Chapter 1: Beyond Eternal
Doom Slayer's POV
This is just another day at Earth ripping and tearing demons. I finally defeated the Icon Of Sin once again and killed the Khan Maykr. But there were still lots of demons to slaughter. I grabbed my Super Shotgun and took my shotgun shells and loaded it in the gun.
Vega: There are still 86.93% of demonic threat across Earth. And there are still 92.99% of demonic threat all over Mars.
Samuel: It will take years just to purge all the demonic presense in Earth. In will take even more.
I sighed deeply and took off my helmet.
Doom Slayer: I'm not waiting here for an invitation right? Then we better start purging. Activate the portal Vega
The portal was ready and I activated it and the portal. I put my helmet back on and my health, armor and ammo indicator popped up. I went through and the location was Sentinel Prime.
I finally have access to the location since I already have been there. The Night Sentinels wouldn't be happy to see me here since I killed Daeg Grav after I beat the living shit out of his Gladiator.
I don't give a fuck if I lose all my sovereignty here. People's lives are at steak and they think I have time to think about my sovereignty here? Fuck that.
As I went through the portal I saw hundred of Night Sentinel corpses mutilated. I still saw some of the Night Sentinels still fighting. I shot the Imp that was about to throw a fireball at an unsuspecting Sentinel. Then we were backed up with each other.
Night Sentinel: You shouldn't have returned!
Doom Slayer: And let you all get fucking killed? No fucking thanks.
Sentinel Prime was overrun by demons. I pulled out the BFG and the green ball of energy flew like a graceful eagle, destroying every demon in it's path. I ran towards more Sentinels fighting and helped them...all of them.I even saw a citizens of Sentinel Prime inside an underground shelter. Fools! Hell is underground!
I made way for all of them and killed every demon I saw. Vega opened a portal to the Fortress of Doom so all of the citizens of Sentinel Prime will be safe from the demonic threat. Once I killed all the demons here they are getting out of the fortress pronto.
I was fighting a horde of 30 Imps, 15 Baron of Hell, 16 Hell Knights, 3 Doom Hunters, and 2 Marauders, 10 Arachnatron,
17 Cacodemons and a Tyrant.
I pulled out the Chaingun and turned on it's Mobile Turret mode, I kept on moving as the weapon spit hundreds of hot lead killing 12 Imps and 3 Baron oh Hell.
I used the Super Shotgun and killed an Imp with it, then another one, another one. I aimed the weapon to one of the Cacodemons and the chain shot out grappling the Cacodemon. The chain launched me towards the demon and shot a devastating close range blast.
I changed into the Unmaykr and presses the trigger eliminating all of the Hell Knights. A Marauder went behind me and was about to hit me with his axe. I quickly evaded and backhanded the Marauder and retracted the Doomblade and the blade went through the head killing it.
I pulled out the Combat Shotgun and kept on shooting a damn Arachnatron. The demon was surrounded by a blinking blue and orange light indicating for a Glory Kill. I grabbed one of it's legs and pierced it's eye and dug the leg deeper killing it.
Then the hud flashed a warning "Missles Incoming" I dashed out of the way and pulled out my Plasma Rifle. I kept shooting the Doom Hunter until it's shield was gone, the other Doom Hunter rammed me and got me stuck on a wall.
I forced myself from the wall and dashed to the side to avoid the salvo of uncoming missiles. I kept on shooting the Doom Hunter that rammed me and the Plsma Rifle turned red and started shooting red balls of olasma instead of it's original blue color.
It wiped out all of the Arachnatron but at a great cost. Ivm out of ammo and my armor is fucked. I used the flamethrower on some of the Imps and in return I get full armor once again. I revved up the chainsaw and used it on an Imp and all the ammo on my arsenals were full again.
The Tyrant aimed it's missile launcher replaced limb and lasers are pointed at me. I dashed out of the way and the Tyrant shot High Explosive rockets. I pullrd out the Crucible and cut down the Tyrant. I cut the legs first making it go down to the ground and I went for the head.
Then the last Marauder sent one of it's dogs at me bitibg a big chunk of my armor. I shot the mutt and turned my atttention to the Marauder. I pulled out the Ballista and the Marauder flashed a green light indicating that it is vulnerable. I pressed the Ballista and the red beam hit the demon incapacitating it. I pressed it again damagibg it greatly but this time it regained it's senses and summoned an Argent Energy shield that had my marking engraved on it.
I dashed out of the way and the Marauder flashes another green light and shot the demon with the Super Shotgun, I pressed the trigger again and the Marauder flashed a blue light and I quickly dashed forward it and gave it a right hook knocking away it's mask and I was about to give it a left hook but it caught my hand. I just activated the Doomblade and it went through itvs hrad killing it.
I pulled out the Combat Shotgun again and launched an explosive shell towards a Cacodemon and it opened itvs mouth at the wrong time allowing the bomb to get inside it.
