Chapter 10: Plans and Confessions
Your POV
It's already morning, I didn't even bother to try sleeping. I don't know if I even need sleep. I've been up all night waiting for a response from Vega or Hayden, hopefully something good. I was just sitting on the bed, with my armor off.
The suit, if I'm correct, weighs over 300 pounds, so if I sat on the bed wearing the suit, plus the additional weight of my own, it would break the fucking bed. I'm surprised the floor here is strong enough. Considering the fact that I'm five stories high. Probably because this hotel is meant for all kind of demons.
Heck, maybe this floor could even support a Mancubus. I was deep in my own thoughts. Dad said something about the entire Blazkowicz Bloodline...has my bloodline only been slaying since the early generations? Damn. If this is true, then I must be the luckiest bastard to ever have a family like this.
I was then interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a knock coming from the door. I then stood from the bed and I walked towards the door, I opened the door to see Charlie, still in her sleepwear.
Charlie: *yawns* Morning, Y/N.
Y/N: Good morning, Charlie.
Charlie: How'd you sleep?
Y/N: I didn't. I can't sleep. Too many things on my mind.
Charlie: would you like breakfast?
She then walked to the nearby food cart, which I assumed she has been pushing ever since she woke up. She took a tray of food and she walked towards me, she held it out in front of me, head head tilted and with a cute, sweet grin on her face. Too. Fucking. Cute!
Y/N: Uhh..thanks, but I don't really eat. And I don't have any cash on me today.
Charlie: Oh don't worry about paying! It's on the house! Besides.
She then handed me the tray and I gently took it from her hands.
Charlie: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day~
Y/N: Yeah...
Charlie: Also, come downstairs in 2 hours, we'll be having a meeting.
Y/N: I'll be there. And Charlie?
Charlie: Hmm?
Y/N: Thank you...again. For letting me stay here for the night.
Charlie: You're welcome! Anything for a friend!
She gave me another smile and I couldn't help but smile back as well. She then walked to the elevator and she went up to the upper floors. I immediately closed the doors and I set the tray of food on the table. I then sat on the bed that I was provided with, and I just sat there silently...
Until I grabbed a pillow and hit myself with it a few times, man it's been a long time since I talked to a girl like Charlie. People like Charlie are slowly disappearing in the world, and I'm surprised she's in Hell! It's like she doesn't even belong here! To be honest she looks cute...Wait a second...what the Hell am I thinking?!
Y/N: Stop it, Y/N! She's a demon!......A nice demon, at that......But she's the LITERAL Princess of Hell!.....Who wants what's best for her people......Arrrgghh! She's meeting my standards!
I then buried my face on the pillow and I thought for a moment. Did I really just develop a crush on Charlie just now? Holy shit, this girl can make any nice people like her! Except here in Hell. Cut the shit, Y/N! She's got a girlfriend already for Christ's Sake! I'm not a Mr. StealYourGirl!
I just let out a sigh as I then stood up from my bed and I took the tray, and I put it on the food cart. I was about to enter the elevator when I realized...I didn't have a shirt on. I hurriedly went back to the room.
I went to the Praetor Suit and I pulled out a shirt from the Warp Pack and I put it on. Then I put on some gloves that my Dad got me and I put on the helmet of the Praetor Suit. I then went to the elevator. Wait...if I didn't have a shirt on...did Charlie just saw me half-naked?!
Charlie's POV
As soon as I reached my room in the top floor, I jumped on my bed and I started squealing. My bed and my pillows muffling it. My face was completely flushed as I saw Y/N without a shirt on. I'm surprised he didn't realize it.
I buried my face on the pillow and I let out another squeal, this time it was a bit louder. Then a knock on the door was heard and it opened, for me to see Vaggie.
Vaggie: Charlie? You in here, hun?
I just froze in position as I looked at Vaggie awkwardly, and I just gave her an awkward smile as she just stared at me. She then put her hands on her hips, arms crossed and her foot tapping the wooden floor, waiting for an explanation. Oh boy...
