It's fine, I don't like being called short even if I'm a six footer, especially when I heared that from a person who is even shorter than me.
Then the scientist fell silent as we kept walking. A few scientists was staring at me and I just ignored them.
We kept walking until we reached a room only for the authorized personnel. I entered the door and the two guards at the door pointed their weapons at me and won't let me through.
I grabbed both of their head and slammed them together knocking them out. The they fell to the ground and I walked over them as some of the authorized personnel kept staring at me. I went to the middle and I stood there.
Y/N: Where is Juvia Pierce? I would like to speak to her.
Then a female almost my same height walked towards me. She had beautiful white hair. Must be her.
Juvia: What is it? Slayer?
Y/N: I am not exactly the Slayer. His son to be specific.
Juvia: I didn't know he had a son.
Y/N: Well he wanted to keep it a secret until the time comes. I'm Y/N *offers hand for a handshake*
Juvia: Juvia.
She shook my hand and I crefully gripped her hand trying not to break it.
Juvia: May I ask what you're last name is?
Y/N: It's the last name that will be a secret for now.
Juvia: Noted. So what brings you here in the ARC Complex?
Y/N: I would like to assist you. All of you.
And Finished.
I had this one thing in my mind for a long time. What if the ARC Spokesperson which might also be the leader of the ARC Resistance is the daughter of Olivia Pierce.
When she heared what her mother will do she went back to Earth and took some weapon blueprints and warned the Earth for the incoming invasion
But this is only my thought.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the story so far. This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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