The demon suddenly was covered by a blue and orange light and I took it. I forced opened itvs mouth and activated the Doomblade and pierced it's single eye from the mouth and killed it.
I was running around Sentinel Prime looking for more survivors, I encountered a few Pinky Demons but I got rid of them fast. I reached the arena where I killed Daeg Grav.
I kept walking around and kept on checking the cages, I suddenly heard a scream, a feminine scream. I immediately ran back out and saw a Gladiator about to crush a female Sentinel.
I grabbed the Crucible and jumped on top of the demon and pointed the weapon at the head and I activated it and the harnessed Argeny Energy that was stored in the Crucible went through the head of the demon. The demon fell on it's back and I jumped off it just before it made contact to the ground.
I slowly walked towards the female and she deosn't even seem to be afraid of me. She just kept looking at me and I waved my hand in front of her. And she didn't even flinch. Who this person?
???: You'
Doom Slayer: looks like it.........who are you?
???: My name is Angelina. I am a healer and.....a believer.
Doom Slayer: Believer of what?
Angelina: Of you...Great Slayer.
Doom Slayer: I thought that all of Sentinel Prime hated me?
Angelina: I didn't. For years we have been fearing the forces of Hell and we have feared that they will kill us all. But when you came...everything changed. You were a sword that slashed through the enemies, you were a spear that pierced the hearts of our enemies. There were more of us, many more. But I am the only one left, all believers and followers of Doom were executed.
Doom Slayer: Looks like I had a lot of fans.
Angelina: I was just about to get executed when the demons invaded.
Doom Slayer: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now since all the fuck tards are dead I'm out.
Night Sentinel: Execute her!
Then I turned around and saw that she had spears pointed at her, I dragged her behind me and I pulled out my Super Shotgun.
Night Sentinel: Why are you protecting her? She's a demon! A deciever! She must be killed!
Doom Slayer: I see no deciever nor a demon!
Angelina: Please just let me be and I will not bother any of you.
Sentinel 1: Liar!
Sentinel 2: Shoot her!
Sentinel 3: Cut out her tounge!
Sentinel 4: Shoot her, then cut put her tounge, then shoot the tounge.
Doom Slayer: Enough!
Then Angelina went in front of me.
Angelina: What did we ever do to you?
Sentinel: Kill her!
Then all the Night Sentinels satrted marching forward with their spears out.
Angelina: Please! Leave us be!
Then they still won't listen and kept on marching forward.
Angelina: LEAVE US BE!!!
Then something inside me told me that she'll do something....unexpected. I pulled out the Chaingun and activated the Energy Shield. Then a sudden burst of flames were seen. And it wasn't just a normal flame. Itvs like the fires of......Hell itself.
The Night Sentinels stopped in their tracks as I sas that Angelina was crying while crouched covering her face. I helped her up and I pulled her behind me. Vega timed perfectly and the portal was ready, he activated it as the blue portal formed behind me.
Doom Slayer: I will take her to my fortress and question her there. You can rebuild Sentinel Prime while I am away. No one is stopping me.
We were about to leave and we turned around and I put the Chaingun back.
Night Sentinel: Stop! You're not going anywhere!
Then one Night Sentinel grabbed me by the shoulder and I shoved him off and pulled out the Super Shotgun and aimed it at his head.
Doom Slayer: I said no one is stopping me. I will question her while you fix this shitty place you call home.
Night Sentinel: We can manage without you.
Doom Slayer: Oh yeah? Then attack me. Go ahead.
Then all of them went silent and I kept on shouting at them.
Doom Slayer: DO IT!!! ONE OF YOU!!!
Then they all flinched at the sudden rise of my voice.
Doom Slayer: That's what I though. If it wasn't for me your entire race would be endangered right now. I can fucking care less about you shit stains and I can just keep on killing the fuck tards. If you fucking mess with me again I will fucking let Hell eat this place whole.
I said as I was walking to the portal. Angelina looked at me sadly and I just gestured her to enter first. She just nodded and entered the portal. I looked back and saw the Sentinels and Sentinels were leaving but I saw something in the crowd. At first I thought it was a Maykr, but itvs impossible. I killed Khan Maykr. I just sighed and entered the portal.
I went through and I sighed deeply and I guided Angelina through the fortress. I told her to sit down beside the bookshelf and I pulled out a chair from my workplace and placed it front of her and I sat on it.
I just sat there making no sound while she was looking at the steel floor. Then I leaned forward gaining her attention.
Doom Slayer: So...what really are you?
And Finished
This was such a joy writing this chapter. I have a lot of things in my mind as a plot and sorry if this took longer than you wanted it to be. And to tell you the truth I actually haven't played Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal. It's because we don't have the money to buy a set of gaming computer to play Doom in it.
And even if we did have the money my parents wouldn't let me play since they wiil see that it's violent and inappropriate for me. This si YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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