Your POV
I made it at the bottom floor and I exit the elevator. I then walked to the bar and I sat on one of the stools and I sat there silently...until the cat in the hat starts talking shit.
Husk: Hey, Fuckhead, if you ain't here to get a drink, make like a tree and fuck off.
Y/N: What's the strongest thing you have?
Husk: *chuckles* You got a death wish or somethin'?
Y/N: Oh trust me, I've faced worse. Now hit me with it, you pussy or somethin'? You're not the one drinking it!
Husk: Ha! As if. I like your attitude. We might get along just fine. One Blood of Satan, comin' up! You better hold onto your ass cause this'll be hot.
Y/N: Ooooh, scaryyy! Try me bitch!
Husk then let out another laugh as he went under the counter and pulled out a Huge Tapper Mug, he then pulled out a bottle from the safe under the counter, the bottle has designs of a normal wine bottle, but the cap has a skull on it and with horns.
Husk took off the bottle cap and he threw it like a piece of trash, and he emptied the entire bottle onto the Tapper Mug, the texture was Crimson if it looks like real blood...awesome! Husk then pulled out a box...
Containing a jet black pepper, about the size of a leaf from a tree, he then chopped it and diced it using a knife and he poured it to the Tappers Mug, the mug then started to glow, it literally looked like it was emanating light as if a demon summoning ritual was being done.
He then mixed the substance with a spoon and a small whirpool was made, then a skull was formed momentarily and then it faded with a bubble taking it's place, it popped and it let out a red gas, that was enough for a normal person to submerge their head in milk, it has no effect on me though...
Y/N: Are you sure that this isn't just Satan turned into a smoothie? Cause this thing is fucking THICK!
Husk: Nope. That's just how it is. Who's a bitch now?
I then cracked a smile under my helmet as I grabbed the mug with my right hand. I then used my left hand to lift up my helmet, just enough for my mouth to be seen, I took a big sip from the Tappers Mug and my eyes shot opened, and I felt a burning sensation in my tongue. My cheeks reddened and I was breathing fire...literally!
This thing is so hot, it caused me to breathe flames from my mouth, man this thing is strong! As flames kept shooting out of my mouth, this caused Husk to duck under the counter, effectively burning his top hat.
After the flame subsides and stopped shooting out of my mouth. After the flames subsided, Husk held his hat nd he went out of cover, while I just take in a deep breathe I can still feel the heat in my throat.
Y/N: Man, that was hot. I'll have another one actually.
Husk: Huh...usually this thing kills. Plus, I've never seen anyone finish an entire mug before. Another Blood of Satan comin' up.
Husk the grabbed the mug again and I took my helmet off completely and II set it down on the counter, Husk then handed me another mug of Blood of Satan and I immediately took the mug and took a sip from it.
Husk: You're not crazy at're batshit insane!
Y/N: *chuckles* You think that's insane? Me and my Dad fought off a Titan once, and we were using our bare hands. But back then, Dad did it even better, he took down a Titan himself and he was't wearing any armor. Literally! He fought that Titan off while butt naked at the same time.
Husk: Heh. Both of you are nutjobs after all.
Y/N: Yeah....*sigh* I miss the old man already.
Meanwhile in Heaven
Doom Slayer: I'm not that old, you dipshit!
Back to you
I just let out a chuckle as I already knew he screamed at me from up there. I just let out another sigh and I took another sip from the mug. I heard footsteps from the distance and turns out it was Angel.
But there was something off with him. He looks like he's pulling down his hair, and he won't stop grabbing the top of his polo, as if it was a tight fit, which it isn't. Something'
Angel: *whispering* Man, I really gotta dry my hair before putting this on.
I just ignored him as I kept on drinking from the mug, and I felt a fiery sensation go down my chest. This drink is officially one of my favorites from now on.
Angel: Hey baby~ How are you?~
Y/N: Fuck off.
Angel: Come on~ I know you want me~
Y/N: Listen, I don't give a fuck if you're gay or not. I'm not nagging you attention, right? Then don't bother me cause you're lucky I don't have my guns and I could have blown your head off just by reflex.
Angel: *sigh* Whatever.
As Angel starts walking away, Allison appeared right behind me and she gave me a pat on the back.
Allison: Good morning, dear! You slept well, I presume?
Y/N: I didn't. Can't sleep.
Allison: Hahaha! Thought so! You're power grants you limitless stamina, the strength of the Champion of Hell, maybe even the Dark Lord!
She then got closer to my face and grabbed my chin and she grew a dark grin on her face, as Husk shivers, while I just sit there frozen and unfazed.
Allison: And I know why both you and your father are using gun. It's to make everything more fun and make the fight fair, but even when you aren't fighting at your fullest, they still don't stand a chance.
Y/N: *smirk* So you're well aware that I can blow your head off with just a punch?
Allison: Hahaha! *sigh*
She then tilted her head and her aura started to turn into the same one she was letting off when we first met her, and static started to appear.
Allison: I look forward to that happening.
The evil aura that she just let off was almost enough to literally blow her head off by instinct, but good thing I held it in. Don't wanna upset Charlie now, would we?
Allison then lets go of my chin and she went back to her normal or...eccentric self. And she took the mug from my hand and she immediately drank the entire thing, which made me widen my eyes a bit anf Husk to drop his jaw on the counter.
Y/N: Damn, woman! You sure are something!
Allison: *giggles* Why thank you, Doom Slayer.
Y/N: Please, call me Y/N. Y/N Blazkowicz.
Allison's eyes widened as she looked at me.
Y/N: What?
Allison: Blazkowicz?! THE Blazkowicz?! As in BJ Blazkowicz?! YOU are a descendant of the Terror Billy?!
Y/N: Jesus, calm down, woman. Why is my last name such a big deal?
Allison: Because starting from the 1930's to 1990's millions of Nazi's have been sent here. And almost 70-80 percent of those Nazi's are killed by the Terror Billy, a.k.a. BJ Blazkowicz.
Y/N: Slaying IS a thing in our Bloodline...
Allison: Have I ever mention that I am HUGE fan of your father and your Great Great Great Grandfather?! They way they both kill, maim, crush and destroy everything in their path. Oh~ the violence, the bloodshed! I love it all! And the way they do it astounding! They moved, too quickly for the opposing forces! The way they kill is fast, yet beautiful! Elegant! Charming and Outstanding! Oooh how I'd LOVE to have their autographs! And to think I actually get to meet a Blazkowicz! And the Son of The Slayer! I am not worthy for your presence yet I am grateful that I am in front of you! No wonder both BJ's and The Slayer's way of killing is similar!
Y/N: Jesus. You love them THAT much? I don't even know the other one up until now.
Allison then stood straight and she recomposed herself and cleared her throat.
Allison: Now that THAT was out of my systems, I must leave. Thank you for your time, Y/N Blazkowicz.
After that she just walked off, and then....*sigh* came Ms. Period or Cyclops with a Spear or whatever you call her.
Vaggie: This early in the morning and you're already drinking alcohol?
Y/N: What is it with you and alcohol, huh?
Vaggie: THIS place, is supposed to rehabilitate demons and discourages Sin!
I just let out a chuckle as I set down my mug while Vaggie was fuming with anger.
Y/N: One, I don't even think that demons CAN be rehabilitatated, I'm just staying here to see for myself if it IS possible. And two, drinking ISN'T a sin. As long as you do it responsibly, you'll be fine. So I suggest you think before you talk.
Vaggie was about to say something back, but she suddenly stopped and she put her hand on her chin and she thought for a moment and started mumbling, knowing that I'm right.
Y/N: Face it, I'm right.
Vaggie: Oh yeah? Well fuck you, cabron!
Y/N: Five words, one finger.
I then finished my drink and I put my helmet back on, and I turned back to her and put up my middle finger.
( This is the shirt that you were wearing, gotta say, that's a nice looking shirt. )
Y/N: I don't give a fuck.
Vaggie then looked at me deadpanned whith her right hand on her hips.
Vaggie: Really?
Y/N: Be glad that I didn't call you Cyclops.
Vaggie: Oh you did not!
Y/N: Oh I did. And trust me, you don't wanna fight me.
Vaggie: Oh? And why is that?
Y/N: Cause we'll be all over the news, and the title of the news report will be; "Angry Mexican Woman Fistfights with an Angry Local Man as They Duke it Out in the Parking Lot"
I then looked at Vaggie who was silent after what I just said, then she covered her mouth and she let out muffled laugh, which actually made me smile a bit under my helmet.
Y/N: Huh, I actually made you laugh. You're not that bad after all, are you?
Vaggie: S-shut up!
Y/N: Alright, I'll stop.
I then let out a sigh and I stood from the stool and walked past her, but as I was beside her, I stopped and I put my hand on her shoulder.
Y/N: We'll get along just fine in the future. I can tell. I'll see you at the meeting.
I then lifted my hand off of Vaggie's shoulder and I started walking towards the door, to see if anyone is stupid enough to fuck with the Hotel and Charlie. If any of you hurt her...I'll Raze Hell...just like my Father did.
As I was out of Vaggievs sight, she then covered her mouth while having an intense blush on her face.
Vaggie (Mind): H-holy shit th-those biceps! Wait a I falling for him?! But I'm not straight! I?! How the Hell does he do this?!
Husk: Hey! If you ain't here for a drink, then get the fuck out of here!
Vaggie: Fuck you, Husk!
Timeskip; The Meeting
All of the employees of the Hazbin Hotel are gathered around one table, discussing what's the first thing to do to attract customers here.
Allison: As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, we are currently dead in our tracks here, and we haven't even begun yet! So if any of you have ideas of attracting customers here, please, say it now. Please, anything.
Charlie was about to raise her hand but was stopped by Vaggie by holding her hand and pulling her hand down.
Angel: How about we-
Vaggie: No. We are not going to turn let this be one of your "FansOnly" sort of thing.
Angel: *pouts* You're no fun...
Allison: How about you, Vaggie? Any ideas?
Vaggie: How about we make them think that they can do what they want in Heaven? I mean, it is a place where you can finally rest once and for all, and there you can have a happy afterlife. How about that?
Y/N: You know, lying about that will only make things worse. If those idiots got up there thinking they can do what they want, they'll bring corruption and destruction to the balance of Hell, Heaven and Earth. Trust me, my Father and I have seen that before.
Vaggie: Eh, worth a shot.
Allison: What are your ideas,
All of the people in the room looked at me, as I sighed, I looked out the window and looked at the distance.
Y/N: I never wanted to talk about this....but it looks like I have to.
Then I turned back to them and I gave them a stern look.
Y/N: Tell them the truth.
Charlie: Uhmm...that's what I did. And I did it in form of a song.
Y/N: I know you told them the truth, but you told them the good ones...not the bad ones. A lot of people laughed at you for your goals and the things you can do in the hotel, and the singing made it worse, don't get me wrong, it's a nice song.
Charlie: R-really? Thanks!
Y/N: But this is Hell, Charlie. Where the lowest of the low do the things they're best at.
I then took my helmet off so I could speak for clearly and sound more clear.
Y/N: The bad kind of truth that I'm talking about is Drakhan...and the Hell I am currently facing.
Charlie: Woah-woah-woah! You mean Drakhan is real?!
Vaggie: I thought it was just a myth! We all did!
Allison: I may have done some terrible things, but even I haven't even thought that Drakhan was real...Tell me, what happens if you die in Hell?
Y/N: If you die here in Hell or any other Hell, your body and soul will be sent to a void...a cold and insanity inducing void. All Hells are connected to Drakhan. Your body will reduce into nothing and in a very painful way, the most painful thing you will feel. But the worst is what happens to your soul...your soul will be a part of the void, endlessly feeling pain for eternity along with billions of other souls. No matter what you do, you can't stop it. It will keep going until you're insane, and it won't stop....ever.
Vaggie: do you know all of this?
Y/N: My father has been there before. In fact, multiple times already. Even Drakhan couldn't contain him. He's seem what happens to the soul of a person, and what happens to the body. But my Father was too powerful, even for Drakhan. So powerful, that if Drakhan tried to keep him in, it'll destroy Drakhan itself...and all the other Hells connected to it. So Drakhan always manages to get him out before he's been there for too long.
Charlie: if your father were to stay in'll destroy Drakhan itself...and destroyed this Hell along with all other Hells?
Y/N: Exactly...but there's always something that makes sure that he gets out.
Angel: And what is this...Hell you're facin'? I mean it can't be worse...right?
Y/N:'s even more fucked up. This Hell takes Humans to be sent to Nekravol...The City of The Damned. There, the living body will be processed like it was in a factory. The body will be tortured, but they won't let the living body die, they will only keep on doing it over and over and over until the soul of the living being is broken...then that soul is extracted and processed and used as Energy...Argent Energy.
Charlie: W-what happens to the living body?
Y/N: They will turn into the demons that me and my father killed. they will turn into Imps, Carcasses, Barons, Hellknights, and more...there are more.
Charlie: I mean...they can be saved...right?..........Right?
I then shook my head in a "No" response, and this made Charlie lower her head in disappointment.
Y/N: So if I'm right, they can also use the demons here and process them in Nekravol nd somehow make more Argent Energy...and possibly make new kind of demons...that's the last thing I need right now. I'm sorry Charlie...but they cannot be saved. That's the hardest thing about this duty...
Vaggie: And that is?
Y/N: You can't expect to save everyone...there will always be people who will die, always. As much as I hate to admit it, it's true. And it's taking a toll on both me and my father.
Allison: Why is that?
Y/N: I started hearing voices in my head for quite some time if they were whispering. But my father had it worse...he can hear the screams of the people he failed to save in the world he came from...and the world we were protecting right now.
Angel: Wait a damn minute, you're telling us that your dad is from another dimension!
Y/N: Yeah, I am. Let me guess Charlie, he passed by in this Hell few million years ago?
Charlie: T-that's right! My father told me and even he was surprised that he even managed to decimate the entire population of Hell. Even surprised that he almost beat him in combat. Why?
Y/N: Did he mention anything about my father being psychotic? that he always screams "RIP AND TEAR" from time to time?
Charlie: What is your point?
Y/N: What I'm saying is...he became psychotic for quite some time. He always fights demons head on and screams non-stop from time to time, and you can see it in him that he acts differently. It's because there's a reason why he's like that...back at Mars...where he originally came from...there were toxic wastes everywhere. At first he can resist the smell and the damage it can cause...up until he inhaled way too much and he became crazy and went on a killing spree...and that's not the only reason he became's the pressure that he lost his friends and family...and he failed to save his world, thus, driving him to the edge. He was cursed to forever wander and fight off the demons that he let destroy his world. People say he's the one who remains unbroken...that's because he's already damaged from the very start. If only that the people of his world were more responsible...he wouldn't have failed and suffered for eons.
I just looked to the distance again as I took a deep sigh and I pictured Dad up there in Heaven Finally being happy with my mother...
Y/N: Anyway, was that enough to convince them?
Vaggie: Are you kidding me? That was more than enough to convince them!
Allison: You sir, are a genius! This will greatly advance us further!
Vaggie: They might even convert into religious bastards when they hear you say that Drakhan is real!
Husk: Not gonna lie...I have a bit of shit in my pants right now...
I just let out a light chuckle as I heard Husk say that he just shit his pants. Then my helmet started beeping and I noticed it, in fact, all of them did. I took my helmet and I ut it back on and I saw both Hayden and Vega on my hud.
Y/N: You're finally back, what do you got for me?
Hayden: The Khan Maykr has revived the Hell Priests and is planning another assault on Earth. If you do not stop them, this will destroy the humans of this dimension once and for all.
Y/N: Fuck. When will the portal be ready, Vega?
Vega: I still have to calibrate the portal to pinpoint where we exactly are in order to get you back, it will take some time to pinpoint and I have already started to calibrate it. Expect the results tomorrow.
Y/N: Got it. Thank you, Vega, you too Hayden.
I then took my helmet off ay both Vega and Hayden disappeared from my hud.
Y/N: All of you will have to start without me. I have things to take care off back at where I'm from.
Charlie: What exactly will you be doing?
Y/N: Doing what my family does best...Slaying. If you need me, I'll be in my room.
I was about to walk away from the table and into the elevator, when I was stopped by Charlie by her calling out to me.
Charlie: Why exactly are you here, Y/N?
Y/N: Like I said, I wanted to help you. Slaying can sometimes be boring when you're alone, it depends on how many demons you fight actually. One, if I have the chance to help someone, I will doo it. Two, I wanted to see if the "Rehabilitating Demons" actually work. Three-
Suddenly, a large rock smashed through the window and almost hitting Charlie in the process. I acted by instinct and I caught the rock just before hitting Charlie in the head and possibly wounding her.
Y/N: This is why I'm here. Other demons will try and sabotage this project just for fun.
I then reared back my hand and I threw the rock back to it's sender, it went through the same hole and it went back in a faster and more deadly speed, as if it can be mistaken as a bullet. Then a scream of pain was heard from the outside as I then looked out the window to see the demon who threw the rock.
He was on the ground, bleeding heavily and the wound was in the head, my estimation on how long he has to live? In 3....2....1....and he died. He just lay on the ground. Welp, that's another soul for Drakhan.
Charlie: Y-you shouldn't have killed him!
Y/N: Either that or the impact from the rock that size hitting you could have cave your head in...and the length of your lifespan could have been cut down to 24 hours...if you're lucky. I saved your life...and the least you could do is at least appreciate it.
I then walked to the elevator and I pressed the button and I went to the upper floors, leaving the rest of the employees of Hazbin Hotel to themselves.
Charlie: But...I AM greatful...
Allison went closer to Charlie and put her hand on her shoulder and Charlie looked at her.
Allison: Don't worry dear. He just didn't see that you are. He isn't used to being thanked. You can't really blame him. He's been alone most of his life and he's been killing endless waves of demons and without the gratitude of the people he saved. It's because he isn't doing this so that he can be praised...he's doing this to protect people. Give him time...he'll adjust.
Charlie: *nods* Thanks, Allison. I just hope Dad doesn't get mad to see him here. Because if they fight...I'm scared to know who wins...
Timeskip; Nighttime
It's already dark and I was staring out of the window and I still don't feel tired. I really have to go back as soon as I can. Then, Hayden spoke through my helmet.
Hayden: Y/N, you should stop staring at the distance and sleep.
Y/N: I don't need to sleep, Hayden. Limitless Stamina.
Hayden: I do NOT care if you have Limitless Stamina. I want you to sleep, you're still young, you'll have your chances in not sleeping for weeks. Now sleep.
Y/N: Oh, so you're like my father now?
Hayden: In a way, that is correct. Now sleep.
I just groaned as I took my helmet off and set it down on the table and jumped n the bed. I then closed my eyes as I attempt to actually sleep for once. Surprisingly, it worked. As I was already knocked out cold, Hayden spoke to himself.
Hayden: He really is just as stubborn as you. Even though you are already at a better place, your stubbornness will never be forgotten. Am I correct, Slayer? Never change, Y/N. Never change...
And after that, he disappeared from the hud, finally letting me sleep. For the first time I actually enjoyed this sleep. From time to time I would get nightmares but this time there aren't any.
Two hours has passed and everything was quiet. Up until I heard something...or the door to my room and went to my bathroom. The light was switched on the shower started running, this caused me to wake up.
I shot my eyes open and I bolted up from my bed. I turned to my bathroom to see it open and running. I grabbed my Combat Shotgun and I slowly climbed off of the bed and I slowly crept to the bathroom. I then barged right in and I cocked the Combat Shotgun, but what I saw actually scared the living Hell (lol) out of me.
It was Angel, he was taking a shower...wait a second...his body is way too feminine to say that he's Gay...not only that his hair is longer, as if it was a ponytail, lastly, his bust is a bit huge and he doesn't have a junk...BECAUSE HE'S A GIRL?!?!?
Y/N: What am I doing here?! This is my room!
Angel: No, this is my room! My room Number is 529!
Y/N: And this Room is No. 666! You got the wrong room!
Angel: Stop looking at me, weirdo!
Y/N: No, you need to tell me what the fuck is going on! Why have you been hiding the fact that you're a chick?!
Angel: A-alright alright. Just...just let me finish this...and please...I beg you. Don't tell Charlie and Vaggie...please.
I just turn around without any response and I closed the door to my bathroom. Then I let Angel finish up her shower.
Half an hour later
Angel finally exit the bathroom, wearing the same clothes she wore last time. But this time, her hair was down and she doesn't tug her polo from time to time anymore, and you can notice that she's even more curvier than before.
She then sat on my bed as I sat on one of the chairs. She was avoiding eye contact with me and I wasn't breaking my gaze from her.
Y/N: So you were a chick all along. Why hide it?
Angel: P-promise me you won't tell anybody?
Y/N: Who am I suppose to tell? I barely fucking know anyone here.
Angel: I'm working at a strip club near the South Coast. And my boss is a...bitch from time to time. She would call me out and embarrass me...even harass me if possible. So I needed to find a way to hide from my boss. I kept my name, but made a career about making porn videos....
Y/N: Straight to the point, you don't have to tell me that.
Angel: R-right. Sorry. While I'm working in the strip club, I am known as Angel Dust the Best Stripper in Town. But in the...Adult Films Industry, I'm known as Angel Dust the Gay Pornstar. My Boss thinks that there are two Angel Dusts here in Hell. The Stripper, that's me. And the "Gay" Pornstar. Which my boss thinks is a different person but in reality it's just me. I'm surprised my boss hasn't even noticed. Dumb bitch.
Y/N: But....but what about the videos?
Angel: About that...with a bit of editing, money and service. You can almost do everything in the Adult Film Industry.
Y/N: I understand hiding from your boss, but...why a pornstar?
Angel: I only make videos once a month...and I do this because I've always wanted to be one...but not the ones who comes off as a slut who does it for cash. I'm more of a person who does it for discovery and enjoyment type. All that "Hey baby" and "I know ypu want me" was just for show.You understand that, right?
Y/N: *sigh* I'm not in the position to judge people of what they want to do. As long as it doesn't harm anybody, you're cool. In fact, you're pleasuring them.
Angel: Ehehehe. Yeah. Thank you. For understanding.
Y/N: No problem. If you don't mind. Please, you can head to the nearest exit of my room.
Angel: O-oh! I-I am so sorry.
She then stood back uo and she went to the door, but then I realized something.
Y/N: Aren't you gonna put the wig on? The brace as well?
Angel: Ah, shoot! I forgot!
Y/N: I'll get it.
I then went to the bathroom and I found the wig and the brace near the sink. I grabbed both items and I went back to my room, to see Angel stripping her top off. I just sighed and covered my eyes.
Y/N: Why are you taking your top off?
Angel: Can you put it on for me? Sometimes it's hard to reach and lock the brace by yourself.
Y/N: Why do you even need a brace?
Angel: If I'm going out as "Gay" Angel Dust, I need to use a brace to flatten my chest just a bit.
Y/N: You know...everyone is asleep right now and no one would see you. You can just go to your room and no one would see you. But just to be sure.
I then threw her the wig and gestured her to put it on. Which she did.
Y/N: Put the wig on at least. And for Christ sake, put your top back on.
Angel merely giggled and she put her top back on. I then felt arms wrap around me. Two pairs of arms. I looked down to see Angel, he face buried in my chest, giving me a tight hug. I just rolled my eyes and smiled and I hugged back.
She then broke the hug and she walked to the door and she walked out of my room. I then wrnt back to bed amd I stared at the ceiling for a moment, before falling asleep once again.
Next Morning
It's morning and I was still asleep like a damn bear. I was snoeing a bit and I was facing the ceiling. Then I bolted up and I had a look of terror on my face.
I panted heavily as I put my hand on my head, knowing that it was just a dream. My helmet was beeping and so I grabbed it and I put it on. There, Hayden and Vega was shown on the hud.
Hayden: You're finally awake. Get ready, the portal is prepared.
Vega: The Demonic Invasion is smat 98.37% strength. Killing the Hell Priests will halt the Invasion and you will have the chance to face the Khan Maykr once again. Like your father did.
Hayden: You must move, quickly.
I then walked towards the rest of the Praetor Suit and I donned in the entire armor. I then took the elevator. Which surprisingly, it managed to support my weight, and went to the ground floor. There, I saw Charlie, Vaggie and Allison. I kept walking as I reached the door, I felt someone grab my hand. I looked back and saw it was Charlie.
Charlie: You're leaving already?
Y/N: I have to, Charlie. This isn't that can wait. I need to finish this off once and for all.
Charlie then wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug, I felt her tight and powerful hug even when I had my armor on.
Charlie: Stay safe and Good Luck out there. And...thank you. For yesterday.
Y/N: It's no problem, Charlie. But I have to go. I will come back I promise.
Charlie looked at me and she gave me a nod and she broke the hug and I walked out of the door. Therez in front of me, a portal was formed. I looked through the window to see Vaggie, Charlie, Allison, Nifty, Husk and Angel. I gave them a two-finger salute before stepping into the portal.
As I stepped through, I was finally back home...the Fortress of Doom. I took my helmet off anf I went to the nearest console and I looked at the severity of the invasion. The States were overrun, again. Demons decided NOT to fuck with Australians. And more importantly, I don't know where to fucking start.
Then, the hologram started to form again, and to show Khan Maykr herself.
Y/N: Ah, if it ain't the Bitch Maker herself.
Khan Maykr: Shut up and listen to me, human! We do not have much time!
Y/N: Heh? Excuse me, what the fuck?
Khan Maykr: I'm sending you the coordinates of the First Hell Priest now.
Then a code suddenly popped up in the console, more like coordinates. Coordinates of the Hell Priest.
Y/N: I don't understand...what are you doing?
Khan Maykr: I'll explain when I have time. But this is urgent.
Then she looked to the distance as if she was looking the at sky.
Khan Maykr: I have to go. I will tell you soon enough.
Then the feed cut and the holigram faded. I then loiked at Earth to see a mrk on the surface. I sighed as I took my helmet and I put it back on and I grabbed the Conbat Shotgun. Vega opened the portal and the portal is leading to the location of the Hell Priest. Wherever you are...I will find you.
And Finished
Whoo! Another chapter done! I am so sorry for not updating in a while. I've been busy with class and I've been playing non-stop. But I'll tey my best to write chapters as much as I can.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. This is YoBoyMcFly anf I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing offf
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